Energy сопротивляемость ( bo d y )       — КиберПедия 

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Energy сопротивляемость ( bo d y )      

2021-02-05 98
Energy сопротивляемость ( bo d y )       0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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School Преграждение; Level алхимик 2, жрец 2, друид 2, инквизитор 2, паладин 2, следопыт 1, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains сопротивляемость 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, электричество, Огня, or sonic). The target still suffers any other side effects that might accompany the energy damage.

Boost: The target gains сопротивляемость 20 to one energy type.


ENHANCE FORM (BO D Y)                                           

School Превращение; Level алхимик 2, бард 2, жрец 2, друид 2, маг 2, паладин 2, следопыт 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect receives a +4 бонус усиления to either Сила, Ловкость, or Выносливость (caster’s choice). The target can end a wordspell with this effect word prematurely as a быстрое действие, gaining a +8 бонус усиления to the Характеристики until the end of the target’s turn.


PERFECT FORM (BO D Y)                                             

School Превращение; Level алхимик 4, бард 4, жрец 4, друид 4, маг 4, чародей/волшебник 4, призыватель 4

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 enhancement to Сила, Ловкость, and Выносливость.


ENERGY IMMUNITY (BO D Y)                                     

School Преграждение; Level алхимик 6, жрец 6, друид 6,

инквизитор 6, чародей/волшебник 6, призыватель 6

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains immunity to one energy type (acid, cold, электричество, Огня, or sonic). The target still suffers any other side effects that might accompany the energy damage.



Words from this Семьи change the target’s form, granting special attacks and powers.


ALTERE D FORM (CHANGE)                                        

School Превращение (полиморф); Level алхимик 3, друид 3, маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +2 size bonus to Сила and two of the following Преимуществаs: a pВоздуха of cПринципиальности attacks that each deals 1d6 points of damage if Medium (1d4 if Small), a bite attack that deals 1d8 points of damage if Medium (1d6 if Small), a лазание быстрое of 30 feet, a плавание быстрое of 30 feet, ночное зрение out to 60 feet, сумеречное зрение, scent, or a +2 бонус естественной брони.

Boost: The target receives three Преимуществаs instead of two.

Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.


BESTIAL FORM (CHANGE)                      

School Превращение (полиморф); Level алхимик 4, друид 4, маг 4, чародей/волшебник 4

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal

This effect word functions as altered form except that the target of this wordspell receives a +4 size bonus to Сила and can select three Преимуществаs. In addition to those available in altered form, the target can select from among the following Преимуществаs: a полет быстрое of 30 feet (AveЯрости maneuverability), grab (with any one natural attack), pounce, trip (with any one natural attack), or a +4 бонус естественной брони.

Boost: The target receives four Преимуществаs instead of three.

Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.


MONSTROUS FORM (CHANGE)               

School Превращение (полиморф); Level алхимик 5, друид 5, маг 5, чародей/волшебник 5

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal

This effect word functions as bestial form except that the target of this wordspell receives a +6 size bonus. In addition to those Преимуществаs available in altered form and bestial form, the target can select from the following: a burrow быстрое of 30 feet, слепое чувство out to a range of 30 feet, сжатие (dealing the same damage as the grab attack + the target’s Сил modifier), Свирепости, resist 20 against one energy type, or a +4 бонус естественной брони.

Boost: The target receives four Преимуществаs instead of three.

Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.



Spells using these words drain the Войныmth from the surrounding environment, leaving everything frozen and rimed with ледяное.

COL D SNAP (COL D)                             

School Разрушение [cold]; Level друид 0, маг 0, чародей/ волшебник 0

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d3 points of cold damage. If the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a испытания.


ЛЕДЯНОЕ FINGERS (COL D)                

School Разрушение [cold]; Level друид 2, маг 2, чародей/ волшебник 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d6). A target that fails its испытания is also ошеломление for 1 round.


 ЛЬДА BLAST (COL D)                           

School Разрушение [cold]; Level друид 4, маг 4, чародей/ волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

This effect deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). A target that fails its испытания is опутываниеd by the Льда for 1d4 rounds.


