Danger / hazard / menace to sb / sth — КиберПедия 

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Danger / hazard / menace to sb / sth

2017-08-24 291
Danger / hazard / menace to sb / sth 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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To be / pose / constitute / present / represent a danger / hazard (to / for sb / sth)

15. peril [ uncountable; countable ] (literary or formal) great danger, especially of being harmed or killed опасность; угроза, риск

to be in (great / grave / serious) peril: The army is now in grave peril.

to be fraught with peril to be full of dangers: The journey through the mountains was fraught with peril.

to put sb / sth in peril: They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.

the perils of (doing) sth: Cook faced the perils of the Atlantic seas.

16. to threaten | to menace (formal) [ transitive ] to be likely to harm or destroy something грозить, угрожать: The whole community has been living in fear for far too long, menaced equally by both sets of paramilitaries.

to threaten sth (with sth): Their actions threaten the stability and security of the region.

to threaten to do sth: The dispute threatened to damage East-West relations. | The incident threatens to ruin his chances in the election.

17. to endanger | to jeopardize [ transitive ] to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed подвергать опасности / риску, создавать угрозу безопасности: New tensions could endanger the peace process. | Any raid or rescue operation would endanger the lives of the hostages. | Large-scale military offensives could jeopardize the UN peace process.

18. sanction [ countable; usually plural ] an official order to stop communication, trade, etc with a country in order to make it obey international law or to force its leaders to make political changes санкции: economic / trade / international sanctions | effective / tough sanctions | the threat of trade sanctions

to impose sanctions (against / on a country) вводить санкции; принимать меры: The UN security council may impose economic sanctions. | The Council wanted to impose sanctions against the countries involved in the dispute. | Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people.

to lift / end sanctions отменять санкции: Trade / economic sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. | The economic sanctions have been lifted. | But nor is there a consensus on ending sanctions, thereby admitting that the policy of 10 years has failed.

to ease / relax sanctions смягчать / ослаблять санкции: The latest resolution proposes to ease sanctions after weapons inspections are resumed for an initial 120 days.

19. embargo [ countable ] an official order to stop trade with another country эмбарго: an arms / oil / trade embargo | an embargo on wheat exports | a trade embargo against certain countries

to impose / place / put an embargo on sth налагать / вводить эмбарго / запрет на что-л.: They have put an embargo on imports of clothing. | Venice placed an embargo on Bosphorus trade.

to impose / place / put an embargo against / on a country вводить эмбарго против страны: The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country.

to lift an embargo отменять / снимать эмбарго: He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam. | The Senate voted to lift the economic embargo on Vietnam.

20. to embargo [ transitive ] to officially stop particular goods being traded with another country налагать / вводить эмбарго / запрет на что-л.: Several countries embargoed arms shipments to Yugoslavia. | There have been calls to embargo all arms shipments to the region. | They are planning to embargo oil imports.



Armed conflict


1. war [ uncountable; countable ] armed fighting between two or more countries or groups, involving large numbers of soldiers and weapons, or a particular example of this война: a war hero / veteran

to be on the brink / verge of war находиться на грани войны: In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.

to declare war (on / against sb.) объявлять войну: When Poland was invaded, the Allies had no choice but to declare war. | Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939 as a result of the invasion of Poland.

to launch / start / unleash / ignite (a) war (against sb) | to go to war (against / with sb // over sth) to start to fight a war with another country начать / развязать войну: Hitler may have been right to launch his war as soon as possible, on the calculation that only by seizing the resources of the entire continent could the Reich prevail against the British Empire or the Soviet Union. | The United States alternated between brandishing carrots and sticks, to which North Korea replied with a bewildering mix of signals that culminated in a June 1994 threat to unleash war against the South. | If the enemy ignites war recklessly, we shall resolutely answer it with war and completely destroy the aggressors. | If this country goes to war we will have to face the fact that many people will die. | The Kosovo conflict was not a matter of survival for any of the 19 nations which, with varying enthusiasm, went to war against Slobodan Milosevic.

to plunge (a country) into (a) war ввергать (страну) в войну: Foolish mistakes by the nation's leaders have plunged the country into a war that could have been avoided.

to set off / spark (off) / touch off / trigger (off) / provoke / ignite a war вызвать / спровоцировать войну: Careless political action can easily set of / spark off a war. | It was these national rivalries that eventually touched off the First World War. | The incident could trigger a civil war. | These events provoked / ignited the war in Europe.

to incite / instigate / foment / stir up (a) war подстрекать к войне: He was blamed for fomenting war in the Balkans.

war breaks out / erupts вспыхивает / разражается война: War broke out in September of 1939. | War broke out between the two countries after a border dispute. | I was still living in London when the war broke out. | However, even before the war erupted again in the early 1980s, education provision in the south was inadequate.

the outbreak of war (внезапное) начало войны: His career was interrupted by the outbreak of war. | The system started to operate in late 1914, a few months after the outbreak of war in Europe. | This preparatory work was practically complete at the outbreak of war.

to be at war / in a state of war (with sb) быть в состоянии войны (с кем-л.): In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war. | They were in a state of war with that country.

to conduct / fight / wage (a) war (against / on / with sb) вести войну: Britain has fought two wars this century.

to escalate / step up a war наращивать / расширять военные действия: The US government stepped up its war against terrorism.

war escalates (into sth) / intensifies военные действия расширяются: Unless the international community succeeds in bringing the two countries to the negotiating table soon, the war itself could escalate. | The local war escalated into a major conflict. | In early 1990 the guerrilla war intensified, with rising casualties among both the local population and the security forces.

war rages (on) if war rages, it continues with great violence война свирепствует: Civil war has been raging in the country for years. | The war rages on and the time has come to take sides.

to win / lose a war выиграть / проиграть войну: They had no chance of winning the war.

to end a war | a war ends закончить войну | война заканчивается: When the war ended in 1945, Europe was in chaos.

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