The Present Perfect Tense ( Настоящее совершенное время ) — КиберПедия 

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The Present Perfect Tense ( Настоящее совершенное время )

2020-05-08 298
The Present Perfect Tense ( Настоящее совершенное время ) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Present Perfect Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Simple Present (have, has) и Past Participle (причастия прошедшего времени) смыслового глагола.

Форма Past Participle стандартных глаголов совпадает с формой Simple Past, т. е. к инфинитиву смыслового глагола (без to) прибавляется окончание -(e)d: to live — lived, to stay — stayed, to study — studied, to wash — washed, to translate — translated.

Форма Past Participle большинства нестандартных глаголов образуется путем изменения корневой гласной. Эти формы следует заучивать наизусть (см. стр. 175). В словарях обычно даются три формы нестандартных глаголов: инфинитив, прошедшее время (Simple Past), причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle).

Для разговорной речи характерно употребление сокращенных форм вспомогательного глагола to have в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях: I've, we've, they've, he's, she's, it's, haven't, hasn't.

He's read that book. Он (уже) прочитал эту книгу. She's gone for a walk. Она пошла погулять.

Present Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия или явления, имевшего место до момента речи и каким-то образом связанного с моментом речи, имеющего для него актуальное значение. Точное время действия не указывается.

We've done our homework and can go for a walk now. Мы выполнили домашнее задание и сейчас можем пойти погулять.

Has your brother left for Riga? Выехал ли ваш брат в Ригу?

Present Perfect может употребляться:

а) без указания времени совершения действия.

Have you dictated the letter? Вы продиктовали письмо?

б) с наречиями неопределенного времени ever ['eva] {когда-либо), never ['neva] (никогда), often ['o:fn] (часто), already [o:l'redi] (уже), yet (еще — в отрицательных предложениях, уже — в вопросительных предложениях), just [d3Ast] (только что), lately ['leith] (за последнее время, недавно).

He's just come back from London. Он только что вернулся из Лондона.

I've already seen his new picture. Я уже видел его новую картину.

Have you ever had lunch in this cafe? Вы когда-нибудь завтракали в этом кафе?

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Наречия неопределенного времени ставятся между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами. Исключение составляют yet и lately.

I haven't seen him lately. Я не встречал его последнее время.

Не hasn't listened to the latest news yet. Он еще не слушал последние известия.

Has he got up yet"? Он уже встал?

в) с обстоятельственными словами, обозначающими еще не истекшие периоды времени: today, this week, this month, this year и т. д.

He hasn't made any phone calls today. Он никому не звонил сегодня.

Present Perfect не употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся с наречия when, поскольку в данном случае должно быть указано точное время совершения действия.

When did the geography class start! It began an hour ago. When did you see him? I saw him yesterday.

Present Perfect чаще всего переводится на русский язык глаголом совершенного вида в прошедшем времени.

Has he come back yet? Он уже вернулся!

Exercise 1. Give the Past Participle of the following standard verbs. Transcribe and read them.

to answer, to stay, to play, to study, to try, to like, to work, to walk, to introduce, to help, to hope, to type, to wash, to pass, to brush, to watch, to live, to arrive, to receive, to shave, to open, to return, to call, to invite, to dictate, to translate, to visit

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 3. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: I haven't read this book yet. Have you?

B: No. I haven't read it either.

(A: done my homework, had lunch, shaved; B: done it, had it, shaved)

2. A1: What's Peter doing?

B: He's reading a book.

A2: Has he done his homework yet?

B: Yes, he has.

(A2: written the letter, listened to the latest news, looked through the papers)

3. A: I met Peter yesterday.

B: How's he? I haven't seen him lately.

A: He's fine.

(A: Nick, John; B: this month, this week)

4. A: Peter has just come back from Minsk.

В: Oh, has he? How did he like it? I was there last year and I liked it very much. (A: London, Kiev, Samarkand)

Exercise 4. Respond to these requests according to the model.

Please help Peter do his homework, (already) I've already helped him.

