Watch timetable Consultations on Wednesdays 14.30 — КиберПедия 

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Watch timetable Consultations on Wednesdays 14.30

2019-11-11 137
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Natural-technical faculty

                                Department of Chemistry and Biology


                                                                   Vice Rector for Academic issues

                                                                   _________  Erkinbayeva L.K.

                                                                    «_____» ______________2018




                              "Methodology of teaching biology"


Speciality: 5В011300 «Biology»

Form of training: full-time



Taldykorgan 2018


Educational-methodical complex is composed by Sh. Daurenbekova

(f.and.about. teacher)

on the basis of   the  typical program and work study program.


(signature of the teacher)

Considered at a meeting of the Department of Chemistry and Biology

from "____"_______________2018 y, Protocol №_________.


Head. the Department____________________Oxikbayev B. K.


Approved by the methodical office of natural-technical faculty

"____"__________________2018 y, Protocol ________


Chairman of MB of faculty _________________ R. A. Saduakasova









  СМЖ ЖМУ Е/ПОӘК.09-2016   Ф.4.09-28

Natural – technical faculty

Department of chemistry and biology

                                                 S I L L A B Y A


discipline:  Biochemistry

for the specialty 5V011300 "Biology"

form of study: full-time

course: 3

semester: 5

number of credits: 3

total contact hours: 135, of which:

of lectures: 30

practical classes: 15

JWST: 45

IWS: 45

Exam: 5 semester


                                           Taldykorgan 2018


Information about your teacher

Daurenbekova Sholpan Jumabekova – K. b.N., associate Professor of the Department of natural Sciences, e –mail address [email protected] house. phone – 318371, SOT. body - 87025647338.

Политика выставления оценок

           Балльно-рейтинговая буквенная система оценки знаний


Оценка по буквенной системе Цифровой эквивалент Процентное содержание Оценка по традиционной системе
A 4,0 95-100


A- 3,67 90-94
B+ 3,33 85-89


B 3,0 80-84
B- 2,67 75-79
C+ 2,33 70-74


C 2,0 65-69
C- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1 50-54
F 0 0-49 Неудовлетворительно


                         Общая разбалловка оценки знаний курса

Оцениваемая позиция Количество оцениваний за 1-8 недели Количество оцениваний за 9-15 недели Максимальное количество баллов Сроки выставления баллов в электронный журнал
Спец. навыки 1 1 100 баллов 8,15
СР 1 1 100 баллов за каждую СР 4,7,11,14 недели
Рубежный контроль 1 1 100 баллов за каждый рубежный контроль 8 и 15 недели
Рейтинг допуска 1

R 1

100 8 неделя
Рейтинг допуска 2


100 15 неделя
Рейтинг допуска за академический период

R = (R1+R2)/2

100 15 неделя


100 16-17 недели Итоговая оценка

I = R*0.6+E*0.4


Критерии выставления оценок

Вид контроля Максимальная оценка Сроки выставления баллов в журнал преподавателя
Текущий контроль: посещаемость: 1 час – 5 баллов                                  выполнение домашнего задания разработка поурочного плана, устные ответы, активность на лекциях; посещаемость и выполнение заданий СРСП 100 15 15 20 20 30   На каждой неделе
СРС 1 * ) Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3 100 30 40 30 4 неделя
 СРС 2 Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3 100 30 30 40 7 неделя
СРС 3 Задание 1 Задание 2 100 50 50 11 неделя
СРС 4 Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3 100 25 30 45 14 неделя
Р.К № 1: Контрольная работа письменная 1.Разработка урока 2.Теоретический вопрос 1 3.Теоретический вопрос 2 4. Практическое задание 100 30 20 20 30 8 неделя  
Р.К. № 2:  коллоквиум Вопрос 1 – оценка 1 Вопрос 2 – оценка 2 Вопрос 3 – оценка 3 Итоговая оценка: (оценка 1+оценка 2+оценка 3)/3 100 100 100 100   15 неделя

*) Содержание заданий СР приводится в соотвествующем разделе силлабуса.


                                  Course Policy

The level of the student's academic achievements is determined by the final grade, formed from the admission rating (60% of the total score) and the assessment of the exam (40%). The tolerance rating is formed as a result of current and boundary control over the academic period (15 weeks). At the same time, academic achievements are assessed on a 100-point scale for each task performed (answer to current lessons, activity at lectures, homework, CDS, boundary control, etc.) and the final approval rating is calculated by calculating the arithmetic mean of all estimates received during the control period.

