Reading Read the text. Cross out the false sentences. — КиберПедия 

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Reading Read the text. Cross out the false sentences.

2022-12-20 58
Reading Read the text. Cross out the false sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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In May, we celebrate the coming in of summer with flowers, live music, singing and dancing. Children have rainbow ribbons in their hands and dance around the Maypole to the song and music. Finally, we all come together to share a festive picnic.

The children celebrate the coming in of warm days.

The children decorate the pole.

The children sing and dance that day.

At the end of the celebration they have a festive dinner.

Контрольные задания В2


Match the words.

Set off



Dress up in




The festival


Choose the correct item.

There are a/some carrots in the fridge.

How many/much cheese do you want?

There aren’t some/any potatoes.

Reading. Read the text. Cross out the false sentences.

New Year is the biggest celebration in Russia. Everyone wants to cook special food, to dress up, to be with their family and friends. People exchange gifts on the New Year day. Russian children believe that Ded Moroz visits their homes at night to bring gifts.

In Russia people like to celebrate New Year.

Russians cook a festive dinner.

It is a tradition to light bonfires at night.

Children give gifts to Ded Moroz.

Урок 42. Master chef

Цели и задачи


научиться писать короткие тексты описательного характера с опорой на образец.


повторить изученные и познакомиться с новыми словами по теме «Еда»;

прогнозировать и понимать содержание текста;

повторить и обобщить формообразование и употребление неопределенных местоимений;

повторить и обобщить употребление местоимений much/many;

развить и закрепить умение выражать свое мнение в диалогической речи;

развить и закрепить умение выборочно понимать на слух необходимую информацию.

Узнаем, научимся, сможем

На уроке мы узнаем:

новые слова по теме «Еда»;

нормы речевого этикета при ведении диалога;

мы научимся:

воспринимать на слух и понимать интересующую информацию в аутентичных текстах;

читать и понимать основное содержание несложного текста по теме «Покупка продуктов к празднику»;

читать диалоги и находить нужную информацию и воссоздавать подобные диалоги в рамках предлагаемых ситуаций;

выполнять упражнения на изучение грамматического материла по теме описание количества продукта (наречия количества);


Начнём урок

Let’s shop and cook

Do you like cooking? Can you cook? In the lesson today, we are going to cook! Also, we are going to learn how to count foods and drinks!


Match the words to the pictures.


1-go shopping                2- have a meal                      3- cook

Основная часть

1.Видео(просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)


2. Vocabulary

Order the foods to cook spaghetti.

Step 1

Step 2

 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


1.a piece of cheese

2.some salt

3.some meat

4.some pepper

4.some eggs

6.some water

7.a packet of spaghetti

3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

Исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа: an egg – eggs (one plate – three plates).

Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множественного числа: cheese, butter, oil, salt, pepper, water.

Для обозначения количества с неисчисляемыми существительными используются слова a bag, a bottle, a box, a can, a carton, a glass, a jar, a kilo, a loaf, a packet, a piece, a slice, a tin.

4. Russian cuisine

Russian people like eating home-cooked food. Russians usually have an early breakfast at about seven or eight in the morning. Russian families have some porridge, a sandwich, some boiled or fried eggs, some cottage cheese or cereal for breakfast.

Lunch is the main meal of the day in Russia.

A classic Russian lunch includes hot soup and meat with potatoes, porridge or pasta.

Dinner is another important meal in Russia. The whole family has dinner together after everyone returns home from work and school. After dinner, Russians like drinking tea with sugar or jam.

Тренировочные задания

1. Grammar

Sort out the nouns, countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

sausages /eggs/  tomatoes / onions / a lemon/  grapes/  strawberries/  a pineapple/  ice cream / chocolate/  olive oil  /sugar/  milk / meat  /fish  /juice  /pasta  /bread  /cereal


2. Vocabulary

Underline the correct item.

a bowl/a bottle of rice

a glass/a packet of milk

a bag/a bar of olive

a box/a bottle of olive oil

a jar/a bar of jam

a piece/a bowl of cake


3. Listening (выполнять при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen and complete the shopping list.

Shopping list





4. Speaking

Fill in the missing sentences to complete the dialogue. One sentence is extra.

