The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Настоящее совершенное длительное время ) — КиберПедия 

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The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Настоящее совершенное длительное время )

2020-05-08 285
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Настоящее совершенное длительное время ) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Present Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и Present Participle смыслового глагола.

Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения длительного действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящий момент или продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и закончилось перед настоящим моментом. Период времени обозначается обстоятельствами времени, выраженными сочетаниями с предлогами for (for a long time, for a week, for a month и др.) и since (since early morning, since two o'clock и др.).

Начальный момент может также обозначаться временным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом since.

Present Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык либо настоящим, либо прошедшим временем глагола несовершенного вида.

It has been raining hard since early morning. Идет сильный дождь с раннего утра. The north wind has been blowing for three days now. Вот уже три дня дует северный ветер. John is very tired as he has been translating an article for four hours. Джон очень устал, так как он в течение четырехчасов переводил (переводит) статью.

В отдельных случаях— с глаголами to live, to learn, to work и др.— формы Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous могут быть взаимозаменяемы. Сравните:

Не has lived here for six years.— He has been living here for six years. How long have you learnt English?— How long have you been learning English?

Целый ряд глаголов, как правило, не употребляется в Present Perfect Continuous. К ним относятся глаголы, выражающие восприятие органов чувств: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch и др.; эмоциональные восприятия: to hate, to love, to want, to like, to dislike и др.; умственные восприятия: to think, to understand, to know и др. Эти глаголы обычно употребляются в Present Perfect.

I have not seen my brother for a long time. Я давно не видел своего брата.

They have known our family since we came to live here. Они знают нашу семью (знакомы с...) с тех пор, как мы приехали сюда.

I have always liked his music. Мне всегда нравилась, его музыка.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ: 1. В разговорной речи, однако, эти глаголы могут употребляться в Present Perfect Continuous в том случае, если говорящий хочет подчеркнуть временной характер процесса.

I have been thinking about it a!l day long. Я весь день думаю об этом.

2. В отрицательных предложениях вместо Present Perfect Continuous обычно употребляется Present Perfect.

It has not rained since last Tuesday. Дождя не было с прошлого вторника.

Exercise 7. Respond to these sentences according to the models.

a) Have you been staying here long? (for a month)

I've (I have) been staying here for a month.

1. Have you been learning English long? (for a year and a half) 2. Has it been raining long? (since early morning) 3. Has it been snowing long? (since yesterday) 4. Has he been collecting stamps long? (for five years)

b) She is teaching at Moscow University.

How long has she been teaching at the university?

1. Peter is waiting for them. 2. They are playing football now. 3. He is watching a rugby match on TV. 4. She's reading an article. 5. Vast masses of cold air are flowing over the land. 6. They are working hard.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.

1. He (to be) very busy lately. 2. I (to wait) for you since one o'clock in the afternoon. 3. How long you (to know) Jane? 4. I (not to meet) the Marchands since last year. 5. It (to snow) since early morning. 6. We (to work) hard for two hours. 7. "How long your mother (to teach) at college?" "For fifteen years." 8. The north wind (to blow) since early morning.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Кого вы ждете? — Петра. Я жду его уже около часа. Интересно, что случилось с ним. 2. Весь день идет снег. Так много снега давно не выпадало. (Мы не имели...) 3. Сколько времени вы живете здесь? — Около пяти лет. 4. Что вы сегодня делали с утра? — Я переводил очень интересную статью. 5. Сколько времени они обсуждают этот вопрос? — Более получаса. 6. Северный ветер дует уже целую неделю.

Exercise 10. Make up ten sentences using Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect.


3. Compounds of "some", "any", "no", "every" (Сложные местоимения и наречия)



Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no, every в сочетании со словами one, body, think образуют сложные местоимения, в сочетании со словом where — сложные наречия.

Сложные местоимения подчиняются тем же правилам, что и местоимения some, any (см. урок 6).

1. Сложные местоимения могут употребляться в предложении в функции подлежащего или дополнения. Если сложное местоимение выступает в функции подлежащего, оно сочетается со сказуемым в форме единственного числа.

Everyone has come. Все пришли.

Has anyone read this book? Читал ли кто-нибудь эту книгу?

Can you hear anything! Вы слышите что-нибудь?

Не brought nothing yesterday. Он ничего не принес вчера.

2. В тех случаях, когда подлежащим являются местоимения no one, nobody, nothing, глагол-сказуемое употребляется в утвердительной форме, поскольку в английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание.

No one knows how to get there. Никто не знает, как пройти туда.

3. В отрицательных предложениях в качестве дополнения могут употребляться no one, nobody, nothing с глаголом-сказуемым в утвердительной форме и anyone, anybody, anything с глаголом-сказуемым в отрицательной форме.


I found no one there yesterday.— I did not find anyone there yesterday. He could see nothing.— He could not see anything.

