Task I. Study the Language reference. — КиберПедия 

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Task I. Study the Language reference.

2022-11-14 51
Task I. Study the Language reference. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Task I. Study the Language reference.


1 a job, work – работа


A job is work that you do for money.

Work is what you do in a job.


to work, to have a job (to have got a job), to do a job, to be in work, to be employed – работать

not to work, not to have a job, to be out of work, to be unemployed – не работать


to work in + place or general area of work (a shop, an office, a bank, commerce, advertising, etc.)

to work with a person or item

to work on a project

to work as (a teacher)

to work for + name of company

to get to work – добираться до работы

to start work at - начинать работу в

to finish work at – заканчивать работу в

to leave work at – уходить с работы в (to leave work for home - уходить с работы домой в)


2 a part - time job – почасовая работа; неполный рабочий день (неделя, месяц)

a full - time job - полный рабочий день (неделя, месяц)

a permanent job – постоянная работа

a temporary job – временная работа


to have a part-time job = to work part-time - работать неполный рабочий день(неделю, месяц)

to have a temporary job = to be temping = to be a temp (informal) – иметь временную работу


3 What are you? = What do you do? = What are you doing? = What is your job? – Чем вы занимаетесь? (Кем вы работаете?)

Task II. Practise using the Language reference.


1. The idea ‘Мой папа работает.’ can be expressed in English in different ways.

a) My father works. b) My father has a job. (My father has got a job). c) My father does a job. d) My father is in work. e) My father is employed.


2. Translate the sentence ‘ Моя мама не работает.’ into English.


Make up your own sentences using the Language reference.


Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using the Language reference.

Example: - What are you? –I am a student. – Do you work? – No, I don’t. (Yes, I have a part-time job.)


Read and translate the text.


    You can be a manager, a sales manager, a lawyer, a banker, a cook, an accountant or an economist. You can have a part-time job or a full-time job. It means you can work part-time or full-time. You can have a permanent job or a temporary job. You can have a part-time permanent job. You can have a part-time temporary job. You can have a full-time permanent job. You can have a full-time temporary job. When you have a temporary job you can say ‘I am temping’ or ‘I am a temp’. You can be asked 'What do you do?' The answer can be 'I'm a marketing manager for an IT company.'

    You can be out of work for some days, weeks, months or years but then you work full-time or part-time again.

    You must get to work in time. You must start work in time. You leave work or finish work when you may do it.


Task III. Test it.


Circle the correct option.


a) Julian is accountant / an accountant. He works for a big company.

b) I'm thinking of getting a new work / job.

c) Nick has always worked in / for marketing.

d) We generally arrive / get to work at about 8.00 a.m.

e) We're working with / on a new advert at the moment.

f) Peter Davidson works as / like a financial advisor.

g) I'd like a half-/part -time job really.

h) 'How/What do you do?' 'I'm the manager of a small company.'

i) I usually end/finish work at half past six.

j) I've got a six-month contract so it's only a permanent/temporary job.

k) Do you enjoy working with/for numbers?


Circle the correct option, A or B.


a) What do you do?

A I'm fine, thanks.

B I'm a personal trainer.

b) What's your job?

A I work like a personal trainer.

B I work as a personal trainer.


c) Do you work full-time?

A  Yes, only two days a week.

B  Yes, about 40 hours a week on average.


d) What sort of job are you looking for?

A  I'd like to work in Sales.

B I'd like to work for Sales.


Find and correct four mistakes in the sentences.


a) Joe hasn't got a job. He's been out work for six months now.

b) Maria gets to work at nine.

c) Ed works in Microsoft.

d) James works for banking.

e) Do you enjoy working like a sales rep?

f) I'mworking on a very exciting project at the moment.


Task V. Practise using the Language reference.


Read and translate the checklist (инструкция).


A CV (Resume, Summary)


1.  Study the job and learn everything about the job requirements.

2. State your career interest.

3. Summarize your education. List degrees you have received and the institutions you have attended.

4. Summarize your work experience. Give the name and location of the company, give your duties, state the aspects of yourjob which are important for the position you are applying for.

5. List your education and experience in reverse chronological order, that is begin to list with the most recent.

6. "References" refers to people who will give a recommendation of your character and ability. Always get an individual permission before you use him or her as a reference.

