New Animated Object Abilities — КиберПедия 

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New Animated Object Abilities

2021-02-05 81
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The following are new abilities that can be applied to animated objects, whether created by the оживить предметы spell or with the Ремесло Конструкцийs черта. Adding to these abilities requires the расходiture of Конструкцийion Points (CP), as described on page 14 of the Bestiary.

Augmente d Critical (Ex, 1 CP): Increase the threat range for the animated object’s melee attacks by 1 or the threat multiplier by 1. This cannot combine with itself or with the колющее attack or режущее attack object abilities.

Exceptional Reach (Ex, 1 CP): The object gains +5 feet of reach with one melee attack. Increase reach on all attacks for an additional +1 CP.

Improve d Attack (Ex, 1 CP): All the animated object’s melee or ranged attacks do damage as though it were one size category larger. A ремеслоer must purchase Improved Attack separately for melee and ranged attacks.

Колющее Attack (Ex, 1 CP): Replace one melee attack with an attack that does the same amount of колющий урон and has a ×3 multiplier. Replace all melee attacks for an additional +1 CP. Object abilities that specify slam attacks do not work on колющее attacks.

Range d Attack (Ex, 2 CP): Replace one slam attack with a ranged attack. It does the same amount of damage, and has a range of 20 feet. Replace all attacks for an additional +2 CP. Object abilities that specify slam attacks do not work on ranged attacks.

Режущее Attack (Ex, 1 CP): Replace one slam attack with an attack that does режущее damage and has either a 19–20 threat range (for blade-like attacks) or a ×3 threat multiplier (for axe- or scythelike attacks). Replace all melee attacks for an additional +1 CP. Object abilities that specify slam attacks do not work on режущее attacks.

Trip (Ex, 2 CP): The object gains the trip special ability with one of its slam attacks.



Конструкцийs typically have no Интеллект score, an AveЯрости Мудрость score, and a Харизма of 1. Their Ловкость is usually poor to AveЯрости, though exceptionally nimble конструкцийs do exist. Nearly all конструкцийs of size Medium or larger have high Сила scores; конструкцийs never have a Выносливость score.

The monster creation rules in the Bestiary serve as your best guide for designing a new конструкций. New конструкцийs should stick fВоздухаly close to the Monster Statistics by КО table found on page 291 of the Bestiary or the expanded table on page 293 of Bestiary 2. As they are usually mindless combat brutes, most use the “high attack” column, with damage falling in between the High and Low AveЯрости damage columns. Note that all the конструкций’s испытания are likely to be poor, and they have no favored saves. Lacking a Выносливость score, a конструкций’s пункты здоровья also tend to be low in comparison to creatures with similar CRs. Consider giving any конструкций that doesn’t have either снижение урона or hardness a higher КБ to compensate.



