I’ve got tea and a/three biscuits. — КиберПедия 

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Индивидуальные и групповые автопоилки: для животных. Схемы и конструкции...

I’ve got tea and a/three biscuits.

2022-12-20 71
I’ve got tea and a/three biscuits. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Урок 41 Let’s celebrate

Цели и задачи


научиться составлять монологическое высказывание и писать краткий текст о празднике в России.


познакомиться с лексикой по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;

активировать и расширить знания по теме «Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»;

развить и закрепить умения монологической речи;

развить и закрепить умения выборочно понимать на слух необходимую информацию;

развить и закрепить умения письменной речи – текст описательного характера.

На уроке мы узнаем:

новую лексику по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;мы научимся:

передавать основное содержание прочитанного текста с опорой на ключевые слова, по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;

выполнять упражнения по теме «Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»;

воспринимать на слух и понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов;

читать и находить в тексте нужную информацию о деталях празднования различных событий;

мы сможем: написать небольшое письменное высказывание с опорой на образец.

Начнём урок

Do you like holidays? That is great we have different holidays! Today in the lesson we are going to learn about unusual festivals – harvest time around the world.

Festive activities.We do a lot of activities during holidays. How do you celebrate holidays?

Match the pictures and the activities.


1-have a family dinner 2- cook special food              3-exchange gifts

Основная часть

1.Видео (просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)

2. Vocabulary

Match the words.







the harvest

family dinners



a cookery




of bananas




3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

Исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа: a gift – gifts (one gift – three gifts).

Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множественного числа: rice, wheat.

К ним относятся такие группы существительных как: ЕДА (rice, wheat, flour, cheese, sugar и т.д.), ЖИДКОСТИ (tea, coffee, juice, water и т.д.)

Для обозначения количества с неисчисляемыми существительными используются слова bag, bottle, box, can, carton, glass, jar, kilo, loaf, packet, piece, slice, tin.


4. Cucumber Day In Russia

Cucumber Day takes place in Suzdal. An important part of this festival is a street parade. On Cucumber Day people can try original cucumber soup, rolls and jam. Children can take part in puppet shows and workshops on vegetable carving, play folk games and sing cucumber ditties (частушки).

Тренировочные задания

1. Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps.: popular / celebrate/  harvest

1. People in Suzdal ________________ Cucumber Day.

2. Cucumber soup and jam are_____________ treat on Cucumber Day.

3. Cucumber Day is a _______________ festival.


2. Grammar

Sort out countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable   Uncountable  

cranberry / biscuit / tea / milk/  water/  sauce/  wheat / rice / pumpkin / carrot / banana / tomato


3. Vocabulary

Underline the correct item.

set off/light fireworks

have a food/family dinner

dress off/up

light gifts/bonfires

exchange/celebrate gifts


4. Reading

What do children do on Cucumber day in Suzdal?

1.light bonfires

2.sing ditties

3.cook cranberry sauce

5. Listening (Выполняем на сайте, если есть возможность работать в интернете)

Listen to the text about Astrakhan Watermelon Festival and choose the correct item.

Astrakhan watermelon festival offers:

1.different competitions

2.to eat water-melons

3.water-melon salad

4.to make watermelon sauce


6. Grammar

Use the words to label the pictures.

A-some oranges    B-a banana     C-an orange  D-some bread      E-some bananas  F-a piece of bread


1 2 3 4 5 6

7. Grammar

Use the words to make the sentences.

milk in isn’t much the bottle. There

the jar? coffee in Is there any

an have got I apple.

some on There are the table. grapes

the garden? any melons in Are there




Complete the sentences.

1. A  _______________ is something you give as a present.

2. A _______________ is the activity when people try to win.

3. A _______________ is something you put on during the festival.

4. A _______________ lasts some days to celebrate something.




Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

On January 25th, Russian students ______ Tatiana’s Day. In 1755, on the 25th of January, Tatiana’s day, Moscow State University was______. The day also marks the beginning of the winter______ for university______. It is one of the most_______ Russian holidays for young people.

founded/  celebrate / holidays / popular / festivals/  students/  people




Put the paragraphs in the correct order.

1.People shop at the festival too. They can buy strawberry ice cream, strawberry biscuits, strawberry milkshakes and strawberry cakes to take home with them.

2.During the festival people eat strawberries and vote for the festival Queen. There are a lot of activities: competitions, parades and lots of music. Everyone has a good time.