4. Сложные местоимения, содержащие в своем составе one, body или thing (someone, somebody, anyone, anybody и т. д.), не употребляются в сочетаниях с предлогом. Вместо них употребляются соответствующие неопределенные местоимения some, any, one, none, each(каждый).

Some of us will be able to go swimming. Некоторые из нас смогут пойти поплавать.

One of us will have to go to the airport. Одному из нас придется поехать в аэропорт.

Each of us is ready to help him. Каждый из нас готов помочь ему.

I want none of these books. Из этих книг мне ничего не нужно.

5. В функции подлежащего попе может согласовываться с глаголом как в форме единственного, так и множественного числа, однако в современной английской разговорной речи наблюдается тенденция к употреблению глагола в форме единственного числа.

None of them is (are) here. Никого из них здесь нет.

6. Местоимения anyone, anybody, anything со значением всякий, любой могут употребляться в утвердительных предложениях.

Anybody can do that. Любой (всякий) может это сделать. You may take anything. Можете взять все (любое), что хотите.

7. В условных придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзом if, в значении кто-нибудь, что-нибудь употребляются неопределенные местоимения anyone, anybody, anything.

If anyone rings me up, tell him I shall be back at 2 p.m. Если мне кто-нибудь позвонит, скажите, что я вернусь в 2 часа (дня).

8. В специальных вопросах, а также в общих вопросах, в которых что-нибудь предлагается или выражается какая-нибудь просьба, употребляются местоимения someone, somebody, something.

Why didn't you ask someone to help you? Почему вы не попросили кого-нибудь помочь вам?

Will you take something to read? Вы не возьмете что-нибудь почитать?

9. После сложных местоимений и наречий может употребляться наречие else еще, кроме.

Did you see anybody else there? Вы видели там кого-нибудь еще?

10. Неопределенные местоимения someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, nobody, everybody могут принимать окончание притяжательного падежа.

I saw somebodys textbook there. Is it Mike's? Я видел чей-то учебник там. Это не учебник Майкла?

Н о: That must be somebody else's book.

11. После сложных местоимений могут употребляться прилагательное или инфинитив в функции определения к ним.

There was nothing new in his lecture. В его лекции не было ничего нового. I have got something to tell you, Я хочу вам кое о чем рассказать.

12. Сложные наречия somewhere и nowhere обычно употребляются в функции обстоятельства места.

The bookshop must be somewhere near here. Книжный магазин, должно быть, где-то здесь поблизости. I can see him nowhere. Я нигде не вижу его. We went nowhere else. Мы больше никуда не пошли.

Exercise 11. Make up sentences using ihe table and translate them.



Exercise 12. Read and translate these sentences.

1. He put something on the desk and went out. 2. No one scored a goal during the match yesterday.. 3. I have never seen him and I know nothing about him. 4. Can you tell me something about the matter? 5. "Did Peter tell you anything about his trip?" "Yes, he did." 6. When I saw him he was talkihg to somebody. 7. Is there a department store anywhere near here? 8. You will find the book somewhere in that bookcase. 9 "Did any of them come to the library yesterday?" "No, none did." 10. In a small town everyone knows everyone else. 11. Have you got anything to tell me? 12. Did you find anything new in the novel? 13, Shall we take something to read? 14. If anyone comes to see me ask him to wait for me.

Exercise 13. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Is there anything else to do?

B: Yes. You can help Peter do his homework.

(B: translate this article, look through the papers, dictate some letters)

2. A: Will anyone else come?

B: I hear Mary and Peter were going to come.

(B: Ben and Jack, Jane and Bill)

3. A: Is it difficult to learn to swim"!

B: Certainly not. Anyone can learn to swim.

(A, B: to type, spoken French, to drive a car)

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

1. Кто-то звонил вам по телефону сегодня утром. 2. Мне хотелось бы куда-нибудь поехать на зимние каникулы. 3. Больше я ничего о нем не знаю. 4. Купила ли Анна еще что-нибудь в универсаме? 5. Вы можете купить этот учебник везде. 6. Он ничего не сказал и вышел из комнаты. 7. Расскажите мне все об этом. 8. Никто из них не поехал туда на пароходе. Все полетели самолетом. 9. Сказал ли он что-нибудь новое об этом в своей лекции? 10. Вы видели кого-нибудь из них там? — Нет никого. 11. Я никуда больше не хочу идти. 12. Каждый изних может помочь вам.


4. Present Participle in the Function of an Attribate *(Причастие настоящего времени в функции определения)


Present Participle** очень часто употребляется в функции определения:

* attribute ['setnbjuifl. n определение

** Об образовании причастий настоящего времени см. ур. 4.


а) перед существительным:

She is a loving little girl. Она любящая маленькая девочка.

б) после существительного (в этом случае группа причастия эквивалентна русскому причастному обороту или придаточному определительному предложению):

The actress playing the part of Eliza [liaiza ] is brilliant. Актриса, которая играет роль Элизы, великолепна.

