V. Match the two parts of the sentences — КиберПедия 

Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

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V. Match the two parts of the sentences

2022-09-11 63
V. Match the two parts of the sentences 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Several priceless works of art were badly damaged…

2. The best way to get understanding and greater enjoyment of arts is …

3. Painting of old masters is …

4. I thought your sketches of the garden …

5. Anna’s bedroom was covered in …



a) … posters of Freddie Mercury and Leonardo di Caprio.

b) … when the palace was bombed.

c) … were very attractive.

d) … one of the greatest treasures mankind has collected in the history of civilization.

e) … to view many paintings, looking at them thoughtfully


YI. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Make changes if necessary.

overnight     message in the background        luminous     to glorify   sketch  fade daubs of paint to capture   craftsmanship  reproduction   to portray     masterpiece  austere   silhouetted



1) Romantic artists _______________ nature as wild and powerful.

2) Several members of the board became millionaires ____________________.

3) It was a photo of everyone in my class, with the school building _______________.

4) The architect has done a _______________ of how the building will look when it’s finished.

5) Many people regard this painting as Raphael’s _____________________.

6) It is easy to appreciate the _______________ of Armani.

7) A _______________ of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ hung over the fire-place.

8) I don’t take to these modernistic people who just splash on ________________.

9) These photographs _____________ the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.

10) The mountains, _____________ and romantic, lay all across the western horizon.

11) The emperor’s achievements were ______________ in numerous poems.

12) The ______________ of the film is that good always triumphs over evil.

13) The trees look like threatening figures, ____________ against the evening sky.

14) The cathedral looks impressive in its ______________ simplicity.

15) Over the years the green paint __________________.



VII. Match Russian idioms with their English equivalents.


1. Быть живым свидетелем. a) Represent a landmark.
2. Быть на устах у всех. b) In the full sense of the word.
3. Высшей пробы. c) Be a living monument (to).
4. Проходить красной нитью. d) Of high quality.
5. Составить эпоху. e) Run like a thread through.
6. На каждом шагу. f) Be the talk of the town.
7. В полном смысле слова. g) At every turn.


VIII. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and expressions.

1) Wash that paint off your face! You look 10 years older with it! Can’t you understand that it’s awful?

2) The musical sounds artificial and the actors seem to have no talent at all! It’s like watching paint dry!

3)   I’ve painted myself into a corner! I don’t know where to go! The gang of thieves is constantly following me!

4) Put aside your books! You have been studying for 3 days already! You definitely need a break! Besides, the weather is gorgeous! Let’s paint the town red!

5)  Let’s paint these words out from the wall! They spoil the whole atmosphere of the room!

6)  This paintwork on my car door makes it look stylish!

7) That town is full of colour and character! I’d rather live here!

8)  The colours of the ship looked bright in the sun.

9)  She didn’t want to show her embarrassment, but all was in vain, she coloured, as it seemed to her, from head to feet.

10) Several years spent in prison coloured all her future life.

11)  He seemed to be gentle and nice, but when his help was desperately needed, he showed his true colours by turning his back on his colleagues.

12) Love is sometimes thought to be colour-blind.

13)  He appeared among those men called to the colours when he came of age.

14)  He has suddenly changed colour! Perhaps he has heard some dreadful news on the telephone!

15)  He passed his exam with flying colours!

16)  Suddenly she felt extremely bad and nearly fainted; but soon she gained colour, and we all gave a sigh of relief.)

17) He is just painting the lily! Nothing will ever come out of his work! Unfortunately, he has no talent at all!!

a) (to go out and enjoy oneself in a lively way)

b) (to blush)

c) (flag)

d) (interest, excitement, vitality)

e) (to influence in the negative way)

f) (make up)

g) (to have no means to escape)

h) (making you think in an unreasonable way, so that you don’t notice what other people do, usually some bad traits of your partner’s character)

i) (to do smth you are not capable of)

j) (extremely boring)

k) (to erase,to efface)

l) (painted surface)

m) (to reveal real character)

n) (to summon for service in the armed forces)

o) (to have redness in one’s cheeks

p) (to become pallid)

q) (in the best way possible)



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