7. Use sentence fragments in a CV. Use the verbs of action and limit the use of personal pronouns and articles.

8. If you have had many different kinds of jobs, focus on the skills you have but not on the job history. List your work experience under the headings - "Administration", "Technical Skills'" etc

9.  Type your CV. Limit yourself to one page. Do not us abbreviations.

10. Make up a list of words you use in a letter of application and a CV.

Remember you will need the words later to speak on the topic or complete the papers to get a job.

Study the sample of resume.



Name: John Phillip Hunt
Address: 24 Mulberry Rd Brixton LONDON SW14 SHU
Telephone: 0181-592284; mobile 07905339242
Email: jpJ-iunt@compuserve,com
Nationality: British
Date of birth: 22 May 1983
Marital Status: Single
Education/Qualifications: 2005-2006   2001-2005   1994-2001   University of Bristol: MSc in Management King's College, London: BA (hons.) Russian and German, class 2:1 Burford Community College, Oxford Rd, Burford, Oxon. 9 GCSEs (English, Mathematics, Physics, History, Technology, German, Russian, French, Music) 4 A levels: German (A), Russian (B), History (B), English (C)
Work Experience: September 2003-June 2004   July-August 2002     March 2000     June 1998   10 months working in Personnel Department of the Max-Plank-Institut fur Informatik in Saarbrucken, Germany 6 weeks teaching English to foreign students at Swan School of English, Oxford 1 week's 'shadowing' experience to Assistant Marketing Manager, EAA Technology (Environmental Energy), Didcot 2 weeks’ work experience at Marks and Spencer. Oxford
Skills: Computer literate; clean driving licence
Referees: Dr Michael Edwards {Arts Faculty) King's College London EC12 4HR   Dr Elaine Grigson (Management Research Centre) University of Bristol Bristol BS81TH


Task VI. Test it.

Circle the correct option.


a. After two years, he was promoted / removed to chief executive.

b. After school, she got a career / a job as a waitress for six months.

c. The factory workers get their wages / salary every Friday.

d. My dad had a long and successful job / career as a lawyer.

e. Julie has a part-time / half-time job because she has children to look after.

f. Jack was made redundant / unemployed after twenty years.

g. Sally started working in 1965 and retired / finished in 2005.

h. His yearly salary / wage is about 40,000 euros.

i. Bill got the sack / bag because he was dishonest.

j. The company treats its employers / employees very well.


Match a-f to 1-6.


a. When did you retire?                         1. I was promoted last month.

b. What do you do?                               2. I was unemployed for a year.

c. How much do you earn?                   3. On my 65th birthday.

d. Are you doing well at work?               4. I was made redundant.

e. Why did you leave?                          5. I'm a car salesman.

f. Have you ever been out of work?       6. My salary's about £20,000 a year.


Task I


1. Read and translate the text about a woman’s career to answer the question ‘What was Pam Mc Allister?’


Task II


Task III


Task IV


Sidney Chapma n

When Sidney Chapman left college, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do so he went to a careers centre and applied for several different jobs. He was interviewed by three companies and eventually got a job. He worked for Engineering Ltd for six months but then he was fired. Next, he worked in advertising. He was quite successful at it and he was promoted to General Manager. However, ten years later he resigned the job because he wanted to travel.


Task I


1. Work with your partner and put the following sentences into the right order:

She accepted the job.______________________________________

She saw the advert.________________________________________

She got promotion.________________________________________

She applied for the job.____________________________________

They weren't satisfied with her work._________________________

They gave her an interview._________________________________

They sacked her._________________________________________

They offered her the job.___________________________________








Task III. Test it.


Circle the correct option.


a. I asked if the company had any vacancies / offers in the IT department.

b. I look at the job advices / ads in the newspaper every week.

c.Why don't you look / search the job websites on the net?

d.Have you sent your qualifications / CV to that company yet?

e.I was headhunted / fired for my job so I didn't have to send in an application.

f.I've sent about 100 application / applying letters but I still haven't got a reply.

g.I wrote to the company but they aren't recruiting / employing at the moment.

h. My interview was short as I was the last interviewer /interviewee that day.

i.It's incredible - there were 112 competitors / candidates for the sales job.

