Chapter 1 what is cardio strength training? — КиберПедия 

Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

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Chapter 1 what is cardio strength training?

2019-12-21 101
Chapter 1 what is cardio strength training? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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in the study a foreign language (English)

on materials from the monograph "More muscle, less fat" by Silke Sagittarius


presented by SAPEGO VADIM,

Graduate Student

 of the Department of Physical Education



checked by Tadeush Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Upper editor of the Chair

of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics


Mogilev, 2019


The article is based on material on "More muscle - less fat." These materials come from the monograph "More muscle - less fat." The monograph was published in Munich 2012th The author of the monograph is Silke Sagittarius.

This monograph will help all newcomers, not only during training and the methodological principles to get himself in excellent physical condition, it contains the main conclusions of the training process, the use of complexes and deadlines for achieving goals.

The summary consists of an introduction, six chapters and a conclusion.

The first chapter is called "What is strength training?". It explains the basic principles of cardio training combined with weight training. The second chapter is called "the science of cardiovascular studies." Here is reported by science that cardio and its effects on the body to be examined.

The third chapter is called "cardio strength training methods." It describes the method of training for the cardiovascular method.

The fourth chapter heist "Prepare your body on weight training before." Here you will learn how to start exercising correctly and all basic principles in the initial phase of the training process.

The fifth chapter is called "A series of exercises." Here are a number of exercises that need to be involved in the training process. The sixth chapter heist "deadlines", here are the deadlines for achieving the goals and objectives are called. Finally, the main conclusions are presented on the subject.


Статья основана на материалах по теме «Больше мышц-  меньше жира". Эти материалы взяты из монографии "Больше мышц- меньше жира". Монография была издана в 2012 году в Мюнхене. Автор монографии Силк Шутц.

Эта монография поможет всем новичкам и не только в тренировках и основных методологических принципах по поддержанию себя в отличной физической форме, в ней имеются основные выводы тренировочного процесса, комплексы упражнений и сроки достижения целей.

Реферат состоит из введения, шести глав и заключения.

Первая глава называется «Что такое силовая кардиотренировка?". В ней рассмотрены основные принципы кардио нагрузок и совмещение их с силовыми тренировками. Вторая глава называется "Наука изучающая кардиотренировки". Здесь рассказывается о науке которая изучает кардиотренировки и их влияние на организм.
В третьей главе называется "Кардио-силовые методы тренировки". Описывается методика тренировочного процесса кардио-силового метода. В четвёртой главе "Подготовьте свое тело к силовым тренировкам" рассказывается о том, как правильно новичкам начать тренировки. Описываются все основные принципы в начальной стадии тренировочного процесса. Пятая глава называется "Комплекс упражнений" здесь показан комплекс упражнений, который нужно включать в тренировочный процесс. В шестой главе "Сроки" рассказывается о сроках достижения целей и поставленных задач. В заключение представлены основные выводы по данной теме.



introduction    5

Chapter 1: What's cardio strength training?  7

Chapter 2: The Science Behind cardio strength training   10

Chapter 3: methods of cardio strength training 14

Chapter 4: Prepare your body for the cardio before strength training 18

Chapter 5: Exercise Complex 21

Chapter 6: Qualifying 26




My first book Men's Health Power Training was a great experience for me. The success of the book, the interest on which it came, and, most importantly, the many success stories that I heard - these were the real processing confirmations gen for me. When the people there were reading and thereby increased their training and fitness to a whole new level fi ng I to question me: How do we do now? Is there anything else about which I could write and what matches the Men's-Health-power training philosophy, perhaps another training method that would be as effective as the programs of my first book? The first thing to me was the "conditioning of the Sto ff change" a fi el when I thought about demand a meaningful successor for my book. The chapter on cardio strength training in my first book had quite aroused great interest. This chapter dealt mainly with new forms of cardio that also promote health and fitness and burn fat. I realized that I had just scratched the surface of this ftemas and that this would be ingsbuch for a private Train-a great Sto ff.

People were fascinated ectiveness of this training method and its e ff. Do not get me wrong, this type of interval cardio training is not for people with heart failure (or other physical infirmity) or the average person who thinks that 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, defined during which he by telephone with the mobile phone, a " insanity cardio training "are. This training is hard - very hard. we look back on the basis of Men's Health Power Training: the principle of overload. Simply put, you must always kidney harder and harder trai- to see progress over time. From the standpoint of Sto ff alternating sel-conditioning, this principle is the ultimate. If the Trainingsinter- is Vall short, the intensity must be very high. If the intervals are longer, is the intensity inevitably fi g abneh- men., Will be all that I will explain in the course of the book in detail, but keep in mind that cardio K rafttraining probably the most strenuous form of cardio that has ever met you. Trust me, the hard work will pay off through increased fitness and fat loss. You will notice changes in your body that you would never have thought possible.

