Exercise 16.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 16.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

2018-01-13 220
Exercise 16.Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by….

2. It is one of the most common parasitic diseases and is found in ….

3. Of all animals susceptible to toxoplasmosis, only cats (both wild anddomestic) are ….

4.Other animals, including humans, are ….

5.Cats are most commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii when ….

6.When a cat ingests an infected prey (or other infected raw meat), the parasite ….

7.Intermediate hosts become infected through ingestion of ….

8. Immunocompromised kittens and cats may develop ….

9. Treatment usually involves ….

10.Treatment must be started as soon ….


Exercise 17. a) Make up collocations using words from both columns.

warm-blooded parasite
intermediate cats
raw intestine
immunocompromised meat
single-cell host
small animals

b) Fill in the gaps with the collocations from above.

1. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a … called Toxoplasma gondii.

2. It is one of the most common parasitic diseases and is found in nearly all ….

3.Other animals, including humans, are … of Toxoplasmagondii.

4.For indoor-only cats, the most likely source of infection is uncooked meat scraps or ….

5. The organisms multiply in the wall of the … and produce oocysts during the intra-intestinal infection cycle.

6. … appear to have increased risk of illness.


Exercise 18. Give the Russian equivalents for the following symptoms.

Lethargy; coughing;erythema, difficulty breathing; jaundice; diarrhea; blindness; loss of appetite, itchiness; gaseous swellings; lameness; cardiac distress.

Exercise 19. Give the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets.

1. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by (одноклеточныепростейшиепаразиты) called Toxoplasma gondii. 2.Of all animals (восприимчивый) to toxoplasmosis, only cats (both wild and domestic) are the (окончательныйхозяин) for Toxoplasma gondii. 3. Other animals, including humans, are (промежуточныйхозяин) of Toxoplasmagondii. 4.Cats are most commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii when they (охотиться) on (инфицированныемыши, птицыидругиемелкиеживотные). 5. When a cat (поедать) an (инфицированнаядобыча)or other infected (сыроемясо), the parasite is released into the cat’s (пищеварительныйтракт). 6.The organisms (размножаться) in the wall of the (тонкийкишечник) and produce oocysts during the intra-intestinal infection cycle. 7.Oocysts are very (устойчивый) and may (выжить) in the (окружающаясреда) for over a year. 8.Cats that are shedding oocysts do not usually appear ill, and the oocysts are not (видимый) to the (невооруженныйглаз). 9.Signs of illness in cats include (вялость, потеряаппетита, кашель, затрудненноедыхание, диарея, желтуха, слепота), eye problems, and other neurologic problems. 10.Most cats that have toxoplasmosis can (выздоравливать) with (лечение).

Exercise 20. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Токсоплазмоз – это заболевание, вызванное одноклеточным простейшим паразитом Toxoplasmagondii. 2. Токсоплазмоз – это одно из наиболее распространенных паразитических заболеваний, которое обнаруживается практически у всех теплокровных животных. 3. Люди также могут заразиться Toxoplasmagondii. 4. Из всех животных, восприимчивых к таксоплазмозу, только кошки являются окончательным хозяином для Toxoplasmagondii. 5. Другие животные, включая человека, являются промежуточными хозяевами для Toxoplasmagondii. 6.Когда кошка поедает инфицированную добычу, паразит попадает в ее пищеварительный тракт. 7. Затем паразит размножается в стенках тонкого кишечника и продуцирует ооцисты, которые выделяются в больших количествах из тела кошки вместе с калом. 9. Ооцисты обладают большой резистентностью и могут выжить в окружающей среде более года. 10. Симптомы заболевания у кошки включают вялость, потерею аппетита, кашель, затрудненное дыхание, диарею, желтуху, слепоту, проблемы с глазами и другие неврологические симптомы.


Exercise 21. The answers to the following questions are the summary of text. Answer these questions and give the summary of the text.