WINTER ’ S ГНЕВ (COL D)                      

School Разрушение [cold]; Level друид 8, чародей/волшебник 8

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Стойкость half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst

A wordspell with this effect word creates an area of blizzardlike conditions. Anyone inside the area when it forms, and at the start of the caster’s turn, takes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) and 1d4 points of Ловкость damage. A Стойкость save halves this damage and negates the Ловкость damage. Creatures immune to cold damage do not take the Ловкость damage. Because of the heavy snow and Ветраs, visibility is reduced to 5 feet inside the blizzard. Effects that deal Огня damage do not повреждение anyone inside this blizzard unless they are of a level equal to or higher than the wordspell with this effect word.



These words требование action from those that hear them, with near-irresistible force.


FRIEN D SHIP (ПРИКАЗ)                      

School Очарование (обольщение) [разум]; Level бард 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word treats the caster as a trusted ally. The creature воля defend the caster and воля not attack the caster’s allies while the wordspell persists. If the creature is attacked by the caster or his allies, this effect immediately ends (though other effects of the wordspell may continue). A wordspell with this effect word only affects creatures of the humanoid type; targets receive a +4 bonus on the испытания if a wordspell with the effect word has its target boosted to affect more than one creature.


SIMPLE ЗАКОНА (ПРИКАЗ)                    

School Очарование (принуждение) [язык, mind affecting]; Level бард 1, жрец 1, инквизитор 1, чародей/волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 round

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word must follow one of five simple приказs to the best of its ability on its next turn. If the target cannot take the specified action on its next turn, this effect of the wordspell fails. The possible приказs are as follows.

Approach: The target must move toward the caster as quickly and directly as possible, provoking внеочередные атаки as Без черты. The target avoids obvious hazards, such as Огня, pits, or traps that it is aВойныe of (other creatures do not count).

Drop: The target drops whatever it is holding and does not pick up anything this round. It can otherwise act Без чертыly.

Fall: The target falls to the ground and remains распластан until its next turn. It can otherwise act Без чертыly.

Flee: The target moves away from the caster as quickly and directly as possible. This otherwise functions as approach.

Halt: The target does not move and takes no other action on its turn, although it is not considered застигнут врасплох or беспомощьность.

Boost: This wordspell can use any target word. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 3.


COMPLEX ЗАКОНА (ПРИКАЗ)                

School Очарование (принуждение) [язык, mind affecting]; Level бард 3, чародей/волшебник 3, ведьма 4

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word must follow the wordcaster’s instructions. The wordcaster must be able to convey the Законаs within 1 round and the actions must be possible to complete within the wordspell’s duration.

The instructions cannot include anything that is obviously dГневаous or вредныйl to the target. The instructions do not have to take the entire duration, and once completed, a wordspell with this effect word ends. If the instructions are not completed by the time the duration expires, the target is under no принуждение to finish enacting them.

Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive action. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.


CRUSH ВОЛЯ (ПРИКАЗ)                                            

School Очарование (принуждение) [Языка-dependant, разум]; Level бард 4, чародей/волшебник 5, ведьма 5

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word obeys any приказs given by the caster. These приказs are sent through a mental link that does not require speech.

The target ignores any приказs that are suicidal or self-разрушительный. A wordspell with this effect word only affects creatures of the humanoid type; targets receive a +4 bonus on the испытания if a wordspell with the effect word has its target boosted to affect more than one creature.



Words from this Семьи hide creatures and objects from observation and detection.


FA D E (CONCEALING)                                                 

School Иллюзия (glamer); Level алхимик 1, бард 1, инквизитор 1, маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, призыватель 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 round

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word becomes невидимость until the beginning of the caster’s next turn. If the target attacks or otherwise takes an offensive action, this effect ends.

Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive action.


 D ISAPPEAR (CONCEALING)                                      

School Иллюзия (glamer); Level алхимик 2, бард 2, инквизитор 2, маг 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2, ведьма 2

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word functions as fade, but with a longer duration.



School Иллюзия (glamer); Level бард 4, чародей/волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

When cast, a wordspell with this effect word makes any objects or creatures designated by the caster within the area невидимость so long as they remain in the area and do not attack or otherwise take offensive actions. All possessions carried by the creatures remain невидимость as long as they remain in the area, so an arrow Огняd from a bow would become visible when it leaves the area.

Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive action. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.



Words from this Семьи destroy life and создание нежити abominations.


