Learn the names of the shops. — КиберПедия 

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Learn the names of the shops.

2022-11-14 33
Learn the names of the shops. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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the baker's [΄beikәz] - булочная

the butcher's [΄buʧәz] – мясной магазин

the chemist's [΄kemists] – аптека

the fishmonger's [΄fiʃmʌŋgәz] – рыбный магазин

the greengrocer's [΄gri:n grәusәz] – овощной магазин

the jeweller's [΄ʤu:әlәz] - ювелирный

the newsagent's - газетный киоск

the florist's [΄flͻrists] – цветочный магазин

a charity shop - благотворительный магазин (магазин, торгующий подержанными вещами, отдающий выручку на благотворительные цели)

a market stall - торговая палатка, торговое место, торговый прилавок [лоток] (открытая торговая точка; расположенная на уличных рынках, блошиных рынках); палатка на городском рынке

an antique[æn΄tik] shop – антикварный магазин


Read and translate the following sentences.


a. A baker is a person whose business or employment is to make or sell bread, cakes, etc.

b. A butcher is a retailer of meat.

c. A chemist is someone who is trained to prepare medicines and who works in a shop.

d. A fishmonger is a retailer of fish.

e. A greengrocer is someone who owns or works in a shop selling fruit and vegetables.

f. A jeweller is someone who owns or works in a shop that sells jewellery.

g. A newsagent or newsdealer is someone who owns or works in a shop that sells newspapers, stationery, magazines, etc.

h. A florist is someone who owns or works in a shop that sells flowers or a person who grows or deals in flowers.


What's the word?


a  a place where you buy meat: ______________________________________

b a place where you buy medicines: _________________________________

c a place where you go to get a newspaper: ____________________________

d  a shop where you can buy toys: ____________________________________

e a shop where you buy food and things for the house: ___________________

f   a place with many shops: _________________________________________

g a person who works in a shop: _____________________________________

h  a piece of paper where you've written what you want to buy: _____________

i a place where you try on clothes: _____________________

j what you do for fun at the shops without spending money: _______________


Complete the sentences.


a. We buy fish at the fishmonger's.

b. We buy fruit and vegetables at the ______________.

c. We buy bread at the____________.

d. We buy bandages and aspirin at the ____________.

e. We buy magazines and newspapers at the____________.

f. We buy meat and sausages at the _____________.

g. We buy rings and necklaces at the _____________.

h. We buy flowers at the ___________.


Match a-l to 1-12.

a) table, chair, sofa 1) florist’s
b) ink, biro, paper 2) stationery shop
c) cabbage, lettuce, apple 3) department store
d) toothpaste, aspirin, soap 4) shoe shop
e) shirt, trousers, skirt 5) supermarket
f) lamb, chicken, beef 6) greengrocer's
g) boots, sandals, shoes 7) toy shop
h) rice, washing powder, mineral water 8) chemist's
i) roses, daffodils, tulips 9) butcher's
j) bread, croissants, cake 10) clothes shop
k) racing car, games, teddy bear 11) newsagent's
l) magazine, newspaper, puzzle book 12) bakery (baker’s)


Learn the types of retail outlets.

a. A supermarket is a large self-service shop selling food and drink and also small household items.

b. A hypermarket is a covered area with shops, supermarkets and restaurants.

c. A shopping centre (A mall) is a very large supermarket often located on the edge of a town or city.

d. A department store is a large shop with many departments or sections; each department sells a different type of goods.

e. A specialist retailer is a shop which only sells one type of product, usually of high quality.

f. A chain store is one of a group of shops owned by the same company.


Learn the methods of selling and buying.

a. Mail order is a way of selling and buying when a company sends goods by post from its warehouse.


b. Door-to-door sale is a way of selling and buying when customers buy from the manufacturer's warehouse.


c. TV sales is a way of selling and buying when customers see product adverts on the screen and place their orders by phone/fax/the Internet.


d. The Internet (e-commerce) is electronic shopping from companies' websites.


e. Cash and carry is a way of selling and buying when a company agent sells the product or service to the customer at home.




Task I


R ead and translate the text.


· provision [prә΄viʒәn] – снабжение, обеспечение

· directly [daiә΄rәktli], [di΄rektli] - прямо

· manufacturer [͵mænju΄fækʧәrә] - производитель, изготовитель

· middleman[΄midlmæn] - посредник

· margin [΄ma:ʤin] - маржа (торговая наценка, устанавливаемая промышленными предприятиями)

· to sell (buy) at price – продавать (покупать) по цене




Retailing is the provision of goods or services to the customer. Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler, (the 'middleman'), and make their income from the margin, or difference, between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell the goods at to the consumer. A retail outlet is the place where customers can purchase goods, for example, a supermarket or a department store. Nowadays, many customers are shopping from home: shopping by the Internet, TV shopping channels or mail-order catalogues is becoming very popular.


2. Retell the text ‘Retailing’.


Task II


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