Exercise 12. Consider whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false explain why. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 12. Consider whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false explain why.

2018-01-13 324
Exercise 12. Consider whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false explain why. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Tick paralysis is a disease that leaves ticks paralyzed.

2. Animals remain paralyzed for years after being infected.

3. Removal of all ticks leads to recovery.

4. Tick paralysis affects only limb muscles.

5. Most ticks (80%) are located aroundtail.


Exercise 13. a) Make up collocations using words from both columns.

neuromuscular care
respiratory animals
long-haired malfunction
excessive effect
major salivation
intensive disorder

b) Fill in the gaps with the collocations from above.

1. Tick paralysis affects mainly dogs and cats,in humans it exists in the form of ….

2. The presence of a tick in combination with the sudden appearance of limbweakness and/or … is diagnostic.

3.The entire skin of an animal should be searched, especially on ….

4. Later stages of the disease are characterized bywobbliness in the back legs, … and vomiting and panting, progressing to loud breathing.

5. Only tick removal and use of tick antitoxin serum and antibiotics have a … in treatment of tick paralysis.

6. Very severe cases require …, including artificial ventilation of lungs to maximize recovery rates.


Exercise 14. Translate from Russian into English and learn the symptoms.

Изменение тона голоса, слабость в задних ногах, затрудненное дыхание, пневмония, обильное снюноотделение, рвота, паралич, влажный кашель.

Exercise 15.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1. Tick paralysis, or tick-bite paralysis, is caused by a toxin that is released through the saliva of certain species of ….

2.Tick paralysis affects mainly dogs and cats,in humans it exists in the form ….

3.The toxin directly affects ….

4.Normally, cats show more resistance to this poison than dogs, but ….

5.Early signsare ….

6. Later stages of the disease are characterized by ….

7. Only tick removal and use ….


Exercise 16.Give the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets.

1.The toxin directly affects the (нервнаясистема), leading to a group of (нервныесимптомы) in the (больноеживотное).2. Paralysis toxin is (впрыскиваться) into the blood of the animals as the ticks(кормиться) on their skin. 3.The presence of a tick (в сочетании) with the sudden appearance of (слабость конечностей) and/or (плохое функционирование респираторной системы) is diagnostic. 4.In most cases, removal of all ticks usually results in (улучшение) within 24 hours and (полное выздоровление) within 72 hours. 5. The toxin produced by paralysis ticks is very (мощный). 6. If ticks are not (удалять), the disease (прогрессировать) and death may occur from (дыхательный паралич) in 1–5 days. 7. As removal of all ticks is absolutely necessary the entire skin of ananimal should be searched, (особенноудлинношерстныхживотных) or those with thick coats. 8.As breathing becomes more difficult, the (десны становятся холодными и синеют).

Exercise 17. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Клещевой паралич вызывается токсином, который впрыскивается некоторыми клещами в кровь животного. 2. Не все клещи выделяют токсин, который вызывает паралич. 3. Токсин напрямую поражает нервную систему и вызывает паралич. 4. Обычно кошки проявляют большшую резистентность к этому токсину, чем собаки, однако, симпотомы у них одинаковые.5.Обнаружение клеща и слабость в задних конечностях является достаточным, чтобы диагностировать заболевание. 6. Ранними симптомами являются изменение тона голоса, слабость в задних конечностях, а также рвота, особенно, если она происходит несколько раз в день. 7. Токсин, выделяемый клещами – очень мощный. 8. В большинстве случаев, удаление клещей приводит к улучшению состояния через 24 часа, и к полному выздоровлению через 72 часа. 9. Если клещи не удалены, то болезнь прогрессирует, и смерть животного наступает через 1-5 дней от дыхательного паралича.10. В тяжелых случаях требуются дополнительные меры, такие как искусственная вентиляция легких.

Exercise 18. Testyourselfbyansweringthese questions to see how much you remember and understand.