Name КО Materials PrЛьда Cost Special Abilities
Tiny animated object 1/2 250 зм 125 зм Variable
Homunculus 1 50 зм 2,050 зм 1,050 зм Яд, telepathic link
Small animated object 2 2,000 зм 1,000 зм Variable
Iron cobra 2 4,000 зм 2,000 зм Find target, яд
Darkwood cobra 2 5,000 зм 2,500 зм Find target, яд
Soulbound doll 2 300 зм 4,300 зм 2,300 зм СУ, variable, susceptible to разум effects
Medium animated object 3 4,500 зм 2,250 зм Variable
Mithral cobra 3 10,000 зм 5,000 зм Find target, яд
Adamantine cobra 3 20,000 зм 10,000 зм High СУ, find target, яд
Necrophidius 3 1,000 зм 7,500 зм 4,425 зм СУ, dance of Смерти, paralysis
Carrion golem 4 500 зм 10,500 зм 5,500 зм СУ/дробящий or режущее, stench
Страхcrow 4 500 зм 15,500 зм 8,000 зм Immune to cold, fascinating gaze, ужас, vulnerable to Огня
Large animated object 5 12,500 зм 6,250 зм Variable
Льда golem 5 500 зм 18,500 зм 9,500 зм Cold, golem, icy уничтожение
Wood golem 6 300 зм 19,300 зм 9,800 зм Golem, splintering
Huge animated object 7 25,000 зм 12,500 зм Variable
Flesh golem 7 500 зм 20,500 зм 10,500 зм Berserk, golem
Glass golem 8 1,000 зм 33,000 зм 17,000gp СУ, golem, deflect spells, dazzling brightness
Stained glass golem 8 1,000 зм 39,400 зм 20,200 зм СУ, golem, deflect spells, dazzling brightness
Alchemical golem 9 3,000 зм 33,000 зм 18,000 зм High СУ, golem, alchemy, bombs, splПраха
Gargantuan animated object 9 40,000 зм 20,000 зм Variable
Clay golem 10 1,500 зм 41,500 зм 21,500 зм Special СУ, golem, berserk, проклятие wounds
CoПотериal animated object 11 60,000 зм 30,000 зм Variable
Stone golem 11 5,000 зм 105,000 зм 55,000 зм Golem, full healing, minor spell vulnerabilities, замедление
Clockwork golem 12 10,000 зм 120,000 зм 65,000 зм High СУ, golem, Смерти burst, grind, wall of gears
Iron golem 13 10,000 зм 150,000 зм 80,000 зм High СУ, golem, губительное дыхание
Mithral golem 16 50,000 зм 250,000 зм 150,000 зм High СУ, golem, жидкая форма
Adamantine golem 19 100,000 зм 600,000 зм 350,000 зм Epic СУ, golem, indestructible, разрушительный strike


Pricing a New Конструкций

This section provides guidelines for those ищущее to calculate the costs of ремеслоing their own конструкцийs. As a rough guideline, a конструкций’s prЛьда is equal to its бросить вызов rating squared, then multiplied by 500 зм. Конструкцийs with a fractional КО rating base their prЛьда on that fraction of 500 зм. For example, a КО 1/2 конструкций has a prЛьда of 250 зм. The cost of Магииal supplies for the Ремесло Конструкций черта is half this prЛьда, with the конструкций taking 1 Дня to create per 1,000 зм of the конструкций’s base prЛьда. Some конструкцийs, particularly golems, have additional raw material costs that must be pпомощь in full, regardless of whether the creator possesses the Ремесло Конструкций черта. Raw materials typically cost somewhere between 5% and 10% of the конструкций’s base prЛьда.

Конструкцийs with multiple special abilities cost more to create. The first special ability is included in the конструкций’s base cost. The next two special abilities increase the calculated prЛьда by +1/2 КО per ability. Thereafter, any additional special abilities add +1 КО per ability. Examples of special abilities include having a higher СУ value than a typical конструкций of its КО (above СУ 5 for CRs 1– 8, above СУ 10 for КО 9+), monster statistics that exceed those recommended for the конструкций’s КО (see page 291 of the Bestiary), the standard golem immunity to Магии, СУ or hardness that can’t be overcome by all adamantine weapons, ability to be fully лечениеed by a single spell, and most special attacks and special qualities.

Particularly powerful special abilities, such as an iron golem’s exceptionally high бонус атаки, count as two lesser abilities. Animated objects are a special case— their base prЛьда is not increased by any abilities pпомощь for with Конструкцийion Points (see page 14 of the Bestiary), since these abilities are already factored into an animated object’s КО. In addition, golems and homunculi created with extra Кости Здоровья, the advanced template, or щит guardian abilities should all be prЛьдаd as described in the Bestiary, rather than by adjusting pricing for their new КО.

Abilities that weaken or potentially place a конструкций at a disadvantage rarely reduce the конструкций’s prЛьда. An exception is the berserk ability. Конструкцийs that have a chance of going berserk receive –1 КО adjustment to their calculated prЛьда if control can be reestablished (like a flesh golem) or –2 КО adjustment for permanent Потери of control (like a clay golem).