3.Every year in Florida, USA, there is a fantastic strawberry festival. It takes place in the spring. The Florida festival is one of the best festivals in North America.




Complete the text with the phrases from the list.

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your letter.______________________.

I’m writing to tell you about Women’s Day in Russia._______________ this holiday on the 8th of March. Families____________ and a surprise for mothers and grandmothers. I usually give my Mum ___________ and draw a nice picture for her.

That’s all.__________.



We  celebrate / flowers / It was nice to hear from you again  / Love / Write me back /  have a festive dinner




Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

Victory Day is the most important national holiday in Russia. People (invite/ attend/ visit) a military parade and (watch/ look/see)the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square. The veterans (wear/ put on/ dress up) their medals. Another tradition is to (give/ throw/ take) flowers to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. At home, people (buy/ have/drink)family dinners to honour veterans of the Great Patriotic War and remember those who passed away. Families also watch favourite films about the War. On the 9th of May, millions of people (parade/ run/ skip)in the Immortal Regiment.




Use the information in the text to complete the factfile.

Victory Day is the most important national holiday in Russia. People attend a military parade and watch the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square. The veterans wear their medals. Another tradition is to give flowers to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. At home, people have family dinners to honour veterans of the Great Patriotic War and remember those who passed away. Families also watch favourite films about the War. On the 9th of May, millions of people parade in the Immortal Regiment.

The name of the holiday  
Holiday activities  

9th of May


Victory Day

1. attend a military parade. 2. watch fireworks 3. give flowers to veterans 4. have a family dinner 5. watch films about the war 6. parade in the Immortal Regiment




Complete the personal letter.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for ___________________.  It was nice to hear __________________.

I’m writing to tell you about Victory Day in Russia. We ___________ this holiday on __________. People usually __________  in the morning and ____________. in the evening. Also, we ______________ to veterans.

This day is very ______________ for the Russian people.

That’s all. Write to me __________________.





Контрольные задания В1


Match the words.










Choose the correct item.

I need some/any milk.

Do you want a/an apple?

In May, we celebrate the coming in of summer with flowers, live music, singing and dancing. Children have rainbow ribbons in their hands and dance around the Maypole to the song and music. Finally, we all come together to share a festive picnic.


Match the words.

Set off



Dress up in




The festival


Choose the correct item.

New Year is the biggest celebration in Russia. Everyone wants to cook special food, to dress up, to be with their family and friends. People exchange gifts on the New Year day. Russian children believe that Ded Moroz visits their homes at night to bring gifts.

Начнём урок

Let’s shop and cook

Do you like cooking? Can you cook? In the lesson today, we are going to cook! Also, we are going to learn how to count foods and drinks!


Match the words to the pictures.


1-go shopping                2- have a meal                      3- cook

Основная часть

1.Видео(просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)


2. Vocabulary

Order the foods to cook spaghetti.

Step 1

Step 2

 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


1.a piece of cheese

2.some salt

3.some meat

4.some pepper

4.some eggs

6.some water

7.a packet of spaghetti

3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

Исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа: an egg – eggs (one plate – three plates).

Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множественного числа: cheese, butter, oil, salt, pepper, water.

Для обозначения количества с неисчисляемыми существительными используются слова a bag, a bottle, a box, a can, a carton, a glass, a jar, a kilo, a loaf, a packet, a piece, a slice, a tin.

4. Russian cuisine

Russian people like eating home-cooked food. Russians usually have an early breakfast at about seven or eight in the morning. Russian families have some porridge, a sandwich, some boiled or fried eggs, some cottage cheese or cereal for breakfast.

Lunch is the main meal of the day in Russia.

A classic Russian lunch includes hot soup and meat with potatoes, porridge or pasta.

Dinner is another important meal in Russia. The whole family has dinner together after everyone returns home from work and school. After dinner, Russians like drinking tea with sugar or jam.

Тренировочные задания

1. Grammar

Sort out the nouns, countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

sausages /eggs/  tomatoes / onions / a lemon/  grapes/  strawberries/  a pineapple/  ice cream / chocolate/  olive oil  /sugar/  milk / meat  /fish  /juice  /pasta  /bread  /cereal


2. Vocabulary

Underline the correct item.

a bowl/a bottle of rice

a glass/a packet of milk

a bag/a bar of olive

a box/a bottle of olive oil

a jar/a bar of jam

a piece/a bowl of cake


3. Listening (выполнять при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen and complete the shopping list.

Shopping list





4. Speaking

Fill in the missing sentences to complete the dialogue. One sentence is extra.

