The Article with Uncountable Nouns (Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными) — КиберПедия 

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The Article with Uncountable Nouns (Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными)

2020-05-08 489
The Article with Uncountable Nouns (Употребление артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Артикль не употребляется перед абстрактными и вещественными существительными, когда они выражают понятие в самом общем смысле.

Work first, pleasure afterwards*. Сначала работа, потом удовольствие. Кончил дело, гуляй смело, (поговорка)

* afterwards ['erftswadz] adv потом, впоследствии


Не likes tea. Он любит пить чай.

Определенный артикль употребляется перед вещественными и абстрактными существительными в тех случаях, когда их значение индивидуализируется ограничивающим определением, а также при помощи ситуации или контекста.

I like the music of his new opera. Мне нравится музыка его новой оперы. Pass me the butter, please. Передайте мне, пожалуйста, масло (то, которое находится на столе). I have bought some brown bread. The bread is fresh. Я купил немного черного хлеба. Хлеб мягкий (свежий).



Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Simple Past и Present Participle (причастия настоящего времени) смыслового глагола.

Вопросительная и отрицательная форма, а также краткие ответы на вопросы строятся аналогично соответствующим формам Present Continuous (см. урок 5).

Past Continuous употребляется для выражения конкретного действия в процессе его совершения в определенный момент в прошлом. Момент в прошлом может быть обозначен:

а) точным указанием времени.

I was translating an atricle at seven o'clock last night. Вчера в 7 часов вечера я переводил статью.

б) другим действием, выраженным глаголом в Simple Past.

Peter and John were playing chess when I came back from college. Питер и Джон играли в шахматы, когда я вернулся нз колледжа.

Past Continuous может также употребляться для выражения двух или более параллельных действий, происходивших одновременно.

I was doing my homework while he was writing a letter. Я делал домашнее задание в то время, как он писал письмо.

Past Continuous иногда употребляется для выражения действия, происходившего в течение сравнительно длительного периода времени в прошлом, причем подчеркивается именно длительность действия. Период времени в прошлом обозначается такими обстоятельствами времени, как all day (night) long весь день (всю ночь), all the time все время, the whole [houl] evening (morning, afternoon) весь вечер (все утро, весь день), from five to six с пяти до шести часов и т. д.

John said: "They were discussing * the problem the whole morning yesterday." Джон сказал: "Вчера они обсуждали эту проблему все утро", (подчеркивается длительность действия)

She was typing letters from nine to twelve yesterday morning. Вчера она печатала письма с 9 до 12 часов утра.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В тех случаях, когда констатируется лишь факт совершения действия, употребляется Simple Past.

John said: "They discussing* the problem the whole morning yesterday." Джон сказал: "Вчера они обсуждали эту проблему все утро", (длительность действия несущественна)

* discuss [dis'kAs] v обсуждать, дискутировать


Past Continuous как правило, переводится на русский язык глаголом прошедшего времени несовершенного вида.

The brothers were playing chess while their sister was watching TV. Братья играли в шахматы в то время, как их сестра смотрела телевизор.

Exercise 17. Make up Sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 18. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: What were you doing at 12.30 yesterday afternroon?

B: I was having lunch. And you?

А: I was having a lecture.

(B: having a French class, taking Peter to the Travel Agency; А: looking through the papers, showing Mary

round the city)

2. A: Was John leaving when you came home?

B: No, he wasn't. He was just going to.

(A: reading a book, speaking on the phone, watching television, doing his homework, making a phone call)

3. A: Did you watch television last night?

B: Yes, I was watching TV the whole evening.

(A: play chess, -translate the text, read that novel; B: playing chess, translating it, reading it)

Exercise 19. Transform these sentences according to the models.

a) Are they having an English class now? (at 11 o'clock yesterday)

No, they aren't. They were having an English class at 11 o'clock yesterday.

1. Is Mr Brown looking through the papers now? (at 10 o'clock yesterday) 2. Is Ann typing a letter? (at 4 o'clock yesterday) 3. Is she looking for her textbook? (at 6 o'clock last night) 4. Are they playing chess now? (at 11 o'clock yesterday morning) 5. Is John reading the new text) (at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon)

b) Is he doing his homework now? (when I came home) No, he isn't. He was doing his homework when I came home.