The nan sitting over there is our new Freanch teacher. Человек сидящей (который сидит) зон там, наш новый преподаватель французского языка.

Exercise 15. Form present participles from these verbs.

to write, to blow, to do, to give, to leave, to put, to read, to speak, to wait, to stand, to shout, to flow

Exercise 16. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to present participles.

1. The Student sitting next to me is a friend of mine. 2. The northern winds blowing from the Arctic influence the climate of the country. 3. Vast masses of cold air flowing over the land lower the temperature. 4. The tundra occupying the extreme north of the country is a cold bare region. 5. The boy writing on the blackboard is Ann's brother. 6. "I'm afraid the boy waiting for his father has got wet. It's raining hard," he said. 7. The girl standing next to Ann is one of the best pupils.

Exercise 17. Mahe up three sentences using present participles.


5. Article with an Apposition * (Употребление артикля перед приложением)

* apposition [,asp3'zijn]


1. Перед приложением, характеризующим лицо или предмет, употребляется неопределенный артикль.

Michael Petrov, a teacher of English, is coming to see them tonight.

2. Если приложение относится к лицу или предмету, пользующемуся широкой известностью, то перед ним употребляется определенный артикль.

Moscow, the capital* of Russia, is a beautiful city.

* capital ['кжрш] в столица




Noun-forming suffix "-ing"

С помощью суффикса -ing образуются от глагольных основ существительные, обозначающие:

а) процесс или действие: swimming плавание, teaching обучение;

б) конкретный результат действия: writing произведение.

Exercise. Form nouns from these verbs using the suffix -ing and translate them into Russian.

to shop, to act, to greet, to begin, to live, to hear




Learn these words and word combinations


Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

1. Most postgraduates spend a great deal of time in libraries. 2. He is sure to make quite a few friends there. 3.Would you like to look round the Houses of Parliament? 4. I wonder if her brother is an M.P.? 6. First we shall go to the House of Lords and then to the House of Commons. 6. Mr Brown took them to the House of Lords. 7. The queen never comes into the House of Commons. 8. Do you know who opens a session of Parliament in Great Britain? 9. The Prime Minister sits on the front bench on the right of the Speaker. 10. The Leader of the Opposition walked to the front bench on the left of the Speaker and sat down. 11. I wonder how often the Shadow Cabinet meets. 12. He does not belong to either of the two main political parties of the USA. 13. When is the cabinet going to sit again? 14. Does your window face the north? 15. Do the cross-benches face the Speaker? 16. The debate lasted till, late at night. 17. I'm sorry, I've taken up too much of your time.


Mary Frolova, an exchange postgraduate from Moscow is studying English dialects at Oxford University. Mary has been staying at Oxford for three months now. She has spent a great deal of her time in the University library. Mary has made quite a few friends since she came to England.

Last week Mary visited the Houses of Parliament. One of her English friends, Alice Bromhead, asked Mary if she would like to look round the Houses of Parliament. Alice's brother is an M.P. and he got two tickets for the Strangers' Gallery.

Alice and Mary arrived at Westminster at half past eleven and went to the entrance to the Victoria Tower. Alice's brother met them there. He took them first to the House of Lords. There they saw the Throne on which the Queen sits when she opens a session of Parliament and the woolsack1 on which the Lord Chancellor sits.

Then Mr Bromhead took them to the House of Commons. They saw the speaker's Chair where the Speaker usually sits. The front bench on the Speaker's right is for the Prime Minister and the leading members of his government. The front bench on the Speaker's left is for the Leader of the Oppositon and members of his Shadow cabinet. There are some cross-benches facing the Speaker for members who do not belong to either of the two main political parties.

After lunch Mr Bromhead took the girls to the Strangers' Gallery. Then he went to the House of Commons which was going to sit in a few minutes.

Mary was amused to see2 members in the front seats sitting with their feet on the table in front of them. Some members -were talking to those sitting next to them. Members were coming in and out all the time, everyone bowed to the Speaker as he came in or out.

If the members liked what a Speaker was saying, they shouhed, "Hear, hear!3" If they did not like something they shouted, "No!"

Alice and Mary listened to the debate until late in the afternoon. When the debate was over, Mr Bromhead found them. Mary said to him, "Thank you very much for enjoyable visit and for the excellent lunch. I hope we haven't taken up too much of your time."

Mr Bromhead answered, "It's sometimes nice to put pleasure before work4. I'm glad you enjoyed the visit.


Mary and Alice decided to take a walk. As they walked along the embankment, Alice asked Mary, "I wonder how you managed to learn English so well. How long have you been | learning it?" "For five years at the Teacher Training College.

There are quite a few very good teachers of Englishl at our I college."


