Objectives and methodical recommendations for the implementation of the crc — КиберПедия 

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Objectives and methodical recommendations for the implementation of the crc

2019-11-11 139
Objectives and methodical recommendations for the implementation of the crc 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Independent work of students on the planned topics is the fulfillment of assignments mainly in written form. Drawing up a plan of lessons of different types allows you to delve deeper into the content of the material, activates memory and attention, promotes creative attitude to the tasks performed. When performing various tasks of exploratory, creative nature, the interest in the subject or its separate themes is also fixed. For a number of topics, assignments in the form of development lessons. When composing them, the ability to see the main thing in the studied material is worked out and to determine the methods of conducting the lesson, to determine the main content, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Many tasks on keeping non-standard crooks with subsequent analysis on the topic. Also, you should pay attention to the tasks for compiling tables, charts, organizers, modules, which contribute to mastering the teaching methodology. For the development of skills, tasks are offered: pick up visibility, draw up diagrams, crosswords, tests, etc.

When performing tasks, you can use not only these sources; should often refer to dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, tk. there are tasks and other sections where they are needed.

All these forms of independent work contribute to a more lasting assimilation of the material, the development of skills in teaching and research, creative attitudes toward the tasks performed, and the improvement of the professional level of the biology teacher.

Objectives: development of skills for working with additional literature;

the development of the ability to carry out a partial search method in the course of assignments;

activation of cognitive interest in the methodology of teaching biology;

development of skills to relate the theory of the problem to practice;

improving the skills of work on the preparation of pourochnye plans;

implementation of creative approach to the fulfillment of tasks

(development of lessons of different types, compilation of summary tables, charts, graphical organizer, crossword puzzles, etc.);

practical consolidation of knowledge, abilities and skills.

The calendar-thematic plan of the IWS

№ с                    Contents of tasks Number hour   Deadline Form Controls



Subject: Laboratory work in the study of subjects "Class of birds", "Class Mammals". "Breathing", "Blood", "Blood circulation". The equipment of these lessons. Manufacturing of the simplest devices. Task 1. Prepare instruction cards for carrying out laboratory work in the topics "Breathing", "Blood", "Blood circulation". Task 2. To create study cards for a survey on these topics. Task 3. 3 Draw the device to determine the vital capacity of the lungs.




3 Abstract
Topic: The technique of repetition on the example of studying the topic: "Nervous system." Exercise 1. Prepare the scheme "Evolution of the nervous system." Assignment 2. Read the biography of I.P. Pavlov. 5-6 Checking
2   2 Theme: Application of innovative technologies in the study of the topic "Evolutionary Teaching". Task 1. Prepare material about the journey of Charles Darwin on the ship "Beagle". Prepare an autobiography of the first evolutionist - J.B.Lamarck. Task 2. Draw up lesson plans using new pedagogical technology. Task 3. Write a summary of the lesson on the technology of Karaev 15 7 summaries of lessons


Subject: Organization of elective classes in biology. Task1: Make a plan for the elective (topic of the student's choice). Task2: Read the documentation of elective classes. Task 3: Prepare a thematic elective plan for your choice.




9-10 Checking
Theme: Production of visual aids: models, models. Task1: To inspect the technique of making dummies from dough. Assignment 3. 1. Write down the fixative fixation for the preparation of moist preparations. 12-13 summaries of lessons


Theme: The methodology of organizing and conducting lectures, excursions on the example of studying topics "The Organism and the Environment", "Biosphere and Man". Task 1. Solving biological problems on this topic. Task 2. Prepare a biological dictation on this topic. Task 3. Prepare the excuser.