1. Is Jane writing a letter? (when her son came from college) 2. Is Peter learning the new words? (when his sister called him up) 3. Is Mary reading a book? (while her husband was translating an article) 4. Is Helen watching television? (while her father was looking through the newspapers)

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Вчера дети весь день играли в футбол. 2. Что вы делали, когда пришли ваши друзья? — Я читала пьесу Чехова. 3. Когда Петр возвращался домой вчера, он встретил Джейн. 4. Мы ужинали, когда мой старший брат вернулся из университета. 5. Вчера весь вечер они обсуждали планы на летний отпуск. 6. Петр просматривал газеты в то время, как Анна смотрела телепередачу. 7. Вы переводили статью весь вечер, не так ли? — Да, статья довольно трудная, и мне пришлось многие слова смотреть по словарю. 8. Где вы встретили Анну? — Я встретил ее около библиотеки, когда возвращался домой вчера.




Affixation: noun-forming suffix "-ion"

ion (также -tion, -ation, -sion) — суффикс существительного. С помощью этого суффикса от основы глагола образуются существительные, обозначающие:

1) действие или процесс: preparation bpreps'reijn] подготовка, приготовление, сооргайоп (kou-aps'reijn) сотрудничество, discussion [dis'kAfn] обсуждение, дискуссия;

2) состояние или качество: attenft'on [a'tenjn] внимание;

3) конкретный результат действия: translation [traens'leijn ].

Exercise. Find the suffix in these words and translate them.

invitation, delegation, declaration, cooperation, dictation, station, presentation, transformation




Learn these speech patterns

1. I wonder if Harris is playing today. Интересно, играет ли Гаррис сегодня.

Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



2. Please tell me how he did it. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, как он это сделал.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 3. Translate into English.



3. They are sure to win the match. Они несомненно (наверняка, обязательно) выиграют матч.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Он несомненно ответит на ваше письмо. 2. Она обязательно придет на конференцию. 3. Им наверняка понравится этот фильм. 4. Вам несомненно доставит большое удовольствие его последний роман.

Learn these words and word combinations



Exercise 6. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

1. "Which team won the game yesterday? "Spartak" did. They beat Tractor 3—1 (three to one)." "The football ground was crowded, I understand." "Yes. Those are very popular teams, you know. It was quite an exciting match. Unfortunately* a Spartak player got a bad leg injury.I’m sorry to hear that. Does it mean he won't be able to play for a couple of weeks now?" "I don't know. It will be very bad if he isn't able to play in October when they go to Tashkent. He's one of Spartak's top scorers." 2. The players are coming onto the field. The game will begin as soon as the referee blows his whistle. 3. "Our home team is not as good as it was last year. I can't understand why." "I'll tell you why. Two very good players have left the team. That's why they aren't playing as well as they did last year." 4. If we win this game -we shall play in Luzhniki next week. 5. The referee will speak to the players before the match begins.

* unfortunately [An'fD:1Jnitli] adv к сожалению



Mr Green is very fond of football. He is a football fan. He thinks that the Blackpool team1 are very good. But he knows that they are not as good as the Manchester City team. Manchester City beat Blackpool three to one in the last match.

When the Manchester City players come to Blackpool next Saturday the Football Ground will be crowded.

If the day is fine it will be very difficult to get tickets. That's why Mr Green has booked tickets in advance.

Next Friday Mr Green is going to have a Russian guest: Sedov is coming to Blackpool on business. Mr Green will meet him at the station and bring him to the hotel in his car. On Saturday they will go to the Blackpool Football Ground.

'Here they соте,2 Mr 'Green and Sedov. They are a 'little "Nearly, but it is "Лalways good to 'come "Nearly for a 'football match. Later on here will be crowds and it 'may be difficult to 'find a "'place to 'park the "саг.

