Approximate work plan for the school mugindoor floriculture — КиберПедия 

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Approximate work plan for the school mugindoor floriculture

2019-11-11 166
Approximate work plan for the school mugindoor floriculture 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The main purpose of the work of this circle is: to acquaint students with the variety of floral and ornamental plants of the enclosed soil, their biological characteristics; acquisition of skills in reproduction and cultivation of plants, care for them, monitoring of growth and development of plants, skills to conduct experiments, summarize the results of the work done.

Classes of the circle will help to consolidate and deepen knowledge on the theoretical course of botany, understanding of plant connections with the environment, the ability to manage the growth and development of indoor plants, the development of interest and love for nature, the feeling of beauty on the examples of landscaping classes, halls, classrooms in school.



Subject of the course Terms Responsible

1 Organizational session: discussion of the work plan of the section; development of individual and group assignments. September Supervises.


2 Care of houseplants Post-but Star.dezhur

3 Preventive inspection of all indoor plants. 1 time per month

4 Acquaintance with the types of earth mix and its preform. September Supervises.

5 Familiarity with the biological characteristics of different groups of indoor plants.


6 Systematics of houseplants, the concept of taxa. Identification and certification of plant plants.

October Supervises.


7 Caring for indoor plants in the autumn-winter period. November-January Members of the mug

8 Ways to house indoor plants. November Supervises.

9 Preparation and conduct of the evening "Travel from rooms. plants ". December Starosta

10 Reports of the circles on the performance of individual tasks. January Starosta

11 Care of houseplants in the spring-summer period. February Supervises.

12 Determination of pests and control of indoor plants. February Manage

13 Practical lesson: "Reproduction of indoor plants". March-

May Starosta

14 Rules for transplanting indoor plants and making earth mixtures. April Manage

15 Planting of indoor plants. Apr-May All Members

16 Excursion to the botanical garden. May leads.

17 Preparation of plants for the summer period, removal of a part of plants in the open ground. June Supervises.

18 Drawing up a summer duty schedule. June Starosta

19 Caring for plants in summer according to schedule. July-August On duty

Placing plants in school recreations. August Supervises.

These plans can be made according to the following scheme.

Схема календарного плана работы кружка юных натуралистов



Время проведения


материала на:

Форма и методы



Само-стоят. работа

Форма подведения итогов

уроках Занят. кружка

3.In-class reading develops students' thinking, increases interest in the subject. Along with all school activities, it fosters the desire for constant communication with the book. This is an extremely important factor in the education of our youth.

Indeed, the book develops the cognitive activity of the student in all types of in-class activities. The book is guided by him when acquainted with a plant or animal, for which courts or on which an experiment

The determinant of plants and the book accompany observations on excursions. The handbook is needed when working on a school pilot site. Books are used in preparation for reports in the circle and reports on biological evenings and conferences. This is the unity of students' learning activity with the reading of books the teacher constantly has in mind. In addition, the reading of scientific and fiction and popular science books on biology has an independent significance, since it encourages students to expand and deepen their knowledge through self-education and self-reading.

Extra-curricular activities conducted in the system of the entire teaching process, develop the multilateral interests of students, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. The forms of such activities are very diverse, but in terms of content and methods of implementation, they are related to the lesson; at the lesson of students there is an interest that is getting satisfaction in some form of extracurricular activities and again gets development and consolidation in the lesson.

The diverse activity of students is realized in all types of extracurricular activities: individual, group, and mass. Individual classes presuppose observance by students of individual plant species, animals, fungi, etc., as well as natural communities located in the vicinity of the school, about the mutual influence of man and wildlife.

Individual work is closely connected with familiarizing schoolchildren with reading and discussing books and articles in journals about nature protection.



1. №2 page 55-98.

2. № 5 стр. 97-122.



Lecture number 13

Subject: Faculty of Biology.

Lecture plan:

1. The concept of electives.

2. Organization of elective classes in biology.

3. Methods of conducting elective classes.

Keywords: Elective, methods of conducting electives.


