Text 1 Christians and conquerors — КиберПедия 

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Text 1 Christians and conquerors

2020-12-06 101
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Escaping History

Text 1 Christians and conquerors

Text 2 Ulster

1. Read the names:

Ireland, the Celts, Saint Patrick, the Vikings, Scandinavia, Dublin, Cork, the Normans, the British, British Protestants, Irish Catholics, Ulster, Scottish Protestants, the Republic of Ireland, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Nationalists, Unionists.


2. Match the following and speak about Irish history:


The Vikings                                were the first known inhabitants of Ireland

St. Patrick                         arrived from Scandinavia

The Celts                           was the patron saint of Ireland

The Normans                    came to conquer in the 12-th century

Irish Catholics                  started the invasion at the beginning of the 17-th century

The Irish                           were made homeless

                                         Were also excluded from the Parlament

                                         Took the land from its Irish owners by force

                                         Had large families


3. Answer the following questions after reading text 1:


1/. What do we know about the first inhabitants of the island?

2/. What is said about St. Patrick?

3/. Who founded Dublin and Cork?

4/. What happened in the 12 century?

5/. What invasion lasted until the 20-th century?

6/. What weapon did the British use? What does it mean?

7/. Why did Irish Catholics become homeless?

8/. What laws did the British pass?

9/. Why did the Irish have to emigrate?

10/. What was the reason of a terrible famine?


4. Read text 2 and ask questions.

5. Retell it.


Listening text 6

A Way with Words”


1. Read the names:

The Gaelic, Ireland, Gaeltachts, J.M. Synge, Western Isles, James Joyce, Ulysses, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde.


2. Read and translate the new words:

Imaginative, creativity, poetry, majority, to surface, masterpiece, playwright, phrases, idioms.


3. Match the following:


The Irish have produced                           English

Most television programs are          some of the most imaginative writers of English literature.

All Gaeltachts have                         in English

The Great majority of people speak in all schools

Gaelick is taught                              still the first language in some parts

                                                        Of Ireland

Gaelick is                                         summer schools



4. Translate the first part of the sentences into English, and listen to the tape to finish them:


1. Ирландский язык дал английской литературе…

2. Драматург Синг отправился на Гебридские острова, чтобы…

3. Джеймс Джойс преобразовал …

4. Дж. Б. Шоу и Оскар Уайлд были известны своим…


5. Listen to the text and retell it.



Reading: Mediterranean Islands

Text 1 Crossroads or battlefield.

Text 2 Aphrodite speaks English.

1. Read the names and translate them into Russian:

Cyprus, eastern Mediterranean, the Greek (Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Turkish) Empires, the British Empire, the Greek-Cypriot, the Turkish Cypriot, the British, Turkey, Greece, the Turks, Athens, the European Union, Homer, Aphrodite, the Crusaders.


2. Find the geographical names mentioned in ex. 1 on the map at p. 19.


3. Answer the questions:


1/. What shows that the island of Cyprus has always been a balttlefield?

2/. What was the result of the demand of Greek-Cypriots to unite with Greece?

3/. Why has Cyprus been divided?

4/. When might Cyprus join the European Union?


4. Read text 2 and say a few words about the history of Cyprus, its curiosities and its present.



Listening text 7

East-West partnership

1. Read the names:


Malta, Maltese, Malti, Arabic, the British, British-style Labour Party, Valetta’s Republic Street, Europe, the Middle East, the European Union.


2. Read the questions and be ready to answer them after listening to the text:


1/ How many islands does Malta consist of?

2/ What language is spoken by almost every Maltese?

3/ What do many students of overseas come to Malta for?

4/ What is the first language of the Maltese?

5/ Who ruled Malta for 150 years?

6/ In what ways can British influence be felt on the islands?

7/ What other languages can many Maltese also speak?




Cultural Mosaic

Reading: Following the Mammoth

1. Read and guess the meaning:

Ice Age, North Americans, Siberia, Alaska, mammoth, bison, the Pacific Coast, the Central Plains, the Eastern Woodlands, Asia, North America, the Native Americans.


