Вооруженные конфликты и терроризм — КиберПедия 

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Вооруженные конфликты и терроризм

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Вооруженные конфликты и терроризм 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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для студентов университетов

Нижний Новгород 2009


Жолобов С.И.   Краткий тематический словарь. Вооруженные конфликты и терроризм: Учебное пособие для студентов университетов. – Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н. А. Добролюбова, 2009. – 123 с.



Настоящая работа представляет собой лексический справочник по темам, изучаемым студентами на пятом курсе. Соответствующий словарный состав сгруппирован на основе тематического принципа. Каждая лексическая единица снабжена толкованием, переводом, иллюстративными примерами ее употребления в речи, а также минимально необходимой грамматической и стилистической информацией. Кроме того, в учебное пособие включены разнообразные упражнения, которые должны помочь студентам усвоить изучаемый ими словарный материал.


© С. И. Жолобов, 2009




  1. Conflicts....................................................................... 1.1. Confrontation……………………………………………. 1.2. Armed conflict…………………….………………..…... 1.3. Destruction............................................................. 2. Fighting........................................................................ 2.1. General concepts..................................................... 2.2. Fighting a battle...................................................... 2.3. Offence and invasion............................................... 2.4. Defence.................................................................. 3. Settlement of conflicts................................................... 3.1. Unification and disintegration………………….......... 3.2. Promotion of peace……………………….………...….. 3.3. Negotiation……………………..…………….…...…..... 4. Terrorism...................................................................... 4.1. Explosion........…………..................…………....…… 4.2. Terrorist activities…………………………….………... 4.3. Types of terrorists................................................... 4.4. Hostage-taking........................................................ 4.5. Security..................................................................      


Vocabulary practice………………………………………….……   I. Section: Conflicts...................................................... II. Section: Fighting....................................................... III. Section: Settlement of conflicts................................... IV. Section: Terrorism.....................................................        






1. confrontation [ countable, uncountable ] (1) a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups противоборство, противостояние, конфронтация; противоречие: (a) direct confrontation | (an) ideological / political confrontation | The Paris summit formally ended four decades of military confrontation between East and West.

(2) a fight or battle столкновение, стычка: (an) armed / military / violent confrontation | The police were obviously anticipating a confrontation, as they were heavily armed.

2. confrontation COLLOCATIONS

confrontation with / between sb: Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia. | There were violent confrontations between police and demonstrators.

to provoke / lead to (a) confrontation: The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military confrontation.

to seek (a) confrontation стремиться к конфронтации: The point is not to seek confrontation for its own sake.

to be / get involved in (a) confrontation: You might expect Christians to be the last group of people to be involved in strong confrontations.

to avoid (a) confrontation: The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.

3. standoff | stand-off [ countable ] a disagreement or fight in which neither opponent can do anything to win or achieve their aim противоборство, противостояние, конфронтация: The political standoff led to a six-month delay in passing this year's budget.

standoff with / between sb: After a prolonged legal battle, she is ready to end her standoff with state authorities. | There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police.

to lead to a standoff: The State Department was warning that this could lead to another diplomatic stand-off.

4. conflict [ countable; uncountable ] (1) a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries конфликт, противоречие, столкновение, конфликтная ситуация; коллизия: (a) political / social / ethnic conflict | It is an ethnic conflict between peoples who see each other at close range.

to be in / come into / bring sb into conflict (with sb) (over sth)

(2) fighting between two or more groups of people or countries; a war вооруженный конфликт, вооруженное столкновение, сражение; борьба: the conflict in the Middle East | the Arab-Israeli conflict | Can this peace settlement bring an end to years of conflict?

conflict over / about sth: a conflict between neighbouring countries over / about their common border

armed / military / violent conflict вооруженный / военный конфликт, война: For years the region has been torn apart by armed conflicts. | Nevertheless, national security issues and the incidence of military conflict remain highly significant. | UN troops intervened to avert a threat of violent conflict.