You can go into any Fitnessstu- dio and you will see endless rows of treadmills, steppers and cross trainers, on which the people some kind of endurance training graduate. You know what kind of training I mean - loose and low intensity. Perhaps entertain people here, watch TV or even read a book. This is not the kind of

Metabolic Training, I write about in this book. Both with a view to fitness and fat loss on this type of training the cardio strength workout altogether inferior. I will show you and them testify exceeded that interval training is the better method. This method consists of short training sessions with very high intensity. One can also say this: You are at this training do not have time to phone the way. You probably could not even dial the number.


I have the important principle of overloading already been addressed, so you have to accept that it is not easy. If you've read Men's Health Power Training, you know what I think, to go to the limit to reach fit- ness goals - you must do it, and that often. The great thing is that the human body is an amazing and robust machine that can adapt and can respond to overload. If you follow the program and stick to the details, your body will change in ways you never thought possible. That's a promise!




The most important and probably most amazing study were compared with the cardio and interval training in terms of fat loss, led Tremblay et al. 1994. construction of the study of the other, just mentioned study was similar and even went a little further. There were chen vergli- two groups: One of them had for 20 weeks moderate endurance training complete, while the other group performed for 15 weeks interval training. At the end of the study, the endurance group had burned 28,661 calories and the Inter- vallgruppe 13,614 calories. Correct: The interval group burned only half as many calories. But then the researchers adjusted the different energy consumption of training and found



Yes, one would think, but there is a big gap between the normal len gym visitors and the facts about cardio is that it is still a struggle to bring these facts to the general common consciousness. The key is that you are now equipped with the knowledge duress gen (and can not longer say: "That one has ever told me") and that you take the first step to fat loss and improved fit- ness. It's still your decision-making: Do you want to belong to the hamsters on wheels or you want to be lean and fi tte person in the corner, the double achieved so much in half the time? I was thinking the same thing! Read on, it will only get better!



While I ning a bit with interval training and heart rate measurement experimented and saw uses a Herzfre- frequency monitor, I realized that it is easier for most people to comply with certain periods of rest. Interval training with heart rate measurement is based on the body's ability to regenerate. One example would be ten sets of 20 burpees (Liegestütz- cracks), wherein one adjusts the intervals between the sets of the regeneration of the heart rate. I could give you a specific number that depends on your fitness level, say 110 beats per minute - when the monitor displays this value, you would start with the next block. The time it takes for your body, chen to achieve this value would, however, vary from block to block or day to day. this method is hochef- fectively very well trai- ned athletes. For the majority of the population but function specified rest breaks better how I found out. One of the disadvantages of training with a heart rate monitor, it can take up to five minutes for beginners and untrained until the heart rate decreases. For those who are interested in this type of training, I will describe some herzfrequenzba- catalyzed training methods later in this book.



The last form of cardio strength training uses the old-fashioned method of sprint. I know today should the training be softer and gentler. So what? An old-fashioned sprint training is hard to beat when it comes to giving the Sto ff changing the all-important boost. I will explain all possible variants of sprint intervals, such as sprints change directions, and even my chaotic sports speed exercises that are part of the best high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is that you have ever tried.

The possibilities are almost infinite and the e ff ectiveness unübertro ff s. Are you ready for the journey to the best body you've ever had? As I said in the introduction - it is not simple. But then the valuable things are never easy, right?


The purpose of warming up is that you devel- enough heat in the body ckeln so that the muscles can be stretched and range of motion increased. In my opinion, are more than five minutes warming up too much because the strength training that follows after that, further increases the heart rate and body temperature. As you warm up is up to you. Whether you jog a bit on the treadmill, jump rope at a moderate pace or complete jumping jacks - all of which would be sufficient. I fi hands, a three to five minute warm-up unit of this kind served its purpose.



I described three different LIF ting complexes with which you can preparatory ride on your cardio strength training: with barbells, dumbbells or body weight as resistance. Two of these complexes I described in Men's Health Power Training; the third is a series of exercises with your own body weight as resistance, which you can access on the days when you are not in the gym. In all three complexes are working with one sentence and five repetitions per exercise, the exercises follow up directly to each other without a break in between.

When barbell complex using a rod without weights and the dumbbell complex dumbbells weigh not more than ten kilos. When pERSonal pergewichtskomplex use any additional weights (They carry no weight vest, hold no medi- zinball etc.) as your body weight just fine off as resistance to warm up.