1. Please close the window, (already) 2. Please show Mike your coat, (just) 3. Please translate this text into Russian, (just) 4. Please take a shower, (already) 5. Please wake up John, (just) 6. Please look through these telegrams, (already)

Exercise 5. Respond to these questions according to the model.

Ann's going to buy a new coat. And Mary? (today) Mary's bought a new coat today.

1. John's going to play the piano. And Mike? (just) 2. He's going to read this book. And Bill? (this week) 3. Jane went for a walk an hour ago. And Peter? (just) 4. He's going to take a shower. And John? (already) 5. They were very busy last week. And Mr Green? (this week) 6. They came home two hours ago. And Peter? (just)

Exercise 6. Respond to these statements according to the model.

Mr Smith has already stayed there for a week. (Mr Brown)

Has Mr Brown stayed there for a week, too?

1. Peter has just gone for a walk. (Tom) 2. John has returned from Moscow this week. (Bill) 3. Jane has typed a lot of letters today. (Mary) 4. My brother has bought the new French textbook today, (your friend) 5. I've already spoken to him. (he) 6. My mother has just gone to bed. (your mother) 7. She's seen them today, (you) 8. My friend has read this book this month, (your friend)

Exercise 7. Open the brackets and use the proper tenses (Simple Present, Simple Past, Present Continuous and Present Perfect Tense).

1. I (to be) a student. I (to have) an English class now. We (to do) just exercise five and now we (to answer) the teacher's questions. 2. "You (to buy) already fruit and vegetables?" "Yes, I have." "When you (to go) shopping?" "I (to go) shopping after lunch yesterday." 3. "He (to come) just to the office. It's five minutes to nine." "And when he (to come) to the office yesterday?" "He (to come) at ten to nine yesterday." 4. Peter (to leave) for school fifteen minutes ago but Ann (not to leave) for college yet. 5. Peter (not to go) to see his mother yesterday. His elder brother Nick (to go) just to see her. She (to be) ill lately. 6. "When you (to go) to the theatre?" "I (to go) to the theatre last Saturday." 7. "She ever (to drive) a car?" "Yes, she has. She can drive a car very well." 8. "He (to ask) me to write a letter to Peter last week." "You (to write) a letter yet?" "Yes, I have."

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Закройте, пожалуйста, окно.— Я уже закрыл. 2. Купили ли вы фрукты и овощи? — Да. Я ходила за покупками вчера после обеда. 3. Сколько занятий посетил директор школы вчера? 4. Могли бы вы перевести этот текст сейчас? — Я уже перевел его. 5. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы с Петром? Хорошо ли он играет? — Я не знаю. Я никогда с ним не играл. 6. Вы еще не обедали? Давайте пообедаем в кафе. Оно за углом. 7. Что вы читаете? — "Мать". Эго очень интересная книга. Вы читали ее? — Нет еще. 8. Я не видел Николая последнее время.— Я тоже. 9. Вы сегодня были в библиотеке? — Нет. Я был там позавчера.


2. The Gerund* (Герундий)

* gerund ['d3erend]


Герундий — это неличная форма глагола. В русском языке соответствующей формы нет. Образуется герундий от инфинитива глагола (без to) при помощи окончания -ing.

Герундий часто употребляется после глаголов и предложных сочетаний (например, to like, to enjoy, to be fond of, to give up и др.). Он может переводиться на русский язык инфинитивом, существительным и т. д.

I like reading books. Мне нравится читать книги. (Мне нравится чтение книг.)

She likes watching TV. Ей нравится смотреть телепередачи.

Не enjoyed seeing old friends. Он с удовольствием по-вался со своими старыми друзьями. (Он получил удовольствие от встречи...)

I am fond of translating from English into Russian. Я люблю переводить с английского языка на русский.




1. Affixation* (Аффиксация)

* affixation [,a3fik'seijn]


В английском языке, как и в русском, широко используется аффиксация — образование новых слов от основ существующих слов при помощи суффиксов и префиксов. Знание значений суффиксов и префиксов помогает определить значение незнакомых слов, образованных при их помощи от знакомых слов.