They 'take their 'seats in the stand and 'wait for the 'match to begin.3

"I 'wonder if Harris is playing," says Mr Green. ""Who does he р1ау for?",asks Sedov. "Manchester City. He's their top scorer. He 'got a leg injury a couple of weeks ago. If he 'plays to —May the Manchester City team are 'sure to win."

"Oh, "Miere they come," says Sedov. The 'players 'come 'onto the "Afield. The 'referee 'blows his whistle and the 'match begins.

"'Black роо 'Black pooll" shout Blackpool fans. Manchester shout Manchester City fans.

"A 'lot of people are shouting for 'Manchester City, I understand," says Sedov. Well, they're a very popular team," says Mr Green. '"Come on, Jackson, 'come on," he shouts. Jackson, the 'Blackpool 'centre forward is 'going to score; 'If he scores it will 'give

'Blackpool a "Mead.4 Shoot, shoot!" the crowd shouts.

"Well, there's the 'first goal. 'Jackson has opened the score," says Mr Green. "If 'Blackpool don't 'lose the spirit5 the 'match may be very exciting."

He 'hopes that his Miome team will 'win the match.


1. the Blackpool ['blaekpu:!] team, the Manchseter ['maentjista] City team. Команды названы по имени городов —Блэкпула и Манчестера.

Собственные имена существительные, выступающие в качестве названия футбольной (хоккейной) команды, обычно согласуются с глаголом в форме множественного числа и заменяются личным местоимением they. Существительное team (чаще в сочетании с собственным именем) также может согласовываться с глаголом в форме множественного числа, если говорящий хочет подчеркнуть, что речь идет об игроках команды.

2. Here they come! Вот они идут! Here he comes! Вот он идет!

3. they wait for the match to begin они ждут начала матча

4. will give Blackpool a lead даст команде Блэкпула преимущество

5. if they don't lose the spirit ['spirit] если команда Блэкпула не падет духом

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Он очень любит футбол. 2. Он болельщик футбола. 3. если день будет хороший. 4. приезжает в Блэкпул в командировку. 5. отвезет его в гостиницу. 6. Будет трудно поставить машину на стоянку. 7. Интересно, играет ли Гаррис. 8. недели две тому назад. 9. Судья дает свисток. 10. если он забьет гол. 11. Матч может быть очень интересным. 12. Хозяева поля обязательно одержат победу в этом матче.

Exercise 9. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.

last match, crowded, that's why, guest, early, stand, couple, field, to shout for, to score, to open the score

Exercise 10. Answer these questions.

1. What is Mr Green fond of? 2. What team does he support? 3. Are the Blackpool team as good as the Manchester City team? 4. Will the football ground be crowded when the Manchester City team come to Blackpool for a match? 5. Will it be easy or difficult to get tickets? 6. Has Mr Green booked tickets in advance? 7. Who is coming to Blackpool next Friday? 8. Where is Mr Green going to take Sedov on Saturday? 9. Why did Mr Green and Sedov come early to the football ground? 10. Was it easy or difficult to park the car? 11. Did it take them long to find their seats? 12. Who does Harris play for? 13. What happened to him a couple of weeks ago? 14. Is the match gom-, 'n be exciting? 15. Who is sure to win the game?

Exercise 11. Transform these sentences according to the model.

a) Is Mr Green fond of football?

I wonder if Mr Green is fond of football.

1. Are the Manchester City team very good? 2. Did Spartak beat Dynamo ['dainsmou] in the last match? 3. Was the Sokolniki Football Ground crowded last Saturday? 4, Did Mr Brown go there on business? 5. Have you told them about Spartak's new centre forward? 6. Shall we be able to find a place to park the car?

b) Where is he going to take Sedov next Saturday?

I wonder where he is going to take Sedov next Saturday.

1. Where are you going to park the car? 2, When will the match begin? 3. How many goals have the Spartak players scored already? 4. How long did it take them to get to the Football Ground? 5. What are the football fans shouting?

c) Who is waiting for the match to begin?

I wonder who is waiting for the match to begin.

1. Who is going to have a Russian guest? 2, Whose team will win the match? 3. Which of the teams won the match yesterday? 4. Which of the Manchester City players got a leg injury? 5. Who opened the score?

d) He is going to help them. He is sure to help them.