Current monitoring involves monitoring attendance, monitoring the implementation of practical, homework. The activity of the student at the lecture is taken into account: for visiting, keeping notes, participating in the discussion of problems raised by the lecturer, setting questions to the lecturer, independence in judgments, critical thinking, creativity. All types of student participation in practical classes and SRSP are assessed: analysis of units of different language levels, performance of home and test assignments, answers to teacher questions, grammatical analysis, drawing up of graphic organizers and clusters, practical work at the board, active participation of the student during the whole class, independent creative work in the form of preparation and protection of CDS, etc.

For additional types of activities of students (scientific reports, publications, participation in olympiads, contests, conferences, etc.), bonuses are added, which are added to the points scored in the semester. The training of missed classes and the elimination of arrears for major control measures (missed for valid reasons) are carried out at 7 and 14 weeks before the verge of control. Classes missed for disrespectful reasons and worked out later, do not participate in the rating and do not add points.

The total rating evaluations of progress and attendance at the end of each week are set by the teacher through the university's local network in the electronic journal.






Module 1. The history of the emergence, development and development of the methodology of teaching biology.



Lecture 1. The subject of the methodology of teaching biology. BCH - pedagogical science.




Practical lesson 1. Calendar-thematic planning of the school course "Plants". Analysis of the textbook and program. IWST 1.



IWST 1. Theme: Features of naturalistic and experimental work of out-of-school institutions.

Assignments: 1. To study the specified literature sources.

2. Prepare an abstract.




Lecture 2. History of the emergence and development of the domestic methodology of biology.




Practical 2. Method of conducting lessons with morphological content.



IWST 2.Tema: The work of methodical association in the school.

Assignments: 1. To study the mentioned literature sources.

2. To produce a plan for the work of the Defense Ministry.




Lecture 3. Tasks of teaching and educational work on biology.




Practical lesson 3. Methodology for conducting lessons with physiological content.



IWST 3. Assignments: 1. Develop a methodology for the lesson "Biosynthesis of Protein".




Lecture 4. Content, system and basic principles of building a modern school course in biology.




Practical lesson 4. Methods of lessons on the study of the taxonomy of plants and animals (taxa).



IWST 4. Methodical analysis of the textbook and the program of the school course "Animals".

Assignments: 1. Methods of studying invertebrate animals.

2 Make a plan of 2 lessons (for plants and animals).



IWS 1. Theme: Laboratory work in the study of "Class birds", "Class Mammals." "Breathing", "Blood", "Blood circulation". The equipment of these lessons. Manufacturing of the simplest devices.

Task 1. Prepare instruction cards for carrying out laboratory work in the topics "Breathing", "Blood", "Blood circulation". Task 2. To create study cards for a survey on these topics.

Task 3. 3 Draw the device to determine the vital capacity of the lungs.



Module 2. Forms of organization of educational work on biology.



Lecture 5. Methods and methods of teaching biology.




  Practical work 5. Laboratory work and the requirements for them.



IWST 5. Practical work and requirements for them.

Assignments: 1. Make a list of pratical works on the course of anatomy.

2 Prepare a presentation on this topic.




  Lecture 6. The forms of organization of educational work in biology - a lesson.




Practical 6. The forms of organization of educational work in biology - a lesson.



IWST 6. Theme: Peculiarities of working in small-scale schools.

Assignments: 1. To study the mentioned literature sources.

2. Compile a summary of the biology lesson for a little school.




Lecture 7. Methods of organizing biological excursions.




Practical work 7. Methods of organizing and conducting botanical excursions.



IWST 7. Topic: Organization of phenological observations.

Assignments: 1. Develop a plan for one excursion.

1. 1. Create a diary of observations.



IWS 2. Topic: The technique of carrying out of repetition on an example of studying of a theme: "Nervous system".

Task 1. Prepare the scheme "Evolution of the nervous system."

Task 2. To get acquainted with the biography of I.P. Pavlov.




Lecture 8. Non-standard lessons.




Practical work 8. The method of organizing and conducting introductory and generalizing lessons.



IWST 8.Tema: Non-standard lessons in biology.

Assignments: 1. To study the mentioned literature sources.

2. To compile abstracts of two different non-standard lessons



Module 3. New pedagogical technologies for teaching biology and working with gifted children.



Lecture 9. New pedagogical technologies for teaching biology.




Practical work 9. Innovative technologies of training in the course "Man", the methodology of their use.



IWST 9. Topic: Testing for biology.




Lecture 10. Work with gifted children.




Practical lesson 10.Methodical analysis of the textbook and the program of the school course "The Man".



IWST 10. Topic: Organization and conduct of a biological olympiad in school.



Module 4. Extracurricular work in biology.



Lecture 11. Extra-curricular work in biology (mass).




Practical session 11. Organization and holding of the Day of Bird at school. Formation and development of systematic and ecological concepts.



IWST 11. Topic: Organization and conduct of the Decade of Biology at school.