An easy way to increase the motion leeway the knee, is the so-called "knee oils." In this technique, you just go into a possible lichst deep squat down and hold back a stable object in front of you firmly. The heels are on the floor, the Hüf- th far below. Now move in a circle from one side to the other. The deep squat will fall you very much slight ter if you do this exercise regularly.



You probably want to just fall to the ground after a cardio strength training or interval-complex liked; I encourage you, just not to do so. When you finish your workout or your last sentence, you should continue to move or stand still, at least, so that the blood does not accumulate in the body. Your heart rate will be very high and setpoints th try to decrease during the next few minutes - walking slowly at this point is the best move for your body.

At the end of your workout, you can lower your heart rate very good and calm the body again by gentle, slow jogging. The timing of this type of movement is then even particularly well suited for fat loss because your body is recovering from a workout in which the Sto ff was brought alternately extremely moving. Light jogging or even walking for five to ten minutes spent completely.

Here I stand in front of me a barbell with miserable 40 kilos of weight on it. I run up and down countless thoughts going through my head, my Herzfre-'s frequency has increased, before I start at all. Maybe I should instead prefer to go on the treadmill and some quick interval distances to travel, run a few Tabata intervals or do my normal males weight training before I start with this? Conclusion: I would do anything at the moment rather than this.




You can not only complexes with barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell training, but also with the NEN of YOUR OWN body weight, medicine balls, the cable pull and even with my new favorite gadget, the sling trainer (Suspension Trainer). Power trainers Frank Addelia is an expert on kettlebells, ropes and the suspension TRX® Trai- ning. Once a week tre ff s we get too playful training sessions that nen my assistant coach Dan Corbet and I like "Frankenstein workouts" denominator. However, many new exercises for my cardio strength training have emerged. Remember that we are often limited by weights because they are usually dictated by the body weight. A medicine ball, a weighted vest or even dumbbells can increase the intensity of exercise. They will later, many of these movements again fi nd when I talk about qualifying. You can decide what equipment you build one in your complexes, they are perfectly suited for this method.




in the study a foreign language (English)

on materials from the monograph "More muscle, less fat" by Silke Sagittarius


presented by SAPEGO VADIM,

Graduate Student

 of the Department of Physical Education



checked by Tadeush Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Upper editor of the Chair

of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics


Mogilev, 2019


The article is based on material on "More muscle - less fat." These materials come from the monograph "More muscle - less fat." The monograph was published in Munich 2012th The author of the monograph is Silke Sagittarius.

This monograph will help all newcomers, not only during training and the methodological principles to get himself in excellent physical condition, it contains the main conclusions of the training process, the use of complexes and deadlines for achieving goals.

The summary consists of an introduction, six chapters and a conclusion.

The first chapter is called "What is strength training?". It explains the basic principles of cardio training combined with weight training. The second chapter is called "the science of cardiovascular studies." Here is reported by science that cardio and its effects on the body to be examined.

The third chapter is called "cardio strength training methods." It describes the method of training for the cardiovascular method.

The fourth chapter heist "Prepare your body on weight training before." Here you will learn how to start exercising correctly and all basic principles in the initial phase of the training process.

The fifth chapter is called "A series of exercises." Here are a number of exercises that need to be involved in the training process. The sixth chapter heist "deadlines", here are the deadlines for achieving the goals and objectives are called. Finally, the main conclusions are presented on the subject.


Статья основана на материалах по теме «Больше мышц-  меньше жира". Эти материалы взяты из монографии "Больше мышц- меньше жира". Монография была издана в 2012 году в Мюнхене. Автор монографии Силк Шутц.

Эта монография поможет всем новичкам и не только в тренировках и основных методологических принципах по поддержанию себя в отличной физической форме, в ней имеются основные выводы тренировочного процесса, комплексы упражнений и сроки достижения целей.

Реферат состоит из введения, шести глав и заключения.