The following is an example of the calculated costs for creating a stone golem (КО 11). A stone golem’s special abilities are golem immunity to Магии, full healing from превращение грязи в камень, a high to-hit bonus (+22 vs. the +19 typical for КО 11), and the ability to замедление its foes. Further, since its spell vulnerabilities are not tied to common spells or effects, its immunity to Магии cost is doubled, giving the stone golem a total of 5 special abilities. The first special ability doesn’t affect the cost, the next two increase the cost by +1/2 КО each, and the final two each increase the cost by +1 КО individually, making its effective КО for pricing equal to 14. This produces a calculated prЛьда of 98,000 зм, rounded up to an even 100,000 зм.

When designing a new конструкций, keep in mind that the above pricing formula only serves as a guideline. As with Магии items, конструкций pricing remains more art than science, and like Магии items, compare new конструкцийs to existing ones for божественное наставление. If you’re not sure, err on the side of a higher prЛьда.



Even with the best of care, most конструкцийs воля eventually become damaged. Unless a конструкций suffers some sort of structural damage that radically alters its physical form, the конструкций continues to function at its full efficiency, and only falls apart once reduced to 0 пункты здоровья. Ideally, however, a конструкций should see some repВоздуха before it reaches that point. The ремонт or rapid repВоздуха spells provide the easiest way to keep a конструкций in Добра condition. Both spells repВоздуха damaged конструкцийs, even Магии-immune ones like golems.

Failing that, a ремеслоer can repВоздуха a конструкций with the Ремесло Конструкций черта. When repВоздухаing a конструкций, its master spends 100 зм per Кость Здоровья of the конструкций, and then makes a skill check as if he were ремеслоing the конструкций with a СЛ of 5 less than the СЛ for ремеслоing that конструкций. With a success, the конструкций regains 1d6 пункты здоровья per Кость Здоровья of the конструкций. Completing a repВоздуха takes 1 Дня per 1,000 зм spent on the repВоздуха (minimum of 1 Дня). RepВоздуха in this way can only be выступлениеed while the конструкций is inanimate or nonfunctioning. At any time, a конструкций’s creator can deactivate a конструкций under his control with a touch and a основное действие.

A конструкций that has been completely destroyed cannot be repВоздухаed, though at the GM’s option some of the materials may be usable in the конструкцийion of a new конструкций.

Additionally, some конструкцийs have special means of repВоздуха, usually involving spells related to the golem’s nature (such as the use of acid damage to лечение a clay golem.)



Standard конструкцийs can be modified to enhance their base abilities, alter their appearance or function, or выступление a variety of tasks beyond the intentions of their basic designs. Performing a modification provides a конструкций’s creator with a simple way to create a unique конструкций. A modification can only be выступлениеed while the конструкций is inanimate or nonfunctioning.

Performing modifications on one’s own конструкций requires the Ремесло Конструкций черта, and the creator must pay any additional ремеслоing requirements and/ or costs associated with the modification. Completing a modification requires 1 Дня per 1,000 зм of the modification’s base prЛьда (minimum 1 Дня).


Basic Modifications

These modifications are used to alter a конструкций’s basic properties: Armor Class, Кости Здоровья, and weaponry.

Armor Modification: This modification adds an бонус усиления to the конструкций’s бонус естественной брони or adds a Магии armor property. The cost for Магииal enhancements equals the cost for creating Магии armor as described in the Core Rulebook.

Кости Здоровья Modification: Кости Здоровья represent the overall Сила and power of a конструкций. They affect a number of subsequent abilities, including пункты здоровья, испытания, and base attacks. Determine the effects of a Кости Здоровья modification using the rules for adding creature Кости Здоровья on pages 290–291 of the Bestiary. Because a конструкций’s size is limited, a Кости Здоровья modification cannot increase its size. Therefore Кости Здоровья modification can never increase the base конструкций’s Кости Здоровья beyond 50% of its total КЗ. Some конструкцийs have a defined cost for increasing Кости Здоровья. To calculate the cost per Кость Здоровья of other конструкцийs, divide the конструкций’s конструкцийion cost by its existing Кости Здоровья.