IWS 3. Theme: Application of innovative technologies while studying the topic "Evolutionary teaching".

Task 1. Prepare material about the journey of Charles Darwin on the ship "Beagle". Prepare an autobiography of the first evolutionist - J.B.Lamarck.

Task 2. Draw up lesson plans using new pedagogical technologies.

Task 3. Write a summary of the lesson on the technology of Karaev





Lecture 12. Extra-curricular work in biology (group).




Practical lesson 12.Methodical analysis of the textbook and the program of the school course "General Biology" on the example of the lessons of the theme "Teaching about the Cell"



IWST 12. Topic: Organization of phenological observations.




Assignments: To study these literary sources.




Create a diary of observations.



Lecture 13. Optional classes in biology.




Lecture 14. Material basis of teaching biology.




Practical work 14. Organization of the cabinet of biology.



IWST 14. Theme: Organization of a corner of wildlife.



Assignments: 1. Make a list of indoor plants.




2 Production of visual aids.




IWS 4. Theme: The method of organizing and conducting lectures, excursions on the example of studying the topics "The Organism and the Environment", "Biosphere and Man".



Task 1. Solving biological problems on this topic.



Task 2. Prepare a biological dictation on this topic.




Task 3. Prepare an excuse.




Lecture 15. The organization of the school experimental area.





Practical work








Biological problems


Two girls decided to grow geranium. One planted the plant in an iron jar with earth, and the second in a clay pot. She put stones in it and poured a layer of soil from above. Girls looked after plants the same way. The first geranium soon withered, and the second - blossomed. How can these results be explained?

What kind of plant is depicted on the national flag of Canada?

Very often in the morning on the leaves of a wild plant cuff you can see drops of water. Even when the nights are very warm and the dew does not drop out. Where does the water come from?

What kind of tropical plant physiologists call a crying tree and why?

To generate 1 g of dry matter, plants expend a different amount of water: millet - 293 g, flax - 905 g, oats - 597. Which of these plants is the most drought-resistant?

Scientists have taken for experiment a certain amount of sand, clay, humus and mineral salts. All this was mechanically mixed and added a little water. Can the mixture be called soil? Why?

Name the plant, which in the people was called pluck-grass.

In the city park, an experiment was conducted and the following regularity was derived: the thickness of the trees at noon is somewhat less than in the evening and in the morning. How can this be explained?

You probably noticed that some plants have leaves and stems that are velvety to the touch - due to the pubescence. What is the role of the pubescence of various organs for the plant?

In most trees, one annual ring is formed during the growing season, while in saxaul in another year three, or ten, rings are formed. Why?

Вопросы викторин


Option 2

1. In which plants can the roots develop on leaves?

2. What indoor plant can "walk" on the walls with the help of roots?

3. Root systems, which plants penetrate deeper into the soil?

4. Which plants have roots that can store water?

5. Is it always necessary for soil to develop roots?

6. Which plant leaf is depicted on the national flag of Canada?

7. Potatoes, onions, carrots. What do they have in common and why carrots in this "company" can be considered superfluous?

8. List the plants in which the roots are used as medicinal raw materials in medicine.

9. What biological value does the leaf fall for the plant?

10. People sometimes say ironically: he hears grass growing. What is the basis of such a statement? Can you really hear how trees, flowers, grass grow?Викторина


1 option

What is an organ? What plant organs do you know?

What is the role of plant vegetative organs?

What functions does the root do?

What types of roots are divided according to their development?

What is the modification and what is its role?

What is an escape?

What functions does the stem perform?

What functions does the sheet do?

What is photosynthesis?

What are the vegetative organs of the plant?

Multi-level tasks



From 1 hectare of wheat, on the average, 16 tons of dry matter is obtained. To obtain 1 kg of dry matter, at least 300 liters of water are consumed. Calculate how much water is consumed when growing wheat per hectare.

The rate of cell division of the educational tissue is almost the same in all plants. However, some grow at a rate of 0.7 cm per day, while others, for example, bamboo - up to 1 m per day. Why is there such a significant difference in growth rates between individual plant species?

Biologists are well aware that 50 m of green forest absorbs in an hour of carbon dioxide as much as it emits when breathing for an hour 1 person, that is, 40 g. How much carbon dioxide absorbs 1 hectare of green forest per hour? And how many people allocate such amount of carbon dioxide in the same hour?

Level 2

Option 2

On 1 ha of the field, 400 cabbage plants were planted, each of which evaporated about 1 liter of water per day. Calculate the necessary amount of moisture to grow the crop on an area of 100 hectares for two summer months.

Multi-level tasks

2-level 3-variant

Why is a common balsam plant in our house called Vanka - wet?