- How about rice with fish for dinner today?

- ____________________

- Have we got everything we need?


We’ve got a lot of rice.

- Are there any onions?

- _________________________but there aren’t any lemons.

- __________________________?

- There is some but there isn’t any fish. There aren’t many carrots. I like carrots.

- _________________________. I’ll go shopping.

That’s sounds great / What about some fruit?/  Let’s look in the cupboards / There are a lot of onions/  Is there any olive oil / Let’s make a shopping list


5. Vocabulary

Fill in the missing words.

 1-a bowl of sugar

2- a box of cereal

3-a loaf of bread

4- a carton of apple juice

5- a cup of tea

6- a bottle of water




6. Grammar

Choose some/any.

1. There are some/any eggs.

2. There aren’t some/any onions.

3. There isn’t some/any butter.

4. There is some/any cheese.

5. There aren’t some/any apples.

6. There is some/any bread.


7. Grammar

Put the words in the correct order.

1.There on the apples plate. aren’t any

2.the in is there much sugar bowl? How

3.many the aren’t in biscuits There box.

4.milk the Is there in fridge? any

5.on are the many there How cherries table?


8. Reading/Grammar

Read the text and cross the correct word out.

A typical English breakfast consists of (a/ an/ some)  bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. A (much/ many/lot) of children have a bowl of cereal.

Most children at school and people at work have a packed lunch. (Those/ It/ These)consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, fruit and a drink.

A typical English meal for dinner is meat with vegetables. Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages (or/ but/and) onions are very popular (in/on/at) England.


9. Grammar

Fill in: some, any, much, many.

A: We need _____ pizzas for the party.

B: Good idea. How _______do we need for twelve people?

A: Four large ones. How ______ ice cream do we need.

B: I think a lot! Have we got ______ lemonade?

A: There is _____ in the fridge.

B: How _______ bottles are there?

A: Six.


10. Listening(прослушать при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen and fill in the missing words 1-5.

Birthday Party Plan

Date: Friday 22nd January

Time: _________________

Number of people: _________________


Food/Drinks: 3 large pizzas, 10 burgers, 1 packet of chocolate ______________,  two ______ of lemonade

 Activities: party ______,  dancing


11. Writing

Write your birthday party plan.


Number of people  

3 large pizzas 12 burgers 3 packets of chocolate biscuits / 12/  4 p.m./  dance, sing, party games / Thursday, 8th August / 6 bottles of lemonade


12. Grammar

Fill in: some, any, many, much.

A: What do we need for the chocolate cake?

B: Well, I need some flour, eggs and butter.

A: How eggs do you need?

B: Four eggs.

A: OK. Here they are. And how flour?

B: Half a kilo.

A: Do you need milk?

B: Of course! I need one glass of milk.

A: How butter do you need?

B: Not About fifty grams.

A: Right. I think we have everything. Oh no, we don’t have sugar.

B: Don’t worry. I have sugar. And cocoa too.

A: Great! Shall we start then?


13. Grammar/Vocabulary

Underline the correct word.

1. A: Have we got a/any/some onions?

B: We have got a/any/some but we need more.

2. A: How many/much/any rice have we got?

 B: Not many/much/some. We need to buy a packet/a loaf/a bowl.

3. A: Would you like a cup/a bottle/a bowl of tea?

B: Yes, I’d love to/much/one.

4. A: Can I have some/any/no apples?

B: Yes. How many/much/any would you like?


14. Vocabulary. Colour the odd word.

1. cheese – butter – milk – salmon

2. eggs – grapes – cherries – watermelons

3. beans – beef – onions – peppers

4. rice – pasta – carrots – cereal

5. cabbage – cauliflower – lettuce – yoghurt


Контрольные задания В1


O f a l

A r o c t n

O x b

B w l o

A s l s g


Fill in: a, an, some.


Orange juice



Ice cream


Vocabulary Guess the word.

A j r

T b t o e l

A p e c t k

P u c

G a b


Fill in: a, an, some.






Основная часть

1.Видео(просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)

2. Speaking Match the phrases

1-What about some

2-Shall we pull

3-Let’s decorate Mum’s

A-room with colourful balloons!