Суффиксы -ег, -or используются для образования от глагольных основ существительных, обозначающих профессию или свойственное данному лицу действие.

io work работать — worker рабочий

to sleep спать — sleeper соня

Префикс re- используется для образования от глагольных основ новых слов, имеющих значение повторности действия или совершения его заново.

to read читать — to reread перечитать to do делать — to redo переделать

Exercise 1. Translate these words. Say what verbs they are formed from.

a) listener, reader, translator, driver, player, visitor;

b) to rewrite; to rename, to replay.

Exercise 2. a) Form nouns froin these verbs using the suffix -er. Translate them.

to drive, to pay, to buy, to receive, to translate, to walk b) Add the prefix re- and translate the verbs. to open, to write, to name, to do

2. Conversion * (Конверсия)

* conversion [kgn'vaijn]


Конверсия — один из наиболее распространенных способов словообразования в английском языке. Конверсией называется образование новых слов от слов, принадлежащих к другой части речи, без добавления аффиксов (суффиксов или префиксов). При помощи конверсии главным образом образуются существительные от глаголов, глаголы от существительных и глаголы от прилагательных.

to look смотреть — a look взгляд

to sleep спать — sleep сон

a hand рука — to hand вручать

Exercise 3. Form nouns from these verbs by means of conversion. Translate them.

to work, to visit, to answer, to walk, to shave, to wash, to stay, to study, to help, to hope, to return, to drive

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Знание способов словообразования поможет вам развить языковую догадку (т. е. умение догадаться о значении новых слов) в процессе самостоятельного чтения.




Learn these speech patterns

l.It’s very nice of you to ask us. Очень любезно (мило) с вашей стороны, что вы нас пригласили.

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.




2. It was time to leave for the cinema. Было пора отправляться в кино.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



3. a) They enjoyed the film. Им очень понравился фильм.

b) He enjoyed rereading that book. Он с большим удовольствием перечитал эту книгу.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



4. We'd love to come, [wid Mav ta клт] (We would [wad] "Move to come.) Мы с удовольствием (охотно) придем.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 5. Complete these sentences using patterns 1, 2, 3, 4.

1) 1.... to go and see them. 2.... to do that. 3.... to give me the book. 4.... to show us your new pictures. 5.... to invite them.

2) 6. It's time to....7. It was time to.... 8.1 think it's time to.... 9. He says it's time to....

3) 10. He enjoyed.... 11. Did they enjoy...? 12. The children enjoyed..., didn't they?

4) 13. I'd love to.... 14. We'd love to.... 15. He'd love to....

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Вам очень понравился фильм, не так ли? — Да. 2. Благодарю вас, мне очень понравился вечер по случаю вашего дня рождения. 3. Который сейчас час? — Восемь. Пора отправляться в школу. 4. Мне очень нравится переводить с английского языка на русский. 5. Я с удовольствием прочитаю эту книгу. 6. Ник с удовольствием повидается с вами.

Exercise 7. Make up eight sentences using patterns 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Learn these words and word combinations



Exercise 8. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

1. "Did Mr Scanlon lecture on French literature yesterday?" "Yes, he did." 2. I know she is fond of Russian literature. 3. The telephone is ringing. Please answer the call. 4. Did she teach spoken French at Oxford? 5. "Have you seen the new film?" "Yes, I have. I liked it very much. It's marvellous. And have you seen it?" "Oh, yes, I enjoyed seeing it too." 6. "Can Peter speak English?" "He certainly can1.", 7. "What are they talking about?" "I don't know." 8. "Have you read Aitmatov's new novel?" "Yes, I have. It's excellent, I think. By the way, Aitmatov is my favourite writer." 9. "Is spoken English difficult?" "I don't think so." 10. "Did Mike talk to Peter about our plans yesterday?" "I think so." 11. "Is the film dubbed?" "I don't think so."


Mr and Mrs Wilson were at home last Saturday afternoon. Mr Wilson is a lecturer at Edinburgh University. He lectures on Russian literature. Mr Wilson and his wife are fond of Russian literature and art.

They were about to have dinner when the telephone rang. Mrs Wilson answered the call. It was Mr Petrov, a teacher of Russian from Moscow. Mr Petrov came to Scotland about a year ago at the invitation of Edinburgh University. He teaches spoken Russian to English students. Mr Pet_^rov { in'vited the Wilsons to 'come and have dinner with him } 'next Friday.

