Listening text 9: English or French? — КиберПедия 

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Listening text 9: English or French?

2020-12-06 83
Listening text 9: English or French? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Read the names:

Canada, the British, Radisson, Groseilliers, Hudson’s Bay, British North America, Luisiana, the Cajuns.


2. Make up word-combinations A+B:


A: the French, the Hudson’s Bay, the Canadian, the British.

B: presence, settles, Company, adventures, investors, government.


3. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks:


1/ … founded modern Canada, but it was … who benefited.

2/ Two …, Radisson and Groseilliers, had failed to interest … in trading around…

3/ It sold the land back to … in …, two years after Canada became an independent nation.

4/ While … remained small, … grew.

5/ They took over … and expelled …, some of whom moved to ….


4. Listen to the text and correct the wrong statements:


1/ In 1616, the Hudson’s Bay Company was set up.

2/ It was given a royal charter to control steel trade and 3,5 hundred square kilometers of land, west of Hudson Bay.

3/ The company grew so powerless that it acted as the government of British North America for the next 200 years.

4/ The Hudson’s Bay Company doesn’t exist today.

5/ By 1760, the British had captured both Ottawa and Montreal and Canada became a British possession.




Listening Text 10

Caribs and Africans

1. Read the names:

Amerindians, the Caribbean islands, the Europeans, Christopher Columbus, Spain, Britain, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Saint Eustatius, West Africa.


2. Put down the new words into your Glossary and reproduce their meaning:

- hammock – bed made of canvas, which is hung between 2 poles or trees;

- canoe - small, narrow boat, which is paddled by one or more people;

- smallpox – disease which causes scars on the skin or even death;

- crop - plant which is grown by farmers;

- slave - someone who is owned by another person;

- plantation – a large farm where crops such as sugar and tea are grown;

- trader – someone who buys an sells things.


3. Define the words:


e.g. Amerindians, Americans, the English – nationalities.


Influenza, smallpox –

Sugar, tobacco, cotton –

Christopher Columbus, John Cabot –

Caribbean, Cyprus, Malta –


4. Listen to the text and answer the teacher’s questions:


1/ Who discovered the Caribbean islands?

2/ What were the main trades of Amerindians?

3/ What words did the Europeans borrow from the origin inhabitants?

4/ What did the Europeans brought them?

5/ What killed most of the Amerindians?

6/ Whom did the Caribbean islands belong?

7/ Why were the islands valuable for the Europeans?

8/ Why did the European traders bring slaves from West Africa to work on the plantations?



Reading: Text 1

Bananas and Hurricanes


1. Translate the word-combinations into English:

- хлопок, выращиваемый на плантациях,

- часто умирали от непосильного труда и недоедания (overwork and malnutrition)

- более высокий источник доходов,

- основная культура экспорта,

- такие острова, как Antiqua,

- основные продукты питания, которые они используют,

- две трети урожая бананов.


2. Speak of the past an present of Caribbean using the table:


1/ The slaves on the                             1/ were shipped back to the

plantations                                                    countries that had colonized the Caribbean

2/ Some islands like Antiqua                2/ is still important, but tourism is

                                                             a greater source of income

3/ Cotton                                           3/ often died of overwork and


4/ Large hotels                                      4/ is now grown only for local use

5/ The sugar, tobacco and cotton         5/ import very much of the food they

grown on the plantations                               use, so local farmers do not benefit much from tourism

6/ Today agriculture                                      6/ do not grow sugar any more

7/ Natural disasters                                       7/ add to the difficulties of Caribbean agriculture


Reading Text 2

Around the Caribbean


Read the text look at the map and speak about the islands.




Listening: A Mixture of Languages

1. Read the names:


Bahamas, Jamaica, the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, the Dutch islands, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the French Antilles, Guadelope, Martinique.


2. Look at the names of the languages. Listen to the text and say in what areas these languages are spoken:


English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Creole.


3. Speak about the languages spoken in the Caribbean. Why are so many languages spoken in the Caribbean?


Reading: Tourism and Poverty


Read the text and speak about the Caribbeans, comparing the life in coastline and inland using the words:


Luxury resorts – small wooden houses;

Running water, shower, electricity – public tap;

Local residents, “higglers and hawkers” – foreign visitors;

Unemployment, drug-related problems – the most important industry.



Reading: Tropical Flavour

1. Pronounce the names of Caribbean dishes:


Cassava, yams, maize, arrow-root, peanuts, beans, cocoa, fish, lobster, conch, flying fish, chips, coucou, nutmeg, jelly, mountain chicken, rotis, shark-and-bake, curried goat.


2. Tell us about traditional Caribbean cooking.


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