2. Make up word-combinations:


1/ herds of, long-horned, to follow, to hunt, to build, to develop.

2/ the bison, complex political systems, woolly mammoth, with spears, bison, villages, herds of caribou.


3. Look through the text and find the places the following North American tribes inhabited:


The Wakashan, the Athapaskan, the Algenkian, the Inuit.


4. Speak on the history of the Native Americans after reading the text.


Listening Text 10

Caribs and Africans

1. Read the names:

Amerindians, the Caribbean islands, the Europeans, Christopher Columbus, Spain, Britain, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Saint Eustatius, West Africa.


2. Put down the new words into your Glossary and reproduce their meaning:

- hammock – bed made of canvas, which is hung between 2 poles or trees;

- canoe - small, narrow boat, which is paddled by one or more people;

- smallpox – disease which causes scars on the skin or even death;

- crop - plant which is grown by farmers;

- slave - someone who is owned by another person;

- plantation – a large farm where crops such as sugar and tea are grown;

- trader – someone who buys an sells things.


3. Define the words:


e.g. Amerindians, Americans, the English – nationalities.


Influenza, smallpox –

Sugar, tobacco, cotton –

Christopher Columbus, John Cabot –

Caribbean, Cyprus, Malta –


4. Listen to the text and answer the teacher’s questions:


1/ Who discovered the Caribbean islands?

2/ What were the main trades of Amerindians?

3/ What words did the Europeans borrow from the origin inhabitants?

4/ What did the Europeans brought them?

5/ What killed most of the Amerindians?

6/ Whom did the Caribbean islands belong?

7/ Why were the islands valuable for the Europeans?

8/ Why did the European traders bring slaves from West Africa to work on the plantations?



Reading: Text 1

Bananas and Hurricanes


1. Translate the word-combinations into English:

- хлопок, выращиваемый на плантациях,

- часто умирали от непосильного труда и недоедания (overwork and malnutrition)

- более высокий источник доходов,

- основная культура экспорта,

- такие острова, как Antiqua,

- основные продукты питания, которые они используют,

- две трети урожая бананов.


2. Speak of the past an present of Caribbean using the table:


1/ The slaves on the                             1/ were shipped back to the

plantations                                                    countries that had colonized the Caribbean

2/ Some islands like Antiqua                2/ is still important, but tourism is

                                                             a greater source of income

3/ Cotton                                           3/ often died of overwork and


4/ Large hotels                                      4/ is now grown only for local use

5/ The sugar, tobacco and cotton         5/ import very much of the food they

grown on the plantations                               use, so local farmers do not benefit much from tourism

6/ Today agriculture                                      6/ do not grow sugar any more

7/ Natural disasters                                       7/ add to the difficulties of Caribbean agriculture


Reading Text 2

Around the Caribbean


Read the text look at the map and speak about the islands.




Reading: Tropical Flavour

1. Pronounce the names of Caribbean dishes:


Cassava, yams, maize, arrow-root, peanuts, beans, cocoa, fish, lobster, conch, flying fish, chips, coucou, nutmeg, jelly, mountain chicken, rotis, shark-and-bake, curried goat.


2. Tell us about traditional Caribbean cooking.



Listening: Whites only


1. Read the international words and translate:


Population, culture, control, policy, apartheid, original, reality, racism, opposition, illegal, migrate, separate, race, electricity, distances, areas.


2. Make up word-combinations using words in ex 1.

White, long, mixed, townships, from the country, to the white people, idea, Africaans, the white.


3. Listen to the text and correct the wrong statements:


1/ The Boers wanted independence, and they got it in 1902.

2/ In 1948 the English Party won the elections.

3/ They began to impose their own laws and freedoms.

4/ The original idea of apartheid was the development of democratic rights.

5/ White people had no rights.

6/ Black people were used as the main work force.

7/ To earn a living, the men immigrated from the country to work in the gold and diamond mines.