MP B The science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, conditioned by the peculiarities of the school subject Biological concepts Morphological anatomical, physiological, ecological, systematic phylogenetic, genetic, cytological, embryological
General biological concepts The notions of biological patterns that apply to all living nature Methodical technology is a technology for managing the methodological (technological) content of the learning process, the system of the most expedient design and construction of the learning process.
The teaching method The method of transferring knowledge by the teacher and at the same time the way of mastering them by the students Methodical method The element of this or that method, expressing individual actions of the teacher and students in the process of teaching
MP B The science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, conditioned by the peculiarities of the school subject Biological concepts Morphological anatomical, physiological, ecological, systematic phylogenetic, genetic, cytological, embryological
General biological concepts The notions of biological patterns that apply to all living nature Methodical technology is a technology for managing the methodological (technological) content of the learning process, the system of the most expedient design and construction of the learning process.
The teaching method The method of transferring knowledge by the teacher and at the same time the way of mastering them by the students Methodical method The element of this or that method, expressing individual actions of the teacher and students in the process of teaching
Organizational methods The techniques that direct attention, perception and work of students Techniques of using various equipment and auxiliary tools and materials
Verbal methods Conversation, story, explanation, lecture Explanation Clear presentation of the training material on the basis of an analysis of facts and evidence with the formulation of conclusions
Educational means of illustration Training tables, paintings, posters Practical methods Work on the recognition and identification of natural objects, observations followed by the registration of the phenomenon, the experiment
Observation A purposeful, direct, sensual perception of objects and phenomena of nature in natural conditions, without interference in the course The lesson of biology The form of organization of educational work with a class - a constant, homogeneous age group of children - according to the state program, a fixed schedule and in the school premises
School excursion Form of organization of educational and educational work with a class or a group of students with  
Organizational methods The techniques that direct attention, perception and work of students Techniques of using various equipment and auxiliary tools and materials
Verbal methods Conversation, story, explanation, lecture Explanation Clear presentation of the training material on the basis of an analysis of facts and evidence with the formulation of conclusions
Educational means of illustration Training tables, paintings, posters Practical methods Work on the recognition and identification of natural objects, observations followed by the registration of the phenomenon, the experiment
Observation A purposeful, direct, sensual perception of objects and phenomena of nature in natural conditions, without interference in the course The lesson of biology The form of organization of educational work with a class - a constant, homogeneous age group of children - according to the state program, a fixed schedule and in the school premises


cognitive goal, conducted outside the school when moving from object to object in their natural environment Modular training is the organization of the learning process, in which the student works with a curriculum composed of modules.
Homework Form of the organization of students for self-fulfillment at home assignments teacher - practical and textbook-related lessons Extracurricular Activities Form of the organization of students for self-fulfillment after lessons compulsory, connected with the study of the course of practical work on individual or group tasks of the teacher
Extra-curricular activities The form of the various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of the teacher for the initiation and manifestation of their cognitive interests The naturalistic campaign The form of mass extracurricular work and socially useful work of students
Optional lessons Classes with a small group of students on special programs of the Ministry or author's programs of the teacher Work in a circle Organized with a voluntary but constant composition of participants according to their interests systematically and according to a certain plan
Socially useful work Productive work of students in combination with scientific and educational Aesthetic education Development of a sense of beauty, emotions, artistic taste
Patriotic education Development of love for the native nature, for the Motherland Wildlife Corner A room for storing living plants and animals, as well as for preparing and conducting experiments and then demonstrating them in class. Place for after-hours and extra-curricular activities
TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving  
cognitive goal, conducted outside the school when moving from object to object in their natural environment Modular training is the organization of the learning process, in which the student works with a curriculum composed of modules.
Homework Form of the organization of students for self-fulfillment at home assignments teacher - practical and textbook-related lessons Extracurricular Activities Form of the organization of students for self-fulfillment after lessons compulsory, connected with the study of the course of practical work on individual or group tasks of the teacher
Extra-curricular activities The form of the various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of the teacher for the initiation and manifestation of their cognitive interests The naturalistic campaign The form of mass extracurricular work and socially useful work of students
Optional lessons Classes with a small group of students on special programs of the Ministry or author's programs of the teacher Work in a circle Organized with a voluntary but constant composition of participants according to their interests systematically and according to a certain plan
Socially useful work Productive work of students in combination with scientific and educational Aesthetic education Development of a sense of beauty, emotions, artistic taste
Patriotic education Development of love for the native nature, for the Motherland Wildlife Corner A room for storing living plants and animals, as well as for preparing and conducting experiments and then demonstrating them in class. Place for after-hours and extra-curricular activities

Lecture complex


Lecture number 1

Subject: The subject of the methodology of teaching biology. BCH - pedagogical science.

