Вариативная Божественная Сила — КиберПедия 

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Вариативная Божественная Сила

2021-02-05 95
Вариативная Божественная Сила 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Вы можете выбрать направление положительной и отрицательной энергии.

Требования: Классовая черта Божественная Сила, некромант или жрец с нейтральным мировозрением (смотри ниже).

Преимущества: Вы можете делать выбор, когда используете свою классовую черту Божественную Силу.

Если вы жрец проводящий позитивную энергию вы можете направить отрицательную энергию, как если бы ваш эффективный уровень жреца был на 2 уровня ниже.

Если вы жрец проводящий отрицательную энергию вы можете направить позитивную энергию, как если бы ваш эффективный уровень жреца был на 2 уровня ниже.

Наличие этой черты означает, что вы имеете право на черты и способности, имеющие «божественную силу» или «направлять отрицательную энергию» в качестве требования (например, вы имеете право на черту Управление Нежитью и черту Изгнание Нежити).

Внимание: Это черта применимо только к некромантам, нейтральным жрецам, которые поклоняются нейтральным божествам, или нейтральным жрецам, которые не поклоняются божеству - персонажам, которые обладают способностью класса божественная сила и должны сделать выбор для направления положительной или отрицательной энергии на 1-м уровне. Жрецы, чье выравнивание или божество делают этот выбор для них, не могут выбрать эту черту.



Ваш эйдолон очень наблюдателен, и его связь с вами увеличивает вашу бдительность.

Требования: Классовая черта Эйдолон.

Преимущества: Пока ваш эйдолон находится в пределах вашей досягаемости, вы получаете бонус +4 к проверкам Внимания. Если у вас есть 10 или более рангов во Внимании, этот бонус увеличивается до +8. Это не работает, если ваш эйдолон беспомощен или без сознания.



Твой голос странно неотразим.

Требования: Харизма 15.

Преимущества: Вы получаете +1 бонус на все проверки навыков Блеф, Дипломатия и Выступление (красноречие). Если у вас есть 10 или более рангов в одном из этих умений, бонус увеличивается до +3 для этого умения. Вы не получите эти бонусы, если не используете свой голос при использовании навыка (например, использование Блеф для финтов в бою).



Ваша религия - это и щит, и оружие в бою.

Требования: Умение накладывать божественные заклинания, домены или таинства.

Преимущества: Вы получаете +1 бонус на проверки инициативы и +2 бонус на проверки концентрации, сделанные для разыгрывания заклинания или использования псевдозаклинания, когда разыгрываете защиту или во время захвата.



Вы говорите на языках людей и зверей.

Требования: Друид 6-го уровня, классовая черта Природный Облик.

Преимущества: Используя природный облик для принятия формы, в которой вы не можете говорить (например, животное), с этой чертой вы можете говорить на любом языке, который вы знаете. Это позволяет вам произносить заклинания со словесными компонентами, произносить приказные слова, активировать завершение заклинания и триггеры заклинаний. Тем не менее, он не дает вам возможности разыгрывать заклинания, требующие жестовый компонент, если у вас нет черты Природная Магия или заклинаний с материальными компонентами, объединенными в вашу форму.

При использовании природного облика в форме животного, вы можете использовать разговор с животными для общения с животными вашей предполагаемой формы. Это псевдозаклинание с уровнем заклинателя, равным вашему уровню друида, и вы можете использовать его в течение количества минут в день, равного вашему уровню друида. Эти минуты не должны быть последовательными, но должны использоваться с шагом в одну минуту.



Вы усиливаете свои заклинания ведьма, включив использование специального церемониального ножа во время ваших заклинаний.

Требования: Ведьма.

Преимущества: Каждый день, когда вы готовите свои заклинания, вы можете выбрать искусно сделанный или магический кинжал, превращая его в нож ведьмы, который служит дополнительным компонентом фокусировки для заклинаний покровителя ведьмы. Добавьте +1 к СЛ всех ваших заклинаний покровителя.



Используя ту же божественную энергию, что и ваша способность возложение рук, вы можете лечить других на расстоянии.

Требования: Классовая черта Возложение Рук.

Преимущества: Вы можете использовать ваше возложение рук для лечения другого существа на расстоянии 30 футов как основное действие, которое не провоцирует внеочередную атаку. Вы должны быть в состоянии говорить и иметь свободную руку, чтобы использовать эту способности. Цель лечит половину от, того что вы вылечили бы если бы вы прикоснулись, но получает преимущества вашего избавления как обычно.



