Appendix 1. Pictures (The translation is not finished yet)            96 — КиберПедия 

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Appendix 1. Pictures (The translation is not finished yet)            96

2022-12-20 25
Appendix 1. Pictures (The translation is not finished yet)            96 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Appendix 2. Universal diagnostic scales                                              97






System diagnostics of a human is desirable everywhere humans are the object of different complex research and influence (psychological, therapeutic, managerial and also in the spheres where composite by its nature human factor plays an important role. That is why the elaboration of a system diagnostics theory and methods is actual for many branches of science and practice, especially those connected with practical psychology, medicine and pedagogics.

This in the system of education this diagnostics provides a feedback in the process of the development in all levels of hierarchic structures of the human. It is used to optimize the process of education, professional orientation and consultations, also in resolving problems of pupils’ somatic and psychological health. In the forces departments (Armed forces, Ministry of Internal Customs, Federal Service of Security, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Customs) system diagnostics improves sufficiently staff teamwork, increases the quality of professional selection, suicide prevention and reduction in crime; besides it is one of the major factors in forming professionally significant qualities. In activities connected with the systems “human – machine” where more than a half of production and transport accidents associated with human factor, operative system diagnostics is of a main condition of hazard prevention. Such diagnostics also helps intensify labor productivity and worker interest. In the creative professions where significant successes are impossible without individual style of creativity, help of a systematic approach contributes to increase of work quality. In medicine where necessity of system diagnostics is dictated by the systematical character of a human organism, effective treatment of somatic and psychological diseases can be achieved.

Last years are characterized by interest in methods and device for system diagnostics. Despite economic and social hardships in Russia, many organizations have acquired «Activationmeter» for system human diagnostics. Currently more than one thousand are being used in the educational system (schools, higher education institutions, preschool education), in the forces departments (Ministry of Internal Affairs, army, customs organs, Federal Security Service, special service, spaceship and aviation, culture and art institutions, sports, social defense, registry offices, industrial, commercial and transport enterprises, banks, administrative organs)

Besides, the device has got wide use in medical clinics in Russia and Byelorussia (hospitals, polyclinics, sanatoriums).

Scientific and practical value of methods and the device itself is confirmed by the Ministry of Health of USSR and RT, the Ministry of Civil Aviation of USSR, Cosmonauts’ Training Center named after Gagarin, the Ministry of Culture of USSR, State Customs Committee of RF, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RT, the Ministry of Education of RT, Volga-region Department of Russian Academy of Education, Psychology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Scientific Research Institute of labor protection, fire prevention, special education and many others.

The effectiveness of the device and techniques is also proved by numerous scientific investigations, dissertations and dozens of publications of different authors.

 «Activationmeter» is included in the list of required devices for psychologists, working in different spheres: Customs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State anti-fire service of Russia etc.

Taking into account the wide use of methods and device itself for system diagnostics some institutes have introduced a special course «System diagnostics with the help of «Activationmeter». We have written this manual, which contains the description of methods and theory of system diagnostics and also some concrete diagnostic techniques realized with the help of the only device for system diagnostics – “Activationmeter”. Taking into account the wishes of our foreign partners we divided the English version of this manual into two separate books. The first book contains a theory of system diagnostics and the second one – its practical realization on the device “Activationmeter ATS-6”. In Russian version these two books are united as one book with two parts. Besides the numbers of chapters are the same in both versions. The manual devoted to technical exploitation of the device “Activationmeter ATS-6” is in a separate brochure applied to the device. The device also includes a three-hour videocassette in which the diagnostic methods are illustrated. The given manual is made for students, post-graduates of Psychology Departments and practical psychologists. We hope it will be also useful for the students of Teachers’ Training Colleges, Sociology Departments and also for teachers, sociologists and doctors.



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