Bereiten4 your body to the cardio strength training before — КиберПедия 

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Bereiten4 your body to the cardio strength training before

2019-12-21 91
Bereiten4 your body to the cardio strength training before 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Some of the most effective and successful ways to prepare your body for the workout short, simple movements are gen. You do not have to spend 15 minutes on the treadmill to prepare for your four-minute Tabata intervals.



The purpose of warming up is that you devel- enough heat in the body ckeln so that the muscles can be stretched and range of motion increased. In my opinion, are more than five minutes warming up too much because the strength training that follows after that, further increases the heart rate and body temperature. As you warm up is up to you. Whether you jog a bit on the treadmill, jump rope at a moderate pace or complete jumping jacks - all of which would be sufficient. I fi hands, a three to five minute warm-up unit of this kind served its purpose.



I described three different LIF ting complexes with which you can preparatory ride on your cardio strength training: with barbells, dumbbells or body weight as resistance. Two of these complexes I described in Men's Health Power Training; the third is a series of exercises with your own body weight as resistance, which you can access on the days when you are not in the gym. In all three complexes are working with one sentence and five repetitions per exercise, the exercises follow up directly to each other without a break in between.

When barbell complex using a rod without weights and the dumbbell complex dumbbells weigh not more than ten kilos. When pERSonal pergewichtskomplex use any additional weights (They carry no weight vest, hold no medi- zinball etc.) as your body weight just fine off as resistance to warm up.


An easy way to increase the motion leeway the knee, is the so-called "knee oils." In this technique, you just go into a possible lichst deep squat down and hold back a stable object in front of you firmly. The heels are on the floor, the Hüf- th far below. Now move in a circle from one side to the other. The deep squat will fall you very much slight ter if you do this exercise regularly.



In this variant, no additional warm-up is necessary. Your body should rule inzwi- be able to perform the exercises off, especially if you have just completed a power training for the entire body.



If you want lichkeitsintervalltraining start with the sprint or dexterity, make sure that your body is well prepared. By this I mean that the pERSonal is warmed up by your muscles and not only relaxed and warm, but are ready for explosive exercises that are equal to fol- gen. In the table below I have listed a couple of dynamic warm-up exercises, on the one hand serve to warm up, as well as your high-intensity sprint workout fl exible can make. Ren leadership all movements over ten to 20 meters each and one after the other from (two repetitions).



You probably want to just fall to the ground after a cardio strength training or interval-complex liked; I encourage you, just not to do so. When you finish your workout or your last sentence, you should continue to move or stand still, at least, so that the blood does not accumulate in the body. Your heart rate will be very high and setpoints th try to decrease during the next few minutes - walking slowly at this point is the best move for your body.

At the end of your workout, you can lower your heart rate very good and calm the body again by gentle, slow jogging. The timing of this type of movement is then even particularly well suited for fat loss because your body is recovering from a workout in which the Sto ff was brought alternately extremely moving. Light jogging or even walking for five to ten minutes spent completely.

Here I stand in front of me a barbell with miserable 40 kilos of weight on it. I run up and down countless thoughts going through my head, my Herzfre-'s frequency has increased, before I start at all. Maybe I should instead prefer to go on the treadmill and some quick interval distances to travel, run a few Tabata intervals or do my normal males weight training before I start with this? Conclusion: I would do anything at the moment rather than this.


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