8/ Rich and luxury villages for Indians, black South Africans and coloreds developed around the white cities.

9/ Black people were well paid didn’t have to travel long distances to work in white areas.


4. Listen to the text one more time and answer the questions:

1/ Who was defeated by British?

2/ What was the only way of defending their Africaans culture?

3/ Who said that “Today South Africa belong to us once more”

4/ What does the word apartheid mean?

5/ What broke down the black people’s tribal customs?


5. Retell the text.



Reading: Hopes and Fears

1. Read and reproduce the glossary:

- crime rate – the amount of crime in a place or country;

- unemployment - number of people in a place or a country that do not have jobs;

- constitution – system of laws and principles that a country is governed by;

- to estimate – make a calculation so as to have an idea of the size or cost of smth.

- To drift – to move slowly;

- squatter – someone who lives in a property without permission or paying rent;

- running water – water that is supplied by a tap which can be turned on and off.

2. Translate into English:


- быть освобожденным из тюрьмы;

- такое радикальное изменение принесло надежду на будущее;

- проблемы, которые стоят перед государством;

- подсчитано, что от 30 до 50 % населения являются безработными;

- отправляются в города в поисках работы;

- криминальная обстановка ухудшается;

- покинуть страну, чтобы избежать насилия;

- быть принятым снова в международное сообщество.


3. Read the text and speak of the problems South Africa facing today and some positive changing.



Listening: The big five

1. Pronounce the words correctly:


Climate, vineyards, elephants, rhinos (hippopotamus), lions, leopards, buffalo, species of birds, culling, poacher, sub-tropical, whales, antelope,.


2. Read the proper names:


Kruger National Park, the Kalahari desert, the West Coast National Park, Karoo Nature Reserve, the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve.


3. Listen to the text and tell what animals can be seen in different parks and reserves.

4. Make a list of the things you would like to see and do on a visit to South Africa.



Reading: The dawn of time

Text 1: Our origins

1. Read the names:

Charles Darwin, Olduvai Gorge, Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, the East African coast, the Middle East, the Shona kings’ city of Great Zimbabwe, Australopithecus Africanus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus.

2. Explain the meaning of the words:

Ancestor, to estimate, indigenous, humanoid.

3. Make up word-combinations:

A: theory of, stone, large, indigenous, humanoid, Arab;

B: tools, traders, African states, evolution, remains, parts.

4. Read the text. Prove the theory of evolution speaking about humanoid remains found in different parts of East Africa.





Text 3: People first?

1. Read the names:

Uganda, AIDS, Kwanda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, the Ruwenzori Mountains, World Heritage Sites.

2. Translate the following words:

To cope with, to orphan, tribal war, ivory tusks, poaching, the elephant population, a guarded attraction, to go gorilla-tracking.

3. Listen to the text and prove the following using the prompts:

- The countries of East Africa have many problems to cope with (poor, to orphan, mass killings, animal population, a conflict, poaching).

- Luckily, there is a solution that suits both people and animals (eco-tourism, wildlife national parks, World Heritage Sites, gorilla-tracking).

4. Retell the text.


West Africa. New Hopes.

Reading: Slave Trade

1. Read and translate the following words into Russian:

To reach, to kidnap, to enslave, defiance, to abolish, descent.

2. Read the text and answer the questions:

1/ What was the book about, which became a best-seller?

2/ What was the result of discovering a route by the Portuguese?

3/ What nationalities took part in slave trade?

4/ Who was the first to abolish the slave trade?

5/ Did the Americans do the same in their country?

3. Retell the text


Middle East. Oil English.

Reading: Oil and Conflict

1. Read the names of the countries and find them on the map:

The Middle East, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Iran.