14 Checking
Subject: The final lesson. Bibliographic review. Task 1: Compile bibliographic cards using the BBK system. Task2: Make an overview of the most interesting material. Task 3: Prepare folders with methodological material: the development of evenings, lessons, interesting facts 15 summaries of lessons
  Total: 75    

Materials for the IWS

1. Thematics of Abstracts:


1. Features of the BCH in small schools.

2. Material basis of teaching biology.

3. The Cabinet of Biology.

4. Organization of work on the school learning and experimental site. Bookmark the experiments.

5. Organization of phenological observations in nature.

6. Methods of using technical means of teaching.

7. Methods of testing in biology classes.

8. The naturalistic work of out-of-school institutions.

9. The device and colonization of aquariums.

10. Methods of conducting elective courses.

11. Corner of wildlife: its tasks, methods of organization, equipment.

12. Organization and conduct of the Decade of Biology.

13. The organization and holding of the Day of Birds in the School.

14. The work of the scientific and methodological association of teachers of the natural cycle in the school.

15. Methods of organizing and conducting school olympiads in biology.

16. Methods of organizing socially useful work.

- materials for CDS: sets of texts, self-monitoring materials on topics, topics of abstracts, tests, etc.;

- materials for monitoring and evaluating the learning achievements of students (written control tasks, exam questions, sample test tasks, etc.).                                                                                                                         

Biological problems


Two girls decided to grow geranium. One planted the plant in an iron jar with earth, and the second in a clay pot. She put stones in it and poured a layer of soil from above. Girls looked after plants the same way. The first geranium soon withered, and the second - blossomed. How can these results be explained?

What kind of plant is depicted on the national flag of Canada?

Very often in the morning on the leaves of a wild plant cuff you can see drops of water. Even when the nights are very warm and the dew does not drop out. Where does the water come from?

What kind of tropical plant physiologists call a crying tree and why?

To generate 1 g of dry matter, plants expend a different amount of water: millet - 293 g, flax - 905 g, oats - 597. Which of these plants is the most drought-resistant?

Scientists have taken for experiment a certain amount of sand, clay, humus and mineral salts. All this was mechanically mixed and added a little water. Can the mixture be called soil? Why?

Name the plant, which in the people was called pluck-grass.

In the city park, an experiment was conducted and the following regularity was derived: the thickness of the trees at noon is somewhat less than in the evening and in the morning. How can this be explained?

You probably noticed that some plants have leaves and stems that are velvety to the touch - due to the pubescence. What is the role of the pubescence of various organs for the plant?

In most trees, one annual ring is formed during the growing season, while in saxaul in another year three, or ten, rings are formed. Why?

Вопросы викторин


Option 2

1. In which plants can the roots develop on leaves?

2. What indoor plant can "walk" on the walls with the help of roots?

3. Root systems, which plants penetrate deeper into the soil?

4. Which plants have roots that can store water?

5. Is it always necessary for soil to develop roots?

6. Which plant leaf is depicted on the national flag of Canada?

7. Potatoes, onions, carrots. What do they have in common and why carrots in this "company" can be considered superfluous?

8. List the plants in which the roots are used as medicinal raw materials in medicine.

9. What biological value does the leaf fall for the plant?

10. People sometimes say ironically: he hears grass growing. What is the basis of such a statement? Can you really hear how trees, flowers, grass grow?Викторина


1 option

What is an organ? What plant organs do you know?

What is the role of plant vegetative organs?

What functions does the root do?

What types of roots are divided according to their development?

What is the modification and what is its role?

What is an escape?

What functions does the stem perform?

What functions does the sheet do?

What is photosynthesis?

What are the vegetative organs of the plant?

Multi-level tasks



From 1 hectare of wheat, on the average, 16 tons of dry matter is obtained. To obtain 1 kg of dry matter, at least 300 liters of water are consumed. Calculate how much water is consumed when growing wheat per hectare.

The rate of cell division of the educational tissue is almost the same in all plants. However, some grow at a rate of 0.7 cm per day, while others, for example, bamboo - up to 1 m per day. Why is there such a significant difference in growth rates between individual plant species?

Biologists are well aware that 50 m of green forest absorbs in an hour of carbon dioxide as much as it emits when breathing for an hour 1 person, that is, 40 g. How much carbon dioxide absorbs 1 hectare of green forest per hour? And how many people allocate such amount of carbon dioxide in the same hour?

Level 2

Option 2

On 1 ha of the field, 400 cabbage plants were planted, each of which evaporated about 1 liter of water per day. Calculate the necessary amount of moisture to grow the crop on an area of 100 hectares for two summer months.

Multi-level tasks

2-level 3-variant

Why is a common balsam plant in our house called Vanka - wet?

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