The proof is the proverbial pudding — КиберПедия 

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The proof is the proverbial pudding

2019-12-21 88
The proof is the proverbial pudding 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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My good friend Mike Boyle, CSCS, has prepared a great argument when he talks about the various reasons why the "mass of Fitnessstudiobesu- cher 'advantage so little of the highly effective method of cardio interval workouts per fi. He argues that we ergeräten by the media with images of Crosstrai- partners, treadmills and other Ausdau- and programs are inundated. People want fast solutions and an easy way to their destinations. The research clearly shows that this methodical are the inferior in all areas, both in terms of time e ff ectiveness and fat loss and the improvement of fitness.

Science and research are the BES th Friends of the expert. You can prove that a particular training method ine ff ective is, and they can prove that certain training methods in everyday work. The results clearly show that cardio training leads to fat degradation.

A project of the East Tennessee State Uni- versity of 2001 studied two groups of obese women. A group completed eight weeks three times a week ning even Ausdauertrai-, while the other group performed high-intensity interval training in nevertheless the same periods. Both groups trained each until they had burned 300 calories. The results? Only in the interval group, the Körperzusammenset- improved wetting; Also in the endurance group had no increase in Grundum- set determine - in the interval group, however, was the basal metabolic rate increased for more than 24 hours after the Trai- ning. So, I repeat that again: The groups consumed in Trai- ning the same number of calories and nevertheless only the interval group lost fat and increased the basal metabolic rate after Trai- ning, while no progress is demonstrated in the endurance group. It seems len something "magical" between the INTERVAL and happen in the hours after the interval training.



Most people give as a reason why they do not exercise, lack of time. Maybe you should even think about here: Dr. Martin Gibala, professor of kinesiology at McMaster Univer- sity of Canada, made some amazing discoveries when he compared endurance athletes with people who made the hochintensi- ves interval training. A group graduated on bicycles four to six 30-second sprints at full strength and rested after four minutes from. The other group went 90 to 120 min- utes long at a modest pace bike. The researchers found no difference in athletic performance between the two groups. When you consider that the interval group had trained two and a half hours and the endurance group ten and a half hours a week, I would say, that there is a big difference - you do not? The result is even more amazing when you consider that the interval group has beginnings unit actually trained only two to three minutes per Trai- and rested for the remaining period (currency rend the endurance group 90 to 120 minutes continuously trained).

Once again you can see the "magic" e ff ect, which I have just mentioned. Just because we do not work out, does not mean that our body has ceased to work; that makes interval training more attractive for all who suffer under standardized Zeitknapp-.





Of course, you want to do something for your stamina. In the groundbreaking six-week study from 2006, the Tabata et al. conducted, both endurance and strength gains in endurance and interval groups were compared. The very popular Tabata Interval 20 Seconds high-intensity exercise and ten seconds rest was compared with 60-minute units of spinning wheels - and the result shocked almost everyone in the fitness industry. The interval group trained less than 20 minutes per week and showed an improvement of 28 percent in strength gains and 14 percent for the endurance. Yes, you did not misread: The interval group improved their endurance stronger than the other group. This study shows that cardio strength training also can permanently improve your training and will!



The most important and probably most amazing study were compared with the cardio and interval training in terms of fat loss, led Tremblay et al. 1994. construction of the study of the other, just mentioned study was similar and even went a little further. There were chen vergli- two groups: One of them had for 20 weeks moderate endurance training complete, while the other group performed for 15 weeks interval training. At the end of the study, the endurance group had burned 28,661 calories and the Inter- vallgruppe 13,614 calories. Correct: The interval group burned only half as many calories. But then the researchers adjusted the different energy consumption of training and found



Yes, one would think, but there is a big gap between the normal len gym visitors and the facts about cardio is that it is still a struggle to bring these facts to the general common consciousness. The key is that you are now equipped with the knowledge duress gen (and can not longer say: "That one has ever told me") and that you take the first step to fat loss and improved fit- ness. It's still your decision-making: Do you want to belong to the hamsters on wheels or you want to be lean and fi tte person in the corner, the double achieved so much in half the time? I was thinking the same thing! Read on, it will only get better!


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