Read the dialogue aloud in pairs and then act it out. — КиберПедия 

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Read the dialogue aloud in pairs and then act it out.

2020-05-07 234
Read the dialogue aloud in pairs and then act it out. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A: Do you think everybody should be trained to use computers?

B: That's an interesting question, because in a sense most of us are already using them.

A: How do you mean?

B: Well, whenever we programme our washing machines to work in a certain way, we are using computer circuitry.

A: But I'm really talking about desktop PCs.

B: That's the technology which is popular at present, but it's difficult to predict what we'll be using in five or ten years' time.

A: Would you like to make a guess?

B: Well, the 1990s will be remembered for much more powerful computers, CD-ROM, much better printers and scanners at affordable prices. Yet, computers are still not very user-friendly even with the latest version of Windows. Moreover, there's the problem of everybody developing square eyes.

A: How do you think things will improve?

B: Well, you may have noticed that screens are getting bigger. We will soon have flat screens – the big screen in your living-room which could cover a whole wall.

A: Why would you want anything as big as that?

B: Firstly, digital television and video will use this space. There will be no need for any blackout. You will be able to open windows of any size depending on the distance you want to be from the screen. Keyboards will be portable and of course you'll have the option of voice control.

A: What does that mean?

B: You'll literally be able to talk to the wall, to recite a shopping list, for example. What you say will appear as text on the wall. Your computer will be able to search the local supermarkets for the items you have listed, you'll be given information about quality and price and may even see pictures of what is available. Then you'll fill in an order form and the items will be delivered to your door the next day.

A: Surely, the technology for all this isn't going to be very user-friendly.

B: On the contrary. There'll be different levels of user-friendliness for different users. Shopping by computer needn't be any more difficult than operating a cassette player.

Translate from Russian into English.

a) 1. Кроме того, новые технологии также облегчают использование оборудования по сравнению с тем, что было раньше.

2. Современная технология предоставляет эффективное средство осущест-вления этих программ.

3. Новинкой последних нескольких лет стала новая технология радиографии.

4. Этот вопрос, в свою очередь, требует доступа к современным производ-ственным технологиям.

5. Технология производства этих материалов разработана в настоящее время лучше, чем предыдущая.

6. Мы понимаем, что технологический прогресс продолжает изменять ок-ружающий нас мир.

7. Инновационная деятельность и технологический прогресс выступают ключевыми факторами, определяющими эффективность предприятий.

b) Научно-технический прогресс за тысячелетия человеческой цивилизации прошел сложный и противоречивый путь развития. Методы производ-ства товаров постоянно совершенствуются. В результате люди тратят все меньше и меньше времени на их создание. Сегодня технологический прогресс происходит намного быстрее, чем раньше. В наше же время постоянно появляются новые механизмы и материалы, постоянно совер-шенствуются методы выполнения работ. И если мы хотим успеть за про-грессом и не потерять работу – необходимо постоянно узнавать что-то новое, посещать выставки, конференции и так далее. Вместе с тем из-вестно, что 60–70 % от всех научных разработок в производство вообще никогда не внедряется.


Talking Points

Read the statement, discuss the problem with your group mates, and express your opinion giving some reasons.

Social isolation is characterized by a lack of contact with other people in normal daily living such as the workplace, with friends and in social activities. We isolate ourselves by walking around in our own little world, listening to our iPods or staring at the screen of the latest mobile device even when we are around other people. Studies have shown that people who are socially isolated will live shorter lives.


Warming Up

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