Lecture plan:

1. Pedagogy, didactics and methods of teaching biology.

2. The subject of the BCH.

3. The connection of the methodology of teaching biology with other scientific disciplines.

4. Methods of scientific research, applied in the methodology of teaching biology.

Keywords: pedagogy, didactics, research methods, subject of biology teaching methodology.


1. Pedagogy, didactics and methods of teaching biology.

In connection with the development of pedagogical science, the branches of pedagogy began to stand out, requiring special research, development, and systematic presentation. So, for example, already 300 years ago in the works of the great Slavic teacher Jan Amos Komensky, the foundations of one of the most important branches of pedagogical science - didactics, which sets forth the theory of education and training - formed.

However, in view of the complexity of the learning process in the school with diverse curricular subjects, which only give together the general education and upbringing for the younger generations, it was necessary to isolate from the didactics for a special study the questions of instruction on individual academic subjects. Therefore, the learning process for each subject has its own distinctive features, which distinguish it from learning in other subjects not only its own content, but also its educational tasks, its own methods and specific organizational forms.

2. The subject of the methodology of biology

The subject of studying the methodology of biology is the learning process

biology in the general education school, taking place in certain historical conditions.

The learning process for each subject, including biology, is subordinated to the tasks of general education and upbringing of the younger generations.

The very process of learning consists of two interrelated parties: 1) the activity of the teacher, called the teaching, and 2) the activities of the student, called the name of the student.

The peculiarity of the content and methods of teaching biological subjects makes certain demands on the material and technical equipment of the teaching of biology. Thus, the methodology of biology, while studying the process of learning biology, is a pedagogical discipline, not a biological discipline, for it establishes pedagogical, and not biological, patterns.

At the same time, the methodology does not regard training as an isolated process, limited only by the school framework. The education is under the constant influence of the political and eco-nomic demands and needs of contemporary society, its ruling classes and the state.

    3. Связь методики биологии с другими научными дисциплинами

The methodology of biology as one of the branches of the pedagogical science is naturally connected with other sections of pedagogy, in particular, with didactics and the theory of education. Most closely, as already mentioned above, it is associated with didactics. This relationship is mutual. General laws of didactics are widely used when establishing the method of specific laws governing the learning of biology. In turn, didactic knowledge of the general patterns of learning draws on concrete material from methodological studies of different methods.

A very important material for the development of methodological issues is the knowledge of the psychological characteristics of children of different age levels. Naturally, in recent years, teachers and methodologists-biologists have been increasingly interested in psychology. This relationship should positively affect both the development of methodology and psychology, especially pedagogical.

Finally, the necessity of linking the methodology of biology with special scientific biological disciplines (botany, zoology, human anatomy, human physiology, Darwinism), as well as with agricultural disciplines: (soil science, agronomy, zootechny) is obvious.

From biological and agricultural sciences, the methodology of biology derives its content for the construction of an academic subject-the fundamentals of biology taught in the general polytechnic school of general education.

The methodological basis of any scientific discipline, in the nature of the methodology of biology, is dichelicheskiy materielizm, which helps correctly solve complex and often contradictory issues of teaching biology in the general education school. Dialectical materialism helps to open and reject idealistic and metaphysical mistakes and distortions that occur in the treatment of individual biological and methodological issues.

The process of teaching biology should be considered in the development from the lesson to the lesson, from one topic to another, from one class to the next: it is necessary to study the development of students' scientific knowledge, the expansion of their scientific outlook, the development and deepening of their outlook. It is also necessary to take into account the historical process of developing the content of the curriculum itself and its teaching at different historical stages.

In the very process of teaching, the main contradiction lies in the fact that the student confronts science with its complexities and difficulties for assimilation. In the process of teaching, the student has to overcome these difficulties. That is why, in determining the content of the educational subject, along with the implementation of the principle of innovation, the implementation of the principle of accessibility is essential. The contradiction between these principles is resolved in the implementation of the unity of the principles of scientific and accessibility.

4. Methods of scientific research, applied in the methodology of teaching biology.

Each science is characterized not only by its subject and tasks, but also by its methods of investigation.

When developing methods for researching any scientific discipline, and in particular the methodology of biology, one should be guided by the most advanced worldview - dialectical materialism. This means that all aspects of the learning process of biology should be considered, and their mutual connection and conditionality, in their development, in the struggle and unity of opposites.

The method of pedagogical observation over the process of teaching in school makes it possible to study and accumulate facts from the experience of teaching biology in a modern school. On the basis of observations of school practice, it is possible to compile a concrete picture of the state of the teaching of biology in schools, the main achievements and shortcomings of teaching and their causes, the methods and methods of teaching used by the teacher in connection with the study of specific biological material, the results learners of biological knowledge.