UN СМЕРТИ (СМЕРТИ)                            

School Некромантия [Зла]; Level жрец 2, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word can only target the corpses of мертв creatures. These creatures rise as either skeletons or zombies, as decided by the caster. These нежить follow the caster’s приказs to the best of their limited ability. They remain нежить creatures until destroyed. The caster can create at most 2 Кости Здоровья worth of нежить per caster level with each casting of a wordspell with this effect word. The caster can control no more than 4 КЗ per caster level of нежить creatures. If additional нежить are created, the caster chooses which нежить to lose control of to get back under the limit.


GRAVE ОТПОВЕДЬ (СМЕРТИ)                

School Некромантия; Level жрец 4, друид 5, инквизитор 5, паладин 4

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 священный бонус on saves against all Смерти spells and Магии Смерти effects. The subject cannot gain any negative levels while the wordspell with this effect word persists, but any existing before this wordspell is cast remain. The subject automatically первая помощьs if brought below 0 пункты здоровья and is not slain.


LIFE LEECH (СМЕРТИ)                        

School Некромантия [Зла]; Level маг 4, чародей/волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration 1 hour/level

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 1d4 temporary negative levels. If these negative levels cause the subject to die, it rises as a ghost 1d4 Дняs later unless buried in освящениеd ground.

Boost: The negative levels from a wordspell with this effect word are permanent. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 5.


SLAY (СМЕРТИ)                                   

School Некромантия [Смерти, Зла]; Level жрец 6, друид 7, чародей/волшебник 6, ведьма 6

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Стойкость partial; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 10 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 150 points of damage. If the save is successful, the target instead takes

3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level (maximum +15). A wordspell with this effect word only affects living creatures.



These words cause катастроф when they are uttered, сломать ing and destroying all they encounter.


 D AMAGE (УНИЧТОЖЕНИЕ)                

School Разрушение; Level бард 3, жрец 3, чародей/волшебник 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (object); Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word causes one object within range to lose half of its maximum пункты здоровья and gains the сломан condition. This item can weigh no more than 10 pounds per caster level. Магии items gain a +4 bonus on the испытания to resist this effect + their Без черты bonus. Items in another creature’s possession use the save of the creature or the item, whichever is better. Artifacts are not affected by this word.


RUMBLE (УНИЧТОЖЕНИЕ)                 

School Разрушение [Земли]; Level жрец 8, друид 8

Duration 1 round

Испытания see text; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word causes the ground within the area to shake and rumble, like an землетрясение. Each creature in the area must make a Реакция save or be knocked распластан and take 8d6 points of damage. If the creature makes its save, it takes half damage and is not knocked распластан. Пещер, cliffs, tunnels, and other natural surfaces collapse in this area, triggering a landslide and possibly burying creatures underneath. Structures take 100 points of damage from this effect, typically enough to cause wooden and masonry buildings to collapse, but not stone or reinforced masonry buildings. See page 429 of the Core Rulebook for more information on landslides and collapses.



School Разрушение [Воздуха]; Level жрец 9, друид 9, ведьма 9

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания see text; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word causes heavy Облаковs to form in the sky above the area of wordspell with this effect word. The area is pelted by heavy rain and hail, obscuring видение and making ranged attacks impossible. Melee attacks take a 20% miss chance. Creatures in the area take 4d6 points of damage from pounding hail at the start of their turn. In addition, the caster can call down a bolt ofСветаning once per turn that deals 1d6 points of электричество damage per caster level. The caster can split this bolt to hit as many targets as she likes and can divide the damage dЛьда up among the targets as she sees fit. The targets receive a Реакция save to halve the damage. Targets that fail are also knocked распластан by the force of the blast. The ground in the area of a wordspell with this effect word is considered difficult terrain for the duration, but not for the caster.



Detection words are used to learn things that simple observation cannot. They reveal secrets and uncover hidden things. Detection words are special in that they can be combined with other words from the Detection group in the same wordspell. Detection words cannot be combined with any other group’s effect words within the same wordspell.


SENSE МАГИИ (D ETECTION)                  

School прорицание; Level бард 0, жрец 0, друид 0, инквизитор 0,

маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0, ведьма 0

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions cone

A wordspell with this effect word detects аура магииs. By concentrating each round, the caster can determine the number and location of each aura in the target area. He can make a Знание (магия) skill check to determine the school of each aura (one check per aura, the СЛ of this check is 15 + the круг заклинания or 15 + 1/2 the caster level for a nonspell effect). If the aura radiates from a Магии item, the caster can attempt to опознание the item’s properties as if using обнаружение магии (see Колдовство). If the aura emanates from a spell of 7th level or higher, or is a nonspell effect with a caster level of 12th or higher, the caster knows that the aura is strong, even if the Знание check to опознание the school is unsuccessful.