1. The Blackpool team is going to win the match. 2. Mr Green is going to book tickets for the match. 3. Mr Green is going to bring Sedov to the hotel. 4. Mr Green is going to take Sedov to the Blackpool Football Ground. 5. They are going to find a place to park the car. 6. A lot of people are going to shout for Manchester City.

Exercise 12. Join these sentences using the conjunctions given in brackets.

1. The football players will come onto the field. The time will come, (when) 2. The day will be fine. The football ground will be crowded, (if) 3. The referee will blow his whistle. The match will begin, (as soon as) 4. The home team will give a warm welcome to the visitors' team. The match will begin, (before) 5. Dick will play chess with Jack. He will beat Jack, (if)

Exercise 13. Join these sentences using the conjunctions as... as, not as (so)... as.

1. The Blackpool team are good. The Bishopton ['ЬфрШп) ] team are good, too. 2. The Sokolniki Football Ground is good. The Dynamo Football Ground is good, too. 3. Dick Harris has scored many goals this summer. Roy Smith has scored many goals this summer, too. 4. It is difficult to find a place to park the car today. It was difficult to find a place to park the car yesterday. 5. The Manchester City team is popular. The Blackpool team is not so popular. 6. My elder brother plays football well. Mary's younger brother does not play football so well. 7. Today's match* is exciting. Yesterday's match was not so exciting.

* today's (yesterday's) match сегодняшний (вчерашний) матч


Exercise 14. Insert articles where necessary.

1. "I wonder why Jenkins is not playing today." "He got a leg injury in....last match." 2. They will stay in Odessa for... couple of weeks when they go to... Black Sea for their holiday. 3. It was not easy to find... place to park... car. 4. If... day is fine it will be very difficult to get... tickets for... match. 5. My sons are fond of... football. They are... football fans. They support... same team. 6. I have come here an 1.. business. I shall go home as soon as I settle some business matters. 7. "Dixon has opened... score," John shouted. 8. Has he gone to Sochi for... pleasure or on... business? 9.... music we heard last night was beautiful.

Exercise 15. Insert prepositions or adverbs.

1. The players are coming... the field. 2. "We beat Canada six... three a couple... days ago," said Peter. 3. I shall meet you... the station and bring you home... my car. 4. Who does John play...? 5. Dick has told me... the match. 6. "Come..., Nike, shoot!" shoutedrthe crowd. 7. "I wonder where Olga is. I called her... but there was no answer." "She has gone... Tashkent... business." 8."It's time to leave... the airport. You'll have to take a taxi if you don't want to be late," said Jane. 9. "What are you doing tonight?" "We're going.... John has invited us... his birthday party. We'll go as soon as Tom comes home... work." 10. When Jane calls..., please ask her to meet me... the station the day... tomorrow. 11. "I did not see you... the Football Ground yesterday." "I was very tired, that's why I did not go... the match." 12. I wonder if we shall be able to get... the Football Ground... the match begins.

Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with the verbs to tell, to say, to speak, to talk.

1. "I'll... you about it as soon as you do your homework," Jane... to her younger brother. 2. "What are you... about?" "John is... us about the football, match he watched on television a couple of days ago." 3. When did she...? I didn't quite understand her. 4. "When you... about your plans to Peter, please... him that I'd like to... to him too, later on." "All right, I'll be seeing him tomorrow and I'll... him." 5. The lecturer... for half an hour. 6. They... French, that's why I didn't understand them. 7. When they score the first goal, I shall... you which team is sure to win. 8. "I hope they'll be watching our game tonight," he....

Exefcise 17. Give a summary of the text "A Football match".

Exercise 18. Ask twelve questions based on the text and answer them.

Exercise 19. Make up sentences using as... as, not as (so)... as and the words given below.

1. team, good; 2. fond of, football (tennis, etc.); 3. the new referee, not so good; 4. tbe football ground, crowded; 5. match, exciting; 6. football (tennis, etc.) player, popular; 7. centre forward, good; 8. to watch football matches on TV, often

Exercise 20. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the answers.