Weapon Modification: This modification enhances a конструкций’s physical weaponry. This process includes adding actual weapons (such as blades or spiked chains) to the physical structure of the конструкций or enhancing existing weapons with additional Магииal properties. Structural changes alter the конструкций’s damage only. A конструкций is automatically considered proficient with any weapon added to its structure as a weapon modification. The cost for adding a weapon is determined by the cost of the weapon or weapon enhancement added. The cost for Магииal enhancements to these weapons is the same as the cost for creating волшебное оружиеs as described on page 468 of the Core Rulebook. Performing a weapon modification also requires the Ремесло Магииal Arms and Armor черта.

Характеристики Modification: Using this modification, a ремеслоer can permanently increase one of the конструкций’s Характеристикиs by +2 per modification. He cannot increase any abilities with a score of 0. The cost for permanently increasing an Характеристики is 5,000 зм.


Complex Modifications

These modifications represent more complex changes to the structure and function of the конструкций. The cost is equivalent to the minimum level to cast the spell × the круг заклинания × 250 зм.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, регенерация

КО Increase: +1

Cost: 22,750 зм


Merging the arts of Превращение and Некромантия, powerful spellcasters work living organs into a golem, imbuing it with properties Без чертыly associated with beings that are alive. These organs are placed in canopic jars of specially prepared Скрытности fluids that are then sealed into the golem’s body, though not necessarily in anatomically correct locations. Specific organs produce specific effects. Each organ is counted as a separate upgrade, and the costs of multiple bioконструкций organs are cumulative.

Bioконструкций upgrades only work with golems, and cannot be placed into animated objects.

All bioконструкций upgrades have the same weakness—they are susceptible to critical hits. An attacker that confirms a critical hit against a golem with a bioконструкций upgrade deals damage to the конструкций and also destroys one upgrade. The damaged upgrade ceases to function and the конструкций loses abilities associated with the upgrade.

If a конструкций has more than one bioконструкций upgrade, only one is damaged. The GM randomly determines the damaged organ.

Heart: This upgrade permits a golem to receive half the Преимуществаs of Магииal healing and provides a hit point bonus as if the golem had a Выносливость score of 12, but the конструкций does not gain a Выносливость score in this process. Negative energy spells cast upon the golem can affect the heart, causing it to cease functioning for the duration of the effect (or 1 round for instantaneous effects). If the spell has a save, the heart uses the golem’s испытания.

Brain: This upgrade doesn’t permit the golem to think independently, but instead, the brain works as a stoярость devЛьда, permitting the golem to acquire skills and черты as if it had an Интеллект score of 10.

Очарование spells or spells with разум effects that are cast upon the golem can affect the brain, causing the brain to cease functioning for the duration of the spell. While the brain is suppressed in this fПрахаion, the конструкций temporarily loses access to its skills and черты. If the spell has a save, the brain uses the golem’s испытания.


КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ARMOR                           

Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, оживить предметы, the конструкций modified must be the same size as the creator

КО Increase: +1

Cost: 35,000 зм

This modification allows the конструкций to be worn like armor by its creator. So long as the creator wears it, the конструкций выступлениеs no independent actions, remaining under the control of the creator, and any attacks directed at the wearer damage the конструкций. When a конструкций is destroyed while serving as armor, the wearer loses all the Преимуществаs, but retains all the hindrances until the armor is removed, which takes the same amount of time that removing breastplate armor does. If the конструкций is still active, the creator can Закона

the removal of the armor with a быстрое действие, at which point the конструкций leaves the creator’s space and enters a space adjacent to the creator. Donning конструкций armor takes a full- round action if the конструкций is still active. The creator cannot don a конструкций with this modification if the конструкций has been destroyed.

The конструкций’s wearer retains his base attacks and saves. Конструкций armor counts as breastplate armor for purposes of determining КБ, weight, Ловкость modifiers to КБ, and chance of мистическое заклинание failure.


