Reading: The way the world should be — КиберПедия 

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Reading: The way the world should be

2020-12-06 92
Reading: The way the world should be 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Read the words:

Fiji, Indians, Fijians, the Great Council of Chiefs, Major-General Rabuka, the Commonwealth, Canada, New Zealand, Australia.

2.Find the definition to the word:

Strife – organization formed by ex-British colonies which has the British Queen as head;

Commonwealth - conflict, trouble;

To emigrate – leave one’s own country to live permanently in another.

3.Translate into English paying attention

a) to the gerund and participle I:

1/ Когда Фиджи стали колонией в 1874, британцы стали привозить индийских фермеров на остров.

2/ Была борьба и многие индийцы эмигрировали в Канаду, Новую Зеландию и Австралию, нанося вред экономике.

3/ 10 лет спустя, Рабука ввел новую конституцию, дающую равное представительство для обоих сообществ.

b/ Passive Voice:

1/ В противовес, коренные жители Фиджи владеют землей, и традиционно находились под управлением Большого Совета Старейшин.

2/ Гармония и доверие между двумя народами кажется было восстановлено.

4.Read the text and correct your mistakes. Retell it.


Listening: English and pidgin

1.Read the words:

French territories of New Caledonia or Tahiti, the Polynesian countries, Fiji, Malanesia, New Zealand, Australia.

2.Match the following:

Pigin – is taught in those Pacific countries which have links with Britain or the USA

English – is a mixture of English, French or German and local words.

English – is the language of communication between the Hindi speaking Indians and the Fijians.

3.Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1/ Why can English speakers find their way round any Pacific town?

2/ What languages are similar?

3/ How many languages do the 5 mln people of Malanesia speak?

4/ What is pidgin used for?

5/ What countries is English taught?

Why do many people leave the islands?

4.Retell the text.


Reading: Religion for all

1.Read the names:

The Polynesians, Samoa, Tonga, the Methodists, the Anglicans, the Solomon Islands, the Roman Catholics, Bahai, Mormon.

2.Translate the following into English:

Ходить в церковь три раза в воскресенье, купание в воскресение считается преступлением, обращать людей в христианство, местные традиции и верования часто переплетаются, церковные службы включают традиционные песни и гимны, многие школы открыты миссиями.

3.Check up your translation after reading the text.

4.Retell the text.




New Zealand

Listening: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

1. Read the names:

New Zealand, the North and South Island, Gondwanaland, Mount Ruapehu, the Southern Alps, Northway.

2. Match the definition and reproduce:

Geological forces -                 when a volcano throws lave and liquid rock into the air;

to crush                                  near to an area with a tropical climate;

fiord                                       forces found within the Earth, e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes;

to erupt                                  squeeze smth hard until it is damaged;

subtropical                             deep, narrow sea inlet with high cliffs.


3.  A+B:

A: violent, ancient, mountain, volcanic, the highest, deep, the south-west;

B: geological forces, continent, ranges, eruptions, mountains, fiords, coast.

4. Finish the sentences after listening:

1/ New Zealand’s landscape today appears green and peaceful, but …

2/ Millions of years ago, the two main islands, were…

3/ They still cause earthquakes and …

4/ Mount Ruapehu is the highest volcano and it erupts …

5/ The highest mountains are…

6/ On the southwest coast there are deep …

7/ New Zealand is never hot or very cold because it is…

8/ At the top of the North Island the climate is…

5. Listen to the text again, check up your answers and retell it.



Reading: Kingdom of birds


1. Read the names:

kiwi, takehe, kakapo, tuatara.

2. Define these species of birds and animals:

kiwi -              small, four legged reptile with a long tail, which lives in hot climate;

takehe-            a national bird, which is about the size of a duck;

lizard -            large mammal which lives on the seashore and eats fish;

seal -               which is a type of lizard;

kakapo -         a bird which is bright blue and green;

tuatara -          a rare bird, about 50 species left.

3. Translate into English:

Населенный птицами,

терять способность летать,

щипать траву, подобно овцам,

нелетающие птицы,

многие из его природных обитателей: тюлени и рыба оказались жизнеспособными.

4. Read the text and speak about fauna of New Zealand.


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