Circle the correct option.


a. I've registered for / with Temp Nation Recruitment.

b. I replied to /of an advertisement for a job in Japan.

c. Please fill up /in this application form.

d. It's easy to feel depressed if you're out /out of work.

e.They offered me the job but I turned it off /down.

f.I'm sorry but we aren't taking on /up any new staff.

g.How many jobs have you applied to /for?


6. Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

recruit    reply to      look at     fill in      turn down register with headhunt


a. If you ___________ the ads in the paper, you'd find lots of job opportunities.

b. It's a good idea to _______________ an employment agency.

c. I've never been _______________ for a job. I've always had to apply.

d. Please _________________ this form in black ink.

e. I __________________ an ad for a job in accounts but I didn't get an interview.

f. I was going to take the job but I ___________it _________because I had a better offer.

g. Unfortunately, we don't have any vacancies so we ___________ not _______ at the moment.


7. Circle the correct option.


a. If you wish to complain, please contact Customer / Consumer Services.

b.  HR stands for Human Relations / Resources.

c. IT is short for Information Techniques / Technology.

d. Positive / Public Relations is often known as PR.

e. R&D stands for Research and Development / Designs.

f.   In my department we liaise / liaison very closely with Sales.

g.   My boss dictates /delegates a lot of the work to the rest of the department.

h.   I don't deal with invoices - talk to Dave in Finance / Financial.


Task I


Task II


1. Read and translate the text.




Mr. Elford is in charge of the Marketing Department. What exactly does marketing involve? It involves finding out what the market wants and making sure that the department supplies it. And very importantly, the department makes sure that the market knows the department can supply it. So they deal with two main areas — market research and promotion. As for market research, they have to analyse the market. Sometimes this involves sending out questionnaires to customers. And of course they monitor closely the research done by other organisations. They are concerned with publicity for their own products. So they organise promotion campaigns and advertise the products. In the department one person responsible for TV advertising, another for magazine advertising, and another for mail shots (разовые рассылки рекламных материалов в прямой почтовой рекламе). A mail shot involves sending details of a new product to all potential customers. Mr. Elford's department liaises with other departments. For example, Mr. Elford as Head of Marketing liaises with the Sales Manager. They set targets for the sales representatives. They have to try to meet the targets.


2. Read the text once again and answer the questions

--- What is Mr. Elford?

--- What does marketing involve?

--- What other departments does the Marketing Department liaise with?


3. Make a list of the Marketing Department’s duties.


4. Read and translate the text.

a) a legal adviser - юрисконсульт; советник по правовым вопросам

b) to be available – быть в наличие

c) to serve – служить; работать

d) to develop – совершенствовать

e) to implement – выполнять, обеспечивать выполнение

f) commercial law – торговое право

g) civil code – гражданский кодекс

h) dispute resolution – разрешение судебного спора

i) ameliorate [ә΄mi:ljә͵reit] – улучшать

j) constraint [kәn΄streint] - ограничение

k) private investment - капиталовложения частного сектора, частные инвестиции

l) Civil Law – гражданское право

m) litigation – судебное дело, процесс

n) transaction – хозяйственная операция, сделка

o) lending - предоставление займов [кредитов, ссуд], кредитование

p) advocacy [΄ædvәkәsi] - адвокатская деятельность


A legal adviser


The following position is available.

A Legal Adviser will serve for one year on a team developing and implementing commercial law reforms. The Adviser will assist the civil code process with respect to (относительно) commercial law issues, work on reforms in commercial dispute resolution, and identify and work to ameliorate constraints on private investment.

The Adviser must be an expert, have high knowledge of commercial law, Civil Law, litigation, business / corporate law, especially international commercial transactions, international lending and legal aspects of trade financing, experience and ability in human rights advocacy, full command of the English Language, written and spoken, and good management ability.


5. Make a list of the legal adviser’s duties.


6. Read and translate the text.


a) an audit adviser – консультант по аудиту

b) the Audit Department – аудиторский отдел

c) audit service – аудиторский сервис

d) local legislation - местное законодательство

e) professional auditing standards – аудиторские стандарты

f) secure – безопасный; защищать; гарантировать

g) accountability - отчетность, подотчетность

h) public money - правительственные денежные средства

i) public funds - государственные фонды или средства

j) public assets – правительственные (государственные) активы

k) the Director of Audit – начальник аудиторского отдела

l) audit reporting - заключение аудитора; отчет о результатах ревизии

m) public accounts - отчет об исполнении государственного бюджета, государственный бюджет

n) statutory [΄stætjutәri] body - орган, учреждённый статутом

o) mismanagement - плохое или неправильное управление

p) fraud [fro:d] - мошенничество, обман

q) regulations - правила; нормы; инструкция

u) current audit procedures – действующие аудиторские процедуры

Audit Adviser


Mr. Robe is the Audit Adviser in the Audit Department of the Government. The Department is responsible for the provision of audit service. It operates in accordance with local legislation and professional auditing standards. The Audit Department secures accountability for public money, funds and assets.