РЕМЕСЛО ER ’ S EYES                                                    

Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, тайновидение

КО Increase: none

Cost: 8,000 зм

The ремеслоer gives her конструкций crystalline eyes that permit her to use a тайновидение or greater тайновидение spell to see from the perspective of her creation. This modification requires the ремеслоer also to prepare a special crystalline orb Магииally

bonded to the eyes, which serves as her focus for the тайновидение or greater тайновидение spell. The cost of creating that focus is included in the cost of modifying the конструкций.

Unlike Без черты тайновидение or greater тайновидение, there is no chance of failure for viewing creatures though the sensor; the creator simply sees what the конструкций sees for the duration of the spell. Spells cast through the sensor still have the Без черты chance of operating through the конструкций’s eyes.


КОНСТРУКЦИЙ LIMB                                                 

Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов,

оживить предметы, Small or Tiny конструкций

КО Increase: none

Cost: 27,000 зм

This modification can be выступлениеed on a Small or Tiny конструкций, such as an iron cobra or a homunculus. The creator modifies the конструкций such that she can slip it over her arm and control its actions as part of her own. The конструкций limb retains any melee attacks that the конструкций has, and the creator can use special attacks as if she were the конструкций (using the конструкций’s attack statistics and effects), but treat the creator as the creature making attacks for the purpose of determining внеочередные атаки and other actions that could be triggered by an attack made by the creator.

The limb also provides the wearer with limited защита in combat, roughly equivalent to that of a heavy steel щит. The wearer is considered proficient in this щит. The wearer retains the remainder of her abilities.

A конструкций limb counts as a heavy steel щит for purposes of determining КБ, weight, Ловкость modifiers to КБ, and chance of мистическое заклинание failure.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, variable (see below).

КО Increase: none

Cost: variable (see below)

This subcategory of complex modification allows a конструкций’s creator to carve a Бегунic spell trigger into her creation. Choose one of the following Бегунes. The cost of the Бегунe and any Требования are detailed in the Бегунe’s description. Once в день, the first time the Бегунe is triggered, its effect occurs. As an прерывающее действие, the creator can attempt to delay the effect until the next time it is triggered. Doing so requires that the конструкций be within line of sight of the creator (or for the creator to be using тайновидение or greater тайновидение through the ремеслоer’s eyes конструкций modification) and that the caster make a Колдовство check equal to 10 + the caster level of the Бегунe’s effect.

A конструкций can have more than one Бегунe-carved modification, and even multiple Бегунes of the same type. If it has multiple applications of the same Бегунe, the first one goes off when it is first triggered, the second one goes off when the trigger happens next, and so on. Multiple Бегунes of different types go off when first triggered, even if the different Бегунes share similar triggers.

It is rumored that there are many more Бегунes than these, but the following are some of the best known and most common Бегунes used by конструкций ремеслоers.


БЕГУН E OF AGONY                                   

Aura Moderate Некромантия; CL 9th

TRIGGER AND EFFECT                             

This modification is triggered the first time the modified конструкций takes damage. Creatures within a 20-foot-radius spread must succeed on a СЛ 17 Стойкость save or suffer from wracking pains that impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. On a successful испытания, the creature takes the penalties imposed by the Бегунe for 1 round.


Requirements символ боли; Cost 18,000 зм


БЕГУН E OF ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ                       

Aura Strong Воплощение; CL 18th

TRIGGER AND EFFECT                             

This Бегунe is triggered the first time the конструкций is hit with a touch or ranged touch attack spell. The caster of the triggering spells must succeed at a СЛ 22 Воля save or be captured, both body and soul, within a gem embedded in the modified конструкций’s body. The gem holds the caster until either the gem or the конструкций is destroyed. A gem can only hold one creature at a time; once it captures a creature, the Бегунe does not trigger again until the gem is replaced.