1. The concept of electives.

Electives are subjects taught by students of their choice and desire for knowledge and the expansion of scientific and technical knowledge and practical skills.

Electives are an effective form of grouped differential education, designed to expand the knowledge acquired in the study of school curricula, the development of cognitive interests, abilities and vocational guidance of students.

Optional classes expand the mental outlook of schoolchildren, develop their cognitive interests. Therefore, elective classes are one of the forms of professional orientation, to a certain extent lay the foundation of the future specialty.

Prior to the introduction of the elective school of elective classes in the curriculum, work with students who showed interest in a particular subject was conducted mainly in circles. Between the circle and elective classes there is an important difference, namely that the elective aims to give a system of clearly defined knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the approved program. The circle does not set such a task.

Optional classes in comparison with the circles are a higher degree of differentiation of the teaching, because the students choose for an in-depth study the subject they are interested in, with a well-defined system of knowledge, skills and skills, and acquire them, as well as in mandatory lessons, in a certain sequence.

Classes and schools with in-depth study of individual subjects at the choice of students are an even higher stage of differential education, as students study a set of related subjects in the area of ​​interest. Schools and classes with in-depth study of individual subjects do not set themselves the task of giving students along with general education a specialty. They help to define only the sphere of future specialization, that is, as well as electives, carry out pre-professional training.

Inclusion in the course of physiology of labor and sports, familiarity with the prevention of certain diseases enrich students with important applied information and will promote a more conscious assimilation of the scientific organization of labor and safety techniques of the industries in which they will work after graduation. Therefore, even for those students who do not associate their future destiny with biology and medicine, the study of this course will undoubtedly benefit. n facultative classes it is expedient to justify the possibility and necessity of experiments on laboratory animals, to give an idea of ​​the external and internal environment, to acquaint them with the methods of studying individual organs of the animal and to explain the significance of these experiments for understanding the physiology of the human body. Along with this, it is necessary to show the social characteristics of a person, his connection with the environment.

The main method used in the lesson can be a lecture that turns into a conversation and small independent work, during which the students explain the rules of work in the biological laboratory and show the tools that will be required in the next lesson. Experiments, including vivisection, in the class to conduct is impractical. We should only limit ourselves to theoretical preparation for them.

2. Organization of elective classes in biology

Experience shows that the forms of teaching elective classes can be diverse. These are groups at school, led by a teacher of the relevant subject.

Interschool elective can become a promising form of conducting elective classes in cities and towns, where there are several closely located schools. As a rule, schools provide good opportunities for optional classes by the training base and staff, but they do not always manage to organize the work methodically; Inadequate knowledge of programs leads to duplication of the material or to its complex exposition, inaccessible to students; often the methods of working with students are mechanically transferred to work with children, which also causes certain difficulties.

Forms of organization of the educational process. Methods of conducting electives

When choosing the forms of organization of the educational process and methods of work in elective classes, it is necessary to take into account the content of the elective course, the level of development and preparedness of students, the interest of students in certain sections of the subject.

One of the main requirements for methods is that they stimulate the active work of students' thoughts, develop the independence of their thinking, and contribute to creative versatile activities.

The following teaching methods can be used in elective classes: lecture, conversation, discussion, independent work, both practical and additional literature.

Applying any of the methods, you can get different results.

Let us dwell on some of the methods that are most often used in elective classes.


In elective classes, you can lecture a part of the material, especially questions that require the disclosure of broad patterns of natural phenomena, as well as generalizing material. The lecture should be designed to evoke interest in its content, stimulate creative thought, lead to the search for an answer to many questions. Such knowledge is valid.

Independent work

When organizing students for independent work, various forms of training can be applied: individual, group, frontal. After studying the theoretical material and explaining the essence of independent work, the teacher organizes working groups. As a rule, the number of working groups and assignments to this group is determined by the availability of material and equipment, the interests of students and the level of their independence. Different groups receive different tasks. It is convenient to use written instructions, which are issued in the form of a briefing card.