Alice Bromhead ['aslis 'bromhed ] Алиса Бромхед Westminster ['westmmsts] Вестминстер (перен. английский парламент)

Victoria Tower [vik'tD:ri3 'taus] башня Виктории (главная башня здания парламента)


1. woolsack ['wulsaek] мешок с шерстью (набитая шер-| стью красная бархатная подушка, на которой сидит лорд-канцлер в палате лордов)

2. Mary was amused [a'mju:zd] to see Мери очень насмешило, когда она увидела

3. "Hear, hear!" "Правильно! Правильно!" (возглас I одобрения).

4. pleasure before work перевернута поговорка "Work I before pleasure." Сначала работа, а потом удовольствие.

Exercise 2. Read und translate the text.

Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. она проводила много времени. 2. Мери подружилась с довольно многими. 3. справа от спикера для премьер-министра и ведущих членов правительства. 4. для членов, которые не принадлежат ни к одной из двух главных политических партий. 5. когда прения (дискуссия) закончились. 6. Надеюсь, что мы не отняли у вас слишком много времени. 7. Сколько лет ты учила его (английский язык)?

Exercise 4. Quote the sentences tn which these words and word combinations are used in the text.

postgraduate, the Houses of Parliament, the Strangers' Gallery, session, his Shadow cabinet, to sit, in front of, next to, to be over, to walk along, quite a few

Exercise 5. Answer these questions.

1. What is Mary Frolova? 2. Has Mary made quite a few friends since she came to England? 3. Who invited Mary to look round the Houses of Parliament? 4. Where did Mr Bromhead take Mary and Alice first? 5. What did they see in the House of Lords? 6. What did they see in the House of Commons? 7. Where do the leading menbers of the government sit? 8. Where do the members of the Opposition sit? 9. Where did Mr Bromhead take the girls after lunch? 10. What was Mary amused to see? 11. What did members of Parliament do during the debate? 12. The House of Lords is less important than the House of Commons, isn't it? 13. Mary thanked Mr Bromhead for an enjoyable visit, didn't she? 14. What did Mary and Alice speak about as they walked along the embankment?

Exercise 6. Give the three forms of the following verbs.

to make, to stay, to spend, to look, to be, to get, to go, to take, to sit, to meet, to see, to belong, to come, to bow, to say, to find, to enjoy, to decide, to learn

Exercise 7. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: I wonder how Marys getting on?

B: She's all right. She's made quite a few friends since she came to Oxford.

(A: Jane, Alice, Ann; B: London, Leeds, Moscow)

2. A: How long has the House of Commons been sitting today?

B: For over three hours.

(A: the House of Lords, the cabinet, the Shadow cabinet)

3. A: You're still looking round.

B: Yes, we've been looking round the Houses of Parliament since 11 o'clock in the morning.

{B: the town, the University)

Exercise 8. Give the degrees of comparison of these adjectives and adverbs.

great, few, long, leading, late, much, many, enjoyable, excellent, well, good

Exercise 9. Insert articles where necessary.

1. John Din,... British exchange postgraduate, is studying... Russian dialects. He has been staying at... Moscow University for over six months. John has spent... great deal of his time in... library. He has made quite... few friends since he came to Moscow. 2. Mr Brown invited Viktorov, to visit... Houses of Parliament. Mr Brown is... M. P, for Leeds. 3. There are over 900 peers* in.. House of Lords. 4. There are 630 members in... House of Commons. 5. No... King or... Queen of England can come into... House of Commons. 6. They saw... front bench on... Speaker's right. This bench is for... Prime Minister and... leading members of... government. 7.... debate lasted until late in... afternoon. 8. I wonder what"., members of Parliament shout when they like what... speaker is saying. 9. Thank you for... most enjoyable evening," she said. 10. They decided to take... walk along... embankment after lunch.

* peer [pra] n пэр


Exercise 10. Insert prepositions or adverbs.

1. Would you like to look... the University? 2. Who is sitting... the left... the Leader... the Opposition? 3. "The Queen sits... this throne when she opens a session... Parliament," he said. 4. "Did you see the woolsack... which the Lord Chancellor usually sits?" she asked. 5. What political party do you belong...! 6. There was a beautiful garden... front... the house. 7. Who is sitting next... the Prime Minister? 8. I hope I haven't taken... too much.. your time. Thank you very much.

Exercise 11. Make up ten questions based on the text "A Visit to the Houses of Parliament" and answer them.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and use the proper tenses.

1. The Leader of the Oppositions (to leave) just. His Shadow cabinet (to sit) at twelve. 2. I (to be interested) in British political parties. 3. He (to spend) a great deal of time in the British Library since he (to come) to London. 4. I hope I (to make) quite a few friends there. 5. I don't think he (to belong) to either of the two main political parties. 6. "The debate (to last) for three hours already. Do you know when it (to be over)?" he asked. 7. They (to walk) along the embankment for an hour already. 8. I hope I (not to take) too much of your time. 9. He (to go) to Sochi for quite a few days.