The method of psychological observation over the manifestation of various aspects of mental processes in students (in teres, attention, observation, activity, consciousness, memory, and other aspects) in connection with the study of biology is carried out both during training sessions in combination with me the type of pedagogical observation, and outside of classes in the special organization of group or individual conversations with students, with the setting up with them of a series of experiments and observations on natural phenomena or in the solution of the biologists proposed by the researcher eskih tasks. Conversations and observations are carefully recorded by the researcher with the subsequent conduct of their analysis. The pedagogical experiment is conducted in the usual (natural) conditions of the school's work and is therefore often called a natural experiment. The experiment is made either by the researcher himself, who takes on the performance of the function of the teacher, or together with the teacher who leads the teaching.

Theoretical research accompanies the application of other methods of research. It includes studying the literature, analyzing the pedagogical experience of teachers, generalizing experience, developing a hypothesis or theory on this issue.


1. № 5 page 3-12.

2. № 7 page 3-7.


Lecture No. 2

Theme: The history of the emergence and development of the domestic methodology of biology.

Lecture plan:

1. The situation of natural science in the Russian pre-revolutionary school.

2. Introduction of natural science in the Russian school.

3. The first methodologist of natural science is academician V. F. Zuev.

4. School science in the first half of the 19th century.

5. Natural science in the school after the reform of 1864.

Keywords: Natural science, reform, methodologist, textbook.


1 The situation of natural science in the Russian pre-revolutionary school.

The laws governing the development of school natural science are conditioned by the state of the natural sciences, which, in turn, is determined by the development of the productive forces and the form of social relations.

Even Marx and Engels showed that the development of commercial and industrial capital necessitated the development of natural sciences. Developing industry required the ability to find raw materials in nature, the ability to process this raw material into a product, for which it was necessary to know the phenomena of nature. The demand for natural science in the life of society was also caused by teaching about nature in the school.

The fate of natural science in the Russian school was unique.

Throughout the history of the Russian pre-revolutionary school, since the time of MV. Lomonosov, there is a continuous struggle of the progressive Russian public and advanced teachers for school natural science, to which the small and scattered enthusiasts were opposed by the entire power of the reactionary tsarist state and the Orthodox Church.

In these difficult conditions, a significant part of the teachers of natural science was forced to conduct their work formally, telling the children only a narrow minimum of knowledge allowed by the government program.

However, along with this, in the teaching of natural science in the Russian school there was also a different, creative course, the beginning of which was laid in the late 18th century. V.F. Zuev. Later, in the 19th century, the brightest representative was the largest Russian methodologist, naturalist A. Ya. Gerd. Despite the most difficult conditions for the work of these progressive teachers, they succeeded in laying the foundations of the school methodology of natural science.

2.Introduction of natural science in the Russian school.

Natural science as a subject was included in the Russian secondary school in accordance with the school regulations on August 5, 1786.

According to the charter, there were 2 types of schools: small national schools (in county cities) - with two-year education (2 classes) and the main folk schools in provincial cities - with a five-year course (4 classes, and 4 class two-year).

V.F. Zuyev compiled the first Russian textbook on natural science for public schools "The Inscription of Natural History", which included three sections: "Fossil Kingdom", "Wastedцарство», Animal kingdom". The last part includes a description of the human body. In this textbook, an interesting, school-friendly material has been chosen, which gives a living description of plants and animals in Russia. The main idea, which will penetrate the entire textbook of Zuev, is the idea of ​​utility.

4. School science in the first half of the 19th century.

The development of capitalist relations with the collapsing serfdom, the expansion of markets, the growth of industry, and the well-known influence of democratic bourgeois tendencies, borrowed from France in the reign of Alexander the first, prompted the government to carry out measures that would improve the quality of schoolwork. School Reform 1804g. established three types of schools: parochial schools with a one-year grammar school term with a four-year period of study. On the reform of 1804g. Natural science entered as an academic subject in all three types of schools.

Parish schools were to be supported by local funds; They were opened in small numbers, since the government was afraid of the penetration of enlightenment into the people.

However, which began after the war of 1812. The period of reaction was immediately reflected in the matter of public education. The course of natural science in gymnasiums is halved. Instead of a live, interesting textbook for Zuyev, dry textbooks begin to be applied in schools, saturated with naked taxonomy. For example, the textbook of botany Teryaev represented an almost complete translation of Linnaeus' "Botany Philosophy." Students had, usually without any visual aids, to study taxonomy with a huge number of taxonomic units.

In the course of the course of natural science, just like half a century ago, the study of taxonomy prevailed. With reference to these programs, official textbooks were published. One of them was a textbook of zoology Simashko, which is a detailed systematic review of classes, orders, families (about 400), genera (about 2000) and animal species, set out in descending order. Dry, filled with a bare nomenclature, he could not provoke interest in zoology.