The d ragon d rew in breath for a secon d blast, the snow whipping up aroun d Alahazra in a blizzar d. Her linen wrappings — so comfortable in the d esert heat — crackle d as freezing sweat starche d them into stiff sheets.

She ’d been Удачи y. The d ragon was too ol d, too ремесло y — only the грозы of her su dd en appearance ha d замедление e d it long enough for her to f ling herself si d eways, out of range of its breath.

There were spells for this sort of situation, but Alahazra d i d n ’ t know them. In their place, she felt a single wor d, blazing insi d e her an d begging for release. Огня...



Большинство заклинателей проводят всю свою карьеру, изучая и осваивая заклинания, составляющие их призвание, но есть и другой путь. Некоторые отворачиваются от механического запоминания и формул, которые традиционные заклинатели используют для создания Магии, и вместо этого открывают силу самих заклинаний, фундаментальных строительных блоков Магии. Такой заклинатель изучает слова силы и через них учится контролировать те самые силы, которые лежат в основе Магии, формируя и управляя ими, как никто другой.

Хотя они действуют во многом так же, как и все остальные заклинатели, заклинатели слов силы (или заклинатели слов, как они себя называют) обладают большой гибкостью в том, как они готовят и произносят свои заклинания, которые они называют словами заклинаний. Каждый заклинатель изучает несколько слов силы и, с некоторыми ограничениями, может комбинировать эти слова, чтобы создать любой эффект, который он может придумать.


Becoming a Wordcaster

When a character gains the ability to cast spells from a class, he must decide whether to become a wordcaster or a Без черты spellcaster in that class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A character who elects to be a wordcaster in a spellcasting class typically cannot use the spells of that class (though the Experimental Spellcaster черта allows a spellcaster to learn and use a limited number of words of power; see the sidebar on page 166), but he can utilize spell trigger and spell completion items just as if he were an ordinary spellcaster of that class.


Learning Words of Power

For a wordcaster, learning new words of power is akin to unlocking the secret Принципиальностиs of reality. Each word represents a new source of power that falls under the wordcaster’s control. Words of power fall into three categories: target words, effect words, and meta words. Wordcasters arrange these words of power to cast powerful and diverse incantations known as wordspells. It should come as no surprise that most wordcasters obsessively learn as many words of power as their minds can comprehend.

Regardless of class, each wordcaster begins play knowing all of the target words—even those that they cannot yet use due to the level restriction—as well as the boost meta word. These words are learned as part of their most basic training. For Скрытности casters using a spellbook, formula book, or фамильяр, these words do not have a cost to scribe and take up one page each.

In addition to the basic allotment, each wordcaster also begins play knowing a number of effect and meta words equal to the number of spells they would Без чертыly be allowed to know at 1st level, and gain additional words at the Без черты rate. Wordcasters select effect words from the word lists associated with their class, found on pages 189–193. For each class, use the following guidelines.

Алхимик: An алхимик begins play knowing a number of 1st-level effect or meta words equal to 2 + the алхимик’s Интеллект modifier. Whenever he gains another level of алхимик, he adds one new effect or meta word to his formula book. He may learn new words as Без черты, adding them to his formula book for the same time and cost as it would take to add a spell of the same level.

Бард, Инквизиторs, Оракулs, Чародейs, and Призывательs: These spellcasters begin play knowing a number of effect or meta words equal to the number indicated on their respective Spells Known tables. Whenever they gain a level in their respective classes or a level of spellcasting in those classes, they gain new effect or meta words based on the same table. They may exchange words for other words, using the same rules they use for exchanging spells, except that they may not exchange target words.

Жрецы, Друидs, Следопытs, and Паладинs: These casters know all of the effect and meta words of power assigned to their respective classes and may arrange wordspells using any words that their spell slots can use.

Magi, Ведьмаes, and Волшебникs: Magi, ведьмаes, and волшебникs begin play knowing all 0-level effect and meta words for their respective classes and a number of 1st-level effect or meta words equal to 3 + their Интеллект modifier. Whenever ведьмаes, волшебникs, or magi gain another level in their respective classes, they add 2 additional words to their spellbook or фамильяр, of any level they can cast. They can add new effect or meta words to their книги заклинаний or фамильяры for the same time and cost as it would take to add a spell of the same level.


Class-Specific Rules

Some classes interact with these rules a little differently from the others. From чародей наследиеs to жрец domains, each of these specific rules are discussed here.

Алхимик: The алхимик only learns the personal and selected target words. He uses words to create extracts as Без черты, but they can only target the drinker (in most cases, the алхимик himself).