2. Read and learn the glossary:

Oilfield – area where oil deposits are found

Concession – special rights

Revenue – income from an industry or business

Infrastructure – things a country or industry needs to work properly (e.g. communications, transport)

Instability – uncertainty, possibility of sudden change

Viable – conditions needed to make something successful

3. Ask questions to the text after reading it.

4. Speak to the point: “Why is the Middle East so often in the news?”


Listening: Developing in English”


1. Read the words, mind your pronounciation:

Combination, tribal, kingdoms, highways, oil, technological, expertise, project, permanent, situation, six-lane, industry, state, local, universities, people, satellites.

2. Make up word-combinations with some of them.


3. Pronounce the names:

The Gulf States, Bahrain, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Arabic, the Middle East.


4. Read and learn the glossary:

to exploit – to grow or mine a natural resource for profit;

highway – road;

overseas – coming from abroad;

kingdom – territory ruled over by a king or queen


5. Answer the following questions after listening to the text:

1/ How has the combination of oil riches and foreign influence changed the Gulf States in less than 50 years?

2/ Why did the Gulf States largely depend on overseas companies?

3/ Why are there so many foreign workers in the Gulf States? Why is English their common language?

4/ What language is taught in schools and what at the Universities?

5/ What brings corruption of the West into people’s homes?



Biggest Democracy

Reading: Rich Mixture

1. Read the names:

India, Indus Valley, the Aryans, nomads, Alexander the Great, Grandragupta Maurya, the Gupta Empire, Sanskrit literature, Buddhism, Jains.


2. Make up word combinations:


A: to have, to make, to build, to trade, to divide, to establish, to invent, to write,

B: cities, society up into rigid classes, a system of weight and measures, the first Indian empire, pottery and gold jewellery, classical Sanskrit literature, decimal theory.


3.Answer the questions after reading:

1/ How old is the India’s ancient culture?

2/ What are the first of India’s civilizations famous for?

3/ What people laid the foundations of today’s Hindu culture?

4/ What way did the tribal society of the Aryans develop?

5/ Who established the first Indian empire?

6/ What were the achievements of the golden age of the Gupta Empire?




Islam and the Mughals

1. Read the names:

The Muslim, Mohammed Chori, the Sultan of Delhi, Slave Sultanate, the Turk, the Afghan, the Mughals, Genghis Khan, Akbar, Mughal, Shah Jehan, Taj Mahal, Mumtaz Mahal, Vasco da Gama.

2. Translate into English:


- основывая т.н. «рабский султанат»;

- выгодная внешняя торговля;

- золотая эра;

- поощрять развитие живописи, музыки и литературы;

- отражать смешение многих культур в Индии;

- выстроить белокаменный Тадж Махал в память о возлюбленной царице;

- рассказы о многочисленном богатстве;

- открыть прямой торговый путь по морю;

Совершить первое путешествие вокруг Африки в Индию по морю.


3. Read the text and ask questions to it.

4. Speak about the history of India’s civilization.



Reading: India awakes


1. Read the names:

Jawaharlal Nehru, Pakistan, Muslims, Hindu, Kashmir, Indira Gandhi, China.


2. Read and learn the glossary:


- partition – (v) divide; (n) division;

- starvation – illness or death caused by lack of food;

- dam – barrier built across a river to make a lake;

- irrigate – water crops via canals or ditches;

- fertilizer – something that is put on cultivated land to make it more fertile;

- poverty – being poor;

- illiterate – unable to read or write;

- bureaucratic – having complicated systems or rules.


3. Translate the word combinations into English:


- индусское и мусульманское сообщества,

- разделение – высокая цена за свободу,

- второе в мире по количеству мусульман население,

- проводить серию пятилеток,

- реформа земель, строительство дамб,

- полагаться на погоду, чтобы улучшить урожай,

- национализировать банки,

- быстрое развитие,

- ниже черты бедности,

- коррумпированное и бюрократическое правительство.


4. Answer the questions after reading the text:


1/ What was the price to pay for freedom in 1947?

2/ What were the results of the partition?

3/ What did Nehru do to feed people?

4/ What do “Green and white revolution mean”?

5/ Why did Indira Gandhi become very popular?

6/ What are the results of this rapid development?