Exercise 13. Open the brackets and use present participles. Translate the sentences.

1. The man (to sit) over there is an M. P. for Liverpool. 2. Please, speak to the man (to read) a book near the window. 3. The windows (to face) the north are too large, I think. 4. The girl (to study) English dialects is a exchange postgraduate. 5. The cross-benches (to face) the Speaker are for members of Parliament who do not belong to either of the two main political parties. 6. They saw some members (to sit) with their feet on the table in front of them. 7. Members (to talk) to those (to sit) next to them were not listening to the speaker. 8. The girls (to walk) along the embankment are Alice and Mary.

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with somebody, everybody, something, some, any, etc.

1. I cannot say... is interested in English dialects but some people are. 2. We were unable to see... in the Houses of Parliament during one visit. 3. Please ask... of the students to take you to the University Library. 4. Did you hear... the speaker said? 5. If the members liked..., they shouted, "Hear! Hear!" 6. If the members did not like..., they shouted, "No!" 7. Did... of your colleagues take part in the debate? 8.... could answer that question.

Exercise 15. Give a summary of the text "A Visit to the Houses of Parliament."

Exercise 16. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the answers.

1. If the members liked something, they shouted, "Hear! Hear!" 2. They have been looking round the British Library for two hours already. 3. The windows facing the south are too small. 4. She has bought quite a few English books since she began to study English. 5. The main thing is to work hard.

Exercise 17. Translate into English.

1. Алиса пригласила Марию осмотреть здание парламента. Ее брат — член парламента, и он достал два билета на галерею для публики. Мария поблагодарила Алису за приглашение. 2. В палате лордов более 900 пэров (peers), a в палате общин — 630 членов. 3. В настоящее время палата лордов имеет меньшее значение, чем палата общин. 4. Кстати, в палате лордов нет спикера. 5. Марию очень насмешила подушка с шерстью, на которой обычно сидит лорд-канцлер. «Думаю, что на ней не очень удобно сидеть», — сказала Мария. 6. Человек, стоящий у окна, член парламента из Ливерпуля. Он член лейбористской (Labour ['leibs]) партии. 7. «Теневой кабинет» заседает уже более четырех часов. Интересно, когда закончится заседание. 8. Королева никогда не входит в палату общин. Она открывает новую сессию парламента в палате лордов, и туда приходят члены палаты общин. 9. Прения продолжались до позднего вечера. 10. В какую из двух основных политических партий входит м-р Браун? 11. Мы не смогли увидеть все в здании парламента во время одного посещения. 12. Если членам парламента что-то нравилось, они кричали: «Правильно! Правильно!» Если же им что-то не нравилось, они кричали: «Нет». 13. Она прочла довольно много английских книг с тех пор, как начала изучать английский язык. 14. Как фамилия студента, который сидит рядом с Алисой? 15. Простите, я отнял у вас слишком много времени.— Нисколько. Я рад, если посещение доставило вам удовольствие.

Exercise 18. a) Make up stories on these topics, b) Write a story on one of the topics.

1. A Visit to the Houses of Parliament. 2. A visit to the Palace of Congresses. 3. A visit to the Grand Kremlin Palace.




Conversations: A. Telephone Conversations. B. You should spend a Holiday in the Highlands.

Learn this speech pattern

You should spend a holiday in the Highlands. Вам следует (необходимо) провести отпуск на севере Шотландии.

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the pattern.

Learn these words and word combinations




Mary: 875—216».

Alice: Is that you, Mary? Alice speaking.

Mary: Hello, Alice. How are you?

Alice: I'm well, thanks. And you?

Mary: I'm fine, too, thank you.

Alice: By the way, what are you doing tomorrow?

Mary: Nothing special as far as I know.

Alice: Would you care to look round the Houses of Parliament? My elder brother is an M.P. and he's got two tickets for the Strangers' Gallery.

Mary: I'd love to. Thank you very much.

Alice: We must be at the entrance to the Victoria Tower at ten to eleven. George will be waiting for us there. I can come and pick you up at 9 tomorrow morning. We'll have enough Jjme to get there. Does it suit you?

Mary: Yes, it suits me perfectly. Thank you very much.

Alice: See you tomorrow.

Mary: Bye-bye.


Petrov: Petrov speaking.

Mr Snyder: Hello. This is John Snyder. How are you?

Petrov: Fine. Thank you. And what about you?

Mr Snyder: I'm fine, thank you. Look, I wanted to ask you— I wonder whether you could come out to lunch with me some day?

Petrov: Yes, I'd like to very much.

Mr Snyder: How about tomorrow?

Petrov: Thank you, but I'm afraid I'm engaged tomorrow.

Mr Snyder: What about Thursday then?

Petrov: Just a minute. Let me see. Yes, Thursday would be fine. What time?