While a creature is trapped within the gem, the gem is vulnerable to critical hits; if an attacker confirms a critical hit, the конструкций takes damage and the gem is destroyed, releasing the entrapped creature into a space adjacent to the конструкций. The сломан gem must then be replaced before the Бегунe of заключение can function again.


Requirements ловушка для души, gem worth 20,000 зм to serve as the Бегунe’s focus; Cost 57,600 зм


БЕГУН E OF СВЕТА NING                         

Aura faint Разрушение; CL 5th

TRIGGER AND EFFECT                          

This Бегунe is triggered when the modified конструкций is hit by a melee attack. The Бегунe releases a 5-foot-radius burst of электричество dealing 3d8 points of electrical damage to all creatures within the burst. A successful СЛ 12 Реакция испытания halves the damage.


Requirements шоковое прикосновение; Cost 2,000 зм


БЕГУН E OF ЩИТ ING                             

Aura faint Преграждение; CL 3rd

TRIGGER AND EFFECT                          

This Бегунe is triggered the first time the modified конструкций is attacked with a melee attack, ranged attack, or волшебная стрела. The конструкций gains a +4 щит bonus to its Armor Class for 3 minutes. This is a force effect and applies against бестелесность touch attacks.


Requirements щит; Cost 1,200 зм


БЕГУН E OF TERROR                              

Aura moderate Некромантия; CL 7th

TRIGGER AND EFFECT                          

This Бегунe is triggered the first time a creature moves adjacent to the modified конструкций. The Бегунe creates 20-foot-radius spread of necromantic energy. Creatures in the area must succeed on a СЛ 20 Воля испытания or become паникует for 1d4 rounds. If the Воля save succeeds, the creature is потрясение for 1 round.


Requirements ужас; Cost 11,200 зм



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, разбивающий звук, and variable (see below)

КО Increase: none

Cost: variable (see below)

For this subcategory of complex modification, parts of the golem are made with hollowed sections carved from deliberately weaker materials, designed to разбивающий звук when struck by attackers. A confirmed critical deals critical damage to the конструкций and разбивающий звукs the hollowed section, releasing whatever substance the creator placed inside. Once the разбивающий звук stПраха is damaged, this modification is destroyed (it cannot be repВоздухаed). A конструкций can only have one разбивающий звук stПраха at a time. After the modification is destroyed, the конструкций can be modified with разбивающий звук stПраха again at the Без черты cost.

The following are some of the more common разбивающий звук stПрахаes, though others exist.



A 15-foot burst of коррозийное liquid sprays out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 15 Стойкость испытания or take 2d6 points of acid damage and be тошнота for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the afflicted creature takes no damage but is дезориентация for 1 round.


Requirements огненный шар; Cost 1,200 зм


 ОГНЯ BOMB ST ПРАХА                              

A 15-foot burst of Огня explodes out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 12 Реакция испытания or take 2d6 points of Огня damage. A successful save halves the damage.


Requirements огненный шар; Cost 1,200 зм


ЛЕДЯНОЕ MIST ST ПРАХА                        

A 15-foot burst of ледяноеy mist erupts out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Any creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 14 Стойкость испытания or else take 1d6 points of damage and become опутываниеd for 1 round. A successful save halves the damage and the target does not become опутываниеd.


Requirements конус холода; Cost 1,000 зм



A 30-foot burst of электричество cracks out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Those within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 15 Реакция испытания or take 3d8 points of electrical damage. A successful save halves the damage.


Requirements удар молнии; Cost 1,200 зм


ВОЛЯ SAP GAS ST ПРАХА                          

A 15-foot burst of toxic gas hisses out of this stПраха. Living creatures within this burst must succeed on a СЛ 13 Воля испытания or become замешательство for 1 round. This is a яд effect.


Requirements смрадное облако; Cost 2,000 зм


The following are statistics for several new Животныхs that can serve as фамильяры, in addition to a number of фамильяры first mentioned in the ведьма class entry in the Advanced Player’s Guide. You should use these statistics rather than those in the brief entry in the Bestiary. These фамильяры can be taken by anyone gaining a фамильяр, and utilize all the standard rules for фамильяры presented on pages 82–83 of the Core Rulebook. Tiny or smaller фамильяры in this section use Ловкость to modify Лазание and Плавание skill checks.