He 'said, '"Would you 'like to 'go to the -Jcinema after dinner? They are 'showing2 a "^Russian film "'Crime and ""iPunishment"3 at the Odeon."

"It's 'very nice of you to "ask us," said Mrs Wilson. "We'd Move to come. 'John's 'been t so "Sbusy lately, J we 'haven't gone 'out much. 'Thank you t very.

(Next Friday)

At dinner 5 the 'Wilsons and Mr Pet-Jrov 'talked about their 'plans for the "summer. 'Then it was 'time to 'leave for the "cinema.

The 'film was not dubbed 5 but there were 'English subtitles. The 'acting was "excellent and the vcolours were ~~Ъ beautiful. Mr Pet'rov and the 'Wilsons enjoyed the film.

'"Wasn't Smoktu'novsky "marvellous?" Mrs Wilson.said when they.came.out of the "^cinema.

"He certainly was, wasn't he Mr Wilson said. "His 'acting is "\wonderful. You know4 I've just read the -Jnovel," he.went.on to say5, "Dosto/vyevski is my 'favourite 'Russian ""Writer."


Dostoyevski [dosta'jevski ] Достоевский Edinburgh ['ednbars] г. Эдинбург Scotland ['skotlsnd] Шотландия Wilson fwilsn] Уилсон


1. Going out. Выход в гости.

2. They are showing... at the Odeon ['oudisn] В «Одеоне» идет...

3. "Crime and Punishment" ['pAnifmsnt] «Преступление и наказание»

4. You know... Видите ли... Понимаете ли...

5. he went on to say продолжал он; to go on to do smth. продолжать делать что-л.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 10. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. работает преподавателем в Эдинбургском университете. 2. очень любят русскую литературу и искусство. 3. ответила на телефонный звонок. 4. около года тому назад. 5. пообедать с ним. 6. в последнее время был очень занят, и мы очень редко бывали в обществе (выбирались в гости). 7. Краски великолепные. 8. Играет он замечательно. 9. Я только что перечитал роман.

Exercise 11. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text.

to lecture, to be about to, to ring, spoken, to show, to ask, lately, plans, to enjoy, certainly, favourite

Exercise 12. Answer these questions.

1. When did the telephone ring? 2. Who answered the call? 3. It was Mr Petrov, wasn't it? 4. Who does Mr Petrov teach spoken Russian to? 5. What did Mr Petrov say to Mrs Wilson? 6. At dinner they talked about their plans for the summer, didn't they? 7. Did they enjoy the film? 8. The film was dubbed, wasn't it? 9. How did they like Smoktunovsky's acting? 10. Were the colours good? 11. Who is Mr Wilson's favourite Russian writer?

Exercise 13. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Mr Petrov has lectured on Russian literature to our students this month.

B: How did you like his lectures? A: They were excellent.

(A: Mr Wilson, on English literature; Mr Bell on French literature)

2. A: Did you like the film?

B: I enjoyed it.

(A: the novel, the book, the ballet)

3. A: Could you come to see us next Saturday"!

B: We'd love to. We've been very busy lately and haven't gone out much. Thank you very much. (A: Friday, Sunday)

4. A: I know you like reading books.

B: Oh yes, I'm fond of reading.

(A: driving a car, watching TV, playing chess; B: driving, watching TV, playing chess)

5. A: When did he call you up?

B: I was about to leave for work when he called me up. {A: get up, come back; B: got up, came back)

Exercise 14. Insert articles where necessary.

1. It's... French film, isn't it? 2. Mr Wilson is... lecturer at... Edinburgh University. 3. Mr Black answered... call. 4. The Greens came to Moscow about... year ago at... invitation of Moscow University. 5. We have invited... Petrovs to have dinner with us. 6. Would you like to go to... cinema? They're showing... new film at... Metropole. My brother has already seen it. He enjoyed it very much. 7.... film is excellent.... colours are beautiful and... acting is wonderful. 8.... Browns were about to leave for... London Airport when... telephone rang.