Жрецы: A жрец chooses her domains as Без черты, and must use her domain spell slot to prepare a domain spell from one of her chosen domains. She cannot use that slot to prepare a wordspell. A жрец can spontaneously cast a wordspell containing an effect word from the Healing group or the Ранящее group, but the spell cannot contain any other effect words. She can cast such wordspells by sacrificing an arranged and prepared wordspell (not a domain spell) of a level equal to the level of the spell she wishes to cast. Добра жрецы can only spontaneously cast wordspells with effect words from the Healing group, whereas Зла жрецы can only spontaneously cast wordspells with effect words from the Ранящее group. Neutral жрецы can elect to cast wordspells with either Healing or Ранящее effect words, but once they have chosen, they cannot spontaneously cast spells with effect words from the other group, and this choice cannot be changed.

Друид s: A друид who selects a domain with the связь с природой классовая черта must prepare a spell from her chosen domain spell list in her domain bonus spell slots. A друид can spontaneously cast a wordspell containing a word from the Призывание word group, but the spell cannot contain any other effect words. A друид can cast such a spell by sacrificing an arranged and prepared wordspell (not a domain spell) of a level equal to the level of the wordspell with the Призывание effect she wishes to cast.

Оракул s and Чародейs: Оракул and чародей wordcasters gain дополнительные заклинания  from their таинства or наследиеs respectively, just like their spellcasting counterparts, and can cast these spells in addition to their wordspells by using up the appropriate spell slots. They can exchange effect words for new effect words according to their Без черты progression, but may not exchange their mystery or наследие дополнительные заклинания.

Ведьма es: A ведьма receives bonus patron spells as Без черты and can prepare these spells using her spell slots. These spells are stored in her фамильяр, just like her target and effect words.

Волшебник s: A волшебник who belongs to an школа магии receives an additional spell slot of each level to prepare a wordspell of his chosen school. Such wordspells may only contain effect words from his chosen school. The волшебник must also select two other schools to act as his opposition schools. He can prepare word spells using effect words from these schools, but each such spell fills two of his slots as Без черты.

Multiclassing: Multiclass wordcasters must keep their words separate for each class. A multiclass жрец/волшебник cannot use her жрец words with волшебник spells, or vЛьда versa.



Words of power are an optional subsystem for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Before making a wordcaster, check with your GM to make sure her campaign allows them. Warning: Words of power spellcasting is a complicated subsystem that, in the hands of players suffering from bouts of analysis paralysis, may замедление down game play. But in the right hands, the system creates a fun, flexible play experience for fans of free-form spellcasting that works either alone or with standard Pathfinder spellcasters.



Arranging Words of Power

A wordcaster still has spell slots, just like other members of his class, but he uses them differently. Each spell slot holds a wordspell or allows a wordcaster to arrange a number of words of power into one. The level of the wordcaster’s wordspell is determined by the arrangement of words. Each word of power has a level associated with it and, in some cases, restrictions on what other words can be arranged in a wordspell with it. The level of a word is also the minimum level of the spell slot that can be used to arrange that word into a wordspell.

If a wordcaster belongs to a class that prepares spells, he must arrange his words of power into wordspells when he prepares his spells, deciding in advance the exact combination of words that воля occupy each of his available spell slots and the wordspells that arrangement makes. If a wordcaster belongs to a class that spontaneously casts spells, such as a чародей, he can arrange his wordspells as he casts them.

Each wordspell is made up of an arrangement of two or more words of power, including one target word, one or more effect words, and possibly a number of meta words.

Target Word: This word determines the range of a wordspell, how the wordspell manifests, and what it can affect. If the wordspell has an area, it affects every creature in the area defined by the target word. If it has targets, it affects the specific targets described by its word. A wordspell can have only one target word.

Effect Word: Effect words determine what effect a wordspell has when cast. They also determine the schools of the wordspell and its duration, испытания, and устойчивость к магии, if any. A wordspell can have more than one effect word, even ones from different schools of Магии. In this case, the spell counts as both schools of Магии. The maximum level of the effect words contained within a wordspell depends on the level of the spell slot used and the number of words arranged in the wordspell, as noted on Table 4–1: Effect Word Combinations. For example, a 5th-level wordspell might include one 5th-level effect word, two 3rd-level effect words, or three 2nd-level effect words. Alternatively, the wordspell might include one 4th-level effect word and one 2nd-level effect word, or one 3rd level effect word and two 1st-level effect words.

Effect words are split into groups of similar words. A wordspell typically cannot have more than one effect word from the same group, but there are exceptions. A wordspell can have more than one effect word from the Detection group, but cannot have a wordspell with an effect word from the Detection group and an effect word from any other group.

