Почетный титул полководца в республиканском Риме. — КиберПедия 

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Почетный титул полководца в республиканском Риме.

2021-02-05 352
Почетный титул полководца в республиканском Риме. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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47. Имеет значение подвергать резкой критике фразеологизм:

1) брать под пушку;

2) брать под обстрел;

3) брать под карандаш;

4) брать под своё крылышко.

48. Является фразеологизмом со значением обманывать кого-либо, представляя что-либо в искаженном, неправильном, но в выгодном для себя свете словосочетание:

1) втирать очки;

2) протирать очки;

3) надевать очки;

4) снимать очки.

49. Фразеологизм как дамоклов меч используется в ситуации, когда:

1) хотят сказать о чем-то надежном;

2) говорят о таком качестве, как крепкий;

3) говорят о постоянно нависшей опасности;

4) говорят о чем-то надоевшем.

50. Значение «крайне нерешительный человек, колеблющийся между двумя равносильными желаниями, равноценными возможностями» имеет фразеологизм:

1) буриданов осёл;

2) валаамова ослица;

3) панургово стадо;

4) двуликий Янус.

Ответы к теме 24. Нормы устной речи русского языка

1. 3

2. 1

3. 3

4. 2

5. 2

6. 2

7. 2

8. 3

9. 2

10. 1

11. 3

12. 2

13. 3

14. 1

15. 4

16. 3

17. 2

18. 3

19. 2

20. 1

21. 3

22. 2

23. 1

24. 1

25. 4

26. 2

27. 3

28. 4

29. 1

30. 4

31. 2

32. 2

33. 1

34. 1

35. 3

36. 3

37. 4

38. 2

39. 2

40. 3

41. 4

42. 1

43. 4

44. 3

45. 1

46. 4

47. 2

48. 1

49. 3

50. 1




Тема 25. Грамматика английского языка

1-13. In this exercise you must choose the word or phrase which is best completes each sentences. Indicate the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1 - 13 for the word or phrase you choose.


Pskov is one of the best-known ancient  Russian 1)        . Long ago this strongly fortified city-state stood guard over Russian lands in the northwest.

Pskov's  historical  2)as a warrior and intercessor was reflected 3)    its monuments, especially its architecture, an extraordinary, permanent, genuinely popular epic in stone.

The entire territory of ancient Pskov can be regarded as an open-air museum. The new city has made its way into the ancient city—more noticeably in some places than in others. There are some spots where monuments stand in clusters. However, each and every architectural monument taken in itself is also important. The churches in Mirozhsky Monastery (12th century) and Snetogorsky Monastery (14th century) are famous 4)                                                                          their murals.

Pskov has a Museum of History, Art, and Architecture with branches in outlying towns—in Izborsk with its 14th-century fortress, in Pechory with its 16th-century fortress-monastery, and the Pushkin Museum near Pskov. The Russian 5)         . Modest Mussorgsky, was born in the village of Naumovo near Pskov. A museum has been opened there. Another famous composer, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, lived 6)    the village of Vechasha, and a museum has been opened here in his 7).

Two museums in Pskov are linked with V.I. Lenin's visit to the city in 1900. Pskov was the

8)         of Lenin's 9)      Iskra (The Spark). The Red Army also came into being in the land of Pskov in 1918. From 1941 to 1944, during the Second World 10) _, Pskov and its adjacent lands were part 11) the legendary partisan "forest republic", where Soviet laws were observed in the rear of the occupied territory.

Today Pskov is a large industrial city in the Russian 12) and a popular site for international tourism. Pskov is one of the best-known 13)                                               Russian cities. Long ago this strongly fortified city-state stood guard over Russian lands in the northwest.

1. A. cities B. towns C.villages D. countries
2. A.fate B.destiny C. karma D.luck
3. A.out B. in C.with D.of
4.A.in B. against C.for D. from
5.A.artist B. architect C.composer D.poet
6. A.in B.at C.on D.under

7. A. memory B. honour C.mind D. thought
8.             A. birthplace B. birthday C. city D. town
9. A. magazine B. shop C. article D. newspaper
10. A. Peace B. War C. Party D. Festival
11. A. in B. at C. of D. under
12.           A. Community B. Sovereign C. Federation D. Country
13. A. modern B. ancient C. popular D. interesting

14. Mike is French.       a French boy.

a. It is b. She is;

c. He is;

d. I am.

15. This is a book. Those        books.

a. is;

b. am;

c. be;

D. are.

16. I’m Russian.       English?

a. You;

b. Are you;

c. Am I;

d. You’re.

17. I speak German. She       Japanese.

a. does speak;

b. speaking;

c. speaks;

d. speak.

18. What     ? I’m a student.

a. do you;

b. do you do;

c. you;

d. you do.

19. Sorry, I       understand.

a. am not;

b. not;

c. no;

D. don’t.

20.       I have a table for two please? Sure.

a. Would;

b. Must;

c. Could;

d. Do.

21. Where       now?

a. she is studying;

b. is she studying;

c. studies she;

d. she studying.

