Guess the word and type it correctly. — КиберПедия 

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Guess the word and type it correctly.

2022-12-20 72
Guess the word and type it correctly. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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O f a l

A r o c t n

O x b

B w l o

A s l s g


Fill in: a, an, some.


Orange juice



Ice cream


Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

Shchi is traditional Russian soup. Shchi is made from cabbage and other ______ like potatoes and_____. Shchi has been eaten in ______ for over 1,000 years! Russian people usually eat shchi for _______Some sour cream makes shchi _________.

Vegetables/  breakfast/  onions / Russia / lunch / delicious / meat

Контрольные задания В2

Vocabulary Guess the word.

A j r

T b t o e l

A p e c t k

P u c

G a b


Fill in: a, an, some.






Reading. Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

Russian blini are _____ pancakes. Russian ______ eat blini with _____ foods, such as jam, caviar or______ Blini are traditionally eaten to _______ the first day of spring during a celebration called Maslenitsa.

Thin / people/  different / harvest/  cheese/  soup / celebrate


Урок 43. It’s my birthday!

Цели и задачи


научиться составлять небольшое письменное высказывание о традициях празднования дня рождения.


прослушать, прочитать и понять тексты, описывающие традиции празднования Дня Рождения в разных частях света;

передать основное содержание прочитанного текста с опорой на ключевые слова;

составить диалог-побуждение к действию, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета.

Узнаем, научимся, сможем

На уроке мы узнаем:

о традициях празднования дня рождения в разных странах;

мы научимся:

читать и понимать короткие аутентичные тексты о традициях празднования дня рождения;

передавать основное содержание прочитанного текста с опорой на ключевые слова;

составлять диалог-побуждение к действию, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета;

мы сможем:

понять короткие аутентичные тексты о традициях празднования дня рождения в разных странах;

составлять небольшое письменное высказывание о традициях празднования дня рождения;

сформировать осознанное, уважительное и доброжелательное отношение к другому человеку, его культуре и традициям.

Начнём урок

A special day


I think birthday is a special day for everyone. We celebrate it with our families and friends. Mum cooks something tasty and special for you. Do you have any family traditions to celebrate your birthday? Today we are going to learn about birthday celebrations in different countries.


Match the words to the pictures.


А С D E        FFF F F

 1-sandwich  2-birthday cake        3-soup   4- ice cream    5- eggs

Основная часть

1.Видео(просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)

2. Speaking Match the phrases

1-What about some

2-Shall we pull

3-Let’s decorate Mum’s

A-room with colourful balloons!

B-Mum’s ears?

C-cake and ice cream?


3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

При обсуждении общих дел/мероприятий возникают различные идеи. Собеседники предлагают что-либо сделать, соглашаются или отклоняют идеи друг друга. Предложение каких-либо действий по-английски называется «Making Suggestions». В таблице приведены примеры фраз, при помощи которых можно внести предложение, принять его или отклонить, а также примеры перевода фраз на русский язык:

Suggestions Значение фраз
Why don’t we have a party? Shall we have a party? Would you like to have a party? Let’s have a party! What/How about having a party? Давай устроим праздник! А не устроить ли нам праздник?  


Responding to suggestions Значение фраз
Yes, OK. That’s a good idea. That sounds great! Хорошо! Здорово! Отлично! Хорошая идея!
No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure about that. Не могу согласиться.

4. Reading

Russian students bring sweets to school on their birthday. They hand them out to their classmates. It seems unusual that on your birthday you bring treats to other people, but that's what Russian people do. There is another birthday tradition in Russia.

Birthday children get their ears pulled. The amount of pulls depends on how old they are: a pull for each year they live.

Тренировочные задания

1. Reading/Vocabulary

Complete the text with the words. Three words are extra.

In Britain, we have a party to______ our birthdays. Everyone brings a small______. My mum always makes me a birthday_______. We have a table full of______), crisps, sandwiches, small cake and chocolate______, ice cream and very small sausages you eat on a stick. I just love them. We_______ the house with balloons and I play party _______with my friends. It's fantastic.

gift/ food / celebrate / cake/ decorate/ games / biscuits


2. Vocabulary

Choose the correct item.