Meta Word: This word modifies the wordspell in some way, often by increasing either its duration, range, or components. It can also boost certain target or effect words, changing the wordspell’s overall effect. Unlike with other words, a wordcaster can only use meta words a number of times в день equal to half his caster level in his wordcasting class (minimum 1). A wordspell does not need to contain a meta word.

A wordspell can have multiple meta words arranged within it so long as each target word and each effect word are modified by only one meta word apiece. For example, a wordspell arranged with two effect words could have up to three meta words, so long as each meta word modifies a different target and effect word.



Words of power represent a primal form of Магии used in ages past. As such, use of the words of power system is rare these Дняs, and its practitioners tend to be masters of esoteric lore. Words of power constitute a root system, from which all modern Магии descends. Although powerful, this system is more primitive in some ways than modern Магии. Flexible, but lacking the refinement of modern spells, this system allows spellcasters to shape Магии in ways they never could before, while simultaneously preventing them from producing the same sort of incredibly specific effects that ordinary spellcasters master. It is not surprising that most Магииal institutions and centers for learning treat words of power as an archaic art, to be studied along with other historical matters, but not actually practЛьдаd. Those who delve into the lore of words of power often find themselves lost in an ancient art that they alone might now know. There is power there, but each wordcaster must find it alone.





Casting a wordspell is similar to casting a standard spell. Each wordspell is assumed to have a material, somatic, and verbal component. Божественная casters using this system must provide a Божественная focus instead of a material component.


Unless otherwise noted, the material component can easily be found in a spell component pouch.

Wordspells take one основное действие to cast and provoke внеочередные атаки as Без черты unless the caster casts the wordspell defensively. The СЛ for casting a wordspell defensively is the same as it is for a spell of the same level.

The СЛ for any испытания called for by the wordspell is calculated the same way as for any other spell of that level. A wordcaster uses the same Характеристики to determine her wordspell СЛ as an ordinary spellcaster of her class.

Casting a wordspell is almost exactly the same as casting an ordinary spell. A wordspell can be dispelled and disrupted, and casting one provokes внеочередные атаки, just like any other spell, unless the wordcaster casts the wordspell on the defensive, which also requires a concentration check as Без черты.

There are two major differences to casting a wordspell: counterspelling and schools.

Counterspelling Wordspells: If a wordcaster is attempting to counter another wordspell, she can make a Колдовство skill check as Без черты to опознание the wordspell as it is being cast and then cast an identical wordspell to counter it. This means that the opposing wordcaster must know all of the effect words of the wordspell and either have an identical wordspell prepared or have an available spell slot of an equal or higher level. If the wordspell contains multiple effect words, but the opposing caster only knows one of the words (or only has a wordspell with one of the effect words prepared), that caster can still attempt to counter the wordspell, but this functions as if using рассеивание магии and does not come with the guarantee of success. The opposing caster must make a dispel check to counter the wordspell. She must still расход a spell of the same or higher level containing at least one word of the wordspell to be countered.

If a wordcaster is attempting to counter the spell of a

Без черты spellcaster, she must make a Колдовство skill check to опознание the school of the spell being cast. She can then counter that spell using any wordspell so long as it is of an equal or higher level than the spell being cast and contains at least one effect word of the same school as the spell. This works like a рассеивание магии counterspell attempt, and the wordcaster must make a dispel check to counter the spell. If a spellcaster attempts to counter a wordspell, she must use a spell of an equal or higher level that is of the same school as one or more of the effect words in the wordspell being cast. This too works like a рассеивание магии counterspell attempt, and the spellcaster must make a dispel check to counter the wordspell.

Wor dspell Schools: If a wordspell has more than one effect word, it can belong to more than one school, although it never Преимуществаs from effects based on school (such as Любимая Школа Магии) more than once. It can take penalties based on school more than once; for example, if a target has a bonus on испытания against Некромантия and Иллюзия spells, that character would add both bonuses on the испытания if the wordspell is of both schools.

Wor dspell Испытания: The type of испытания for a wordspell is determined by the highest-level effect word used that allows a испытания. If the save is successful, it applies to both effect words, but the result for each word can vary based on the individual word. If the save fails, the target takes the full effect of both effect words. The save СЛ is equal to 10 + the wordspell’s level (not the effect word’s level) + the wordcaster’s spellcasting Характеристики modifier (Интеллект for волшебникs; Мудрость for жрецы, друидs, and следопытs; and Харизма for бардs, паладинs, and чародейs). For example, if a 5th-level wordspell contains a 2nd-level effect word that allows a Реакция save for half and a 4th-level effect word that allows a Воля save to negate, targets of the wordspell make a Воля save with a СЛ of 15 + the caster’s Характеристики modifier. If the save is successful, the target takes half the Без черты effect from the 2nd-level word and negates the 4th-level word. If the save fails, the target takes the full effect of both effect words.