B-Mum’s ears?

C-cake and ice cream?


3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

При обсуждении общих дел/мероприятий возникают различные идеи. Собеседники предлагают что-либо сделать, соглашаются или отклоняют идеи друг друга. Предложение каких-либо действий по-английски называется «Making Suggestions». В таблице приведены примеры фраз, при помощи которых можно внести предложение, принять его или отклонить, а также примеры перевода фраз на русский язык:

Suggestions Значение фраз
Why don’t we have a party? Shall we have a party? Would you like to have a party? Let’s have a party! What/How about having a party? Давай устроим праздник! А не устроить ли нам праздник?  


Responding to suggestions Значение фраз
Yes, OK. That’s a good idea. That sounds great! Хорошо! Здорово! Отлично! Хорошая идея!
No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure about that. Не могу согласиться.

4. Reading

Russian students bring sweets to school on their birthday. They hand them out to their classmates. It seems unusual that on your birthday you bring treats to other people, but that's what Russian people do. There is another birthday tradition in Russia.

Birthday children get their ears pulled. The amount of pulls depends on how old they are: a pull for each year they live.

Тренировочные задания

1. Reading/Vocabulary

Complete the text with the words. Three words are extra.

In Britain, we have a party to______ our birthdays. Everyone brings a small______. My mum always makes me a birthday_______. We have a table full of______), crisps, sandwiches, small cake and chocolate______, ice cream and very small sausages you eat on a stick. I just love them. We_______ the house with balloons and I play party _______with my friends. It's fantastic.

gift/ food / celebrate / cake/ decorate/ games / biscuits


2. Vocabulary

Choose the correct item.

Birthday celebrations/holidays are very special in China. We eat very long noodles that mean we will have a short/long life. I eat them in juice/soup and try not to cut them because it's unlucky. We also eat red eggs. Red is a special colour in China. It always means something happy/sad and brings good/bad luck. We decorate the house with red paper and all the family comes for a party/parade. We also get money in red cartons/envelopes. It's fun.


3. Grammar/Speaking

Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences.

1. Would you______ to have dinner?

2. Shall we have a party? – No, I don’t ______ so.

3. Would you like to come to my house? – I’d _______to!

think / love/ like


4. Vocabulary

Choose the correct item.


1. Let’s (get/have/ take) a big party.

2. Everyone(has/ gets/ brings) a gift to a birthday party.

3. The Chinese eat long noodles in (pasta/pizza/soup).

4. Dad (decorates/ brings/celebrates) the house with balloons.

5. Birthday(party/ festivals/ celebrations) are very special in China.


5. Grammar/Vocabulary

Complete the text transforming the words in brackets.

Children celebrate the birthday with (they) family members. They always have a special cake which is iced with

 (candle) on the top. If you are nine, you put nine candles. (Child) invite their friends and they have a

 (celebrate) with food, games and music. The guests usually bring gifts.


6. Reading

Read the e-mail and decide if the sentences are true or false.

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party next Sunday.

Before my birthday party I usually decorate my room with a lot of balloons and we play “Catch the balloon” and other games. My mother makes a lot of delicious food. We usually have sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. She also makes a couple of salads. There is always a lot of orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course.

The party starts at seven. Don’t be late!




1.Chris decorates the whole house with balloons.

2.«Catch the balloon» is a kind of the decoration.

3.Chris doesn’t cook the food. True/False

4.They serve vanilla biscuits. True/False

5.There is more than one salad. True/False


7. Writing.Put the sentences in the correct order


2.I hope my mum will make a special cake.

3.Do you invite your friends?

4.It was nice to hear from you again.

5.I usually invite my friends and we play a lot of games.

6.I’m writing to tell you about my birthday tomorrow.

7.Dear Amy,

8.Write back.


10.Thank you for your letter.

11.How do you celebrate your birthday?


8. Writing

Fill in the invitation.: Mary/  John/ City Park/ 6 p.m. /23rd April


9. Listening(проcлушать при возможности выхода в интернет.)

Listen to the text and put the actions in the order you hear  them.

1.sing «Happy Birthday To You» song

2. give a birthday cake

3.place the candles on the top of the cake

4. blow the candles


10. Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps.: different / birthdays / stairs / single/  chores

On German kids'______, children get candles, a cake and presents. They also don't have to do any homework or______. Pretty sweet, right? Well, for adults it's a little_______. Turns out that if you are a man over 30 who is still_______, you will be made to sweep the city hall ________ Wow!