Первая глава называется «Что такое силовая кардиотренировка?". В ней рассмотрены основные принципы кардио нагрузок и совмещение их с силовыми тренировками. Вторая глава называется "Наука изучающая кардиотренировки". Здесь рассказывается о науке которая изучает кардиотренировки и их влияние на организм.
В третьей главе называется "Кардио-силовые методы тренировки". Описывается методика тренировочного процесса кардио-силового метода. В четвёртой главе "Подготовьте свое тело к силовым тренировкам" рассказывается о том, как правильно новичкам начать тренировки. Описываются все основные принципы в начальной стадии тренировочного процесса. Пятая глава называется "Комплекс упражнений" здесь показан комплекс упражнений, который нужно включать в тренировочный процесс. В шестой главе "Сроки" рассказывается о сроках достижения целей и поставленных задач. В заключение представлены основные выводы по данной теме.



introduction    5

Chapter 1: What's cardio strength training?  7

Chapter 2: The Science Behind cardio strength training   10

Chapter 3: methods of cardio strength training 14

Chapter 4: Prepare your body for the cardio before strength training 18

Chapter 5: Exercise Complex 21

Chapter 6: Qualifying 26




My first book Men's Health Power Training was a great experience for me. The success of the book, the interest on which it came, and, most importantly, the many success stories that I heard - these were the real processing confirmations gen for me. When the people there were reading and thereby increased their training and fitness to a whole new level fi ng I to question me: How do we do now? Is there anything else about which I could write and what matches the Men's-Health-power training philosophy, perhaps another training method that would be as effective as the programs of my first book? The first thing to me was the "conditioning of the Sto ff change" a fi el when I thought about demand a meaningful successor for my book. The chapter on cardio strength training in my first book had quite aroused great interest. This chapter dealt mainly with new forms of cardio that also promote health and fitness and burn fat. I realized that I had just scratched the surface of this ftemas and that this would be ingsbuch for a private Train-a great Sto ff.

People were fascinated ectiveness of this training method and its e ff. Do not get me wrong, this type of interval cardio training is not for people with heart failure (or other physical infirmity) or the average person who thinks that 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, defined during which he by telephone with the mobile phone, a " insanity cardio training "are. This training is hard - very hard. we look back on the basis of Men's Health Power Training: the principle of overload. Simply put, you must always kidney harder and harder trai- to see progress over time. From the standpoint of Sto ff alternating sel-conditioning, this principle is the ultimate. If the Trainingsinter- is Vall short, the intensity must be very high. If the intervals are longer, is the intensity inevitably fi g abneh- men., Will be all that I will explain in the course of the book in detail, but keep in mind that cardio K rafttraining probably the most strenuous form of cardio that has ever met you. Trust me, the hard work will pay off through increased fitness and fat loss. You will notice changes in your body that you would never have thought possible.

You can go into any Fitnessstu- dio and you will see endless rows of treadmills, steppers and cross trainers, on which the people some kind of endurance training graduate. You know what kind of training I mean - loose and low intensity. Perhaps entertain people here, watch TV or even read a book. This is not the kind of

Metabolic Training, I write about in this book. Both with a view to fitness and fat loss on this type of training the cardio strength workout altogether inferior. I will show you and them testify exceeded that interval training is the better method. This method consists of short training sessions with very high intensity. One can also say this: You are at this training do not have time to phone the way. You probably could not even dial the number.




You walk into a gym and see tire hen of cardio - People who make calls while exercising, watch TV or chat with their neighbors, while they take care to remain voltage range "in their" Fettverbren-. Then you see a man in a corner of the studio, head- phones, the gasps and moans and sweat to the point of exhaustion. He makes Burpees (pushup jumps), then jump squats, then swinging a kettlebell (Kettlebell). There seems to be no plan behind the training method of this fanatic: It only looks intense, strange and everything else a bit as traditionally. You can not look away and think: What on earth does that guy?

Well, the guy in the corner makes a form of what I call cardio Krafttrai- ning - a workout that is characterized by intense workouts and short rest periods. This raises the question of why so many of the "Fettverbren- ner" drag on the cardio equipment still excess pounds with it herum- while the guy probably lean in the corner, strong and athle- table looks. First of all, the man had de fi nitely a plan in his choice of training method. His goals were simple: the greatest impact with the least possible use of interval training and the creation of the all-important "Nachbrenne ff ect" in sides nem Sto ff change, which burns calories even hours after exercise. And he achieved all these benefits in a fraction of the time, who spend the "fat burners" on their cardiovascular equipment. To be too good to be true? No not really. I tell the athletes I train every day, always: For success, you pay a price. In other words: supply Do not go "short" with "easy".

I have used the term "already used fat burners" a few times and I admit, I use it jokingly. The whole concept of training with low intensity to burn fat instead of sugar or carbohydrates, is one of the biggest training myths of all time. Of course, you burn a relatively high proportion of fat if you exercise less intense, but not necessarily a greater absolute amount of fat and calories. Because if you follow the logic, sleep would be the best fat burning workout at all, right? I'm sure in the next capital tel go into detail, but through cardio strength training happened something much bigger and More effective, and after exercise.


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