Retell the text about Sidney Chapman. — КиберПедия 

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Retell the text about Sidney Chapman.

2022-11-14 30
Retell the text about Sidney Chapman. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Task I


1. Work with your partner and put the following sentences into the right order:

She accepted the job.______________________________________

She saw the advert.________________________________________

She got promotion.________________________________________

She applied for the job.____________________________________

They weren't satisfied with her work._________________________

They gave her an interview._________________________________

They sacked her._________________________________________

They offered her the job.___________________________________


When you look for a job, which of these are important for you?

a) Iwant to earn a lot of money.

b) I do not want to work many hours a day.

c) I do not want to work late at night or early in the morning.

d) I want long holidays.

e) I don't want a tiring job.

f) I want an interesting job.

g) I want to work with friendly people.

h) I want the boss to be a nice person.

i) I want to work in a place which is clean and pleasant.

j) I want a job that has good career prospects.


Can the factors given below make you change your career? Why? Why not? Name other factors.

a) a high salary

b) lots of perks (льготы)

c) good promotion prospects

d) an opportunity, through your job, to serve others in the community/in society

e) a pleasant, friendly working atmosphere

f) short working hours — not more than 35 hours a week

g) long holidays


4. Which jobs in your country do you think are:


• very well paid? • very glamorous? • very dangerous? • very exciting? • very boring? • very dirty?





Task I. Make up questions using 'would you like' and phrases given below.


1. earn much money                    6. have lots perks

2. be satisfied with the job          7. serve people in the society

3. start up your own business      8. have short working hours

4. change your career                 9. get promotion

5. find a better job                    10. have long holidays

Task II. Study the sample of resume (5.) and make up your CV.



Task III. Study the sample of a replying to a job advertisement (6.) and write your reply to any job advertisement.








Task I. Study the Language reference.


1 c ompany = business - компания

Company isan organization that makes or sells goods or services in order to get money.

to manage =to run a company – управлять компанией

to set up = to start a company – открыть (создать) компанию

a company goes bankrupt = a company goes bust = a company goes out of business (=stops doing business because it owes so much money) – компания банкротиться, терпит крах, разоряется


(break, bust, (о фирме) fail, go to pieces, liquidate, go to smash, be out of business, become bankrupt - потерпеть крах, разориться, прогореть, вылететь в трубу)

2 the Board of Directors — Совет Директоров

the Chief Executive = the President

The Chief Executive Officer is the person with the most authority in a large company

the General Manager – генеральный директор

the Executive Manager – исполнительный директор

the Managing Director – управляющий директор

company employees – служащие компании

company staff – штат компании

company policy – политика компании


3 Responsibilities, Duties (Обязанности.)

a. to be in charge of заведовать; руководить (ч-л) He is in charge of the department.
b. to be responsible for быть ответственным за She is responsible for the documents.
c. to look after заботиться, следить, отвечать за He looks after public relations.
d. to deal with заниматься, иметь дело She deals with personal problems.
e. to have to = must должен He has to write a report about every complaint.
f. to be to = must должен She is to answer the phone.


4 Involvement (то, что включает в себя работа)

a. to involve включать в себя; предполагать; содержать His job involves talking to the press. His job involves public relations.
b. to be concerned with имеющий отношение; связанный с; занятый She is concerned with the health of employees.


5 Checking (контроль, проверка)

a. to make sure that проверить She makes sure that the doors are locked.
b. to monitor контролировать, проверять He monitors the phone calls.


6 Organisation (организация, устройство, формирование; приведение в систему)

a. to organize организовать, устраивать, налаживать He organises security patrols.
b. to arrange приводить в порядок, уславливаться, договариваться, регулировать She arranges transport.


7 Liaison (связь, взаимодействие)

liaise with поддерживать связь, взаимодействовать He liaises with the Sales Department.


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