Wor dspells and Устойчивость к магии: If the wordspell uses more than one effect word, and any of those words allow устойчивость к магии, the сопротивляемость applies to all of the effect words of the wordspell. A wordspell only ignores устойчивость к магии if all effect words ignore устойчивость к магии.

Multiple Effect Words and Damage: If more than one effect word causes the wordspell to deal damage, the total number of dЛьда of damage the wordspell can deal can be no greater than the wordspell’s caster level. The caster can decide which dЛьда belong to which effect word, in any combination, so long as the total number does not exceed his wordcaster level and the number of dЛьда allocated to a specific effect word does not exceed its maximum.

Multiple Effect Words and Duration: If a wordspell has more than one effect word, the shortest of all the effect words’ durations is used for all of the effect words.


Магии Item Creation

It is possible to create Магии items using the words of power system, but since the caster meets none of the spell Требования, this process is more difficult than the standard method of Магии item creation. To avoid all of the penalties associated with not knowing the proper spells, a wordcaster must sacrifice a spell slot of the matching level for each spell required by the item as part of its конструкцийion requirements, just as if he were preparing the proper spells. The spells needed must appear on his class’s spell list. Finally, the СЛ of the check needed to create the item increases by +2 for each spell listed in the requirements that the wordcaster must substitute in this way.

A wordcaster can create potions, scrolls, and жезлs using wordspells. Potions follow the Без черты rules for potions and cannot contain a wordspell higher than 3rd level. The wordspell must use the selected target word—it targets the drinker of the potion. Potions cannot use meta words.

Wands cannot contain wordspells higher than 4th level. Scrolls can hold wordspells of any level. Note that scrolls and жезлs cannot use meta words other than boost, and can only use boost if it increases the level of the effect words in the wordspell.



To help explain these rules, the following section includes a number of sample wordspells that could be created using the words of power system.

Burst Огня Blast (маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3): This simple wordspell does 1d6 points of Огня damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to anything caught in a 10-foot- radius burst. If the wordcaster boosts the target word, this wordspell more closely resembles огненный шар, dealing damage in a 20-foot-radius burst. The targets receive a Реакция испытания to halve the damage.

Selecte d Льда Blast Life Leech (маг 6, чародей/волшебник 6, ведьма 6): This wordspell causes the target to take 10d6 points of cold damage and 1d4 temporary negative levels, and to become опутываниеd for 1d4 rounds. The target receives either a Стойкость save or a Реакция save, chosen by the caster. If the save is successful, the target takes half the cold damage, takes no negative levels, and is not опутываниеd. A чародей, ведьма, or волшебник can boost the target word to make this spell affect multiple targets, but doing so increases the spell’s overall level to 9th.

Selecte d Alignment Щит Enhance Form Grave Отповедь (жрец 6): This wordspell grants the target a number of bonuses. First, it grants the target a +2 bonus to КБ and on испытания when it is attacked by creatures of one alignment type (chosen by the wordcaster). The wordspell also grants a +4 бонус усиления to Сила, Ловкость, or Выносливость (chosen by the wordcaster). Finally, the wordspell grants an additional +4 священный бонус on испытания made against Смерти spells and Смерти Магии effects; the subject cannot gain negative levels while this wordspell is in effect, and the target is automatically первая помощьd if brought below 0 пункты здоровья. All of these effects last for 1 round per level, as that is the duration of the effect word with the shortest duration. Note that alignment щит is only 1st level, and could be replaced with a 2nd-level effect word without changing the overall level of the spell.



Target words establish the way in which a spell determines its targets. Some effect words restrict the type of target words that can be used in wordspells that contain them. A wordspell contains only one target word. Target words use the following format.



MetaМагии черты, such as Мощное Заклинание and Быстрое Заклинание, work on wordspells just like they would on ordinary spells. The increase to the spell’s level means that the spell uses up a higher-level spell slot, but retains the word arrangement of the affected spell. For example, a 3rd-level wordspell modified by the Мощное Заклинание черта would use up a 5th-level spell slot, but could not contain words with a level higher than 3rd.

In addition, wordcasters can take the following черты to augment their casting capabilities.


Experimental Spellcaster

Deозлобленность casting spells, you dabble in the art of wordcasting.

Требования: Ability to cast spells.

Преимущества: Select one class that grants you the ability to cast spells. You can now use the slots from that class to cast a limited number of words of power spells. Add all of the target words to your spell list and your spellbook, фамильяр, or list of spells known. In addition, add the boost meta word and one effect word of any level you can cast in the chosen class.