1. What is tick paralysis caused by?

2. Do all ticks produce toxin?

3. How does paralysis toxin affect the animal?

4. What are early clinical signs of tick paralysis?

5. Are there numerous diagnostic techniques to detect it?

6. Is removal of all ticks necessary?

7. What are later symptoms of the disease?

8. How can we prevent tick paralysis?

9. What do you know about treatment of tick paralysis?






armpit n ['ɑːmpɪt] подмышка
burst n [bɜːst] разрыв
demodicosis n ['deməudɪ'kɔːsɪs] демодекоз
follicle n ['fɔlɪkl] фолликул
generalized adj ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)laɪzd] генарализованный
infestation n [ˌɪnfes'teɪʃ(ə)n] инвазия
lethargic adj [lɪ'θɑːʤɪk] апатичный
localized adj ['ləuk(ə)laɪzd] локализованный
mange n [meɪnʤ] чесотка
nodule n ['nɔdjuːl] нодула (желвак)
papule n ['pæpjuːl] папула (узелок)
pest n [pest] паразит
scraping n ['skreɪpɪŋ] соскоб
scaly adj ['skeɪlɪ] чешуйчатый
scruffy adj ['skrʌfɪ] неряшливый
spontaneously adv [spɔn'teɪnɪəslɪ] самопроизвольно
temperate adj ['temp(ə)rət] умеренный (климат)
topical adj ['tɔpɪk(ə)l] местный
udder n ['ʌdə] вымя

Demodicosis, also called “demodectic mange ” or “red mange ”, is caused by Demodex spp. In case the animal’s immune system is unable to keep mites under control, overpopulation of these mites and an increased sensitivity to them can lead to disease development. These microscopic acari can live in animals’s hair follicles and oil glands.

Demodectic mange occurs in domestic and wild animals including even captive pandas in zoos. The mites are specific to their hosts, and each mammal species is a host to one or two unique species of Demodex mites. For example, there are two types of demodectic mange mites in cats, at least one is specific for dogs, one type exists in cattle.

Cattle follicle mite usually causes demodicosis in cattle. This disease is common in tropical areas and is not usually found in temperate environments. Demodicosis is characterized by the formation of papules and nodules over the cattle’s skin. These lesions most commonly occur on the neck, shoulders, and armpit of cattle; however, sometimes they also appear on the udder. This condition is often found in cattle with increased stress from pregnancy or lactation. Natural and acquired immunity can cause a decrease in the number of mites infesting a cow as well as decreasing the severity of symptoms.

The burst of nodules and papules can damage the cattle’s skin, which results in economic losses due to problems with leather production.

Dogs are susceptible to these little pests, too.


In dogs, demodicosis can be localized or generalized. Localized demodicosis infections usually occur early in life, typically in puppies between 3 and 6 months of age. This form of the disease is usually mild and responds well to treatment. Many cases resolve spontaneously with little or no treatment, though in some dogs it progresses to the generalized form. Generalized demodicosis more often occurs in older dogs and is often secondary to an underlying disease suppressing the dog’s immune system. Generalized demodicosis is more difficult to treat.

With localized demodicosis, symptoms are usually mild and affect a dog’s muzzle, trunk, or legs. One can notice thinning hair, scaly skin, and the skin itself is reddish-brown. With generalized demodicosis, skin lesions are more widespread and may involve the entire body. A dog may look scruffy and show signs of hair loss as well as discoloration of the skin. It may also be lethargic and have a poor appetite.

In order to diagnose a dog with demodicosis, veterinarian should take skin scrapings of the affected areas and may recommend other tests specific to a dog’s symptoms and the severity of the infestation.

The treatment for demodicosis varies depending on whether the infection is localized or generalized. Localized demodicosis often requires no treatment other than careful observation. Most often, localized infestations resolve themselves without treatment. Generalized demodicosis is treated with oral or topical medicationsdepending on the individual case. In some situations, additional medications are prescribed: for example, antibiotics in case of a secondary bacterial infection. Regular examinations and skin scrapings are needed to monitor response to therapy.



Exercise 19.Look through the text and find information about:

- causative agent of demodicosis;

- parts of the world where demodicosis is common;

- animals that are susceptible to demodicosis;

- clinical signs of demodicosis;

- treatment and prevention of demodicosis.


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