5. conflict COLLOCATIONS

to cause / create / provoke (a) conflict: It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party. | The issue provoked conflicts between the press and the police.

to be / get involved in (a) conflict: The United States was involved in these conflicts, sometimes as a mediator, always as a supplier of arms. | A decree in February banned the sale of weapons to countries involved in armed conflict.

to aggravate / escalate the conflict: Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further. | This policy will inevitably escalate the conflict.

to prevent / avert (a) conflict: The National Security Council has met to discuss ways of preventing a military conflict.

to avoid (a) conflict: We wish to avoid conflict between our countries.

to resolve / settle / end (a) conflict урегулировать / разрешить конфликт / конфликтную ситуацию: No conflict can really be resolved as long as these double standards prevail. | Opinion polls show that many of them are prepared to sacrifice territory to end the conflict.

a conflict blows up if a situation, argument, conflict or problem blows up, it begins suddenly and with force вспыхивает / разражается конфликт; назревает / зарождается конфликт: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has blown up again just as the US-led campaign in Afghanistan seems to be reaching its endgame.

resolution of (a) conflict | conflict resolution урегулирование / разрешение конфликта / конфликтной ситуации: a lawyer specializing in conflict resolution

6. tension [ uncountable; countable – usually plural ] the feeling caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other напряжение, напряженность, напряженное состояние: increasing / mounting tension | high / low tension | political / social / racial tension(s) | The tension was high in Mexico as the day of the decision approached. | The years of his government are remembered for political tension.

tension builds (up) / mounts / grows / increases / escalates напряжение / напряженность нарастает: The tension built up to a climax. | A crowd gathered and tension mounted / escalated till the riot broke out. | Tension in the region has grown due to recent bombings.

to ease / reduce / defuse tension(s) ослаблять напряжение / напряженность: The talks were due to include discussions of measures to reduce / ease / defuse tension between the two states and to promote bilateral exchanges.

tension eases / subsides напряжение / напряженность спадает: After a while the tension eased.

7. friction [ uncountable; countable – usually plural ] disagreement or unfriendliness caused by people having different opinions разногласия, противоречия, трения: political / social / racial friction | The decision is likely to lead to friction with neighbouring countries.

source of friction: This question can become a major source of friction.

8. tension | friction COLLOCATIONS

to cause / create / produce / generate tension(s) / friction(s) создать напряженную обстановку; вызывать разногласия / противоречия / трения: Immigration from Comoros has caused tensions on Mayotte. | Restrictions on trade have caused friction between these two nations.

tension / friction arises появляется напряжение / напряженность, появляются разногласия / противоречия / трения

to increase / heighten / raise / aggravate tension(s) / friction(s) усилить напряженность / противоречия / разногласия / трения, обострить обстановку: The failure of the talks held in Geneva at the end of September has increased / raised tensions. | The deadlock in electing a president heightened the political tension in the country. | The plan is likely only to aggravate ethnic frictions.

9. force [ uncountable ] military action used as a way of achieving your aims сила; насилие, принуждение

the use of force применение силы: After World War I the use of force to settle conflicts was prohibited. | The UN will allow the use of force against aircraft violating the zone.

by force (of arms) силой (оружия): Peace cannot be imposed by force (of arms).

to use / apply / resort to force применять силу, прибегать к использованию силы

to renounce / forswear (the use of) force отказываться от применения силы

10. aggression [ uncountable ] | act of aggression [ countable ] the act of attacking a country, especially when that country has not attacked first нападение; агрессия, незаконное применение силы преступное нападение: military / territorial aggression | an act of unprovoked aggression | Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression. | We shall unite to defend ourselves against aggression.

aggression against sb: As our older generation knows from experience, unchecked aggression against a small nation is a prelude to international disaster.

to commit (an act of) aggression against sb осуществить агрессию против кого-л.

to prevent (an act of) aggression предотвратить агрессию: The President promised to use all his powers to prevent further aggression. | It will inevitably be harder to prevent similar acts of aggression in future.