Mr. Robe assists the Director of Audit. He is to achieve two principle objectives: the independent examination and a high level of audit reporting on the public accounts of Government and statutory bodies; and the provision of high quality reports on all aspects of Government financial management, mismanagement and fraud. More specifically, his job involves strategic and operational audit planning. Mr. Robe assists in the modernisation of the Department's operations. He ensures that the public audit service operates to the highest quality and standards. He has expert knowledge of government and commercial finance and accounting, all relevant regulations and current audit procedures.


7. Make a list of the audit adviser’s duties.


8. Read and translate the text.


a) payments – платежи

b) checking – проверка, контроль

c) expense - трата, расход; издержки

d) claim – требование, заявление

e) issuing cheques – выписка чеков

f) amounts – суммы денег

g) rota [΄rәutә] - расписание дежурств

h) be valid – соответствовать действительности

i) sign in - регистрироваться по прибытии

j) burglar alarm system – сигнализация

k) security patrols – дежурство охранников




Tom Feng is a young man. His dream is to own a business. He decided to start working in his father's company. The only problem for him is which department to work in and what job to choose.

There are more than twelve departments in the company. Tom has some ideas about the jobs and responsibilities of all the departments. His father's friends told him about them.

Luc Bertrand works in the Department of Finance. He is concerned with payments to staff. He deals with the money required for trips. He is responsible for checking expense claims and issuing cheques, and he monitors the amounts paid out in expenses.

Mary Murray works in the Cartering Department. She is in charge of the company canteen. She organises food supplies, staff rotas and meals. She monitors food preparation and service, and makes sure that the canteen operates efficiently.

Larry Hersch is in charge of the Customer Services Department. He deals with customers' complaints, and makes sure that the complaints are dealt with quickly. His job involves checking that the complaints are valid. He liaises with the Production Manager. He has to write a report on every complaint.

Irene Theodorakis works in the Reception Department. She looks after visitors arriving at the company. She makes sure that all visitors sign in on arrival. She arranges taxi and bus transport for visitors. She deals with messages left for staff members, and liaises with security and switchboard staff.

George Fenn works in the Security Department. He is responsible for preventing crime within the building. His job involves checking means of access to the building. He has to test burglar alarm system regularly, and he monitors people entering and leaving the building. He makes sure that doors and windows are locked after hours, and he deals with the distribution of keys. He organises security patrols at night and at weekends.

Charles Butros is in charge of the Health and Safety Department. He is responsible for the health and safety of every employee. He has to make a record of every accident, and he monitors the accident rate in the company. His job involves inspecting machines and equipment. He organises training in safety and first aid, and he arranges talks on safety.

Tom thinks that all the jobs are very useful and interesting. But he doesn't know what to prefer. Can anybody help him?


Task II








Read and translate.

a. A merchant is someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities.

b. Retailing is the business of selling goods to the public in shops.

c. A retailer is someone who sells things in a shop.

d. Wholesale is the business of selling goods in large quantities, usually at low prices.

e. A wholesaler is someone who sells goods wholesale.

f. An outlet is a shop, company, or organization through which products are sold

g. A shop is a building or part of a building where things are sold to the public.

h. A store is a large place that sells many different kinds of goods.

i. A kiosk is a small building in the street where newspapers, sweets etc are sold.

j. A stall is a table or a small shop with an open front (фасад, передняя часть), especially outdoors, where goods are sold.