1. What is the causative agent of taxoplasmosis?

2. What is the definitive host of taxoplasmosis?

3. What are intermediate hosts of taxoplasmosis?

4. How can cats get infected with taxoplasmosis?

5. What do you know about intra-intestinal infection cycle?

6. When do oocysts become infective to people and other intermediate hosts?

7. What are the clinical signs of toxoplasmosis?

8. How can toxoplasmosis be treated and prevented?





acquire v [əˈkwaɪə(r) ] приобретать
babesiosis n [bəˈbiːzɪəʊsɪs] бабезиоллез
bile n baɪl] желчь
constipation n [ˈkɒn.stɪ.peɪ.ʃən ] запор
(poorly) drained adj [dreɪnd ] плохо осушенный
gum n [ɡʌm ] десна
hemoglobinemia n [hiːməʊ.gləʊbiˈniː.mi.ə] гемоглобинемия
hemoglobinuria n [hiːməʊ.gləʊbiˈnurɪə] гемоглобинурия
hemolysis n [hiˈmɒləsəs] гемолиз
immunocompromised adj [ɪˈmjuːnˈkɒmprəˈmaɪzt] с ослабленнымиммунитетом
jaundiced adj [ˈdʒɔːn.dɪst ] желтушный
major adj [ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ] главный
morbidity n [ˌmɔːˈbid.i.ti ] заболеваемость
mortality n [mɔːˈtæl.ə.ti ] смертность
occurrence n [əˈkʌr.əns ] распространенность
paralysis n [pəˈræl.ə.sɪs ] паралич
recumbent adj [rɪˈkʌm.bənt ] лежачий
reservoir n [ˈrez.ə.vwɑːr ] резервуар
rupture v [ˈrʌp.tʃər ] разрывать
smear n [smɪər ] мазок
strain n [streɪn ] штамм
subsequent adj [ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt ] последующий
threat n [θret ] угроза


Bovine babesiosis (other names are Redwater or Cattle Tick Fever) is a tick-borne, parasitic infection that causes significant morbidity and mortality in cattle. Babesiosis results from infection by protozoa in the genus Babesia. The three species found most often in cattle are Babesiabovis, Babesiabigemina and Babesiadivergens.

The disease is transmitted exclusively by ticks, which acquire Babesia infections, when they ingest parasites in the blood of infected cattle and then pass it to other healthy animals at a subsequent blood meal. Thus, the blood of infected cattle serves as reservoir of infection. Two components are involved in transmission – presence of ticks and infection of these ticks with the babesia parasite before they attach to the animal and transmit disease. The organism can also infect immunocompromised humans, causing serious medical conditions. This disease can occur almost everywhere around the world, but it is a majorthreat to cattle in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. In Europe, babesiois is rare except for known tick areas, where it commonly occurs on poorly drained low-lying lands. The disease occurrence typically has two seasonal distribution, with a peak between April and June and another peak from August to October. In spring, at maximum air temperatures of 7 to 10°C, adult ticks become active.

Fever is the first clinical sign, which appears one to three weeks after an infective tick bite. Following the bite, the parasites invade red blood cell where they multiply, eventually rupturing the cell and invade more red blood cells. The destruction of increasing number of red blood cells causes anemia, shock and releases large quantities of red blood cell pigment (hemoglobin) into the circulation. The sick animals are usually depressed and lose appetite. They may separate from the herd, their eyes and gums are pale from anemia and yellow (jaundiced) due to bile pigments in their circulation. Anemia is frequently accompanied by hemoglobinuria⃰ and hemoglobinemia⃰. This may be followed by jaundice. Red-colored urine (hence the name Redwater) can usually be observed in these animals. Constipation commonly develops in the later stages and animals may become recumbent (unable to stand) due to weakness. Late-term pregnant animals often abort. In severe cases, nervous signs like incoordination, paralysis and coma are present, which often leads to death. However, the clinical signs vary with the age of the animal and the species and strain of the parasite.

Babesiabovis is usually more virulent than other strains. Most cases of babesiosisare seen in adults; animals younger than 9 months usually remain asymptomatic. Sick animals can be treated with an anti-parasitic drug. Treatment is most likely to be successful if the disease is diagnosed early. It should be noted that some of the drugs are potentially toxic and manufacturers' recommendations must be carefully followed.

Clinically, babesiosis can be confused with other conditions that cause fever, anemia, hemolysis, jaundice, or red urine. Therefore, diagnosis, based on clinical signs, should be confirmed by microscopic blood examination. From the live animal, thick and thin blood smears⃰ should be prepared, preferably from capillaries in the ear or tail tip. Smears of heart muscle, kidney, liver, lung, brain, and from a blood vessel in an extremity (e.g. lower leg) should be taken at necropsy.

Control of babesiosis requires high standards of management and veterinary supervision. It usually involves a combination of treatment, vaccination and tick control and elimination.


thick and thin blood smear – тонкиймазоккровиитолстыймазоккрови;

⃰гемоглобинемия – повышенное содержание свободного гемоглобина в плазме крови;

⃰гемоглобинурия –одна из форм гемолитической анемии (гемоглобинемии), точнее симптом патологического внутрисосудистого повреждения красных кровяных телец (эритроцитов), когда гемоглобин массово выходит в околососудистую среду и мочу.




Exercise 22.Look through the text and find information about:

- causative agent of bovine babesiosis;

- disease transmission;

- two components that are involved in bovine babesiosis transmission;

- areas where bovine babesiosis most commonly occurs;

- seasonal distribution of disease occurence;

- clinical signs of bovine babesiosis;

- the most virulent strain of the parasite;

- age group of animals most susceptible to the disease;

- clinical confirmation of bovine babesiosis diagnosis;

- control of babesiosis and what it involves.


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