7/ What is still to be done in the country?


Reading: Savouring India


1. Read the names:

Milagu-tannir, samosa, naan, biryani, korma, dosas, idlis, sambhar, dohi maach.

2. Explain the meaning of these dishes after reading the text.

3. What food is typical of the following parts:

the north of India, the south and Calcutta?

4. Why do the British still love Indian food? Which of the dishes mentioned in the text would you like to try? Why?



A difficult birth


1. Read the names:

The Land of Pure, Pakistan, Muslims, Quaid –e- Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Sikhs, Hindus, mohajirs, Benazir Bhutto, Karachi.

2. Match the following and put in a correct order:


Land of the Pure was the name given                               Muslims

In some areas of India the majority of the people were    mohajirs

Millions of Sikhs and Hindus moved to the Indian side   to Pakistan

Millions of Muslims moved                                         little in common with other

They had                                                                          Pakistanis, except their religion                               

                                                                                           Moved to the Indian side


3. Read the text, check your answers and retell the text.




Land of rivers

Listening: Joy Bangla!

1. Read the names:

Dhaka, Bangladesh, East(West) Pakistan, Muslim, Bangla, Urdu, Sheikh Myjibur Rahman.


2. Match the words and their definitions:


Firecracker                        - freedom to govern or manage oneself;

To partition                                - a small firework which explodes loudly;

To dominate                      - to divide;

Autonomy                         - have power and control over others.


3. Make up word-combinations A+B:

A: the sound of, separate, country’s, armed, bloody.

B: forces, firecrackers, economy, struggle, regions.


4. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps:


1/ On December 16th each year, the streets of Dhaka, the capital of … and sounds …

2/ In 1947, when the British left India…

3/ East West Pakistan were 2 separate regions, with …

4/ Politically they were …

5/ East Pakistan speaks… and the West speaks …

6/ In …, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won an election, in which he had campaigned for…


5. Read the text, check your answers and retell it.


Serendipity and war

Reading: Serendib


1. Read the names:

Sri Lanka, Medieval Arab merchants, Serendib, the Sinhalese, the Tamils, the Indian Ocean, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British.

2. Match the word with its definition and reproduce.


Merchant, pearl, strategic, spice, resource, serendipity.


Having a key position, especially for the military.

Someone who buys and sells things.

Something that can be utilized to increase wealth e.g. oil, gold.

A happy, accidental discovery.

Small, white ball found inside oyster-shells and used in jewellery.

Powder or seed from plants used to flavour food, e.g. nutmeg, pepper.

3. Translate into English, then read and check your answer:

Драгоценные камни, гражданская война, прибыли в разное время из разных частей Индии, главные торговые пути Индийского океана.


4. Read the text again and retell it.


Reading: The road to war


1. Read the words:

Resent, subsidy, bias, full-blown, guerrilla.


2. Find the definition to the words in ex. 1:


- being at a most advanced or complete stage;

- feel angry or upset about a situation;

- money paid by a government to keep prices lower than they really are;

- unofficial soldier, who usually attacks in small groups;

- tendency to consider one person or group more favourably than another.


3. Translate into English:


Разделять и властвовать, несмотря на меньшинство, господствовать в экономической и политической жизни страны, высокие правительственные затраты на образование, здравоохранение и субсидии на продовольствие, присоединяться к партизанским группам.


4. Check your answer after reading the text for the first time. Read it again and ask questions to make a plan.

5. Retell the text.

Listening: Beaches and Tea

1. Read the names:

Sri Lanka, Beruwela, Hikkaduwa, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, cloves, nutmeg, pepper.

2. Make up word-combinations and translate them into Russian:

A: sandy golden, lush green, ancient, cultural, ethic, coconut, warm blue, stark, social, poor living.

B: tensions, standards, beaches, problems, vegetation, poverty, monuments, riches, sea, palms.


3. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps:

1/ Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful places in the world with…

2/ Tourism is very important to the economy, though …

3/ …               , sheltered by …              and washed by …

4/ …       Sri Lanka’s leading exports.

