In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Scientific Method — КиберПедия 

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In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Scientific Method

2020-05-07 927
In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Scientific Method 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Science is the study of nature and the universe, based on facts learned from … and experiment. This process of discovery is called the … method. There are five orderly steps in the scientific method. 1. State the problem. You can't begin to answer a question or … a problem until you know exactly what it is that you're trying to learn. 2. Gather all related information. You must research your subject thoroughly to … what is already known. Besides reading about the subject, you might talk to others who are working on the same problem. 3. Suggest a possible answer or solution. Scientists call this preliminary theory a …. For the time being, they use this idea as the basis for further study and reasoning. 4. Conduct … to try out the theory. A scientific experiment is a test – or series of tests – designed to determine whether a theory is correct. The results of one experiment often lead to further experiments. 5. Record the results. Lastly, a scientist writes a report on the experiment. This document, which is recorded in some detail, may be used as … that the theory is correct. solve observation hypothesis proof determine experiments scientific

b) In the passage above find the answers to the questions.

1. What eight-letter noun in the reading means "everything that exists, including the Earth, sun, planets, and outer space"?           u ____________________

2. What eight-letter noun from the reading means "a written record that proves something"?                                                        d ____________________

3. What eleven-letter noun in the reading means "careful examination and study of something"?                                                        o ____________________

Read the short text below. Use the words given in CAPITALS below the passage to form the new words fitting the corresponding spaces in the text.

The Sun

Fortunately for life on the Earth, the Sun's production of heat is remarkably consistent. But scientists are aware that even a small change would have grave 1 … for the future, triggering either a new ice age, or runaway global warming. There is 2 … that this has happened before. In 17th century England, for example, the River Thames in London was regularly 3 … over. Scientists now think that fluctuations in the Sun's temperature caused a "Little Ice Age" at that time. Indeed, the latest theory is that the processes going on in the centre of the Sun are inherently 4 …. If the experts are right, there could be many changes in the Sun's 5 … this century and the 6 … is that the temperature here on the Earth will get 7 … hotter and hotter.



Language Development

Work in groups. Complete the dialogue using necessary words and phrases and then act it out.

Discussing items

Jack Peterson: Before I begin the report, I'd like to get some ideas from you all. How do you feel … in your branch of science? I suggest we go round the table first to get all of your ideas.

John Ruting: In my opinion, we have been focusing too much on …. The way I see things, we need to return to … developing an … to focus on their particular ….

Alice Linnes: I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I think … I suggest we give our … more help with advanced information reporting.

Donald Peters: Excuse me, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?

Alice Linnes: I just stated that we need to give our … better information reporting.

John Ruting: I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?

Alice Linnes: Well, we provide our … with database information on all of our …. We should be providing the same sort of knowledge on ….

Jack Peterson: Would you like to add anything, Jennifer?

Jennifer Miles: I must admit I never thought about … that way before. I have to agree with Alice.

Jack Peterson: Well, let me begin with this Power Point presentation (Jack presents his report). As you can see, we are developing new methods to reach out to our ….

John Ruting: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss the ideas we've seen presented.

3.14. a) Imagine that you are a young scientist. You have been studying abroad for several years and now you have returned to Russia. Write a letter of request to your scientific supervisor and ask him / her about the changes occurred and current state in your sphere of science. Use sample of letter of request and useful language given below.

b) Study the following information about ways of writing a letter of request.

A request letter is written to ask for a favour. Hence the language should be simple and polite. Introduce yourself and tactfully address the reader. Put forward reasonable demands as polite requests. Mention the exact point and be brief in communication.

Outline Introduction Paragraph 1 State reason(s) for writing Main body Paragraphs 2-3 Explain reasons for making the request Paragraphs 4-5 State expected results / consequences Conclusion Final paragraph Closing remarks Full name

The first paragraph should contain reason(s) for writing. The next several paragraphs explain reasons for making the request and possible results of this request. The last paragraph(s) should have information where the person can contact you for further details. If asking for a favour, mention your ways of returning it. Do not apologize for asking for the favour. Make it look like it will return another good turn. Ask for an appointment or a personal meeting if the favour is too big and requires the involvement of people in higher positions. Mention alternatives if the favour is too big or according to you maybe beyond the means of the addressee. Don't forget to thank the person.

c)                     Useful language for letters of request

Opening remarks

Formal Informal I am writing to inquire about / in connection with / could you possibly / I would be grateful if you could / would it possible for you / I would appreciate some information about / another matter I need / I wondered if you could possibly do me a favour / I would be most grateful if you could I want you to tell me / can you let me know / can you also find out / could you do something for me Closing remarks I look forward to receiving / I would appreciate it if you could inform me as soon as possible / I hope it is not so much trouble / thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter Please let me know / tell me soon / I hope you can help me out

d) Work in pairs and check your groupmate's letter.

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