Фамильяр                     Special Ability

Blue-ringed octopus Master gains a +3 bonus on Плавание checks
Donkey rat Master gains a +2 bonus on Стойкость saves
Fox Master gains a +2 bonus on Реакция saves
Goat Master gains a +3 bonus on Выживание checks
Greensting scorpion Master gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks
Hedgehog Master gains a +2 bonus on Воля saves
House centipede Master gains a +3 bonus on Скрытность checks
King Crab Master gains a +2 bonus on МБМ checks to start and maintain a grapple
Pig Master gains a +3 bonus on Дипломатия checks
Scarlet spider Master gains a +3 bonus on Лазание checks
Thrush* Master gains a +3 bonus on Дипломатия checks
Turtle Master gains a +1 бонус естественной брони to КБ

* A thrush фамильяр can speak one Языка of its master’s choice as a supernatural ability.



XP 200

НН Tiny Животных (aquatic)

Init +5; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +1


КБ 17, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 12 (+5 Лвк, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +7, Воля +1

Defensive Abilities ink Облаков


Быстрое 20 ft., плавание 30 ft., jet 60 ft.

Melee bite +7 (1d2–1 plus яд), tentacles +5 (grab)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 8, Лвк 21, Con 10, Инт 2, Мдр 13, Хар 3

Base Atk +0; МБМ +3 (+7 grapple); ЗБМ 12 (can t be tripped)

Черты МультиатакаB, Фехтование



Skills Изворотливость +15, Скрытность +25, Плавание +13; Racial Mo difiers

+10 Изворотливость, +8 Скрытность

Special Attacks яд


Environment temperate or cold aquatic

Organization solitary

Treasure none

SPECIAL ABILITIES                                  

Ink Облаков (Экс) While within Воды, an octopus can emit a

2- foot-radius sphere of ink once per minute as a быстрое действие. This ink provides total concealment and persists for 1 minute.

Jet (Экс) The octopus can jet 60 feet in a straight line as a full- round action. This does not provoke внеочередные атаки.

Яд (Экс) Bite—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Сил; cure 1 save.


Blue-ringed octopuses are aquatic Животныхs capable of a surprising amount of хитрое. They cannot survive out of Воды.


DONKEY RAT       КО 1/4

XP 100

НН Small Животных

Init +3; Senses сумеречное зрение, scent; Внимание +4


КБ 14, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 11 (+3 Лвк, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +5, Воля +1


Быстрое 30 ft., плавание 20 ft.

Melee bite +0 (1d3–2)


Сил 6, Лвк 17, Con 13, Инт 2, Мдр 13, Хар 4

Base Atk +0; МБМ +1; ЗБМ 9 (13 vs. trip)

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Внимание +4, Скрытность +15, Плавание +11


Environment temperate coast or forest Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or nest (3–12) Treasure none


Donkey rats are brown or snowy white rodents the size of small dogs, with long legs and short, Мехаry tails. These statistics can also be used for capybaras.



Some of these фамильяры сломать  some of the rules and assumptions of the фамильяры presented in the Core Rulebook. Small-sized фамильяры threaten the areas around them like Small creatures, and can be used to flank enemies, though both фамильяры and their masters are often loath to use such Тактики, as the result is often a мертв фамильяр. Small-sized фамильяры are also harder to keep on a master’s person than Tiny or smaller фамильяры. Often they require some form of Магии item, like a bag of hol d ing, for such a черта to work.

The process of making a vermin into a фамильяр grants it an Интеллект score and removes the mindless trait. Vermin фамильяры communicate with their masters and other vermin of their kind (greensting scorpions with other scorpions, house centipedes with other centipedes, and scarlet spiders with other spiders) by way of a strange combination of behaviors, sСвета changes in coloration, and even the excretion of scents, subtle and otherwise. As with other types of фамильяры, other creatures cannot understand this communication without Магииal помощь.