Mr Snyder: Would twelve thirty be all right?

Petrov: Yes, that'll be fine.


Volkov: Volkov speaking.

Mr Brown: Good morning. Robert Brown here. We're having a little party at bur place next Friday. I wonder if you and your wife would care to come.

Volkov: That sounds very nice. What time would that be?

Mr Brown: About half past seven, if that suits you.

Volkov: Well, I'll have to check with my wife,2 though I'm pretty sure we're free then. Shall I call you back?

Mr Brown: That'll be fine. By the way, I hear you've been over to Moscow lately. I hope you had a good time.

Volkov: Very nice, thank you.

Mr Brown: Well, I expect you're busy, so goodbye for now

Volkov: Goodbye.


Voice: 434 — 6729.

Petrov: I wonder if I could speak to Mr Hart, please.

Voice: I'm afraid he isn't in just now.

Petiov:. Would you give him a message, please? Would you tell him that Michael Petrov called, and that I'm very sorry but I can't come to his dinner party tomorrow.

Voice: I'll tell him. What was the name, please?

Petrov: Michael Petrov.

Voice: Would you please spell it?

Petrov: Petrov — P-E-T-R-O-V.3

Voice: All right, Mr Petrov.

Petrov: Thank you. Goodbye.


A: 384 — 5629.

B: Can I speak to Mr Smith, please?

A I'm afraid you've got4the wrong number.

B: Oh, I'm sorry.

A: That's all right.


John Black: Have you lived in Edinburgh all your life?

Jan Macdonald: No. I was born in the Highlands, not far from Aberdeen. Have you been to the Highlands?

John Black: No. We usually go abroad for our holidays.

Jan Macdonald: That is sometimes a mistake. There are many beautiful parts of Britain that you should see.

You should certainly spend a holiday in the Highlands one year.

John Black: But you get a lot of rain there, don't you?

Jan Macdonald: Not as much as people think. We have more hours of sunshine than many other places in Britain. The mountains and lochs are very beautiful in late summer and early autumn. You should certainly go to the Highlands and see the places Robert Burns wrote about.


Snyder ['snaida] Снайдер

Robert ['rsbat] Brown Роберт Браун

Hart [ha:t]XapT

Jan Macdonald [dsaen mak'donald ] Ян Макдональд

Aberdeen [,a2bs'di:n] г. Абердин

Robert Burns ['robst 'ba:nz ] Роберт Берне (шотландский поэт, 1759 — 1796)


1. По-английски телефонный номер про-износится по отдельным цифрам: 'eight-sevenfive-'two-'one-six. Если в номере рядом стоят две одинаковые цифры, то употребляется слово double ['d/ibl] двойной: 223 — 'double 'two-three. О произносится [ou ]. Цифры обычно группируются в ритмические группы по две или три цифры.

2. I'll have to check with my wife. Я должен буду проверить (узнать) у жены.

3. P-E-T-R-0-V. Когда фамилия диктуется по буквам, обычно, дается алфавитное название каждой буквы. Иногда используются имена: Р for Paul [рэ:1], Е for Ernest ['9:mst I, T for Tony, R for Robert, О for Oscar ['oska ], V for Victor — Petrov.

Поднимая трубку, нужно назвать свое учреждение и фамилию.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the dialogues.

Exercise 4. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Говорит Алиса. 2. Да, меня это очень устраивает. 3 Послушайте, я хотел спросить вас. 4. занят завтра. 5. Это очень приятно (это звучит привлекательно). 6. Перезвонить ли мне вам? 7. Передайте, пожалуйста, ему. 8. Вы ошиблись номером. 9. Мы обычно ездим за границу в отпуск. 10. У нас больше солнечных дней. 11. Вам следует конечно, поехать.

Exercise 5. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues, special, whether, speaking, all right, place, to sound, to check, to have a good time, to expect, to be in, to call, to get the wrong number, to be born, mistake, late summer

Exercise 6. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: 341-6625

B: Is' that you, Peter? John speaking.

(A: 738 — 2246, 231— 407, 272 — 0238; B: Michael, Robert, Oscar).

2. A1: What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?

B: Nothing special as far as I know.

А2: Would you care to go for a drive in the country!

B: I'd love to. Thank you very much.

(A2: to look round the Houses of Parliament, to go boating, to go for a walk, to play tennis)

3. A- I wonder whether you could come but to lunch with me tomorrow?

B: Yes, Fd like to very much.

{B: I'm afraid, I'm engaged tomorrow. I'm sorry, I'm leaving on business tomorrow.)

4. A: Would 12.30 be all right?

B: Yes, that'll be fine.

(A: 10.30, 11.45, 1.45, 2.30)

5. A:. We're having a little party at our place next Thursday. I wonder whether you and your wife would

care to come.

B: I'll have to check with my wife though I'm sure we're free then.