1. Our team has won the match. (1) 2. The centre forward is our top scorer. (1) 3. He parked his car near the Football Ground. (1) 4. The cafe was crowded that's why he went to a restaurant. (1)

Exercise 21. Think of statements or questions to which these sentences may be responses.

1. The home team is sure to win. 2. Well, a lot of people are shouting for Spartak. 3. If they don't lose the spirit they may win the match. 4. I'll be seeing them tonight.

Exercise 22. Translate into English.

1. Вы любите футбол? —Да, я болельщик. Я болею за «Динамо». 2. Наша команда победила команду Тбилиси со счетом 3: 2. 3. Кто выиграл последнюю игру? — Команда Манчестера. 4. Сегодня интересный матч, поэтому стадион переполнен.— Да, вчера матч был не такой интересный, как сегодня и было мало народу на стадионе. 5. Я не собираюсь идти на стадион сегодня, я очень устал. Я посмотрю матч по телевизору. 6. Понравился вам матч? —Да, я получил большое удовольствие. Игроки «Арарата» были так же сильны, как и игроки «Динамо». 7. Я думаю, завтра будет трудно купить билеты на матч.— Давайте купим билеты сегодня. 8. Интересно, почему команда так плохо играет сегодня.— Я слышал, что несколько хороших игроков ушли из команды. 9. На стадион приехало очень много народу, поэтому было трудно найти место, чтобы поставить машину. 10. Центральный нападающий получил травму. Где же врач? — Вон он идет! 11. Наша команда несомненно выиграет этот матч, и на следующей неделе она будет играть в Алма-Ате. 12. Как только футболисты выйдут на поле, судья даст свисток, и игра начнется. 13. Когда наша команда прилетит домой из Ташкента, мы поедем в аэропорт встречать ее. 14. Извините, я не слышал вас, повторите, пожалуйста, свой вопрос. 15. Если вы не поймете вопроса, попросите преподавателя повторить его.

Exercise 23. Make up situations using the words given below.

a) My Friend Watches a Football Match on Television: a match, the football ground, to find seats, later on, to shout for, not as good as, to get a leg injury, to stop the game, a doctor, to leave the field, that's why, did not enjoy.

b) An Exciting Match: let me tell you, exciting, a couple of minutes after, to open the score, fans, popular, a top scorer, a centre forward, to shoot at the goal, to beat, the score was in favour of.

Exercise 24. Read the story filling in the missing active words and discuss it.

A few minutes after the... began, a girl about seventeen and a young man came to the.......

"What's the...?" the girl asked the young man.

"Nil—nil,"* he answered.

* nil—nil ['nil 'nil] ноль — ноль


"Oh, then we are not really late."

"Well, we are a little," the young man said and looked at the.... He thought he could watch the... now.

".......!" he shouted.

"Look,"' she said. "May I have a cigarette, please?"

"Now, where did I put them? Excuse me a moment." He started searching for* cigarettes in his pockets. At last he found the cigarettes. It took the young man some time to light the cigarette. The girl started smoking. Now the young man was able to'watch the match.

* search [sa:($] for smth. искать что-л.


"Look," he.... "We're going to...! Shoot, shoot!"

"Jake," the girl said "I can smell something burning."* It was the neighbour's coat burning from the girl's cigarette.

* I can smell something burning. Я чувствую, что-то горит (пахнет паленым).


A few minutes later she said she was hungry.* "Well, can't you wait till the break?" the young man asked.

"I think I can, but I'm awfully hungry," said the girl.

* she was hungry ['плодп] она (была) голодна (она хотела есть)


A moment later she said: "Jake, look at that little boy. He bothers his father every minute. Why do fathers bring children here? The boy's father can't watch the match."

"No, he can't," said the young man and sighed.Score, to score, players, to shout, football ground, match (2), come on.




Conversations: A. A Football Match. B. Wales v. * England. C. Can't Accept Your Invitation.