- How about rice with fish for dinner today?

- ____________________

- Have we got everything we need?


We’ve got a lot of rice.

- Are there any onions?

- _________________________but there aren’t any lemons.

- __________________________?

- There is some but there isn’t any fish. There aren’t many carrots. I like carrots.

- _________________________. I’ll go shopping.

That’s sounds great / What about some fruit?/  Let’s look in the cupboards / There are a lot of onions/  Is there any olive oil / Let’s make a shopping list


5. Vocabulary

Fill in the missing words.

 1-a bowl of sugar

2- a box of cereal

3-a loaf of bread

4- a carton of apple juice

5- a cup of tea

6- a bottle of water




6. Grammar

Choose some/any.

1. There are some/any eggs.

2. There aren’t some/any onions.

3. There isn’t some/any butter.

4. There is some/any cheese.

5. There aren’t some/any apples.

6. There is some/any bread.


7. Grammar

Put the words in the correct order.

1.There on the apples plate. aren’t any

2.the in is there much sugar bowl? How

3.many the aren’t in biscuits There box.

4.milk the Is there in fridge? any

5.on are the many there How cherries table?


8. Reading/Grammar

Read the text and cross the correct word out.

A typical English breakfast consists of (a/ an/ some)  bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. A (much/ many/lot) of children have a bowl of cereal.

Most children at school and people at work have a packed lunch. (Those/ It/ These)consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, fruit and a drink.

A typical English meal for dinner is meat with vegetables. Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages (or/ but/and) onions are very popular (in/on/at) England.


9. Grammar

Fill in: some, any, much, many.

A: We need _____ pizzas for the party.

B: Good idea. How _______do we need for twelve people?

A: Four large ones. How ______ ice cream do we need.

B: I think a lot! Have we got ______ lemonade?

A: There is _____ in the fridge.

B: How _______ bottles are there?

A: Six.


10. Listening(прослушать при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen and fill in the missing words 1-5.

Birthday Party Plan

Date: Friday 22nd January

Time: _________________

Number of people: _________________


Food/Drinks: 3 large pizzas, 10 burgers, 1 packet of chocolate ______________,  two ______ of lemonade

 Activities: party ______,  dancing


11. Writing

Write your birthday party plan.


Number of people  

3 large pizzas 12 burgers 3 packets of chocolate biscuits / 12/  4 p.m./  dance, sing, party games / Thursday, 8th August / 6 bottles of lemonade


12. Grammar

Fill in: some, any, many, much.

A: What do we need for the chocolate cake?

B: Well, I need some flour, eggs and butter.

A: How eggs do you need?

B: Four eggs.

A: OK. Here they are. And how flour?

B: Half a kilo.

A: Do you need milk?

B: Of course! I need one glass of milk.

A: How butter do you need?

B: Not About fifty grams.

A: Right. I think we have everything. Oh no, we don’t have sugar.

B: Don’t worry. I have sugar. And cocoa too.

A: Great! Shall we start then?


13. Grammar/Vocabulary

Underline the correct word.

1. A: Have we got a/any/some onions?

B: We have got a/any/some but we need more.

2. A: How many/much/any rice have we got?

 B: Not many/much/some. We need to buy a packet/a loaf/a bowl.

3. A: Would you like a cup/a bottle/a bowl of tea?

B: Yes, I’d love to/much/one.

4. A: Can I have some/any/no apples?

B: Yes. How many/much/any would you like?


14. Vocabulary. Colour the odd word.

1. cheese – butter – milk – salmon

2. eggs – grapes – cherries – watermelons

3. beans – beef – onions – peppers

4. rice – pasta – carrots – cereal

5. cabbage – cauliflower – lettuce – yoghurt


Контрольные задания В1


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