Independent work of students on optional courses should be more problematic in search of a problem, which results from a wider set of optional classes to develop the interests and abilities of students. It is during the formulation of the problem that the teacher names those contradictions on the basis of which students can independently formulate a question and take part in its solution.

Card Assignment

Often, when solving experimental problems for the withdrawal from experience, students find it difficult to reproduce the conditions and the course of the experiment. This may be due to the fact that they do not sufficiently clearly represent the order of manipulation, which should lead to the initial result. This makes it difficult not only to carry out the practical part of the experiment, but also to comprehend the experience of the task. Work on cards - tasks to a certain extent allows to bypass this difficulty.

When developing such cards, the following requirements should be adhered to: the task of independent work should be laconic, but accurate, determine the sequence of the work, contain the necessary technical instructions. Independent work on cards - tasks teach students to plan their actions and observations and put experience depending on the factors specified in the instruction.


1. 1.№6 pages 18-44




Main literature

1. Auzhanova NB A modern lesson: typologies, technologies, analysis. Monograph. - Almaty: Daiir Baspa LLP, 2013. - 276 p.

2. Auzhanova NB Methods of organizing and conducting extra-curricular work in biology. Tutorial. - Almaty: Dair, 2010. - 187 p.

3. Auzhanova NB The procedure for the pedagogical analysis of the lesson. Guidelines. - Almaty: Daiyr Baspa LLP, 2013. - 56 p.

4. Auzhanova NB Biology lessons. A handbook for teachers. - Almaty: Daiir Baspa LLP, 2013. - 369 p.

5. Ponomareva, I.N. General methodology of teaching biology [Text]: Textbook / I.N. Ponomareva, V.P. Solomin, G.D. Sidelnikova; Ed. I.N. Ponomarevoy.- 3rd ed., Sr.- M.: Academy, 2012.- 280s.

6. Konstantinov, VM Biology [Text]: Textbook for educational institutions. establishments early. and media. prof. Education / VM Konstantinov, AG Rezanov, EO Fadeeva.- Moscow: Academy, 2016.- 320s.

7. Reader on the methodology of teaching biology (compiled by ID Kartsev, LS Shubkin.) Textbook for students of pedagogical universities on biological specialties. M., Education, 2010.

8. Anastasova LP Independent work of students in general biology: A manual for teachers. М.: Education, 2009.

9. Brunovt EP, Malakhova G.Ya., Sokolova E.L. Lessons of human anatomy, physiology and hygiene. М.: Education, 2010.

1. 1. Auzhanova NB Preparation of students for the management of extracurricular work in biology at school. Monograph. - Almaty: Dair, 2010. - 220 p.

2. 2. Auzhanova NB Organization of the ecotheater. Guidelines. - Almaty: Dair, 2010. - 72 p.

3. 3. Auzhanova NB Plants of a corner of wildlife. Guidelines. - Almaty: Dair, 2011. - 32 b.

4. 4. Auzhanova NB Structure and planning of the work of green and blue patrols. Guidelines. - Almaty: Dair, 2010. - 16 p.

5. 5. Auzhanova NB Didactic games on biology and ecology. Guidelines. - Almaty: Dair, 2012. - 88 p.

6. 6. Auzhanova NB Valeological education and education of students. - Almaty: Dair, 2012. - 200 p.

7. 7. Auzhanova NB Preparation of students for conducting educational work in the period of pedagogical practice. Allowance for students. - Almaty: Dair, 2010. - 133 p.

8. 8. Auzhanova NB The game as a means of developing interest in biology. Methodical manual for teachers - biologists. - Almaty: Dair, 2011. - 90 s.

9. 9. Zverev ID, Myagkova LP, Brunovt EP Education of students in the process of teaching biology. М.: Education, 2010.

10. 10. Kalinova GS, Myagkova AN. Methods of teaching biology classes 6-7: Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens; A handbook for teachers. M.: Education, 2011.