* v.- versus ['V9:s3s] prep лат. против


Learn this speech pattern

1. I didn't hear the telephone ring. Я не слышал, как звонил телефон.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на то, что после дополнения к глаголу hear употребляется инфинитив без частицы to. Дополнение с инфинитивом переводится на русский язык дополнительным придаточным предложением.

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Я слышал, как Джон разговаривал с Анной. 2. Он слышал, как Майк сказал «До свидания». 3. Я слышал, как мой любимый актер выступал по радио. 4. Мы слышали, как судья дал свисток. Exercise 3. Make up four sentences using pattern 1.


Learn these words and word combinations




Jane and Peter came to the football ground to watch the "Cup Final".

a) Before the game started

Programme Seller: Souvenir programmes! Read all about your favourite team! Photos of all the players.

Jane: I'd like to get one.

Programme Seller: Programme, Miss!

Peter: Look and see if Adams is playing.

Jane: Who does he play for?

Peter: Oh really, Jane, he's Peruvale's* top scorer. He got a leg injury two weeks ago.

* Peruvale [pg'nr.vl] Перуваль (название футбольной команды)


Jane: Yes, he's playing today. Look at this. There are photographs of all the players here.

Peter: That's Harry Creed. He plays for Liverpool. One of the best footballers1 I've ever seen — when he's on form. If he is the Liverpool team are sure to win.

Jane: Oh, good, they're coming out onto the field now.

b) The match

Crowd: Liverpool] Liverpool!

Jane: I have the impression that half Liverpool's here.

Peter: Well, they're a very popular team. What a kick!

Jane: Adams'll never get to it. Come on, Adams, come on!

Peter: Adams is there. He's going to score.

Jane: It's over the top.

Peter: It's a goal-kick. Creed has got the ball.

Crowd: Shoot! Shoot!

Jane: It's a goal. What a shot!


News Announcer: Here is the ten o'clock news. Liverpool won the Cup Final. The final score was Liverpool 4, Peruvale 0.

В. WALES V. ENGLAND (After a rugby match)

David: It's the best match I've ever watched.

John: It certainly is.

David: Rugby can be wonderful when it's an international match,

John: Oh yes. By the way, are you still a very keen cricketer?

David: Yes. It's e very good game. I'm always sorry when the summer ends.

John: What were yoy doing at 8 o'clock last night? I called you up but there was no answer.

David: I was watching a rugby match on TV. I'm afraid I didn't hear the telephone ring.

John: How did the match end?

David: It ended with a score 6 — 3 (six to three).


John: Hello, Michael.

Michael: Hello. How are you?

John: I'm fine, thank you. And what about you?

Michael: I'm O.K. John, I'd like to invite you and Helen to attend the swimming events next Thursday.

John: Thanks a lot. We'd be happy to join you but we have another engagement. I'm really sorry.

Michael: I'm sorry, too. My best regards to Helen.

John: And give my regards to Susan. Goodbye.

Michael: Goodbye.


1. one of the best footballers один из самых лучших футболистов; the best match самый лучший матч

Exercise 4. Read and translate the dialogues.

Exercise 5. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. посмотреть финальный матч на кубок. 2. когда он в хорошей форме. 3. Они выходят на поле сейчас. 4. Какой удар! 5. Мяч пролетел над воротами. 6. окончательный счет: Ливерпуль — 4 и Перуваль — 0. 7. матч «Уэльс — Англия». 8. Вы все еще страстно увлечены крикетом? 9. Мы были бы счастливы присоединиться к вам.

Exercise 6. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues.

programme, photos, to play for, impression, to score, goal, shot, rugby, international, engagement

Exercise 7. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Who does Adams play for?

B: For Peruvale. He's their top scorer.

(A: Newman ['njuimsn], Thomson [Чэтзэп])

2. A: Are you going to watch the "Cup Final' on TV tonight?

B: No. I'm going to the Football Ground. I managed to book a ticket.

(A: the semi-final, Oxford v. Coventry, Watford ['wotfsd] v. Brighton ['braith])

3. A: I wonder if Michael Davies ['deivis] is on form today?

B: I'm afraid he is off form. I don't think their team'll win the game.