11. Reading

Read the text and decide if the sentences True or False.

In India kids get to wear new clothes on their birthdays! They get up and put on a new outfit and later get a special meal. The kids also show their parents signs of respect by touching their feet. I totally agree with this idea letting your parents know that they are appreciated.

1.New clothes are a traditional sign on kids’ birthdays.

2.Kids love their parents.

3.The author likes the Indian tradition.

4.The parents show their love to children touching their feet.


12. Grammar

Choose the right preposition.

People in Jamaica have wonderful senses (on/ of) humor. That is the only way I can explain their tradition of throwing flour(in/ at) a birthday person. A light dusting of flour never hurt anyone! Unless you are going (for/ from) a job interview (on/ in) the same day. Then you should not do that at all.


13. Writing

Complete the e-mail.

Dear Joe,

Thank you for your _______. It was nice to ______ from you again. I am ______ to tell you about my birthday.

On my _____ I usually decorate my room with colourful ______. My mum always makes a birthday _______. I ______ my friends and we play different ________. My friends bring me ________ and _______ my ears. It’s fun!

That’s all. Write _______.




14. Speaking

Complete the dialogue.

Lucy: It’s Dad’s birthday on Friday!_____________ buy him some socks?

Fred: I ____________ that’s a good idea. Socks are a boring gift.

Lucy:_______________ taking him to a football match?

Fred: I don’t like the idea. ____________ we make a birthday cake for him?

Lucy: We are bad cooks! _____________to buy him a watch?

Fred: Yes, that_____________! Let’s go to the shopping mall.

Lucy: That would ______________.

sounds great / Would you like / don’t think/ Why don’t / be nice / Shall we / What about

Контрольные задания В1


Choose the correct answer.


Choose the correct answer.

Not much.

Good idea.


Cake Sharing in Brazil

The special birthday person is given (a/the/an) first (piece/part/ bar) of cake, but (doesn’t/ not/don’t) keep it for himself. Instead, he gives (these/those/ this)piece to an important person in his life like (this/his/its) mom or dad.



Урок 41 Let’s celebrate

Цели и задачи


научиться составлять монологическое высказывание и писать краткий текст о празднике в России.


познакомиться с лексикой по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;

активировать и расширить знания по теме «Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»;

развить и закрепить умения монологической речи;

развить и закрепить умения выборочно понимать на слух необходимую информацию;

развить и закрепить умения письменной речи – текст описательного характера.

На уроке мы узнаем:

новую лексику по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;мы научимся:

передавать основное содержание прочитанного текста с опорой на ключевые слова, по теме «Праздники в разных странах»;

выполнять упражнения по теме «Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»;

воспринимать на слух и понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов;

читать и находить в тексте нужную информацию о деталях празднования различных событий;

мы сможем: написать небольшое письменное высказывание с опорой на образец.

Начнём урок

Do you like holidays? That is great we have different holidays! Today in the lesson we are going to learn about unusual festivals – harvest time around the world.

Festive activities.We do a lot of activities during holidays. How do you celebrate holidays?

Match the pictures and the activities.


1-have a family dinner 2- cook special food              3-exchange gifts

Основная часть

1.Видео (просмотреть при возможности выхода в интернет.)

2. Vocabulary

Match the words.







the harvest

family dinners



a cookery




of bananas




3. Необходимо запомнить ВАЖНО!

Исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа: a gift – gifts (one gift – three gifts).

Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множественного числа: rice, wheat.

К ним относятся такие группы существительных как: ЕДА (rice, wheat, flour, cheese, sugar и т.д.), ЖИДКОСТИ (tea, coffee, juice, water и т.д.)

Для обозначения количества с неисчисляемыми существительными используются слова bag, bottle, box, can, carton, glass, jar, kilo, loaf, packet, piece, slice, tin.


4. Cucumber Day In Russia

Cucumber Day takes place in Suzdal. An important part of this festival is a street parade. On Cucumber Day people can try original cucumber soup, rolls and jam. Children can take part in puppet shows and workshops on vegetable carving, play folk games and sing cucumber ditties (частушки).