4 to go shopping = to go to the shops

to do the shopping = to buy things in shops, usually food

to make a shopping list – составлять список покупок

Window-shopping = looking in shops and shop windows

a shop assistant = a sales person = a saleswoman – продавец

a changing room – примерочная

to try on – примерять


Read and translate.

a.  I'm going shopping. Do you want anything?

b. Let's meet at 12.00. I need to do the shopping first.

c. People make a shopping list not to forget things they need to buy.

d. Have you put milk on the shopping list?

e. Window-shoppingmeans looking in shops and shop windows but not necessarily buying anything. You do it for fun.

f. I love window-shopping. I can't afford most things but I like looking at them.

g. People who work in shops are called shop assistants. Let's ask the shop assistant how much it is.

h. In a clothes shop, you may want to try on clothes before you buy them. You do this in a changing room.

i. A salesman is a man whose job is to persuade people to buy his company’s products.


5 to pay – платить

paying – платеж

a till = a cash desk = a checkout – касса (кассовый аппарат)


Read and translate.

a. A till is a machine used in shops, restaurants etc for calculating the amount of you have to pay, and storing the money.

b. A cash desk is the desk in a shop where you pay.

c. A checkout is place in a supermarket where you pay for the goods you have collected.

cash – наличные

to pay in (with) cash – платить наличными

to pay by cheque [ʧek] – платить, используя чековую книжку

to pay by credit card – платить, используя кредитную карточку

change - сдача

sell-by date = use-by date – срок годности

faulty [΄fͻlti] – поврежденный, с изъяном

refund [΄ri: fʌnd] – возмещение убытков

to refund [ri΄fʌnd] –возвращать, вернуть (деньги)

bargain [΄ba:gin] – выгодная покупка

a special offer – специальное предложение

to be on special offer – продаваться со скидкой

to discount [dis΄kaunt] – дисконтировать (снижать цену)

discount [΄diskaunt] - скидка

a sale - распродажа


Read and translate.

You pay for things at a till, cash desk or checkout. You pay by cheque or by credit card but usually in or with cash.You get change if you give more money than necessary. Food often has a sell-by dateprinted on it.

If something doesn't work or isn't right, it's faulty and you can returnor exchange it. You exchange something if you want to change it for something else. You ask for a refund if you want your money back. A shop gives you a refund.

If you want to buy something, you say that you'll take it. If you don't want to buy it, you say that you'll leave it.

If you're just looking,it means that you don't want help. If you're being served, a shop assistant is already helping you.

If something is a bargain,it's very good value for money or cheaper than you expect. When something is a special offeror is on special offer,the shop has lowered the price, usually for a short period of time. A discountis money off the original price.

Many shops have sales one or more times a year. A saleis when the shop reduces the price of most of its items. Again, this is usually for a limited period of time.


Task II


What's the word?


a  a place where you buy meat: ______________________________________

b a place where you buy medicines: _________________________________

c a place where you go to get a newspaper: ____________________________

d  a shop where you can buy toys: ____________________________________

e a shop where you buy food and things for the house: ___________________

f   a place with many shops: _________________________________________

g a person who works in a shop: _____________________________________

h  a piece of paper where you've written what you want to buy: _____________

i a place where you try on clothes: _____________________

j what you do for fun at the shops without spending money: _______________


Complete the sentences.


a. We buy fish at the fishmonger's.

b. We buy fruit and vegetables at the ______________.

c. We buy bread at the____________.

d. We buy bandages and aspirin at the ____________.

e. We buy magazines and newspapers at the____________.

f. We buy meat and sausages at the _____________.

g. We buy rings and necklaces at the _____________.

h. We buy flowers at the ___________.


Match a-l to 1-12.

a) table, chair, sofa 1) florist’s
b) ink, biro, paper 2) stationery shop
c) cabbage, lettuce, apple 3) department store
d) toothpaste, aspirin, soap 4) shoe shop
e) shirt, trousers, skirt 5) supermarket
f) lamb, chicken, beef 6) greengrocer's
g) boots, sandals, shoes 7) toy shop
h) rice, washing powder, mineral water 8) chemist's
i) roses, daffodils, tulips 9) butcher's
j) bread, croissants, cake 10) clothes shop
k) racing car, games, teddy bear 11) newsagent's
l) magazine, newspaper, puzzle book 12) bakery (baker’s)


Task I




Retailing is the provision of goods or services to the customer. Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler, (the 'middleman'), and make their income from the margin, or difference, between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell the goods at to the consumer. A retail outlet is the place where customers can purchase goods, for example, a supermarket or a department store. Nowadays, many customers are shopping from home: shopping by the Internet, TV shopping channels or mail-order catalogues is becoming very popular.


