Check your understanding of the terms below, then use them to complete the sentences. — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Check your understanding of the terms below, then use them to complete the sentences.

2020-05-07 473
Check your understanding of the terms below, then use them to complete the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

• promotion • vacancy • workforce • incentive

• overtime • freelance • redundant • white-collar

• full-time • productivity • temporary • bonus

1. We have an important deadline to meet, so I'll have to work … this week.

2. Nearly half the staff are going to be made … as part of the firm's downsizing policy.

3. This job is not suitable for the ambitious, as there are few prospects of ….

4. I have young children, so I'd prefer to work part-time now and go … when they are older.

5. Many employees on … contracts would like the security of a permanent job.

6. I have heard that there may be a(n) … for a salesperson in the new department store.

7. In the not-too-distant future, over 25 % of the … in Europe may be unemployed.

8. In order to be competitive, the company must increase ….

9. Jenny works as a(n) … journalist and enjoys not being tied to one specific paper.

10. Mark was given a £1,000 … when he beat his deadline by a month.

11. The union representative claimed a pay increase would serve as a(n) … for employees to work harder.

12. Office jobs are often referred to … as work.

7.23. a) Here are some occupations.

What exactly does their work involve?

• solicitor • labourer • ironmonger • clerk

• accountant • carpenter • stationer • florist

• civil servant • plumber • newsagent • PA

Which of these people:

• work in an office? • do manual work? • work in a shop?

b) Here are some places connected with work.

What happens there?

• typing pool • headquarters • warehouse

• picket line • branch • boardroom

• department • conference room

c) Here are some verbs connected with work.

What do they mean? Who does them? In what circumstances?

• demote • downgrade • delegate

• come out on strike • take over • sign on

• apply for • make a profit

7.24. Find the odd word out and explain why it doesn't belong to this group. Consult a dictionary if you wish.

1. stapler – perforator – binder – switchboard;

2. staff – personnel – tenants – workforce;

3. fire – reprimand – sack – dismiss;

4. recruit – appoint – hire – occupy;

5. assistant – manager – administrator – executive;

6. unemployment – retirement – redundancy – severance;

7. client – applicant – recruit – candidate;

8. qualifications – examinations – credentials – references;

9. skill – ability – style – aptitude;

10. remuneration – compensation – reimbursement – profit.

Match words from columns A and В to form collocations. Then, use them to complete the sentences below.

A assembly civil retail fringe industrial В benefits relations line servant trade

1. She is a … that is, she is employed by the state.

2. Managers often enjoy many … including a company car and an expense account.

3. Working on a(n) … in a factory was the most monotonous job I've ever had.

4. Having worked in the … for ten years, I have extensive sales experience.

5. In an attempt to improve … the management have agreed to compromise in their negotiations with the union.

Language Development

Work in groups of three or four. You have applied for a job as a representative for a premium Spanish olive oil company, selling the product to restaurants and hotels in your country. The company has asked you to come for an interview. For each question in the interview, there are three possible answers. In your group, discuss which answer you think is the best and circle the letter A, B, or C. When you have discussed all the questions, calculate your score.

The interview questionnaire

1. Good morning. Could I start by asking a few questions about your experience in the sector?

A. Of course. What would you like to know?

В. Well, I've been working in the food sector for the last ten years.

С. What sector do you mean exactly?

2. And I imagine you have dealt with a lot of different clients in your work. Is that the case?

A. Yes, a lot of clients. What kind of clients does your company deal with?

В. Yes, all kinds, really.

С. Yes, quite a wide variety, although most were large hotels and restaurants.

3. I see. And what kind of products have you worked with?

A. Mostly with specialist sauces.

В. I've worked mostly with specialist sauces. Does your company make them?

С. I've worked mostly with specialist sauces, such as aioli, tartar sauce, etc.

4. So what kind of difficulties do you think we might have selling our product?

A. Well, it depends on your quality and price compared with the competition.

В. The main difficulty could be in convincing clients to buy a higher priced, premium product.

С. It's difficult for me to answer that because I don't know your clients or product very well.

5. So what do you think you would do to convince them to buy our product?

A. I would perhaps focus on the higher quality compared to the competition.

В. I'm sure you know the answer to that much better than I do.

С. Maybe give them a discount?

6. And why do you think you would be good at this job?

A. Because I know how to handle clients and analyse the competition.

В. Because I have experience in sales and food products.

С. Because I have worked in the food sector for ten years.

7. Finally, do you have any questions?

A. Not really, I think we've covered everything.

В. Is there the possibility of a company car?

С. Is the company planning to launch any new products in the near future?


  A В С
1 2 3 1
2 2 1 3
3 1 2 3
4 2 3 1
5 3 2 1
6 3 1 2
7 1 2 3

15 or more: Congratulations, your interview was a success! The company felt that you were interested, had the right experience and skills, and had prepared for the interview well. Best of luck with your new job!

8–14: Sorry, the company thought that you didn't have the right skills to be a representative. Remember to find out as much as you can about the company, and then tell them about your relevant skills for the job. Better luck next time!

7 or fewer: Sorry, the company has decided that you didn't seem interested in the job. Remember that stock responses are usually not enough to impress a potential employer. Look at your answers again and see if you can improve your score. Better luck next time!

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