(A: next Friday, next Saturday, next Tuesday)

6. A: Could I speak to Mr Snyder, please?

B: I'm afraid he isn't in juts now.

A: Would you give him a message?

B: Yes, certainly. What's the message?

(A: Mr Merriman, Pavlov, Bobrov)

7. A: Can I speak to Mr Pavlov, please?

B: Speaking.

(B: I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. I'm afraid he isn't in just now. He's out and he'll be back after lunch.)

8. A1: Have you ever been to the Highlands?

B: No. We usually go abroad for our holiday.

A2: You should certainly spend a holiday in the Highlands one year.

(A1, А2: Siberia, the Baltic; B: to Sochi, to tne Crimea)

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: 364 — 5512.

A: Hello, Tom. How are you?


A: By the way, what are you doing next Saturday?


A: Would you care to go for a drive in the country?


2. A: I can come and pick you up at 10. Does it suit you?


3. A: I wonder if you could came out to lunch with me on Wednesday.


A: What about Friday then?


A: Would 12 be all right?


4. A: We're having a dinner-party next Friday. I wonder whether you and your wife would care to come.


5. A: I hear you've been to Kiev lately. I hope you had a good time.


6. A: I wonder if I could speak to Mr Smith, please? Secretary:...

A: Would you give him a message, please?


A: Would you tell him that Victor Volkov called and that very sorry but I can't come to the exhibition

with him tomorrow.


7. A: Can I speak to Mr Black, please?


A: Oh, I'm sorry.


8. A: Did anyone leave a message for me?


9. A: Have you lived in Central Asia all your life?


A: No. We usually go to the Crimea for our holidays.


10. A: You should certainly spend a holiday in Central Asia one year.


A: It isn't very hot in early spring though there's a lot of sunshine.

11. A: When were you born?


Exercise 8. Think of the questions and statements to which the following sentences are the answers.

1. G:...

P: Is that you, John? Peter speaking.

2. A:...?

B: Nothing special as far as I know.


B: I'd love to. I like boating. 3 p.

H: Hello, Mr Pavlov. Hart speaking. How are you?


H: Look, I wonder whether you could come out to lunch with me next Tuesday.


4. A:...?

B: Yes, 11.30 will be fine. It suits me perfectly.

5. A:...

B: That sounds very nice. I haven't been to the theatre for a month. What's on?


B: Thank you. See you tomorrow.

6. A:...?

B: I spent my holiday in the Baltic last summer. There was a lot of sunshine. I had a very good time there.


B: You should certainly spend a holiday in the Baltic one year. 7


B: Would you give him a message, please?

A:... -

8. A:...

B: Can I speak to Mr Volkov, please?


B: Oh, I'm sorry.


9. A:...?

B: I'm afraid she isn't in just now.


B: She'll be back at four o'clock.

10. A:...?

B: Certainly, what's the message?


B: Yes, I'll give him the message. Goodbye.

11. A:...

B: You've got the wrong number.


B: That's all right. 12. A:...?

B: George Byron was born in 1788.

Exercise 9. Reproduce the dialogues in pairs.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. — 448—6601.

— Это ты, Джейн? Говорит Анна.

— Здравствуй, Анна. Как ты себя чувствуешь?

— Я чувствую себя лучше. А ты?

— Спасибо, хорошо.

— Джейн, не хотела бы ты посмотреть балет "Лебединое озеро"? Он идет во Дворце Съездов*? У меня есть билеты на завтра. Мы сможем посмотреть балет и осмотреть Дворец Съездов.

* Дворец съездов Palace of Congresses.


— С огромным удовольствием.

— Давай встретимся в семь вечера у входа в Кремль. Тебя это устраивает?

— Да, вполне устраивает. До встречи завтра.

— До свидания.

2. — Не хотели бы вы позавтракать со мной завтра?— Боюсь, что я занят.

— А как насчет следующего вторника?

— С удовольствием.

— Я заеду за вами в 12.30. Вас устраивает это время?

— Да, вполне.

— Я думаю, что вы сейчас заняты. До свидания.

— До свидания.

3. — В следующий четверг у нас небольшой вечер. Не хотели бы вы и ваш брат прийти?

— Спасибо за приглашение. Я должна узнать у брата, свободен ли он, хотя я уверена, что он не занят вечером в четверг. А в котором часу?

— В семь вечера.

— Мне перезвонить вам?

— Да, пожалуйста.

4. — Не могли бы вы передать г-ну Брауну, что звонил Петров. Я не смогу пойти на стадион завтра.

— Хорошо. Я передам это г-ну Брауну.

5. — Попросите, пожалуйста, Петра.

— Вы ошиблись номером.

— Простите.

— Ничего.

6. — Попросите, пожалуйста, Анну.

— Ее сейчас нет.

— А когда она вернется?

— Полагаю, что часам к двум.

7. — Что вы завтра делаете?

— Ничего особенного.

