I. Work as an interpreter to complete the dialogues. — КиберПедия 

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I. Work as an interpreter to complete the dialogues.

2022-09-11 57
I. Work as an interpreter to complete the dialogues. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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– Что ты думаешь о работах Господина Джонса?

– Well, he is a brilliant landscape painter, isn’t he?

– В целом, да, но все-таки есть кое-что в его холстах, что мне не нравится.

– What is it that you don’t like about them?

– Мне кажется, он использует слишком темные цвета, поэтому картины выглядят довольно-таки угнетающе.

– Let’s leave the colours aside. The main thing, to my mind, is that the painter managed to reveal the sitter’s nature.


– This portrait is of great value though it cost the Gallery only a few hundred pounds.

– Как так получилось?

– The matter is that the picture was bought unrecognized and last year the experts found that it belonged to the brush of Goya.

– Любопытно. У меня дома есть несколько картин, написанных маслом. Может мне тоже показать их экспертам?

– Go ahead. If it turns out these pictures are of great value, you will make a fortune.


– I can’t see what is depicted in the background of the picture.

– Это неудивительно, так как вы стоите слишком близко к картине. Если вы отойдете немного назад, то сможете рассмотреть картину лучше. Этот художник использует особую технику письма.

– Oh, thank you! Now I can see that the family group is silhouetted against a marvelous park!

– Красиво, правда? И цвет очень нежный, и манера письма утонченная!

– Yes, the painter is a real genius. But his name is unknown to me. Some Nikolaj Zuev…He must be young.


– How do you like that still life?

– Неплохо. Цыпленок выглядит вполне аппетитно, а вот яблоки какие-то странные. Цвет слишком яркий, кричащий, да еще и синий…

– Painting is not your cup of tea. Sorry, but that’s for sure! You took the turkey for a chicken and plums for apples.

– Разве я виноват? Это художник совсем сбил меня с толку. Я думал, это один из абстракционистов, которые вечно изображают вещи не такими, какие они есть на самом деле.



II. Comment on the following quotations


“A picture is a poem without words” (Horatio).


“Art is long and life is fleeting” (Longfellow).


“All art is but imitation of nature” (Seneca).


“…one should be able to say of a picture not that it is well painted” but that it is “not painted” at all” (Oscar Wilde).


“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known” (Oscar Wilde).



Text “English Painting”.


 Read the text and do the exercises:

Painting in England in the 17th-19th centuries is represented by a number of great artists and during that period it was greatly influenced by foreign painters. The Flemish painter Van Dyck was really the father of English portrait school. The English king personally invited Van Dyck to London and during his first year in England the painter spent most of his time painting the King and the Queen. Van Dyck created the impressive, formal type of portrait and such masters as Reynolds and Gainsborough owed much to their study of his works. He created a genre of aristocratic and intellectual portrait which influenced much the development of English painting. Van Dyck created the type of portrait which helped him to convey the sitter’s individual psychology.

    During the 18th century the truly national school of painting was created. William Hogarth was the first great English painter who raised British pictorial art to a high level of importance. Hogarth (1697-1764) wasn’t a success as a portrait painter. But his pictures of social life which he called “modern moral subjects” brought him fame and position. Among his favourite works are six pictures united under the title “Marriage a la Mode”. This famous series is really a novel in paint telling the story of the marriage of an earl’s son and city merchant’s daughter, a marriage made for reasons of vanity and money. Despite the satirical, often amusing details, the painter’s purpose is serious. He expects his pictures to be read and they are perhaps full of allusions. At the same time Hogarth remained an artist and passages especially in “Shortly after the Marriage” showed how attractively he could paint. The free handing of the “Shrimp Girl” is combined with cockney vivacity. The girl is brushed onto the canvas in a vigorous impressive style. As a painter Hogarth was harmonious in his colouring, very capable and direct in his theme and composition. He painted many pictures. He is well known as a humorist and satirist on canvas.


In the second half of the 18th century narrative and satirical themes lost their leading role in the English art. The ruling classes tried to show in art a confirmation and glorification of their social position. The most popular form of painting became ceremonial portraits of representatives of the ruling class. Sir Joshua Reynolds was the most outstanding portraitist of the period. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its first president. He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous of his contemporaries. He usually painted his characters in heroic style and showed them as the best people of the nation. As a result his paintings are not free of a certain idealization of the characters. Reynolds was greatly influenced as a painter by the old masters. This influence can be seen in his “Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus”. The picture is close to Titian’s style in the use of colour, but it is typical of the 18th century English school of its approach to subject-matter. He often included real personages in his mythological works. Reynolds did not want British art to be provincial and isolated. It was he who insisted that artists should be brought up in line with European art and that they should develop the Grand style of painting. As a president of the Royal Academy Reynolds delivered lectures. These lectures were regarded as the most sensible exposition of the Academic view that by well-directed work it was possible to learn the rules of art and use discoveries and ideas of the old masters to create a new style of one’s own. He recommended that a would-be painter should put his faith in old masters from whom he should be ready to borrow. He suggested that the proportions of a sitter’s figure should be altered in accordance with a fixed ideal.