The botanist's textbook, compiled by Shikhovsky, was not inferior in the dryness to the textbook of zoology. In addition to presenting the systematics of plants, the author pursued three more goals: 1) religious and moral - to teach the worship of God, 2) linguistic - to help students understand the significance of linguistics, for which he added French, German and Polish to the Latin names of plants, and 3) historical and patriotic to capture the names of government figures and scientists in the names of plants.

5.Estestvoznanie in school after the reform of 1864.

The epoch of the 60s was a time of considerable revival of social thought, including pedagogical thought, which was reflected in the teaching of natural science.

This enlightening work of natural science was stressed in the 1940s by the revolutionary democrats V.G. Belinsky and A.G. Herzen. In the 1960s, the propaganda of natural science intensified. N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrolyubov acquainted wide circles of readers with the development of natural sciences. A hot champion of the propaganda of natural science was DI Pisarev, who considered natural science a means of cultural education of people.

In these years, thanks to the activities of teachers K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogova, V.I. Vodovozova the government had to open secondary women's educational institutions, where for the first time children of all classes were admitted. In the curricula of women's schools with a six-year training was included and natural science. In the 1860's. in St. Petersburg on the initiative of KD Ushinsky, P.P. Ryadkina and others, the Petersburg Pedagogical Society arose, and with it the branch on natural science was also opened.

A great deal contributed to the propaganda of the ideas of Darwinism teacher KA. Timiryazev is an outstanding Russian botanist N. Beketov (1825 - 1902), who, like K.A. Timiryazev, was a remarkable popularizer of science.



1. № 5 page 12-15.

2. № 7 page 7-10.





Lecture No. 3

Topic: Tasks of educational work on biology.

Lecture plan:

1. General tasks of the methodology of teaching biology.

2. Development of the content of the subject of biology.

Key words: methods of extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology.


1. General tasks of the methodology of teaching biology.

From the previous presentation it is clear that the methodology of biology is a pedagogical science in which scientific theory is combined in unity and its application to pedagogical practice.

The methodology of biology as a science establishes the regularity of the teaching of biology. At the same time, she considers the process of historical development of the school experience in teaching biology and related methodological ideas, as well as the state of the art and achievements in the teaching of biology in the general educational labor polytechnic school and on the basis of studying and generalizing the experience of advanced biology teachers, conclusions. Based on the generalization of the experience of schools and open laws, the methodology of biology gives practical advice to teachers - methodological advice and develops rules for teaching in order to improve the learning process of biology.

Of these general tasks of the methodology of biology, a number of particular problems follow.

First of all, the method of teaching the educational and educational tasks of teaching biology in secondary school. In different countries, in different historical periods, the tasks of the general education school as a whole and the tasks of teaching certain subjects, in particular natural knowledge or biology, varied depending on the political and economic conditions of society and the resulting requirements for the school.

Proceeding from the needs of the development of the country's economy and culture at different historical stages, to the school and to the teaching of individual subjects, new requirements were set and new tasks were set. Hence the need for a broad implementation of polytechnical education in the subjects of the natural history cycle, in particular biology, and the establishment of a closer connection between biology and the practice of socialist construction. The next task facing the methodology is to develop the content of the subject of biology. Proceeding from the study and generalization of the experience of teaching biology, as well as from didactic principles (science and accessibility, communist ideology, systemativeness, unity of theory and practice), the methodology outlines the selection of teaching material for the basics of biology, determines the scope of knowledge for each biological discipline, develops the sequence and system of biological knowledge (the basics of yoke), explains their ideological and educational significance, determines the content of polytechnical training in connection with the course of biology. On the basis of the developed theoretical provisions on the question of the content of the foundations of biological science, the methodology makes practical suggestions for the compilation and improvement of school curricula and textbooks and verifies these proposals on the practical experience of the school.

Depending on the specific content of the school course of biology, on the basis of studying the patterns of mastering students' knowledge and practical skills in the field of biology and agriculture, studying and generalizing the experience of teachers, biologists, the methodology develops the most expedient methods, techniques and forms of organization of teaching and educational work on biology in secondary school. In connection with the results of this theoretical research work, the methodology makes practical suggestions in the form of methodological development of lessons, laboratory exercises, excursions, practical classes at the school training and experimental site and in agricultural production, and home-based independent work of students.

Of no small importance in the methodology of biology is the theoretical and practical development of tasks, content, organization and methods of extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology and agriculture.