Примечание: You can take this черта multiple times. Each additional time you select this черта, add two effect or meta words to your spellbook, фамильяр, or list of spells known.


Extra Word

You have uncovered a new word of power.

Требования: Caster level 1st, ability to cast wordspells, see Special.

Преимущества: Add one effect word from your class’s word list to your list of words known. This is in addition to the number of words Без чертыly gained at each level in your class. You may instead add two words from your class’s word list to your list of words known, but both of these words must be at least one level lower than the highest-level wordspell you can cast in that class. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.

Примечание: You can only take this черта if you possess levels in a class whose spellcasting relies on a limited list of words known, such as the бард, оракул, or чародей. You can take this черта multiple times.


Meta Word Mastery

You are skilled at using meta words to enhance your wordcasting ability.

Требования: Ability to cast wordspells.

Преимущества: You can use meta words three additional times в день. In addition, select one additional meta word and add it to your spellbook, фамильяр, or list of words known.

Name: This is the name of the target word. It is used as part of the wordspell’s complete title.

Level: This line lists the minimum level for a wordspell containing this target word.

Range: This line describes the range of a wordspell containing this target word.

Target: This paragraph describes how a wordspell using this target word determines its targets or area of effect. This could be a selection of targets by the caster or the creation of an area of effect, in which case all the creatures in the area are automatically targets of the spell. It might also create an effect that has no specific targets, instead just causing the effect word to occupy the listed space.

Boost: If the target word can be boosted by the boost meta word, the effects are listed here. See the meta word section for more details.



Level 0

Range no range

A wordspell with this target word only affects the caster. Effect words that are restricted to this word can be combined with other effect words, but the caster is the only target, regardless of other target possibilities.


SELECTE D                                                    

Level 0

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

A wordspell with this target word affects a single target within range. If the wordspell deals energy damage, this word creates a ray that requires a ranged touch attack to hit, or it can be used as a melee touch attack with no range (decided by the wordcaster when the wordspell is cast). If

it is used as a melee touch attack and the attack misses, the wordcaster can hold the charge and try again with subsequent attacks.

Boost: Instead of one target, the wordspell affects up to one target per caster level, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The range increases to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level). If used with an effect word that deals energy damage, the wordcaster must make multiple ray attacks for each target (they cannot be made as melee touch attacks). This boosted target word increases the level of all the effect words in the spell by 3 levels.



Level 3

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

A wordspell with this target word creates a visible barrier that is 10 feet long per caster level and 10 feet high.

Creatures touching or passing through the barrier are subject to the spell’s effect. The barrier does not hinder creatures passing through it unless noted in the spell effect.

Creatures occupying the space of the barrier when it forms are subject to the spell’s effect. The wall is 1 foot wide and must be anchored on a solid surface. The wall must be straight when formed.

Boost: The wall is 20 feet long per caster level and up to 20 feet high. The wall can take on any shape desired by the caster, but it must remain a vertical surface.



Level 1

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

A wordspell with this target word affects everything it catches in a 10-foot-radius burst. Some effect words that use the burst target word are instead эманацияs, taking up the same area as the burst. These effect words typically have a longer duration and cannot be moved once created. They are noted by the word “эманация” in parentheses after the burst target restriction.

Boost: The spell affects everything in a 20-foot-radius burst. Its range increases to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Boosting this target word increases its level by 2.

Boost: The spell affects everything in a 40-foot-radius burst. Its range increases to long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). Boosting this target word increases its level by 4.



Level 0

Range 10 ft.

A wordspell with this target word affects everything in a cone- shaped burst.

Boost: The range increases to 20 feet. Boosting this target word increases its level by 2.

Boost: The range increases to 40 feet. Boosting this target word increases its level by 4.



Level 1

Range 20 ft.

A wordspells with this target word affects everything in a 20- foot line.

Boost: The range increases to 60 feet. Boosting this target word increases its level by 1.

Boost: The range increases to 120 feet. Boosting this target word increases its level by 2.



Effect words determine the overall outcome of a wordspell. A wordspell can contain more than one effect word, and it is possible for their effects to counteract one another. Effect words use the following format.

Name: This is the name of the effect word. Each word belongs to a group of similar words, noted in parentheses. Unless otherwise noted, an individual wordspell cannot contain two effect words from the same group.

School: This entry lists the school of Магии that the effect word belongs to.

Level: This entry lists the classes that can learn the effect word and what level the word is for members of that class. Note that an individual wordspell can contain no words of a level higher than the wordspell.