11. aggressor [ countable ] a person or country that begins a fight or war with another person or country агрессор; нападающая сторона, субъект преступного нападения; зачинщик конфликта: the aggressor nation | to deter potential aggressors | The situation is complex and it is not easy to determine exactly who is the aggressor in this case. | If the enemy ignites war recklessly, we shall resolutely answer it with war and completely destroy the aggressors.

12. enemy | foe (literary) [ countable ] (1) someone who is opposed to someone else and tries to do them harm враг; неприятель, противник: Our enemies were hidden in the trenches. | His foes immediately expressed fear he will launch new attacks on them.

implacable / mortal / sworn enemy заклятый / непримиримый враг

natural enemy кровный враг

formidable / powerful enemy сильный враг, сильный / достойный соперник

insidious enemy коварный враг

(2) enemy | the enemy (usually singular; can be followed by a singular or plural verb) a country, or the armed forces of a country, which is at war with another country враг; неприятель, противник: You cannot attack an enemy unless you have precise information about their numbers and position. | Britain and France decided to unite and fight against their common enemy. | The enemy were pursued for two miles.

to confront / face an enemy сражаться с врагом, столкнуться лицом к лицу с врагом

to conquer / overcome / rout / crush an enemy победить врага: He was not satisfied until he had crushed his enemies.

enemy soldiers / troops / forces / aircraft / territory / lines / attack: Enemy forces have now built up to a dangerous strength. | Over three hundred enemy aircraft were destroyed. | The Serbs were determined to halt the enemy attacks.

13. threat [ countable – usually singular ] the possibility that something very bad will happen; someone or something that is regarded as a possible danger угроза, опасность

threat of sth: There's a serious threat of military invasion / rioting.

threat to sb / sth: a threat to freedom / democracy

threat from sb: According to the Secretary of State, the Russians face no threat from an expanded NATO.

threat that…: There is a threat that violence will break out again.

to be under threat of sth: The country is under threat of attack.

to face a threat столкнуться с угрозой: They face the threat of terrorism every day.

to be / pose / constitute / present / represent a threat (to sb / sth) представлять угрозу: The fighting is a major threat to stability in the region. | The dispute poses a direct threat to peace. | The process constitutes a national threat because it will break up the United Kingdom.

to reduce a threat уменьшать угрозу: Meantime, the government is already spending less, helping to reduce the threat of inflation.

to prevent / avert a threat предотвращать угрозу: The threat of full-scale war has not been averted.

a threat escalates угроза усиливается: When the focus is upon the potential for violence, the threat escalates.

14. danger (1) [ uncountable; countable ] the possibility that something bad will happen; the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed опасность

danger of sth: If there is a danger of war, we must help.

danger from sth: The public was not aware of the danger from nuclear tests in Nevada. | Is there any danger from radioactive sources?

to be in danger / jeopardy | to face (a) danger быть в / подвергаться опасности: The refugees believe that their lives are in danger. | His political career was in jeopardy. | The soldier faced danger and death without flinching.

to be in (great / grave / real / serious) danger of (doing) sth: The peace talks are now in danger of collapse.

to be out of danger быть вне опасности

to put / place sb / sth in danger / jeopardy подвергать кого-л. / что-л. опасности, ставить под угрозу: The killings could put the whole peace process in danger / jeopardy.

to pose a danger to / for sb представлять угрозу для кого-л.: That poses a great danger to the House. | Erosion and rising sea levels are now posing a serious danger to the lowest-lying islands. | Low growth rates pose particular dangers for centrally planned economies.

to avert (a) danger предотвращать опасность

(2) hazard | menace [ countable ] something or someone that may harm or kill you опасность; угроза, риск the growing danger / menace of global war | We know the dangers / hazards of modern warfare. | There must be protection from radiation hazards.

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