2. Retell the text ‘Retailing’.


Task II




For nearly every type of product there are many similar goods on the market. The unique selling points (USPs) of a product are the things that make it special and different from other similar products. A good advertisement, which brings the product to the public's attention, should describe these USPs. The marketing department should have a customer profile in mind that is the sort of person who will buy the product. When trying to sell a product, it's important to give information about the product's features or characteristics, and to emphasise the benefits or advantages of the product to the customer. A 'product' is not just a collection of components. A 'total product' includes the image of the product, its design, quality and reliability - as well as its features, and benefits.


Answer the questions.


a. What does ‘ USPs’ mean?

b. What for should the marketing department have a customer profile?

c. What is important when trying to sell a product?


3. Retell the text ‘Product”.


Task III


Answer the questions.


a. What goods do some companies provide?

b. What way do companies win customer loyalty in?

c. What do customers sometimes complain about?

3. Read the texts about three different companies and answer the question:

Task IV


Answer the questions.

· Why is London a paradise for shoppers?

· What are Harrods and Selfridges famous for?

· What shops are popular with young people?


Task V




Selfridges is a department store which began trading many years ago. It is based in Oxford Street. It is London's second largest department store after Harrods. The retail space is 150,000 m2.

In the 1990s the store experienced some problems with its image because people thought it was old-fashioned. To solve the problem, Selfridges invested £50m to re-establish the business as one of the capital's main shopping attractions. They decided to offer a wide choice of products to attract more customers. They built a huge central 'atrium' or entrance hall, and a series of new stores. Some of the stores are re-designed and others, such as Children's World, have their own restaurant.


Answer the questions.


· Who is Selfridges’s main competitor?

· What problem did the store have?

· What new features does the store offer?


Task VI


Answer the questions.


· Can you bargain in Britain shops?

· When do the shops in Britain have sales?

· When do the shops in Britain have special offers?




Answer the questions.


a. How important is advertising in selling products?

b. What are some of the ways advertising can work in?

c. What makes a good advertisement?


Task IX


Sales Techniques


Е Learn to listen

Sales people who do most of the talking usually lose the sale! Listen carefully and don't jump to conclusions. Take notes and concentrate on what your customer is saying. Find out what your customer really wants by asking lots of questions.


F Sell to people who buy

If you are trying to sell a product, don't try and sell it to someone who has never bought it before. Sell your product to someone who already has one. Show your clients how yours is superior to the competition.


Task X


1. Read about Ann Hyssop and Stephen Nichol. They are talking about customer services provided by First Direct bank and a multinational retailer Marks & Spencer.


Int. = Interviewer

AH = Ann Hyssop

SN = Stephen Nichol


Int.: So, Ann and Stephen. I'd like to ask you some questions about customer service. Are there any companies which you are loyal to?

AH: I am fantastically loyal to Marks & Spencer.

SN: I'm also quite loyal to Marks & Spencer. If you buy presents for people and they don't like them, they can take the things back and they can exchange them.

Int.: So what's the attitude of the staff like at Marks and Spencer's?

AH: Friendly...

SN: Yeah

AH: helpful…

SN: professional

AH: co-operative, loyal to their company. They obviously enjoy working there most of the time. Yeah I don't know how they manage it, but they have a very friendly staff.

Int.:  What about the quality of their products?

AH:  Fantastic.

Int.:  Are there any other companies which you're very loyal to?

SN:  One company that I am loyal to, I think, is my bank which is First Direct.

Int.:  And why's that?

SN:  Well, first of all they're extremely convenient to use. I do all my banking over the phone and I can do this at any time of the day. I can find out how much money there is in my account, I can pay all my bills. I don't send any bills through the mail and also they're very professional, they're very friendly.


2. Who is loyal to Marks & Spencer?


a Ann             b Stephen            с Ann and Stephen


3. Which words do Ann and Stephen use to describe the staff at Marks & Spencer?

a friendly                                    e professional

b courteous                                f well-dressed

с helpful                                    g co-operative

d quick                                      h loyal to the company

Answer the questions.


· Which of the situations is Stephen Nichol describing?

· Does he think this is good customer care?

· What do you think?