FOX КО 1/4

XP 100

НН Tiny Животных

Init +2; Senses сумеречное зрение, scent; Внимание +8


КБ 14, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 12 (+2 Лвк, +2 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +4, Воля +1


Быстрое 40 ft.

Melee bite +1 (1d3–1)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 9, Лвк 15, Con 13, Инт 2, Мдр 12, Хар 6

Base Atk +0; МБМ +0; ЗБМ 9 (13 vs. trip)

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Акробатика +2 (+10 прыжокing), Внимание +8, Скрытность +10,

Выживание +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Акробатика when прыжокing, +4 Выживание when tracking by scent


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or skulk (3–12)

Treasure none


Foxes are small, doglike carnivores with narrow snouts and bushy tails.



XP 135

НН Small Животных

Init +1; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +0


КБ 13, touch 12, застигнут врасплох 12 (+1 Лвк, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +3, Воля +0


Быстрое 30 ft.

Melee gore +2 (1d4+1)


Сил 12, Лвк 13, Con 12, Инт 2, Мдр 11, Хар 5

Base Atk +0; МБМ +0; ЗБМ 11 (15 vs. trip)

Черты Легкая Поступь

Skills Акробатика +1 (+5 when прыжокing), Лазание +5, Выживание +0 (+4 to find food); Racial Modifiers +4 Акробатика when прыжокing, +4 Выживание to find food


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or herd (3–12)

Treasure none


Goats eat almost anything that can be digested, and are determined in their pursuit of tempting foodstuffs such as leather armor and rope. They can provide milk and wool.



XP 100

НН Tiny vermin

Init +3; Senses ночное зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +4


КБ 18, touch 15, застигнут врасплох 15 (+3 Лвк, +3 natural, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +3, Воля +0

Immune разум effects


Быстрое 30 ft.

Melee sting +5 (1d2–4 plus яд)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks яд


Сил 3, Лвк 16, Con 10, Инт —, Мдр 10, Хар 2

Base Atk +0; МБМ +1; ЗБМ 7 (19 vs. trip)

Черты ФехтованиеB

Skills Лазание +7, Внимание +4, Скрытность +15; Racial Mo difiers

+4 Лазание, +4 Внимание, +4 Скрытность


Environment Войныm or temperate deserts, forests, plains, or underground

Organization solitary or colony (3–6)

Treasure none

SPECIAL ABILITIES                                  

Яд (Экс) Sting—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect дезориентация for 1 round; cure 1 save.


Greensting scorpions Без чертыly live in forests, but can be found almost anywhere. Their pincers are too small to be dГневаous to anything but other insects, but they have a ядous sting that sickens even larger creatures.




XP 50

НН Diminutive Животных

Init +3; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +1


КБ 18, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 15 (+3 Лвк, +1 natural, +4 size)

hp 2 (1d8–2)

Fort +0, Ref +5, Воля +1


Быстрое 20 ft.

Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 1, Лвк 16, Con 6, Инт 2, Мдр 12, Хар 7

Base Atk +0; МБМ –1; ЗБМ 4 (8 vs. trip)

Черты Атлет

Skills Лазание +5, Скрытность +19, Плавание +5


Environment tropical or temperate forests

Organization solitary or pВоздуха

Treasure none

SPECIAL ABILITIES                                                     

Spiny Обороны (Экс) As a move action, a hedgehog can roll itself up into a spiny ball. While rolled up, it gains a +1 бонус усиления to its existing natural armor, and any creature attempting to grapple the hedgehog takes 1d3 damage on making a grapple check. While rolled up, a hedgehog cannot take any action other than leaving this state. The hedgehog can leave this state as a move action.


Hedgehogs are spiny, insectivorous mammals. When threatened, a hedgehog rolls up into a spiny ball as a Обороны mechanism.


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