11. 11. Keiran LF Structure of the teaching methodology as a science. M.: Education, 2011.

12. 12. Methods of teaching in the school courses of biology (Ed. DI Traitak). M.: Education, 2011.

13. 13. Methods of teaching botany../ Ed. N.V. Padalko, VN Fedorova) M.: Education, 2012.

14. 14. Pugal NA, Rosenstein A.M. Biology class. Moscow: Education, 2013.

15. 15. Rosenstein A.M. Independent work of students in biology. Plants: A handbook for teachers. Moscow: Education, 2013.

16. 16. Rykov N.A. A guide to practical studies on the methodology of teaching zoology. M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

17. 17. Independent work of students in biology: A Handbook for Teachers (Compiled by EP Brunovt, AE Bogoyavlenskaya, ET Brovkina and others). Moscow: Education, 2014.

18. 18. The modern lesson of biology (Edited by VM Korsunskaya). М.: Education, 2015.

19. 19. Lessons of general biology (Edited by VM Korsunskaya). Moscow: Education, 2013. Shalaev VF, Bogorad VV, Nikitina AI and others. Methods of teaching zoology. М.: Просвещение, 2011. Handbook of the teacher of biology: manual for the teacher. / Comp. G.S. Kalinova, V.S. Kuchmetchko. - M.: OOO "Publishing House AST": OOO "Izdatelstvo Astrel", 2012.

20. 20. Ponomareva, I.N. General methodology of teaching biology: a teaching aid for students of pedagogical universities. / I.N. Ponomareva, VP, Solomin, GD, Sidelnikova. - Moscow: Academy, 2013.

21. 21. Versilin NM, Zavitaev PA, Korsunskaya VM Methods of working with students at the training and experimental site. - M, 2016.

22. 22. School programs and textbooks on biology.

23. 23. Journals "Biology in the School."





##### What is the complex interaction of words, clarity and practical work?

????? practical work

????? observation

????? lecture

????? conversation

????? laboratory work


##### What is important for the development of cognitive abilities of students?

????? demonstration of experiments

????? Display of nature objects

????? observation

????? practice

????? lecture


##### Is it important for the development of cognitive abilities of students?

????? demonstration of experiments

????? Display of nature objects

????? observation

????? practice

????? lecture


#####... is a complex interplay of words, clarity and practical work?

????? practical work

????? observation

????? lecture

????? conversation

????? laboratory work


##### When did the tour originate as a teaching method?

????? in the late 18th and early 19th centuries

????? 19-20 centuries

????? in the early 17th century

????? at the end of the 15th

????? at the beginning of the 21st


##### When was the Central Excursion Commission set up to serve schoolchildren and teachers?

????? 1910

????? 2010

????? 2017

????? 1890

????? 1950


##### Where was the Central Excursion Commission set up, serving schoolchildren and teachers in 1910?

????? Moscow

????? London

????? Paris

????? USA

????? South. Korea


##### In what year did the book about the basic principles of the excursion methodology "School excursions, their significance and organization" come about?

????? 1910

????? 1950

????? 1980

????? 2000

????? 2017


##### Specify the classification of the excursion according to the content proposed by Boris Emelyanov

????? survey (multidimensional?????, thematic, educational and advertising

????? archaeological, ethnographic

????? pedestrian and transport

????? educational, transport, ethnographic

????? educational, pedestrian


##### Specify the classification of the guided tour proposed by Boris Emelyanov

????? pedestrian and transport

????? multi-dark, using historical and modern material

????? The time of the city's existence from the first mention of it until today and the prospects for development

????? educational, transport, ethnographic

????? educational, pedestrian

##### What is the chronological scope of the excursion?

????? The time of the city's existence from the first mention of it until today and the prospects for development

????? individual attendance at school, library, exhibitions

????? is devoted to the disclosure of one topic

????? monuments of history and culture

????? educational, pedestrian


##### Excursions can be in order...

????? education of patriotism - labor education

????? walk in the fresh air

????? advertising

????? use of historical material

????? pedestrian


##### What is the process of determining the extent to which students achieve learning goals?

????? Training

????? Lesson

????? Education

????? Checking

????? By the method of


##### How many children can be in one cup?

????? 15-20 people

????? 25 people

????? 27 people

????? 30 people

????? 37 people


##### What concerns the collective form of the lesson?

????? Work on differentiated tasks

????? Work on asterisks

????? Simultaneous work with all students

????? Punch cards

????? Work on the rows.