(A: Peter Newman, Harry Thomson)

4. A: Newman is there. He's going to score.

B: Its over the top.

(A: Thomson, Adams; B: It's a goal. What a kick! Shoot! Shoot!)

5. A: Are you still keen on hockey!

S: Oh yes. It's my favourite sport.

(A: football, tennis, cricket, chess)

6. A: What were you doing at seven o'clock last night? I phoned you but you didn't answer.

B: I'm afraid I didn't hear the phone ring. I was watching Dynamo ['damsmou] v. Spartak.

(B: Dynamo [ v. Yenisei [,jeni'sei]; Youthl [ju:6] (Юность) v. Yenisei)

7. A: How did the game end?

B: It ended in a draw.

(B: with score 4—0, with a score 6—4)

8. A: Would you like to see the swimming events?

B: I'm sorry, I have another engagement.

(A: the match, the semi-final)

Exercise 8. Reproduce the dialogues in pairs.

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Would you like a souvenir programme, sir?


2. A: Who is Dynamo's top scorer?


3. A: When did Adams score the first goal?


4. A: Are you going to watch Dynamo v. Spartak on TV tonight?


5. A: Is their goalkeeper on form?


6. A: What a pity! The ball went over the top. Will there be a goal-kick?


7. A: Was the game exciting?


A: Who scored the goals?


8. A: Who was playing last night?


A: How did you like the game?


9. A: How did the game end?


10. A: Are you still keen on chess?


11. A: Is your brother still a keen footballer?


12. A: Were you watching TV at seven o'clock last night?


13. A: Did you hear the phone ring?


14. A: Did the last hockey game make a great impression on you?


15. A: Would you like to attend the hockey match next Tuesday?


16. A: Can you join us?


17. A: Did they accept her invitation?


Exercise 10. Think of the questions and statements to which the following sentences are the answers.

1. A:..?

B: Adams is. He's the best footballer I've ever seen.

2. A-..?

B: He scored it a few minutes before the end of the game.

3. А:...?

В: Oh yes. All their players are on form today.

4. A-...?

B: I'm afraid Dynamo's goalkeeper is off form today.

5. A:...?

B: It ended with a score 3 —1 in Liverpool's favour.

6. A:...?

B: Dynamo is sure to win the game.

7. A:...?

B: Thomson scored two goals and Adams scored one.,

8. A:...?

B: It was exciting.

9. A:...?

B: Oh yes. I'm still very keen on cricket. I'm always sorry when the summer ends. 10 A:...?

B: I was reading an article about hockey. I've always been keen on hockey.

11. A-...?

B: Yes, it made a great impression on me. The game was really exciting.

12. A:...

B: I'll be happy to jotn you but I have another engagement.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present and Past Continuous Tenses.

1. "What John (to do) now?" "He (to watch) television. There's a hockey match on." 2. "What you (to do) at eight o'clock last night?" "I (to read) a very interesting article about Olympic Games." 3. John and Bill (to play) a game of chess when I returned home yesterday. 4. "What they (to talk) about?" "They (to discuss) the football semi-finals." 5. "What your brother (to do) from seven to nine last night?" "He (to play) basketball. He's a very good basketball player." 6. "Who (to swim) now?" "Two swimmers from France and Great Britain.

Exercise 12. Act as interpreter.

Peter Volkov: Г-н Смит, не хотели бы вы поехать в Лужники сегодня вечером и посмотреть хоккейный матч между «Динамо» и «Спартаком»?

Mr Smith: With pleasure. I haven't been to Luzhniki yet. And I haven't seen any of your hockey teams.

V: Это очень сильные команды и я надеюсь, что вы получите удовольствие от игры.

S: Thank you very much. Are you a hockey fan? Which of the teams do you support?

V: Я болею за «Спартак». Когда я учился в университете, я играл в университетской хоккейной команде.

S: And I played for the college football team. My son is a very good football player too. All our family supports his team. By the way, when does the game begin?

V: В 7 часов. Вот билет.

S: Thank you. See you later.

V: До встречи.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. —Играет ли сегодня Томсон?