Finally, depending on the content and methods of teaching, based on the study and generalization of the creative experience of teachers and constructors of educational instruments, the methodology develops and tests in practice the material equipment of the teaching of biology: the organization of the biological cabinet, the nook of wildlife and the school training and testing site and equipping them objects of wildlife, training aids and work tools.

Hence, it is clear how extensive and versatile are the tasks of the methodology of biology. Proceeding from the study of the practical experience of advanced biology teachers, the methodology of biology theoretically develops the regularities of the process of teaching the basics of biology in the general education school and solves new problems that arise in connection with the new needs of a developing socialist society, in connection with the development of biological science and practice of agricultural production, in connection with the improvement of school practice. Thus, the methodology of biology as a pedagogical science, associated with practice, promotes the mastery of the teacher methods and methods of teaching the basics of biology and improving the skills of teaching.

So, the general tasks of the methodology of biology consist in the scientific development of the laws of the teaching of biology in the general education school and the applications of these regularities to the school practice in order to improve the educational process.

Particular tasks are reduced to the definition of the tasks of teaching biology, to the development of the content of the educational subject - the fundamentals of biology, methods and forms of teaching and educational work on biology, the material and technical equipment of teaching biology, and to the development of tasks, content and methods. classroom and extracurricular activities in biology and rural economy.

When studying the process of teaching biology, the methodology is used by methods of pedagogy and psychology: methods of pedagogical and psychological observation, pedagogical natural experiment, historical method, methods of theoretical research. The methodological basis of the methodology of biology is dialectical materialism, which helps to approach objectively and all-sidedly to the solution of methodological problems and to direct the methods of research along the right path

2. Development of the content of the subject of biology.

Important in the methodology of teaching biology is the theoretical and practical development of tasks, content, organization and methods of extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology and agriculture.

Finally, depending on the content and methods of teaching, based on the study and generalization of the creative experience of teachers and constructors of educational instruments, the methodology develops and tests in practice the material equipment of the teaching of biology: the organization of the biological cabinet, the nook of wildlife and the school training and testing site and equipping them objects of wildlife, training aids and work tools.

The methodology of teaching biology is part of the system of pedagogical sciences. The methodology of teaching biology as a science has its subject of study, its methods of research, its tasks.

The subject of studying the methodology of teaching biology is the process of teaching biology in a comprehensive school, taking place in certain historical conditions.

The general tasks of the methodology of teaching biology consist in the scientific development of the laws of the teaching of biology in the general education school and the applications of these laws to school practice in order to improve the educational process.

Particular tasks are reduced to the definition of the tasks of teaching biology, to the development of the content of the educational subject - the fundamentals of biology, methods and forms of teaching and educational work on biology, the material and technical equipment of teaching biology, and to the development of tasks, content and methods. classroom and extracurricular activities in biology and rural economy.


1. № 5 pages 15-18.

2. № 7 page 10-12.




Lecture No. 4

Theme: Content, system and basic principles of building a modern school course in biology.

Lecture plan:

1. Classification parameters, target maintenance orientations

2. Conceptual provisions.

3. Features of the methodology.

4. Principles of training.

1. By application level: general pedagogical.

On a philosophical basis: the pedagogy of compulsion.

According to the main development factor: sociogenic - with the assumptions of the biogenic factor. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex with support on suggestion. On the orientation to personal structures - information, ZUN. By the nature of the content: secular, technocratic, general education, didactocentric. By type of management: traditional classical + TCO

On organizational forms: class-lesson, academic.

On the approach to the child: authoritarian.

By the prevailing method: explanatory - illustrative.

By category of trainees: mass.

Learning objectives - a mobile category, which, depending on a number of conditions, these or other components.

In Soviet pedagogy, the aims of education were formulated as follows:

- the formation of a system of knowledge, mastering the fundamentals of science;

- the formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview;

- comprehensive and harmonious development of each student;

- education of ideologically convinced fighters for communism, for the bright future of all mankind;

- education of conscious and highly educated people, capable of both physical and mental work.

Thus, in its nature, the goal of the TO is the education of a person with given properties.

2. The conceptual basis of the TO is the principles of pedagogy formulated by Ya.A. Comenius:

Learning is the process of transferring knowledge, skills and skills, social experience from the older generations - the growing up. This integral process includes goals, content, methods and tools.

3. Traditional technology is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy of requirements, the study is very loosely associated with the student's inner life, with his diverse needs and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of personality.

Methods of learning are based on:

- communication of finished knowledge;

- training on the model;

- Inductive logic from the private to the general;

- mechanical memory;

- verbal presentation;

reproductive reproduction.

The learning process as an activity in the technical service is characterized by a lack of independence, a weak motivation for the schoolchild's educational work. As a part of the educational activity of the child:

- there is no independent goal setting, the teacher sets the learning goals;

- Planning activities are carried out from

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