22. That isn’t your umbrella. It’s      .

a. her;

b. my;

c. him;

D. mine.

23. What events contributed to the emergence of modern PR?

When Ivy Lee (1906) was hired by anthracite coal industry, then embroiled in a strike, & he issued a press notice “Declaration of principles”

24. What ethical principles should a PR practitioner be guided by?

be honest at all time, convey a sense of business ethics based on your own standards & those of society, respect the integrity & position of your opponents & audiences, develop trust by emphasizing substance over triviality, present all sides of an issue

25. What personal qualities, do you think, the PR-practitioner should have?

excellent writer, must be able to do short & long- range planning, must be innovative & imaginative, well informed, must be a doer & self-starter

26. How many themes should the speech be based on?

a. One or two;

b. Three;

c. As many as it is necessary.

27. A speaker usually delivers a speech at the rate of      .

a. 80 words a minute

b. 240 words a minute

C. 150 words a minute

28-40. In this exercise you must choose the word or phrase which is best completes each sentences. Indicate the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 28 - 40 for the word or phrase you choose.

Pskov State University

The University is  located 28)            the administrative center of Pskov city. Pskov was first mentioned in the chronicles in "The Tale of Bygone Years" in 903 and since then has been

rapidly growing. In 2013, the 29)           made over 206,000 people. Pskov Kremlin, Holy Trinity Cathedral, the unique frescos of Mirozhsky monastery are the heritage of the world 30). The city is eco-friendly, green, with well-developed infrastructure. Pskov has a favourable geographical

31)          : located close to the cities of St. Petersburg, Riga, Tallinn, Minsk, it is only 50 km away from the borders of the European Union.

On December 27, 2010 Pskov State University was founded 32)           the merger of five core educational vocational institutions of the Pskov region: Pskov State Pedagogical University named  33)                              S.M. Kirov, Pskov State Polytechnic Institute, Pskov College of Civil Engineering and economics, Pskov Industrial technical college, Civil Engineering College of Velikiye Luki. Each of the participants in the merger passed on their best experience, achievements and traditions to the university.

Pskov state university is the 34)              of educational, cultural and scientific life of the


PskovSU 35)            students in 80 Bachelor's degree programs, 35 specialist degree

programs, 23 Master's degree programs and 21 postgraduate scientific programs.

Training is carried out in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms 36)        study. Academic structure of the university  consists 37)                         16 faculties, which include chairs,

research laboratories, research and education centers. There are also four inter-faculty chairs.

The 38)              widely implements innovative approaches to the teaching and research activities, focusing 39)                            the quality of the 40)           .

28. A. in B. at C.on D. near
29. A.people B.population C. crowds D.children
30. A.culture B. history C.story D.problem
31.A.occupation B. position C.situation D. place
32.A.with B. by C.along D.in
33. A.in B.by C. after D.for
34. A. centre B. place C.home D. city
35. A. plays B. learns C. trains D. studies
36. A. in B. of C. under D. between
37. A. with B. by C. of D. in
38. A. univercity B. university C. universal D. unicorn
39. A. in B. on C. by D. into
40. A. B.education C. teaching D. studying


41. Look at that cloud. It      rain.

a. is;

b. does;

c. is going to;

d. has.

42. No, I don’t want      carrots.

a. some;

b. a;

c. no;

D. any.

43. Where       at the weekend? I was in the country.

a. you were;

b. were you;

c. you;

d. you was.

44. Why not go to Madame Tussauds? I       there yesterday.

a. went;

b. go;

c. gone;

d. going.

45. Where       you yesterday? I didn’t go anywhere.

a. went you;

b. did you went;

c. did you go;

d. was you go.

46. You       work hard to pass the examination.

a. have to;

b. can;

c. are;

d. may.

47. His English is very good. He speaks Italian      , too.

a. badly;

b. bad;

c. good;

D. well.

48. I       to Spain.

a. never been;

b. never was;

c. have never been;

d. wasn’t ever.

49. Jane      the tickets.

a. has already bought;

b. already bought;

c. is already bought;

d. already buys.

50. How long should a response in a TV interview be?

a. a 1 minute;

b. 3 minute;

C. 30 seconds.

51. What is NPO?

a non-profit organization

52. What are the steps of planning a personality campaign?

excellent writer, must be able to do short & long- range planning, must be innovative & imaginative, well informed, must be a doer & self-starter

53. A new releases containing a number of flowery adjective and exaggerated?

a. Puffery;

b. Flackery;

c. Publicity;

d. Preudo-news;

e. Promotion.

Ответы к теме 25. Грамматика английского языка

1. A. cities

2. B. destiny

3. B. in

4. C. for

5. C. composer

6. A. in

7. A. memory

8. A. birthplace

9. D. newspaper

10. B. War

11. C. of

12. C. Federation

13. B. ancient

14. c

15. d

16. b

17. c

18. b

19. d

20. c

21. b

22. d

23. When Ivy Lee (1906) was hired by anthracite coal industry, then embroiled in a strike, & he issued a press notice “Declaration of principles”

24. be honest at all time, convey a sense of business ethics based on your own standards & those of society, respect the integrity & position of your opponents & audiences, develop trust by emphasizing substance over triviality, present all sides of an issue

25. excellent writer, must be able to do short & long- range planning, must be innovative & imaginative, well informed, must be a doer & self-starter

26. one or two

27. c

28. A. cities

29. B. destiny

30. B. in

31. C. for

32. C. composer

33. A. in

34. A. memory

35. A. birthplace

36. D. newspaper

37. B. War

38. C. of

39. C. Federation

40. B. ancient

41. c

42. d

43. b

44. a

45. c

46. a

47. d

48. c

49. a

50. c

51. a non-profit organization

52. news releases, photographs, public appearances, awards, nicknames and labels, record the results

53. a

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