—Да. Он ведь самый лучший бомбардир в ливерпульской команде, не так ли?

—Да. В матче с «Брайтоном» (Brighton) он забил три гола.

—А как закончился матч «Ливерпуль» —«Брайтон»?

—«Ливерпуль» выиграл со счетом 6:2.

2. —Команды выходят на поле. —«Спартак»! Давай! Давай!

—У меня впечатление, что все спартаковские болельщики сегодня на стадионе.

—«Спартак» очень популярная команда.

—Мяч пролетел над воротами.

—Петров захватил мяч. Он собирается бить.

—Гол! Какой замечательный удар!

3. —Как закончился финальный матч на кубок?

—«Динамо» выиграло со счетом 4: 2. Поздравляю вас!Вы ведь динамовский болельщик.


4. —Вы все еще увлекаетесь теннисом?

—Да. И мне бывает очень грустно, когда кончается лето. Зимой я увлекаюсь лыжами (skiing ['skun]).

5. —Не хотели бы вы сыграть партию в шахматы?

—С удовольствием.

6. —Что вы делали вчера в семь часов вечера? Я звонил вам, но никто не ответил.

—Боюсь, что я не слышал, как звонил телефон. Я смотрел футбольный матч «Спартак» — «Трактор».

—Как вам понравилась игра?

—Это был один из самых лучших матчей, который я когда-либо видел.

—Как закончился матч?

—6 — 0 в пользу «Спартака».

7. —Не хотели бы вы посмотреть соревнования по плаванию в следующую пятницу?

—Я был бы счастлив присоединиться к вам, но я занят (я уже приглашен).

Exercise 14. Make up dialogues based on these situations.

1. Exchange impressions about a football (hockey, etc.) game. 2. You are inviting a foreign colleague to see the swimming events but he can't accept your invitation as he has another engagement. 3. Invite a foreign colleague to a hockey (football, etc.) game. Tell him about the teams.





1. Impersonal "it" (Безличное it)


* rain [rein] v: It rains. Идет дождь.

** snow [snou] v: It snows. Идет снег


Личное местоимение it употребляется в качестве формально-грамматического подлежащего в предложениях сообщающих о явлениях природы, о погоде, о временах года и т. п.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на несоответствие грамматических структур в английском и русском языках.

It is cold, (предложение с формально-грамматическим подлежащим) — Холодно, (безличное предложение)

It is raining, (формально-грамматическое подлежащее it) — Сейчас идет дождь, (подлежащее дождь)

Exercise I. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A' It was hot* yesterday, wasn't it?

* hot [hot] а жаркий


B: Yes, it was very hot.

(A, B: cold, warm)

2. A: It's a fine day today, isn't it?

B: Yes, I like it.

(A: cold, warm; B: don't like, like)

3. A: It often rains in October here, doest't it?

B: Yes. It's very bad, isn't it?

{A: November, April, September)

4. A1: It's Friday today, ist't it?

B: Yes. By the way, what time is it?

A2: It's three o'clock now.

(A1: Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday; A2: half past four, four, half past three)

Exercise 2. Transform these sentences according to the models.

a) It seldom rains in October here. It seldom snows in October here.

1. It is raining now. 2. It often rained last month. 3. It may rain tomorrow. 4. If it rains we shall stay at home.

b) It often snows in Omsk in March? Does it often snow in Omsk in March?

1. It seldom rains in November there. 2. It often snowed last month. 3. It is snowing now. 4. It will rain a lot in October.

c) Does it often rain there in October?

No, it doesn't. It doesn't often rain there in October.

1. Does it often snow in Moscow in March? 2. Did it often snow last January? 3. Is it raining now? 4. Is it snowing now? 5. Will it often rain next month?

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Завтра будет очень тепло. 2. Чудесное утро, не правда ли? 3. В прошлом месяце часто шел снег. 4. Сейчас идет дождь. 5. Который сейчас час? — Без четверти семь. 6. Раннее утро, тепло. 7. Сегодня очень жарко. 8. Очень поздно, не так ли? — Да, уже 11 часов (вечера). 9. Идет ли сейчас снег?


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