5/ The country is famous for …

6/ Underneath the lush greenery and natural beauty, however is …

7/ The pay is …                                and the cost …

8/ There are many …             and workers have …


4. Listen to it again and retell it.


Hong Kong

Business is Best

Reading: Opium for Tea

1. Read the names:

Hong Kong, China, Chinese, Opium War, the Kowloon peninsula, the New Territories, Taiwan, Deng Xiaoping, the Beijing government.

2. Match the definition with the word:

Refugee          powerful drug made from poppy seeds.

Treaty        main body of land that forms a country.

Lease      formal agreement between countries.

Porcelain    emigrant

Mainland     expensive type of China.

Treaty       agreement which allows someone to use land or property for a period of time


3. Translate into English:

Заставить Китай вступить в зарубежную торговлю, продолжать торговать опиумом, доходы от торговли опиумом, Китай сопротивлялся незаконной торговле, китайцы были вынуждены подписать договор, это было по лендлизу от Китая, Гонг Конг оставался британской колонией, действовал как связующее звено, полная демократия, причинить вред торговле между колонией и Китаем.

4. Read the text and check your answers.

5. Ask questions to the text and then retell it.          



Singapore. City State.

Reading: Venice of Asia

1. Read the names:

Singapore, Venice, Sumatra, Sir Stamford Raffles, Asia, East, the Chinese, Malasia, the Malay and Chinese communities, Lee Kuan Yew, Indonesia.

2. Match the synonyms:

Riot                                        to conquer

To refuel                                          port

Community                            gate

Gateway                                          to rule

To govern                              assembly

Harbour                                 replenish

To invade                               breach of peace


3. Make up word-combinations A+B and translate them into Russian:

A: modern, medieval, powerful, to hunt, a key, deep-water, to refuel, naval.

B: Venice, a lion, harbour, base, equivalent, polititians, position, steamship.


4. Translate into English and explain grammar:

Подобно средневековой Венеции, Сингапур – независимый город-государство находится под управлением небольшой группы могущественных политиков и бизнесменов.

История рассказывает, что в 1299 принц Суматры охотился на льва.

Современный Сингапур был основан в 1819 сэром Стамфордом Рафлом.

Глубоководный порт был идеальным для заправки углем больших пароходов.

Большинство китайского населения Сингапура под предводительством Ли Хуана Ие желали независимости от Малазии, на которую согласились в 1965.

Небольшой китайский город-государство находился под господством двух крупных мусульманских соседей – Малазии и Индонезии.


5. Read the text and ask questions to form a plan of it.



Reading: The Lion Roars

1. Read the words and give their derivatives:

To modernize, to improve, housing, refinery, to redevelop, drinkable, to support, government, projects, effect.

2. Reproduce the glossary:

To smuggle – illegally import things into country

Vandalism – barbarism

Punishment – penalty

legal – permitted by law

3. Translate the following into English and explain in English:

- высоко-технологичные фабрики;

- питьевая водопроводная вода;

- местные компании;

-  вторая по богатству страна;

- строгий контроль над свободой слова;

- нелегально ввозить жевательную резинку;

- физические наказания за вандализм;

- смертная казнь за контрабанду наркотиков в страну;

- успех Сингапура в коммерции.

4. Read the text and ask questions to it.


Reading: Modern Dilemmas


1. Read the names:

Malasia, Muslim, Islam, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabah, Sarawak, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs. Christians.

2. Find the definition to the word and reproduce it.

    Secular                     practice of keeping religious laws very strictly.

    Dilemma                  act of praising God

    Worship                   situation when it is very difficult to make a decision

    Puritanical                not connected to a religion

    Fundamentalism      having a severe attitude towards religious or moral behavior.

    Indigenous               native to a country or area.

3. Make up word-combinations A +B:

A: Muslim, modern, rapid economic, beauty, multy-ethnic, indigenous, freedom of, puritanical, secular.

