Тема 7. Иностранные языки в социально-бытовой сфере общения — КиберПедия 

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Тема 7. Иностранные языки в социально-бытовой сфере общения

2021-02-05 696
Тема 7. Иностранные языки в социально-бытовой сфере общения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. How old are you?

A. I have 16.   B. I am 16.    C. I have 16 years.   D. I am 16 years.

2. Are you having a nice time?

A. Yes, I’m nice. B. Yes, I’m having it.  C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, it is.

3. Could you pass the salt please?

4. Yesterday I went bus to the National Museum.

A. on   B. in   C. by    D. with

5. Sue and Miketo go camping.

A wanted   B said   C made   D talked

6. Who’s calling, please?

A. Just a moment. B. It’s David Parker. C. I’ll call you back. D. Speaking.

7. They wereafter the long journey, so they went to bed.

A. hungry   B. hot   C. lazy   D. tired

8. Can you tell me theto the bus station?

A. road   B. way    C. direction   D. street

9. you remember to buy some milk?

A. Have   B. Do   C. Should   D. Did

10. - Don’t forget to put the rubbish out. - I’ve done it!

A. yet   B. still   C. already   D even

11. I'm a nurse. And do you do?

A. how   B. what C. which   D. who

12. Can I havefruit, please?

A. a lot   B. any   C. no   D. some

13. We go on picnicsin the summer.

A. a lot    B. a lot of   C. many   D. never

14. We're thirsty! Is therejuice left?

A. a lot   B. any    C. no   D. some

15. boys over there are Spanish.

A. That   B. These  C. This  D. Those

16. You don’t need to bringto eat.

A. some   B. a food   C. many   D. anything

17. What about going to the cinema?

A. Good idea! B. Twice a month.  C. It’s Star Wars.  D. I think so.

18. What would you like, Sue? - I’d like the sameMichael please.

A. that   B. as    C. for          D. had

19.      people know the answer to that question.

A. Few    B. Little   C. Least   D. A little

20. It’s notto walk home by yourself in the dark.

A. sure   B. certain   C. safe   D. problem

21. sure all the windows are locked.

A. Take   B. Have   C. Wait   D. Make

22. I’ll go andif I can find him.

A. see    B. look   C. try   D. tell

23. What’s the differencefootball and rugby?

A. from   B. with   C. for   D. between

24. My car needs.

A. repairing   B. to repair   C. to be repair   D. repair

25. Tim was tooto ask Monika for a dance.

A. worried   B. shy    C. selfish   D. polite

26. I haven’t had so much funI was a young boy!

A. when   B. for   C. during   D. since

27. Nick is atennis player than Tom.

A. bad   B. badly  C. worse   D. worst

28. I’m afraid yousmoke in here.

A. could not   B. don’t have to   C. are not allowed to D. can’t be

29. Everyone wanted to go outJohn.

A. apart   B. unless   C. however   D. except

30. Youpay for the tickets. They're free.

A. doesn't have to  B. don't have to   C. have to   D. needn't

31. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m notit up!

A. having   B. laughing   C. making   D. joking

32. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anythingon your plate!

A. left    B. missing    C. put   D. staying

33. He doesn't smoke now, but hea lot when he was young.

A. has smoked  B. smokes   C. used to smoke   D. was smoked

34. Take the A20the roundabout, then turn left.

A. right   B. as far as   C. along   D. heading north

35. I really hope you can find ato this problem.

A. result   B. way   C. conclusion   D. solution

36. I promise Iyou with the washing-up as soon as I finish this cleaning.

A. am going to help B. am helping. C. help D. will help

37. In my country, it isthe law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.

A. under   B. against    C. over        D. beyond

38. Rebecca had tothe invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.

A. take off  B. put back   C. turn down D. get away

39. Policethat a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.

A. suppose   B. fancy   C. suspect   D. accuse

40. When Christopher smiles, heme of his grandfather.

A. remembers   B. recalls    C. rethinks   D. reminds

41. The wonderful smell of freshlycoffee hit us as we entered the store.

A. crushed   B. smashed   C. ground   D. pressed

42. Mike’s dad wouldn’thim go to school with a red streak in his hair.

A. allow   B. permit   C. accept   D. let

43. I didn't like the film.. I think it was really boring.

A. So did I B. Me too   C. Neither did I   D. So I didn't

44. I to the cinema since last year.

A. didn't go  B. haven't gone   C. haven't been D. don't go

45. If only Imade that phone call!

A. wasn’t   B. didn’t   C. hadn’t   D. haven’t

46. These shoes are veryfor walking in the mountains. A practical       B functional   C realistic   D active

47. of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.

A. Several   B. Much   C. Enough   D. Sufficient

48. We were surprised that over 500 peoplefor the job.

A. wrote   B. applied   C. enquired   D. requested

49. The children watched in excitement as shea match and lit the candles.

A. scratched   B. struck   C. rubbed   D. scraped

50. Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used tolots of people around her.

A. had   B. have   C. having   D. has



Ответы к теме 7. Иностранные языки в социально-бытовой сфере общения

1. B.

2. C.

3. D.

4. C.

5. A.

6. B.

7. D.

8. B.

9. D.

10. C.

11. B.

12. D.

13. A.

14. B.

15. D.

16. D.

17. A.

18. B.

19. A.

20. C.

21. D.

22. A.

23. D.

24. A.

25. B.

26. D.

27. C.

28. C.

29. D.

30. D.

31. C.

32. A.

33. C.

34. B.

35. D

36. D.

37. B.

38. C.

39. C.

40. D.

41. C.

42. D.

43. C.

44. C.

45. C.

46. A.

47. B.

48. B.

49. B.

50. C.

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