Birthday celebrations/holidays are very special in China. We eat very long noodles that mean we will have a short/long life. I eat them in juice/soup and try not to cut them because it's unlucky. We also eat red eggs. Red is a special colour in China. It always means something happy/sad and brings good/bad luck. We decorate the house with red paper and all the family comes for a party/parade. We also get money in red cartons/envelopes. It's fun.


3. Grammar/Speaking

Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences.

1. Would you______ to have dinner?

2. Shall we have a party? – No, I don’t ______ so.

3. Would you like to come to my house? – I’d _______to!

think / love/ like


4. Vocabulary

Choose the correct item.


1. Let’s (get/have/ take) a big party.

2. Everyone(has/ gets/ brings) a gift to a birthday party.

3. The Chinese eat long noodles in (pasta/pizza/soup).

4. Dad (decorates/ brings/celebrates) the house with balloons.

5. Birthday(party/ festivals/ celebrations) are very special in China.


5. Grammar/Vocabulary

Complete the text transforming the words in brackets.

Children celebrate the birthday with (they) family members. They always have a special cake which is iced with

 (candle) on the top. If you are nine, you put nine candles. (Child) invite their friends and they have a

 (celebrate) with food, games and music. The guests usually bring gifts.


6. Reading

Read the e-mail and decide if the sentences are true or false.

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party next Sunday.

Before my birthday party I usually decorate my room with a lot of balloons and we play “Catch the balloon” and other games. My mother makes a lot of delicious food. We usually have sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. She also makes a couple of salads. There is always a lot of orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course.

The party starts at seven. Don’t be late!




1.Chris decorates the whole house with balloons.

2.«Catch the balloon» is a kind of the decoration.

3.Chris doesn’t cook the food. True/False

4.They serve vanilla biscuits. True/False

5.There is more than one salad. True/False


7. Writing.Put the sentences in the correct order


2.I hope my mum will make a special cake.

3.Do you invite your friends?

4.It was nice to hear from you again.

5.I usually invite my friends and we play a lot of games.

6.I’m writing to tell you about my birthday tomorrow.

7.Dear Amy,

8.Write back.


10.Thank you for your letter.

11.How do you celebrate your birthday?


8. Writing

Fill in the invitation.: Mary/  John/ City Park/ 6 p.m. /23rd April


9. Listening(проcлушать при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen to the text and put the actions in the order you hear  them.

1.sing «Happy Birthday To You» song

2. give a birthday cake the candles on the top of the cake

4. blow the candles


10. Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps.: different / birthdays / stairs / single/  chores

On German kids'______, children get candles, a cake and presents. They also don't have to do any homework or______. Pretty sweet, right? Well, for adults it's a little_______. Turns out that if you are a man over 30 who is still_______, you will be made to sweep the city hall ________ Wow!


11. Reading

Read the text and decide if the sentences True or False.

In India kids get to wear new clothes on their birthdays! They get up and put on a new outfit and later get a special meal. The kids also show their parents signs of respect by touching their feet. I totally agree with this idea letting your parents know that they are appreciated.

1.New clothes are a traditional sign on kids’ birthdays.

2.Kids love their parents.

3.The author likes the Indian tradition.

4.The parents show their love to children touching their feet.


12. Grammar

Choose the right preposition.

People in Jamaica have wonderful senses (on/ of) humor. That is the only way I can explain their tradition of throwing flour(in/ at) a birthday person. A light dusting of flour never hurt anyone! Unless you are going (for/ from) a job interview (on/ in) the same day. Then you should not do that at all.


13. Writing

Complete the e-mail.

Dear Joe,

Thank you for your _______. It was nice to ______ from you again. I am ______ to tell you about my birthday.

On my _____ I usually decorate my room with colourful ______. My mum always makes a birthday _______. I ______ my friends and we play different ________. My friends bring me ________ and _______ my ears. It’s fun!

That’s all. Write _______.




14. Speaking

Complete the dialogue.

Lucy: It’s Dad’s birthday on Friday!_____________ buy him some socks?

Fred: I ____________ that’s a good idea. Socks are a boring gift.

Lucy:_______________ taking him to a football match?

Fred: I don’t like the idea. ____________ we make a birthday cake for him?

Lucy: We are bad cooks! _____________to buy him a watch?

Fred: Yes, that_____________! Let’s go to the shopping mall.

Lucy: That would ______________.

sounds great / Would you like / don’t think/ Why don’t / be nice / Shall we / What about

Контрольные задания В1


Choose the correct answer.

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