B: lifestyle, contest, peoples, state, country, development, society, worship, elements.

4. Define the grammatical phenomena and translate the sentences into English:

1). Малазия – мусульманское государство, пытающееся войти в режим современного стиля жизни.

2). Мусульманские женщины были арестованы и осуждены по мусульманскому закону.

3). Страна сегодня – много этническое общество, составленное из малайцев, китайцев, индусов.

4). Как может их страна стать промышленной без того, чтобы стать светской и материалистической?

5). Как может страна открыться информационным технологиям без того, чтобы пасть жертвой пред западной поп-культурой?

6). Это не знак растущего фундаментализма, а страны, стремящейся найти свое место в современном мире.

5. Read and translate the text, ask questions to make a plan.

6. Speak about modern dilemmas in Malasia.



 Reading: English in Malasia

1. Make up word-combinations A+B:

A: major, political, the national, standard, young, a developed, few.

B: independence, British English, nation, schools, restrictions, Malasians, language.

2. Read the words and give their derivatives:

Political, national, Malasian, to express, unacceptable, to develop, to intervene, restriction.

3. Define the grammatical phenomena and translate into English:

1/ К началу 20 в. Все государства, которые образуют современную Малазию перешли под власть Британии.

2/ В 1957, когда страна завоевала (приобрела) политическую независимость, малазийский был объявлен национальным языком, но чтобы сделать его официальным языком потребовалось гораздо больше времени.

3/ Несмотря на это, после малазийского, английский – до сих пор лучше всего понимают во всех сообществах.

4/ Существует мнение, что многие молодые малайцы не умеют выразиться ясно по-английски.

5/ Считается неприемлемым для страны, намеревающейся стать развитой нацией к 2020.

6/ Сейчас больше часов английского преподают в школах, и меньше ограничений по использованию английского по радио и ТВ.

4. Read, translate and retell the text.




Reading: A Tiger Cub

1. Read the words and give their derivatives:

Economy, crisis, to affect, attainment, exports, to increase, to achieve.

2. Translate into English:

Международная пресса, валютный кризис, экономический спад, новая промышленно развитая страна, модернизировать страну, глобальная конкуренция, людские полномочия, валовой национальный продукт, доход на душу населения, определенный уровень развития, демократические институты, по высокой цене, естественная окружающая среда, привлечение зарубежных инвестиций.

3. Translate the sentences? Using the Present Perfect:

1. За последние годы, страна явственно отступила назад

2. Достижение статуса экономического тигра являлось основным планом администрации Рамоса с тех пор, как он занял свой пост с 1992

3.  Президент Фидель В. Рамос попытался модернизировать страну.

4. Его главные задачи были «глобальная конкуренция» и «людские полномочия»

5. За последние годы экспорт вырос так же как и валовой национальный продукт.

6.  Также был рост дохода на душу населения.

7. Бедность, в тоже время, снизилась.

8. Президент говорит, что Филиппины достигли определенного уровня развития не жертвуя демократическими институтами.

9. Критики отвечают, что развитие было достигнуто по высокой цене для окружающей природной среды страны.

4. Read the text check up your translation and retell it

Reading: A thousand Islands

1.Read the names of the islands:

Polynesia: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga; Micronesia: Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands; Melanesia: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu Islands.

2.Read the text ask each other to guess the name of the island you are describing.

3. Speak about the Pacific Islands.



Reading: Religion for all

1.Read the names:

The Polynesians, Samoa, Tonga, the Methodists, the Anglicans, the Solomon Islands, the Roman Catholics, Bahai, Mormon.

2.Translate the following into English:

Ходить в церковь три раза в воскресенье, купание в воскресение считается преступлением, обращать людей в христианство, местные традиции и верования часто переплетаются, церковные службы включают традиционные песни и гимны, многие школы открыты миссиями.

3.Check up your translation after reading the text.

4.Retell the text.




New Zealand

Reading: Kingdom of birds


1. Read the names:

kiwi, takehe, kakapo, tuatara.