SENSE ALIGNMENT (D ETECTION)                             

School прорицание; Level жрец 1, инквизитор 1, паладин 1

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions cone

This effect word detects one or more alignments. When cast, the wordcaster selects one of the following alignments: Хаоса, Зла, Добра, or Принципиальности. By concentrating, he can sense the presence and source of that alignment in the wordspell area. If the source is a creature with more than 25 Кости Здоровья, an outsider, жрец, or паладин with more than 4 Кости Здоровья, or a Магии item or spell with a caster level greater than 16th, the caster knows that aura is strong.

Boost: The caster can select two alignments to detect. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.

Boost: The caster can detect all four alignments (although this does not allow him to detect neutral objects or creatures). Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.



School прорицание; Level алхимик 2, бард 2, инквизитор 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2, ведьма 2

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions cone

This effect word allows the caster to detect the surface Размышленияs of creatures in the target area. By focusing on one creature in the area, the caster can read the surface Размышленияs of that creature. The caster must be otherwise aВойныe of the creature to focus on it. A Воля save prevents the caster from reading the creature’s Размышленияs for the duration of a wordspell with this effect word. If the target has an Интеллект score at least 10 higher than the caster and it makes its Воля save, the target can instead read the surface Размышленияs of the caster for the duration of the of the wordspell with this effect word, while the wordcaster receives no insight. Each round, the caster can focus on a new creature if he desires.


SENSE HI DD EN (D ETECTION)                                   

School прорицание; Level алхимик 2, бард 2, жрец 2,

инквизитор 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2, ведьма 2

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions cone

This effect word allows the caster to see невидимость creatures and objects. The caster can sense that the objects and creatures are hidden in this way, but he can still see them Без чертыly.

Boost: The caster can see through Иллюзияs, see the истинная форма of полиморфed creatures and objects, and поиск существаs protected by spells and effects that grant concealment. The caster also receives a +4 ситуативный бонус on saves against Иллюзия spells and effects. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 4.



Dispelling words have the power to unmake Магии or suppress its effects.


SUPPRESS (D ISPELLING)                       

School Преграждение; Level бард 2, жрец 2, друид 2, инквизитор 2, маг 2, паладин 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2, ведьма 2

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The caster of a wordspell with this effect word selects one spell effect that affects a willing target. The caster must then make a caster level check with a СЛ of 11 + the caster level of the spell effect. If successful, that spell effect is suppressed for the duration of this spell. If the suppressed spell has a limited duration, that duration continues to expire while this spell is in effect.

Boost: The caster can target creatures that are not willing. The targets receive a испытания to negate this effect word, and the caster must overcome the target’s устойчивость к магии. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.



School Преграждение; Level алхимик 5, жрец 5, инквизитор 5, чародей/волшебник 6, призыватель 6

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains устойчивость к магии equal to 12 + the caster’s level.


UNMAKE (D ISPELLING)                          

School Преграждение; Level бард 5, жрец 5, друид 5, инквизитор 6, маг 6, чародей/волшебник 5, призыватель 6, ведьма 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля partial; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The caster of a wordspell with this effect word unravels all of the Магии effects affecting the target of the wordspell with this effect word. The caster must make a caster level check. The result of this check is compared to the caster level + 11 of every spell affecting the target. If successful, that spell effect immediately ends. The target can make a Воля испытания.

If successful, this wordspell only attempts to unmake the highest-level spell affecting the target.


NEGATION (D ISPELLING)                                          

School Преграждение; Level жрец 8, чародей/волшебник 6

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst

This effect word creates an area in which Магии does not function.

All Магии effects are suppressed while inside the area. As a result, this word cannot be combined with other effect words. Магии effects cannot cross through the area. Time spent within the field counts against the duration of the suppressed effects.

Summoned and бестелесность creatures cannot enter the area and are immediately forced to the nearest edge if inside the area when it forms. Objects still maintain their function while in the area, so a sword still cuts, even if it loses its Магииal properties.



Words from this Семьи uncover answers and scry across vast дальнобойноеs.


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