— Не хотели бы вы пойти на прогулку в горы?

— С удовольствием. Спасибо.

8. — Где вы провели свой отпуск прошлым летом?

— В Прибалтике.

— Но там же: щюхладно и часто идут дожди.

— В прошлом году погода была великолепная. Было очень тепло. Мы купались, катались на лодке и много гуляли. Я получил огромное удовольствие.

— Я никогда не бывал в Прибалтике.

— Вам следует как-нибудь провести там отпуск.

9. — Когда родился Джеймс Олдридж (James Aldridge)

— В 1918 голу.

Exercise 11. Make up telephone conversations. Think of situations.

Exercise 12. Make up dialogues based on this picture.







The Past Perfect Tense



Past Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Simple Past и Past Participle (причастия прошедшего времени) смыслового глагола.

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения прошедшего действия, которое совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может обозначаться:

а) обстоятельством времени с предлогом by к (by the end of the month, by 5 o'clock yesterday, by that time и др.)

The SpartaK players had scored three goals by the end of the first period. К концу первого периода спартаковцы забили три шайбы.

By that time he had already signed the letters. К тому времени он уже подписал письма.

б) другим (более поздним по времени) прошедшим действием, которое выражается глаголом в Simple Past.

Не knew that Arsenal had won the game. Он знал, что «Арсенал» выиграл встречу.

Не thought that they had completed the work. Он думал, что они уже закончили работу.

Past Perfect может употребляться и в том случае, когда время, до которого совершилось действие, не указано в самом предложении, а определяется контекстом.

My friend left for Divnogorsk yesterday. He had never been there before. Вчера мой друг выехал в Дивногорск. Он никогда не бывал там раньше.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ: 1. Обратите внимание на употребление временных форм в сложноподчиненных предложениях с союзом when. Сказуемые главного и придаточного предложений могут выражать: а) два последовательных действия: Simple Past — Simple Past.

When he came into the room, he heard the phone ring. Когда он вошел в комнату, он услышал, как зазвонил телефон.

б) два действия, одно из которых продолжается в тот момент, когда происходит второе действие: Simple Past — Past Continuous.

When he left home, it was raining. Когда он уходил из дома, шел дождь.

в) два действия, из которых одно предшествует по времени второму: Simple Past — Past Perfect.

When he got to the station, the train had already left. Когда он приехал на вокзал, поезд уже ушел.

г) два действия, одно из которых предшествует по времени второму: Past Perfect — Simple Past; в этом случае вместо when по смыслу можно употребить after.

When (after) they had looked round the Houses of Parliament, they had lunch.

2. После союза after может употребляться Simple Past, если нет необходимости подчеркивать предшествование.

After she returned home she called him back. После того как она вернулась домой, она перезвонила ему.

Exercise I. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the Past Perfect Tense.

1. By that time they had settled the matter. 2. No one had scored a goal by the end of the first period. 3. She had finished the book by last Wednesday and gave it back to Jane. 4. Peter Lobov had known Mr Wilson for many years. 5. After he had walked round the city for two hours, he feft awfully tired. 6. They had attended the Festival of Song before they left for Odessa. 7. He went for a walk after he had finished the translation. 8. After the manager had received all the visitors, he dictated a few letters. 9. He knew that the Browns had gone to Scotland by car. 10. I hoped that Peter had not gone out. I wanted him to help me.

Exercise 2. Transform these sentences according to the models.

a) John saw the new film. (I knew)

I knew (that) John had seen the new film.

1. She did her homework. (I knew) 2. Mr Brown, a British businessman, has already arrived. (He knew) 3. They did everything. (I was sure) 4. They have already called the doctor. (I hoped) 5. Jane made an appointment. (I was sure) 6. The rain has stopped. (I hoped)

b) We had lunch at two o'clock.

We had had lunch by two o'clock.

1. They had dinner at seven o'clock. 2. They left Edinburgh in October. 3. We finished work at six. 4. We attended the art exhibition. 5. He gave the secretary the message. 6. He called them back at five o'clock.

c) He looked through the papers. He dictated some letters. (after)

After he had looked through the papers, he dictated some letters.

1. We arrived. The concert started, (when) 2. He came to the station. The train left, (after) 3. I received a letter from him. I went to see him. (after) 4. Peter came to see us. We left for London, (before) 5. I talked to him. I phoned you. (before)

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Я знал, что Анна никогда не бывала в Сочи. 2. Я перезвонил ему после того, как договорился о встрече с г-ном Брауном. 3. Он знал, что Джон заказал билеты туда и обратно. 4. Они приехали на вокзал, когда поезд уже ушел. 5. К этому времени он уже сдал все экзамены, б, Петр выехал в Санкт-Петербург до того, как Михаил вернулся из Киева. 7. К этому времени Джейн подружилась со многими русскими студентами. 8. Он надеялся, что они уже закончили работу.


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