##### What is after-hour work?

????? Type of educational activity, at which students perform with: individual or group assignments

????? The type of educational activity that unites students for more in-depth study of the subject

????? Type of educational activity, characterized by joint training activities of students of the whole class on the general task for, the guidance of the teacher

????? Type of educational activity, allowing to conduct observations and study directly various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions

????? Type of educational activities, allowing to conduct independent work in the classroom.


##### What kinds of oral control exist?

????? Conference, seminar, presentation

????? Test, test work

????? Relay test, test presentation

????? Test, blitz-tournament, seminar, educational subject conference

????? Presentation, oral interrogation, dictation or presentation.


##### What is the name of the process when the student is confronted by science with its difficulties and difficulties for learning?

????? contradiction in teaching

????? easy learning

????? desire to learn

????? the desire to teach

????? motivation for learning


##### Realization of which principle provides the formation of an integral system of biological knowledge and beliefs of students?

????? unity of education, upbringing and development

????? scientific

????? efficiency

????? accessibility

????? the principle of upbringing and development


##### What determines the methodology of biology as a science?

????? regularities in the teaching of biology

????? principles of teaching biology

????? forms of learning biology

????? psychology of learning biology

????? Pedagogy of Biology Training


##### Indicate the empirical method of teaching biology:

????? testing

????? systematization

????? adoration

????? system analysis

????? integration


##### What do the multimedia methods contain?

????? virtual habitat

????? real habitat

????? real habitat

????? there is no correct answer

????? all answers are correct


##### What is the process of determining the extent to which students achieve learning goals?

????? Training

????? Lesson

????? Education

????? Checking

????? By the method of


##### Of... interrelated parties is the learning process

????? of the two

????? out of three

????? out of four

????? out of five

????? of seven


##### What is surveillance?

????? method

????? admission

????? principle

????? didactic method

????? reception + principle


###### The BCH as a science establishes

????? regularities in the teaching of biology

????? principles of teaching biology

????? forms of learning biology

????? psychology of learning biology

????? Pedagogy of Biology Training


##### Who is the first methodologist of natural science - academician?

????? V.F.Zuyev

????? A. Ya. Gerdom

????? M.V. Lomonosov

????? K. Marx

????? M.Engelsom


##### Who is the author of the school (working) classification of teaching methods?

????? B.Е. Raikov

????? M.A. Danilin

????? N.M. Versilin

????? M.N. Skatkin

????? AND I. Komenky


##### What is the nature of independent work?

????? search character

????? lecture

????? lesson

????? laboratory exercises

????? debates


##### Find the groups of techniques:

????? logical, organizational, technical

????? logical, entertaining, operational

????? oganizational, technical, comparative

????? logical, technical, verbal

????? technical, comparative, verbal


##### In what century was the school subject of natural science first introduced into the Russian school?

????? 16th century

????? 17th century

????? 18 century

????? 19th century

????? 15th century


##### Find the method of scientific research in biology methodology

????? observation

????? questioning

????? conversation

????? lecture

????? testing


##### What can I use on electives?

????? discussion

????? lesson

????? practice

????? laboratory exercises

????? practical lessons


##### Possession of ways to apply knowledge in practice can be called...

????? skill

????? skill

????? an exercise

????? force

????? enthusiasm


СМК ЖГУ И/РУУПД. 09-2016                 Ф.4.09-36



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