Task XII


Bar Codes


Bar codes are on everything we buy. They are patterns of thick and thin stripes, or bars, which an electronic scanner reads. The stripes represent the 13-digit number underneath. An 8-digit bar code is used if there is not enough space on the packaging.

There are four main pieces of information on a bar code. The first two numbers represent the country in which the product was registered. This does not have to be the country of manufacture. The code for the UK and Ireland is 50. Some countries have three-digit codes. For example, the code for South Korea is 880.

Next comes the 4 manufacturer’s or supplier’s code. Each manufacturer has a unique code. For example, Cadbury (a chocolate manufacturer) is 00183, Nestle (a food manufacturer that produces products including coffee and chocolate) is 00243 and McVitie (a food manufacturer) is 00168.

The third group which has five numbers represents the product and the package size, but not the price. The manufacturers can choose any number they want. Different producers can have the same number for their goods. 20389 might be a tube of toothpaste for one manufacturer and a tin of tomatoes for another. Bar codes also help shops with reordering. A shop’s computer recognizes the whole shape of a bar code when it passes across the scanner at a shop’s checkout counter. It reads the bar code and the price of the product appears on the till display. At the same time one item is deducted from the stock total.

Finally, the code finishes with a check digit that makes sure the bar code has been keyed in correctly. If not, the item will either not be recognized or will be shown as a totally different product.

Some examples of country codes are:

00-09   US and Canada

30-37   France

400-440 Germany

45, 49   Japan

57        Denmark

80-83  Italy

93        Australia

There are also two special codes that take the place of country codes for the following: 977 – Newspapers and magazines, 978 – Books.

2. Read the text carefully and answer the question: What do these numbers from the text refer to?

13    50    880   00183


Task I


Task II


1. Attitudes to customer care may be different. Discuss the five situations below. Assess the attitudes to customer using grades:

A = Excellent     B = Good     C = Fair     D = Poor


Situation 1   A customer waits in a queue for ten minutes.

Situation 2 The phone rings eight times before someone in the company answers it.

Situation 3 A customer phones a company. The person who answers does not have the information to answer the customer's question, but tries to answer it.

Situation 4 A company answers customers' letters in five working days.

Situation 5 A customer makes a complaint. The company employee takes all the details, apologizes and promises to take action.


Exchange your opinions.


Task III. True or false?


a. If something is a bargain, it's good value for money. __________

b. If something you buy is faulty, it doesn't work properly. ___________

c. You are ‘just looking’ so you want someone to help you. __________

d. You often see a sell-by date on clothes. _______________

e. When something is on special offer it usually means the price is lower. _______

f. If you want your money back, you ask for a discount. ___________


Task IV. Match a-k to 1-11.

a. Thank you, Sir. Here's your ……… 1. the cash desk.
b. Look, that shop is having ………… 2. on special offer?
c. Can I pay …………. 3. in the sales.
d. This DVD doesn't work so I'd like.. 4. served, thanks.
e. Please, pay at …….. 5. leave it, thanks.
f. I'm being …………. 6. by credit card?
g. What's the …………. 7. take it, please.
h. Are all these CDs ……… 8. a refund, please.
i. We got some bargains ……….. 9. a sale.
j. It doesn't fit so I'll …………. 10. price of this shirt?
k. Yes, I love it. I'll 11. change.


Task V


Task III






Task I. Study the Language reference.


1 a job, work – работа


A job is work that you do for money.

Work is what you do in a job.


to work, to have a job (to have got a job), to do a job, to be in work, to be employed – работать

not to work, not to have a job, to be out of work, to be unemployed – не работать


to work in + place or general area of work (a shop, an office, a bank, commerce, advertising, etc.)

to work with a person or item

to work on a project

to work as (a teacher)

to work for + name of company

to get to work – добираться до работы

to start work at - начинать работу в

to finish work at – заканчивать работу в

to leave work at – уходить с работы в (to leave work for home - уходить с работы домой в)


2 a part - time job – почасовая работа; неполный рабочий день (неделя, месяц)

a full - time job - полный рабочий день (неделя, месяц)

a permanent job – постоянная работа

a temporary job – временная работа


to have a part-time job = to work part-time - работать неполный рабочий день(неделю, месяц)

to have a temporary job = to be temping = to be a temp (informal) – иметь временную работу


3 What are you? = What do you do? = What are you doing? = What is your job? – Чем вы занимаетесь? (Кем вы работаете?)

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