Exercise 15. Insert prepositions and adverbs.

1. "Do the Sedovs often go...?" "No, they don't. Mr Sedov has been very busy lately." 2. "When did you go... the cinema?" "I went... the cinema the day... yesterday." 3. "Have you got any plans... the summer? "No, I haven't. And what... you?" "I haven't either." 4. "Have you talked... Mr Petrov... his work?" "No, not yet." 5. "What is Mrs Brown?" "She's a teacher... French... school." 6. Mr Green lectures... English literature... Moscow University. He came... Moscow... two years ago. 7. "I'm fond... Leo Tolstoy's novels. He is my favourite Russian writer," said Mr Green. 8. When the telephone rang she went... the sitting-room to answer the call.

Exercise 16. Ask questions based on the text and answer them.

Exercise 17. Give a summary of the text "Going Out".

Exercise 18. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect or Simple Past.

1. Last Sunday my friend (to invite) me to have lunch and then to go to the cinema together. "It (to be) nice of you to ask me. I (to be) very busy lately and (not to go) out much," I said to him. 2. He (to be) in the bathroom when the telephone (to ring). 3. "Can he speak English well?" Yes, he can. He (to stay) in England for three years and (to study) English literature at Oxford University". 4. "He (to teach) ever at school?" "Yes. It (to be) fifteen years ago." 5. "You (to buy) an excellent present for Peter." "I'm glad you like it." 6. "Who (to answer) the call when Mr Brown (to ring) you up?" "My sister did."

Exercise 19. Ask guestions to which the italicized words are the answers.

1. She enjoys teaching at school. (2) 2. TikhonoVs acting was marvellous. (1) 3. Peter is fond of buying presents for his friends. (2) 4. The Orlovs haven't gone out much lately. (1).

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Павловы редко ходят в гости. Их дочь болеет последнее время. 2. Пойдемте в кино сегодня вечером. — Очень любезно с вашей стороны пригласить меня, но, к сожалению, я не могу. У меня очень много работы. 3. Звонит телефон. Это, должно быть, Николай. Он хотел позвонить нам в семь вечера. 4. Вы читали последний роман Хеллера (Heller)? — Да, я прочел его в прошлом месяце.— Как он вам понравился? — Замечательный роман. 5. Кто ваш любимый английский писатель? — Сноу. Я очень люблю читать его романы. 6. Вам понравился фильм, не так ли? — Да, фильм изумительный. 7. Вы уже поговорили с ним о планах на лето? — Нет еще. 8. Когда мы вышли из универмага, мы увидели Петровых. 9. Что вы делали на уроке (в течение урока)? — Мы переводили текст с русского языка на английский, задавали вопросы и отвечали на них, затем побеседовали о последнем романе Айтматова. 10. Питер Браун читает лекции по французскому искусству в Оксфордском университете. Он замечательный лектор. 11. Трудно ли научиться разговорному английскому языку? — Думаю, что да. 12. Он только собирался позвонить мне, как пришли его друзья.

Exercise 21. Answer these questions and sum up the answers.

a) 1. Do you often go out? 2. Have you often gone out lately? 3. Do you ever invite friends to dinner? 4. When did you invite friends to dinner? 5. Are you going to invite any friends to your birthday party?

b) 1. Do you often go to the cinema? 2. What films have you seen this month? 3. Which of them did you like? 4. Who is your favourite actor?

Exercise 22. Make up situations using the words given below.

a) Invitation to Dinner: to ring up, to answer a call, to invite, it's very nice of you to..., I'd love to.....

b) Two Friends Talk about Their Plans for...: to meet, to talk about, plans for, together, I want you to go.

c) A Talk about Film: favourite, wonderful, subtitles, you know, to go on to say.

Exercise 23. a) Make up stories on these topics, b) Write a story on one of the topics.

1. Going out. 2. A visit to the cinema. 3. What I have done this week.




Conversations: A. Talk on Theatre and Cinema. B. Invitations. C. Tea Party.