Duration: This line lists the duration of the effect word.

Испытания: If the effect allows a испытания, it is noted here along with the effect of a successful save.

Устойчивость к магии: If the effect word allows устойчивость к магии, it is noted here.

Target Restrictions: Some effect words can only be combined with specific target words when arranging wordspells. If this is the case, the specific target words are noted here.

Description: This paragraph describes the effects of the word when arranged in a wordspell.

Boost: If the effect word can be boosted by the boost meta word, the effects are listed here. See the meta word section for more details.




These words create caustic acid that scorches and burns all that it comes in contact with.


ACI D BURN (ACI D)                                 

School Воплощение (creation) [acid]; Level друид 0, инквизитор 0, маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии no

A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d3 points of acid damage. If the wordspell has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a испытания.


КОРРОЗИЙНОЕ BOLT (ACI D)                 

School Воплощение (creation) [acid]; Level маг 2, чародей/ волшебник 2

Duration 2 rounds

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions selecte d

A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d4 points of acid damage per level of the wordcaster (maximum 5d4). On the following round, the target takes this damage again. Hitting a target with a wordspell with this effect word requires a ranged touch attack.


ACI D WAVE (ACI D)                                 

School Воплощение (creation) [acid]; Level маг 4, чародей/ волшебник 4

Duration 1 round/level (see text)

Испытания Реакция half and partial (see below); Устойчивость к магии no

A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). Targets damaged by this effect word are дезориентация for 1 round per caster level, or 1 round if the испытания against the wordspell with this effect word was successful.


CAUSTIC ОБЛАКОВ (ACI D)                

School Воплощение (creation) [acid]; Level чародей/волшебник 7, ведьма 6

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Стойкость half; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst

A wordspell with this effect word creates a Облаков of noxious green vapor that obscures видение. Creatures caught in the Облаков take 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) and are утомление. Creatures caught in the Облаков receive a Стойкость save to halve the damage and to negate the утомление effect. Creatures that remain in the Облаков take a cumulative –2 penalty on the save each round they remain in the Облаков, but spending just 1 round outside the Облаков’s area resets this penalty. Creatures in the Облаков that are утомление become бессилие on a failed испытания. A strong Ветра, such as that created by a порыв ветра, disperses this Облаков immediately.



Words from this Семьи deal specifically with alignment, detecting, damaging, or protecting creatures based on their moral compass.



School Преграждение; Level жрец 1, инквизитор 1, паладин 1, чародей/волшебник 1

Duration 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the wordcaster selects one alignment: Добра, Зла, chaotic, or Принципиальностиful. The target of this wordspell is protected from that alignment and receives a +2 бонус отражения to КБ on attacks made from creatures of that alignment and a +2 сопротивляемость bonus on испытания made on spells and effects from creatures of that alignment. The target of a wordspell with this effect word can choose to end this effect as an прерывающее действие to reroll any one испытания made against a spell or effect from the chosen alignment, but must take the second result, even if it is worse.



School Разрушение; Level жрец 5, инквизитор 5, паладин 4

Duration instantaneous, see text

Испытания Воля partial; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst, cone, line

If a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the wordcaster selects one alignment: Добра, Зла, chaotic, or Принципиальностиful. All creatures of that alignment take 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 8d8). Потусторонние существа of that alignment take 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). In addition, creatures of the affected alignment are ошеломление for 1 round per caster level if they fail their испытания.



School Преграждение; Level жрец 8

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

A wordspell with this effect word functions as alignment щит, but the bonus to КБ and on испытания increases to +4.

In addition, the creature gains УкМ 25 against spells cast by creatures of the chosen alignment. Finally, creatures of the chosen alignment find it painful to touch the Войныded creature, taking 2d6 points of damage for each successful hit with a melee weapon or natural weapon.



Words from this Семьи speak directly to wild creatures, soothing and controlling them.


NATURE ’ S CALM (ЖИВОТНЫХ)             

School Очарование (обольщение) [разум]; Level друид 1, следопыт 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word becomes calm and docile. Though the target воля not attack while subject to this effect, the wordspell immediately ends if the target is attacked. Creatures affected by this effect word do not flee, but they are not беспомощьность. This effect word only affects creatures of the Животных or Магииal beast type, although Магииal beasts receive a +4 bonus on the испытания.


WIL D LURE (ЖИВОТНЫХ)                      

School Очарование (обольщение) [разум]; Level друид 2, следопыт 2, ведьма 2

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word treats the caster as a trusted ally. The creature воля defend the caster and воля not attack her allies while this effect persists. If at any time the target of a wordspell with this effect word is attacked by the wordcaster or her allies, the wordspell’s duration ends immediately. A wordspell with this effect word only affects creatures of the Животных or Магииal beast type, although Магииal beasts receive a +4 bonus on the испытания.