Thomas Gainsborough, one of the greatest masters of the English school, was a portraitist and a landscape painter. His portraits are painted in clear tones. Blue and green are predominant colours. One of the most famous works is the portrait of the Duchess of Beufort. He managed to create a true impression of the sitter. Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school of landscape painting. He was one of the first English artists to paint his native land (“Sunset”, “The Bridge”) and others. He was the first English artist to pain his native countryside so sincerely. His works contain much poetry and music. He is sometimes considered the forerunner of the impressionists. Gainsborough was the antithesis of the businesslike Reynolds. He was very poetic by his nature, he abhored rules and cares little about the old masters. By necessity a portraitist he was by inclination a landscapist.

John Constable an English landscape painter painted many well-known works (“A Cottage in a Cornfield”, “The Loch”). He is the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature that is working in the open air. His technique and colouring are very close to the impressionists. Constable ignored the rules established by Reynolds. He insisted that art should be based on observation of nature and feeling. He was the herald of romanticism. But the realistic qualities of his art are sensed very strongly.

A complete expression of romantic ideal can find itself in the pictures of Turner. Joseph Turner was an outstanding painter whose most favourite topic was to paint sea (“The Shipwreck”). He painted waves and storms, clouds and mists with a great skill. Although his talent was recognized immediately he deliberately turned his back to the glittering social world of London. Victorian England which found it more important that a man should be a gentleman in the first place and only in the second a genius, never forgave him.


I. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word combinations

Отец английской школы портрета; аристократический и интеллектуальный портрет; принести славу и положение в обществе; тщеславие и деньги; полный намеков; гармоничный в цветовом решении; его наиболее знаменитые современники; несвободный от идеализирования; использовать открытия и идеи старых мастеров; художник-пейзажист; наблюдения за природой; будущий художник.



II. Complete the sentences according to the text

1. During his first year in England Van Dyck painted…

2. Van Dyck created the genre…

3. …raised British pastoral art to a high level of importance.

4. As the President of the Royal Academy Reynolds…

5. Victorian England where “a gentleman” was in the first place and “a genius” in the second…


III. Put the sentences and the names of the paintings into the proper columns

Sir Joshua Reynolds William Hogarth Thomas Gainsborough John Constable
1 2 3 4


1. He was the herald of romanticism.

2. He painted in clear tones.

3. The realistic qualities of his art are sensed very strongly.

4. He created a whole gallery of portraits of his famous contemporaries.

5. His famous paintings may be called a novel in paint.

6. He liked heroic style.

7. His works contain much poetry and music.

8. By necessity a portraitist he was by inclination a landscapist.

9. He was very direct in his composition.


a) “The Loch”

b) “Sunset”

c) “Shortly after the Marriage”

d) “A Cottage in a Cornfield”

e) “Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus”

f) “The Bridge”

g) “Shrimp Girl”


IV. Answer the questions

1. Who influenced the British painting in the 17th-19th centuries?

2. What famous English painters felt the influence of Van Dyck in the genre of portrait?

3. How did William Hogarth call his pictures of social life?

4. William Hogarth is known as a very gloomy artist, isn’t he?

5. When did ceremonial portraits become very popular in England?

6. Whose painting is very close to Titian’s style?

7. What did Reynolds recommend to a would be painter?

8. Whose most favorite topic was to paint sea?



Class Discussion

1. Do you think that Hogarth’s “Marriage a la Mode” is interesting and actual for our contemporaries? Why? Express your opinion about the subject.

2. If you were an artist what would you paint in the picture “ Marriage a la Mode of the XXI Century”.




Skill Developing


 Work in small groups. Read the descriptions of various art styles / periods. Match the descriptions with the terms (a – h). There are more terms than descriptions.

r) abstractionism                                 e) realism

s) impressionism                        f) parallelism

t) cubism                                   g) imagism

u) pop art                                   h) surrealism



1) The 20th century art movement in which an artist depicts realistic objects in an unreal environment, emphasizing the meaning he sees beyond reality.

2) Many representatives of this school believed that the artist should be realistic and paint everyday events involving ordinary people. Painters began to show scenes of domestic life, labourers building a road, or men sitting around the dinner table listening to music and smoking.

3) The artist of this school were major innovators. They borrowed themes and compositions from earlier masters and reworked them in accordance with contemporary life, in their own style. They used free, sketchy brushwork and broad patches of colour.

4) Inspired by the dynamic shapes of African sculpture, the style was developed by Pablo Picasso in Paris between 1907 and 1914. It became the most influential of all the 20th century art styles. It emphasizes the flatness of the traditional perspective.

5) This style involves not one but several distinct styles. The art began developing in Germany, the United States, Russia and the Netherlands in the 20th century. Artists like Kasimir Malevich began to create geometrically constructed paintings. There were many other varieties of this type of art too.

6) In the 1960s a new style appeared. The artists drew their imagery from advertising billboards, movies, comic strips and ordinary everyday objects. This kind of art became world known through the works of American artists, Andy Warhol among them.





Describing the Paintings.

I. Read the texts

“The Morning Walk” by Th. Gainsborough

Gainsborough is famous for his brilliant sense of composition, harmony and form. In the foreground of the picture you see a pretty slim young woman of about 25 and an elegant young man. The woman has a very fashionable long dress on, her face is attractive. She has dreamy blue eyes, and thick curly golden hair. As for the man, he is tall and handsome, the features of his face are pleasant and expressive. His eyes are dark, his look is proud, his mouth is rather large, his nose is straight, and he has a classical strong figure. I am sure that the young people are happy because they are young, they are in love, because the day is fine, and the life is beautiful. It is an idyllic scene in a romantic landscape. Thanks to the soft colour treatment the picture has a lyrical and poetic atmosphere.



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