Тренировочные задания

1. Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps.: popular / celebrate/  harvest

1. People in Suzdal ________________ Cucumber Day.

2. Cucumber soup and jam are_____________ treat on Cucumber Day.

3. Cucumber Day is a _______________ festival.


2. Grammar

Sort out countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable   Uncountable  

cranberry / biscuit / tea / milk/  water/  sauce/  wheat / rice / pumpkin / carrot / banana / tomato


3. Vocabulary

Underline the correct item.

set off/light fireworks

have a food/family dinner

dress off/up

light gifts/bonfires

exchange/celebrate gifts


4. Reading

What do children do on Cucumber day in Suzdal?

1.light bonfires

2.sing ditties

3.cook cranberry sauce

5. Listening (Выполняем на сайте, если есть возможность работать в интернете)

Listen to the text about Astrakhan Watermelon Festival and choose the correct item.

Astrakhan watermelon festival offers:

1.different competitions

2.to eat water-melons

3.water-melon salad

4.to make watermelon sauce


6. Grammar

Use the words to label the pictures.

A-some oranges    B-a banana     C-an orange  D-some bread      E-some bananas  F-a piece of bread


1 2 3 4 5 6

7. Grammar

Use the words to make the sentences.

milk in isn’t much the bottle. There

the jar? coffee in Is there any

an have got I apple.

some on There are the table. grapes

the garden? any melons in Are there




Complete the sentences.

1. A  _______________ is something you give as a present.

2. A _______________ is the activity when people try to win.

3. A _______________ is something you put on during the festival.

4. A _______________ lasts some days to celebrate something.




Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

On January 25th, Russian students ______ Tatiana’s Day. In 1755, on the 25th of January, Tatiana’s day, Moscow State University was______. The day also marks the beginning of the winter______ for university______. It is one of the most_______ Russian holidays for young people.

founded/  celebrate / holidays / popular / festivals/  students/  people




Put the paragraphs in the correct order.

1.People shop at the festival too. They can buy strawberry ice cream, strawberry biscuits, strawberry milkshakes and strawberry cakes to take home with them.

2.During the festival people eat strawberries and vote for the festival Queen. There are a lot of activities: competitions, parades and lots of music. Everyone has a good time.

3.Every year in Florida, USA, there is a fantastic strawberry festival. It takes place in the spring. The Florida festival is one of the best festivals in North America.




Complete the text with the phrases from the list.

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your letter.______________________.

I’m writing to tell you about Women’s Day in Russia._______________ this holiday on the 8th of March. Families____________ and a surprise for mothers and grandmothers. I usually give my Mum ___________ and draw a nice picture for her.

That’s all.__________.



We  celebrate / flowers / It was nice to hear from you again  / Love / Write me back /  have a festive dinner




Complete the text with the words from the list. Two words are extra.

Victory Day is the most important national holiday in Russia. People (invite/ attend/ visit) a military parade and (watch/ look/see)the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square. The veterans (wear/ put on/ dress up) their medals. Another tradition is to (give/ throw/ take) flowers to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. At home, people (buy/ have/drink)family dinners to honour veterans of the Great Patriotic War and remember those who passed away. Families also watch favourite films about the War. On the 9th of May, millions of people (parade/ run/ skip)in the Immortal Regiment.




Use the information in the text to complete the factfile.

Victory Day is the most important national holiday in Russia. People attend a military parade and watch the fireworks at night on Victory Day. The biggest parade is in Moscow’s Red Square. The veterans wear their medals. Another tradition is to give flowers to veterans in the street and to lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. At home, people have family dinners to honour veterans of the Great Patriotic War and remember those who passed away. Families also watch favourite films about the War. On the 9th of May, millions of people parade in the Immortal Regiment.

The name of the holiday  
Holiday activities  

9th of May


Victory Day

1. attend a military parade. 2. watch fireworks 3. give flowers to veterans 4. have a family dinner 5. watch films about the war 6. parade in the Immortal Regiment




Complete the personal letter.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for ___________________.  It was nice to hear __________________.

I’m writing to tell you about Victory Day in Russia. We ___________ this holiday on __________. People usually __________  in the morning and ____________. in the evening. Also, we ______________ to veterans.

This day is very ______________ for the Russian people.

That’s all. Write to me __________________.





Контрольные задания В1


Match the words.










Choose the correct item.

I need some/any milk.

Do you want a/an apple?

I’ve got tea and a/three biscuits.

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