I. Translate the sentences. Keep in mind that the underlined words belong to different parts of speech. — КиберПедия 

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Индивидуальные очистные сооружения: К классу индивидуальных очистных сооружений относят сооружения, пропускная способность которых...

I. Translate the sentences. Keep in mind that the underlined words belong to different parts of speech.

2022-09-11 92
I. Translate the sentences. Keep in mind that the underlined words belong to different parts of speech. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The painter has used bright colour to make the landscape more picturesque.


Since I have no colour film, the photos are black-and-white.


2. This kind of art became known through the canvas of the American artist Andy Warhol.


A canvas cloth on the table made the room cosy.


3. Most oil wells are situated in the North Sea.


Many artists begin their career with drawing and then turn to painting with oil.


4. The museum features one of the world’s largest collections of fine and applied arts.


He prefers feature films to news reels.


II. Complete the chart

Verb Noun Adjective Past Participle


    Word Meaning


I. Match the following words with their definitions:


1. fresco     2. sketch   3. canvas     4. illustration     5. in the background   6. collage   7. masterpiece     8. portrait     9. the foreground     10. still life a) a painting done with oil paints or a piece of cloth it is painted on   b) a painting made on a wall by using watercolour paint on a surface of wet plaster   c) a simple quickly-made drawing that does not show much detail   d) a picture of an arrangement of objects, especially flowers and fruit   e) a painting, drawing of a person   f) a work of art that is of a very high quality or that is the best that a particular artist has produced   g) behind the main thing that you’re looking at   h) the nearest part of a scene in the picture   i) a picture to go with the words of a book   j) a picture made by an unusual combination of bits of paper, cloth, metal, etc.



II. What do they call:

1. a picture painted with oil paints.

2. a picture painted with watercolours.

3. a picture drawn with pastels (coloured sticks for drawing pictures which are made of a substance like chalk).

4. a picture printed from an engraved metal plate.

5. a picture showing an area of countryside or land.

6. a picture or painting of the sea.


The Craft of the Painters

Focus Vocabulary


fashionable/self-taught/mature artist

portrait/landscape/animal painter

paint from nature/memory

paint mythological/historical subjects

specialize in portraiture/still life

portray people/emotions

depict a person/a scene of common life/the mood of

render/interpret the personality of

reveal the person’s nature

develop one’s own style of painting

become famous overnight

die forgotten and penniless


Word Use

I. Choose the right word:




1. She placed the paper and pencil before me and told me I could … anything I liked. 2. The picture was… so that the eyes seem to follow you no matter where you are.




1. If you want cornflower be blue you’d better mix these two ….

2. The warm … are red, yellow and orange.




1. Roerich’s paintings for the Kazan railway station in Moscow … combats between Russians and Tatars.

2. I could hardly … Charlie in this role.

3. The great tragic actress is … in her day dress.

4. The artist was concerned more with re-creating the radiance of Venice than with … the solid structure of its monuments.


II.Choose the proper words to complete the sentences:

1. “Lady Elizabeth Delme and Her Children” by Reynolds is a typical (still life / family group) painting.

2. The painting is an (exquisite / exclusive) full-length portrait.

3. The boy’s figure stands out against the (ground / background) of a river-bank.

4. This painter raised British (pictorial / picturesque) art to a high level of importance.

5. (Ceremonial / parade) portraits of representatives of the ruling classes became the most popular form of painting.

6. The painter managed to create a true (impression / sensation) of the sitter.

7. Every painter should make his (draughts / sketches) direct from nature.

8. The prevailing (tones / shades) are red, golden and brown.

9. All the objects in pictures are depicted so vividly, so life-like, that it is almost impossible to notice the painter’s (technology / technique).



III. Choose the right word:

1) A sculpture by Rodin fetched more than $2 million at the … last month.

a. auction    b. gallery      c. museum       d. sale


2) They thought the painting was genuine but it turned out to be a …

a. facsimile      b. imitation     c. replica         d. reproduction


3) The self-portrait did not come to … until after the artist’s death.

a. light            b. range           c. sight            d. view


4) He is sometimes considered to be an outstanding artist, but I consider his work to be quite …

a. common      b. intermediate c. mediocre     d. moderate


5) The paintings are hung in heavy gold …

a. easels          b. frames         c. fringes         d. rims


6) The beautiful portrait is … to Rubens.

a. assigned      b. attached      c. attributed              d. prescribed


7) He earns his living by … works of art.

a. recovering   b. renewing     c. restoring      d. reviving





IV. Give English equivalents of the following words:


портретист, пейзажист, морской пейзаж, автопортрет, историческое полотно, натюрморт, писать с натуры, писать на мифологические сюжеты, изображать сцену повседневной жизни, показывать природу человека, располагать фигуры на фоне пейзажа, непревзойденный шедевр, стать известным за одну ночь, умереть забытым и без гроша, развить свой собственный стиль письма.


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