2. Define these species of birds and animals:

kiwi -              small, four legged reptile with a long tail, which lives in hot climate;

takehe-            a national bird, which is about the size of a duck;

lizard -            large mammal which lives on the seashore and eats fish;

seal -               which is a type of lizard;

kakapo -         a bird which is bright blue and green;

tuatara -          a rare bird, about 50 species left.

3. Translate into English:

Населенный птицами,

терять способность летать,

щипать траву, подобно овцам,

нелетающие птицы,

многие из его природных обитателей: тюлени и рыба оказались жизнеспособными.

4. Read the text and speak about fauna of New Zealand.


Listening: One People?

1. Read and learn some Maori words:

pakeha – non- Maori;

huis – festivals;

Maraes – Maori community centres with a meeting house;

tangihanga – long lamentations for the dead;

Te Maori – a big exhibition in 1986.

2. Make up A+B:

A: Maori, remote, land, material, traditional, meeting, important national;

B: events, people, house, countryside, ways, rights, culture.

3. Translate into English paying attention to the usage of Participle I, II:

1/ Те, кто учился в университетах начали проводить демонстрации в поддержку языка маори, культуры и прав на землю;

2/ Они оказывают радушный прием дальним родственникам и практикуют долгий горестный плач, называемый tangihanga по умершим.

3/ В 1986 крупная выставка под названием Te Maori  заставила новозеландцев из разных этнических групп понять важность культуры маори.

4. Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1/ Where did most Maori people live? Before they moved to cities?

2/ Who began demonstrating in support of Maori language?

3/ Where is the Maori’s only home?

4/ In what way did the Maori people keep their traditions?

5. Read the text and retell it.


Escaping History

Text 1 Christians and conquerors

Text 2 Ulster

1. Read the names:

Ireland, the Celts, Saint Patrick, the Vikings, Scandinavia, Dublin, Cork, the Normans, the British, British Protestants, Irish Catholics, Ulster, Scottish Protestants, the Republic of Ireland, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Nationalists, Unionists.


2. Match the following and speak about Irish history:


The Vikings                                were the first known inhabitants of Ireland

St. Patrick                         arrived from Scandinavia

The Celts                           was the patron saint of Ireland

The Normans                    came to conquer in the 12-th century

Irish Catholics                  started the invasion at the beginning of the 17-th century

The Irish                           were made homeless

                                         Were also excluded from the Parlament

                                         Took the land from its Irish owners by force

                                         Had large families


3. Answer the following questions after reading text 1:


1/. What do we know about the first inhabitants of the island?

2/. What is said about St. Patrick?

3/. Who founded Dublin and Cork?

4/. What happened in the 12 century?

5/. What invasion lasted until the 20-th century?

6/. What weapon did the British use? What does it mean?

7/. Why did Irish Catholics become homeless?

8/. What laws did the British pass?

9/. Why did the Irish have to emigrate?

10/. What was the reason of a terrible famine?


4. Read text 2 and ask questions.

5. Retell it.


Listening text 6

A Way with Words”


1. Read the names:

The Gaelic, Ireland, Gaeltachts, J.M. Synge, Western Isles, James Joyce, Ulysses, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde.


2. Read and translate the new words:

Imaginative, creativity, poetry, majority, to surface, masterpiece, playwright, phrases, idioms.


3. Match the following:


The Irish have produced                           English

Most television programs are          some of the most imaginative writers of English literature.

All Gaeltachts have                         in English

The Great majority of people speak in all schools

Gaelick is taught                              still the first language in some parts

                                                        Of Ireland

Gaelick is                                         summer schools



4. Translate the first part of the sentences into English, and listen to the tape to finish them:


1. Ирландский язык дал английской литературе…

2. Драматург Синг отправился на Гебридские острова, чтобы…

3. Джеймс Джойс преобразовал …

4. Дж. Б. Шоу и Оскар Уайлд были известны своим…


5. Listen to the text and retell it.



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