Learn these speech patterns

1. I'd (/ would) advise TV to repeat the play. Я бы посоветовал телевидению вновь показать (повторить) эту пьесу.

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table snd translate them, you to invite the Browns to dinner.



2. It's (it was) very kind of you to invite us. Очень любезно с вашей стороны пригласить нас.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



3. How about a piece of cake? He хотели бы вы съесть кусочек торта?

Exercise 3. Nake up sentences using the table and translate them.



Learn these words and word combinations





A: Would you like to'tome to the cinema tonight?

B: I'd love to. What's on?1

A: They're showing2 the musical "My Fair Lady"3 at our local. I've booked two seats.

B: Isn't the film a screen version of "Pygmalion", a play by Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright?

A: Yes, it is. By the way, Audrey Hepburn plays the leading part. She's my favourite actress. Let's meet near

the cinema at 6.15. The show starts at 6.30.

B: Fine. See you later.

A: See you soon.


Mary: John, we're going to the show tonight. I've booked two seats. John: Peter Smith went there last night and he didn't like it.

Mary: I don't care about Peter's opinion.4

John: Well, everyone says the show's a complete flop. There were only a few people there last night. Mary: What a pity!5



George: Would you like to come to a concert with me tomorrow afternoon?

Alice: I'd love to. Thank you very much.

George: Fine. Let's meet here about one o'clock.

Alice: Good. See you tomorrow. George: Goodbye.


Michael: Why don't we go for a drive in the country today?

Ann: That would be very nice. Thank you.

Michael: I can pick you up at 11 o'clock.

Ann: Good. See you soon.

Michael: Bye.


(The Browns invited the Ivanovs to tea.)

Mrs Brown: I'm so glad you were able to come.

Ivanova: It's very kind of you to invite us.

Ivanov: Yes. This is the first time we're in an English home.

Mrs Brown: Please, make yourselves comfortable.6 Sit here in this armchair, Mrs Ivanov. It's near the fire.

Ivanovo: I must say this is a very cosy room.

Mrs Brown: Yes, I like it too. Now, Mrs Ivanov, do you take milk and sugar in your tea?7

Ivanovo: Yes, please. Two lumps.

Mrs Brown: How about a piece of cake?

Ivanova: Yes, please.

Mrs Brown: And how do you like your tea, Mr Ivanov?

Ivanov: Not too much milk and two lumps, please.


1. What's on? Что идет? (в кино, в театре)

2. They're showing... Там идет...

3. the musical "My Fair Lady" музыкальная кинокомедия «Моя прекрасная леди».

4. I don't care [кеэ] about Peter's opinion [s'pinjsn]. Меня не интересует мнение Питера.

5. What a pity ['piti ]! Как жаль! Как жалко!

6. Please, make yourselves [joi'selvz] comfortable ['kAmfstabl ]. Пожалуйста, располагайтесь поудобнее (как вам будет удобно).

7. Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? Пьете ли вы чай с молоком и сахаром?

Exercise 5. Read and translate the dialogues.

Exercise 6. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Там идет музыкальная комедия. 2. играет главную роль. 3. Шоу с треском провалилось. 4. Я заеду за вами. 5. Мы впервые в английском доме. 6. Не хотели бы вы съесть кусочек торта?

Exercise 7. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the dialogues.

to be based on, acting, advise, to book a seat, screen version, playwright, actress, everyone, concert, in the country, cosy, piece, lump.

Exercise 8. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: How did you like the filml B: I enjoyed every minute of it.

(A: the play, the show; B: I didn't like it. It was a complete flop.)

2. A: Who played the part of Peter I* in the film " Young Russia"?

* Peter I ['pi:t3 Ээ 'fg:st]


B: Zolotukhin did.

(A: Donatas, "None Wanted to Die";* B: Adomaitis)

* Используйте названия фильмов, которые вы недавно посмотрели.


3. A: Would you like to come to the cinema tonight?

B: I'd love to. What's on?

(A: the theatre)

4. A: When does the show start?

B: At seven o'clock.

(B: eight, six-thirty, six)

5. A: Why don't we go for a drive in the country today?

B: That would be very nice.

(A: go for a walk after lunch, go to a concert tonight)

6. A: I can pick you up at 10 o'clock.

B: Good. See you soon.