NATURE ’ S ПРИКАЗ (ЖИВОТНЫХ)                            

School Очарование (принуждение) [разум]; Level друид 4, следопыт 4, призыватель 5, ведьма 4

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

The target of a wordspell with this effect word obeys any simple приказs given by the caster. These приказs are sent through a mental link that does not require speech, but they must be able to be understood by the target. The target ignores any приказs that are suicidal or self-разрушительный.

A wordspell with this effect word only affects creatures of the Животных or Магииal beast type, although Магииal beasts receive a +4 bonus on the испытания.



These words create translucent armor made of solid Магии, protecting without weight or obstruction.


FORCE BLOCK (бронник)                         

School Преграждение; Level жрец 0, маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0

Duration 1 round

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +1 armor bonus to its КБ. This armor is made of force and provides защита against the attacks of бестелесность creatures.

Boost: A wordspell with this effect word can be cast as an прерывающее действие. In this case, the effect lasts until the end of your next turn. This boost cannot be used if the wordspell includes another effect word (unless that word can also be cast as an прерывающее действие). This boost increases this effect word’s level by 1.


FORCE ЩИТ (бронник)                            

School Преграждение; Level алхимик 1, маг 1, чародей/ волшебник 1, призыватель 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 armor bonus to its КБ. This armor is made of force and provides защита against the attacks of бестелесность creatures.


FORCE ARMOR (бронник)                                          

School Преграждение; Level жрец 3, маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3,

ведьма 3

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 armor bonus to its КБ + 1 point for every four levels of the caster. This armor is made of force and provides защита against the attacks of бестелесность creatures. If the target has a greater armor bonus from another source, a wordspell with this effect word instead increases that armor bonus by +1 and allows it to provide защита against the attacks of бестелесность creatures.


FORCE ВОЙНЫD (бронник)                                       

School Преграждение; Level маг 6, чародей/волшебник 6

Duration 10 minutes/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal, selected

This effect word functions as force armor, but it grants a +6 armor bonus to КБ + 1 point for every four levels of the caster. If the target has greater armor bonus from another source, a wordspell with this effect word increases that armor bonus by +2.



Words from this Семьи cause objects to become stationary and creatures to become паралич.


LOCK ВОЙНЫ D (СКОВЫВАНИЕ)                              

School Преграждение; Level чародей/волшебник 1

Duration permanent

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word causes one unattended object to close, such as a door, chest, or book. If the object possesses a lock, the object is also locked. If the wordspell includes other effect words, the effects of those words are suspended until a creature other than the wordcaster attempts to unlock or otherwise open the object. That creature becomes the target of the other effect words, as if those effect words had the selected target word. Only consider the other effect words when determining the duration of this secondary effect.

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is паралич and cannot move. It is aВойныe and can breathe Без чертыly, but cannot take any actions. At the end of each of the creature’s turns, it can attempt a new испытания to end the effect. Полетing creatures that rely on wings to полет fall, and плаваниеmers cannot плавание and may drown. Wordspells with this effect word only affect creatures of the humanoid type.



School Очарование (принуждение) [разум]; Level бард 4, друид 4, инквизитор 4, чародей/волшебник 5, призыватель 5, ведьма 5

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word functions as the paralyze humanoid word except that it can affect creatures of any type.



School Очарование (принуждение) [разум]; Level

чародей/волшебник 8, призыватель 6, ведьма 8

Duration permanent

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selecte d

This effect word functions as the paralyze humanoid word except that it can affect creatures of any type and the duration is permanent. A creature affected by a wordspell with this effect word receives one additional Воля испытания at the end of its first turn after initially failing the save. This испытания is made to relieve this word’s effects, not any others included in the original wordspell. If this save fails as well, the effect of this word can only be undone with greater рассеивание магии, чудо, or wish.



Body words enhance the form of their targets, making them stronger, more agile, and more resilient.


FORTIFY (BO D Y)                                     

School Преграждение; Level алхимик 1, жрец 1, инквизитор 1, паладин 1, следопыт 1, чародей/волшебник 1, призыватель 1

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restriction personal, selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +1 сопротивляемость bonus on испытания. In addition, the target receives a number of temporary пункты здоровья equal to its Кости Здоровья.


School Очарование (принуждение) [разум]; Level бард 2, жрец 2, инквизитор 2, чародей/волшебник 3, ведьма 2

Duration 1 r

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