The diagnostics of absolute threshold — КиберПедия 

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The diagnostics of absolute threshold

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Of sensations in motive analyzer


 The diagnostics of absolute threshold of sensations in motive analyzer on the device ATS-6 is made with the help of cinematometric technique of E.P.Ilyin (1981) for measuring the accuracy of movement reproduction.


The procedure of diagnostics Put the device ATS and your examinee’s right hand on the panel of the device as you did it when making the diagnostics of NS mobility-inertness, i.e. in accordance with item 3.2.2 of chapter III.

The examinee, with his eyes shut, moves the left romper-suit from the extreme left position to the right up to the delimiter and backwards. In order to remember this movement he repeats it three times.

The delimiter is the right romper-suit, which the investigator fixes so that the amplitude of examinee’s movement was equal to 30 divisions of a scale. Then take the delimiter away and ask the examinee to reproduce the given interval five times. Put down the results of the experiment into column 2 of table 7.


Table 7 – The report of the diagnostics of absolute threshold of sensations due to the accuracy of movement reproduction


№ of procedure Established interval of relative L1=30, divisions Deviations from L1, divisions Established interval of relative L2=230, divisions Deviations from L2, divisions
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5        
A average    Repeat the above-described procedure (see items – five times with the interval length equal to 230 divisions. The results in the course of investigation should be put down in column 4.

Working up of the results With the help of figures of column 3 of table 7 calculate arithmetic mean amount of deviation (A average) by formula:



A average = --------------------------                   (7),  



where: A – absolute value of deviations of intervals,

       h – number of procedures (equal to five).


Calculate A average from figures of column 5 by analogy. Then calculate arithmetic mean values of given intervals (M average) for columns 2 and 4. Then calculate the relative amount of deviation for each range of intervals by formula:



A average 

B = --------------- x 100 %                        (8),

   M average


Where: B – relative (percentage) value of deviations for each range of intervals,

A average – arithmetic mean value of deviations of intervals,

M average – arithmetic mean value of given intervals. Using the results of previous item calculate a general index of movement production accuracy, i.e. general arithmetic mean amount of deviations (B gen.) from two relative values of deviations for both interval ranges.


The interpretation of results You can judge about the absolute threshold of sensations by percentage value of deviations of intervals advanced by the examinee. This value is directly proportional to the value of absolute threshold of sensations and it is inversely proportional to the index of absolute sensitivity. In order to interpret the index of absolute sensitivity in the motive analyzer you may use the universal diagnostic scale 2.4 of appendix 2. Since different kinds of activity may include the movements of different expansion, the diagnosis of the accuracy of movement reproduction may include both the general index of the accuracy of movement reproduction and the indexes of deviations on smaller and bigger intervals.

You should interpret these indexes using a universal diagnostic scale 2.8 of appendix 2. Besides, you may use average figures, received as a result of sampling of experts of appropriate profiles as normative indexes for different kinds of activity.

The diagnostics of differential threshold of sensations

In motive analyzer

The diagnostics of differential threshold of sensations is made with the help of a cinematometric technique of E.P.Ilyin (1981) by way of registration of minimal possible deviation when repeating the movement.


The procedure of diagnostics and

Working up of the results A differential threshold can be defined without making a separate procedure of diagnostics. Using the results from the report of the diagnostics of NS mobility-inertness (see table 7 from § 2 of chapter III) will be enough.

The order of defining of the differential threshold is illustrated on the example of using the figures of table 7. Write out the chosen small intervals from column 2 of table 7 into column 1 of table 10 and put down the chosen big intervals into column 3. Then write out the deviations received on small (into column 2) and big (into column 4) intervals from columns 4 and 6 of table 7 into table 10.

Thus the signs “+” and “-” should not be written out and taken into account.

Note. You should write out only those cases when the legal and actual signs coincide. Calculate arithmetic mean numbers for each column of table 10 taken separately and mark them with letters by analogy with the item


Table 10 – the example of the report of the diagnostics of movement differentiating accuracy (the figures are taken from table 7)


Chosen small Intervals from Column 2 Of table 7 Deviations on Small intervals From columns 4 and 6 Of table 7 Chosen big Intervals from Column 2 Of table 7 Deviations on Small intervals From columns 4 and 6 Of table 7
1 2 3 4
43 42 44 40 2 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 183 185 182 187 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 6
M1 = 42,3 A1 = 2,9 M2 = 184,3 A2 = 4,7

RMD small = 4,5 %

RMD big = 2,0 % Calculate a relative mistake of differentiating the movements (RMD) in percent for small intervals according to the following formula:


                   A1 – 1

RMD small = ---------- x 100 %                (9),



Where: RMD small – relative mistake of differentiating the movements on small


A1 – arithmetic mean of deviations on small intervals,

M1 – arithmetic mean of chosen small intervals.

Calculate the relative mistake of differentiating the movements on big intervals (RMD big) by analogy. Calculate the value of differential threshold (DT) of sensations by formula:


      RDM small + RDM big

DT = ------------------------------                  (10),



Having substituted the figures from table 10 we get:


      4,5 % + 2,0 %

DT = ------------------- = 3,3 %                     (11).


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