Of testing by method of R.Voll — КиберПедия 

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Of testing by method of R.Voll

2022-12-20 34
Of testing by method of R.Voll 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу The results of diagnostics of individual compatibility of this or that organ (or an organism as a whole) with medicinal preparations may be used in the Following cases:

· During the individual selection of medicinal preparation for the registration of its direct and accessory influence.

· When dosing a medicinal preparation to register the force of its influence on a concrete patient. In this case the quantity of a dose is inversely proportional to the force of individual influence of the medicine, i.e. to the quantity of percentage correlation of maximal indexes, as well as FER indexes of control and background measurements (see item The results of the diagnostics of prosthetic repair materials may be used for their individual selection for a patient. The results of the diagnostics of food products (including alcohol and non-alcohol drinks) may be used for their individual selection and also for appointing a diet. The results of the diagnostics of jewelry may be used for their individual selection when purchasing and wearing. The results of the diagnostics of materials, clothes and personal things may be used by analogy. The results of the diagnostics of allergens may be used for the treatment and prophylaxis of allergy. The results of individual physiological compatibility between people may be used:

· When selecting and arranging people for work.

· When allocating people in their rooms.

· When consulting people who are going to get married.






The diagnostics of activation and functional

Asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres


The method and device for the diagnostics of activation and FAH has been invented by N.M.Peisakhov and Yu.A.Tsagarelly (the author’s certificate of state inventions of the USSR № 1568975 from February, 8, 1990). The Following works have become a theoretical basis of the method and device. These are the ideas about functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres (E.D.Khomskaya, 1986; E.G.Simernitskaya, 1985); about cross interconnections between cerebral hemispheres and hands (Bragina N.N., Dobrohotova G.A., 1981); about interconnections between potentials, which are taken off from one’s palms, and the activation of hemispheres (Bukzein B., 1994); about interconnections of a leading hand and the corresponding hemisphere with speech (Ermakov P.N., 1998; Serbienko M.V., Orbachevskaya G.N., 1977). As it has been shown by D.Kimura and his colleagues (1973, 1977, and 1986), due to the evolution it was the development of the leading hand as an organ of gestures and its manipulative abilities that led to the development of the hemisphere which is responsible for speech. Later this function was inherited by voice muscular system.

The prototype of this invention is the method of studying inter-hemisphere relations of children by way of registration of SGR (skin galvanic reaction) on their palms using electronic encephalogram with special attachment for registration of SGR. This method was suggested and approved by V.F.Konovalov and I.S.Serikov (1986).

It should be pointed out that this device and method of the diagnostics of activation and FAH aroused a great interest of neuro-physiologists, doctors, psychologists; in this connection the method and device was thoroughly re-checked and approved several times. These specialists revealed high validity, accuracy and exactness of the technique, received reliable correlation with the help of encephalographic and other techniques. The accuracy of method, confirmed by different researchers, is not only caused by the above mentioned features of a diagnostic device, but also by the phenomenon of liquid crystalline mechanisms of storing and transporting of information described by R.G.Mangushev (1997). These mechanisms also contribute to the exactness of the variant of acupuncture diagnostics, which is placed in the device.


General description


The activation of cerebral hemispheres (AH) is conditioned by two main factors: a) the number of operating neurons and b) the degree of their stimulation. If the activation of one hemisphere dominates over the activation of another hemisphere – it testifies to the presence of functional asymmetry (FAH). If the hemispheres are activated equally – it testifies to an inter-hemisphere balance.

The indexes of activation of right and left hemispheres and also the index of their FAH are of great diagnostic value, because the functions of each hemisphere have their own specific features, which leave their marks on any of the human activity. The function of left hemisphere of right-handed people is an abstract-logical thinking which operates with sign and verbal information, counting. The function of right hemisphere is operating with visual, acoustical, olfactory, tactile and other images, emotional-figurative thinking. The legitimacy of left-handed people is of another character: the left hemisphere is responsible for emotional-figurative and spatial thinking, and the right hemisphere is responsible for abstract-logical and verbal thinking.

Different kinds of activity are mainly provided by “left-hemisphere” or “right-hemisphere” thinking. For example, it is known that most mathematicians, physicians and other scientific workers are mainly distinguished by the predominance of “left-hemisphere” thinking. Those people whose profession is connected with arts (musicians, artists, actors and others) in most cases have “right-hemisphere” thinking. There may be some unexpected index (for example, the essential left-side asymmetry in the musical activity or the right-side asymmetry – in mathematics) which quite often testifies to a non-optimum thinking activity of a person in the process of solving this or that professional task.

Thus, while investigating some professional musicians (the students of conservatoire) we noticed an obvious predominance of “left-hemisphere” thinking in the situation of performing some pieces of music. The reason for it, as it has been established in the course of a special research, is the substitution of emotional-figurative experience of musical contents by the logical judgement of “technological” tasks (fingering systems, technologies of sound producing, note record and so on). The means of reaching the purpose displace the purpose itself, this leads to a non-optimum anti-art result.

It should be mentioned that the above-described legitimacy has its exceptions. There are some cases when great musicians possess abstract-logical thinking and outstanding mathematicians – emotional-figurative. However such people can achieve success only in case they form their own original, atypical for the majority of people of the same occupation, style of activity.

The Following four main characteristics of AH and FAH should be distinguished: 1) situational, 2) individually typological, 3) activity situational and 4) activity-stereotyped.

  Situational characteristics reflects the indexes of AH and FAH in this or that concrete situation (excitement, tiredness, strain and so on).

Individually typological characteristics reflects individually typological peculiarities of AH and FAH which are specific of a given person. These are steady, genetic by their character, psychological peculiarities.

Activity situational characteristics reflects the indexes of AH and FAH in a unique situation of this or that activity.

Activity-stereotyped characteristics reflects typical for a given person peculiarities of AH and FAH, which are manifested in a person’s activity. The distinctive feature of this characteristic is its connection with the individual style of activity.

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