7. A: How about a piece of cake?

B: Yes, please.

(A: apple-pie, meat)

8. A: How do you like your tea?

B: A little milk and no sugary

(B: Not too, much milk and two lumps, please. No milk and no sugar, please)

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Did you see the film "Young Russia" on TV?


A: How did you like the film?


2. A: How did you like his acting?


3. A: The play is based on documentary material, isn't it?


4. A: Would you like to come to the cinema tonight?


5. A: What's on at our local?


6. A: Whose novel is the film "Blockade" a screen version of?


7. A: Who's you favourite actor?


8. A: Would you like to come to the show tonight? I've booked two seats.


9. A: How did you like the show? Some people say it's a complete flop.


10. A: Why don't we go for a drive in the country today?


A: When could I pick you up?


11. A: I'm so glad you were able to come.


12. A: I'd advise you to sit in this armchair. It's near the fire.


13. A: Do you take milk and sugar in your coffee?


14. A: How do you like your coffee?


Exercise 10. Think of the questions and statements to which the following sentences are the answers.

1. A:...?

B: I enjoyed every minute of it. It's an excellent film.

2. A:...?

В: I think it's one of the best plays about writers V. I.Lenin.


B: He played his part brilliantly.

3. A-...?

B; Yes, I've booked two seats.

4. A...?

B: Well, everyone says the play is a complete flop.

5. A...?

B: I'd love to. Thank you very much.

6. A...?

B: That would be very nice. Thank you.

7. A:...?

B: It's very kind of you to invite us.

8. A...?

B: A little milk and a lump of sugar.

9. A...?

B: No milk, please. I like black coffee-

10. A...?

B: No, thank you. I'm trying to give up.

11. A...?

B: Only if it's not too much trouble.

12. A...?

B: Yes, it suits me perfectly.

13. A...?

B: I stayed there for a week.

Exercise 11. Act as interpreter.

1. Peter (a Russian student): Видели ли вы многосерийный телефильм «Россия Молодая»?

James (a British student): Yes. It's the first time I've seen a Russian film.

Peter: Как вам понравился фильм?

James: I enjoyed every minute of it. I learned so much about Russia.

Peter: Как вам понравился актер, который играет Петра I?

James: He plays his part brilliantly. I must say I liked all the actors. Their acting is marvellous.

2. Nick: He хотели бы вы пойти в театр в следующую субботу?

James: I'd love to. What's on?

Nick: У меня есть билеты на "Спящую красавицу". ("The Sleeping Beauty" ['bju:ti ]) в Большой театр.

James: I've never seen this ballet. I'd be very glad to see it. Thank you very much.

3. A: Would you like to see a new American film tonight?

В: С удовольствием. А в котором часу сеанс?

A: At eight o'clock at the Odeon (['oudisn ]).

Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. — Я бы посоветовал вам посмотреть фильм «Блокада». Это экранизация романа Чаковского. Роман основа на документальном материале. Эго жизненно досто верно.

— С удовольствием. Когда телевидение собирается по казывать его?

— Они начинают завтра в 7.20.

— Спасибо.

2. — Джеймс, вы видели это шоу?

— Нет. Мой брат видел его. Он говорит, что шоу проза лилось с треском.

— Жаль.

3. — Почему бы нам не пойти погулять в парк после ленча?

— Это было бы очень хорошо.

4. — Очень любезно с вашей стороны пригласить нас.

— Мы очень рады видеть вас. Располагайтесь поудобнее. Не хотели бы вы выпить по чашечке чая?

— Спасибо, да.

— Как вы пьете чай, г-жа Браун?

— Без молока и два кусочка сахара.

— А вы, г-н Браун?

— Немного молока и без сахара.

Exercise 13. Make up dialogues based on these situations.

1. Invite a British colleague to the Bolshoi ballet performance.*

* performance [pa'famsns] n спектакль

2. Invite a foreign colleague to see a film.

3. Exchange impressions* about a film (play) with a foreign colleague.

* exchange impressions [iks'ljeincfe im'prejnz] поделитесь впечатлениями






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