Exercise 12. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 12. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why.

2018-01-13 200
Exercise 12. Say whether these sentences are true or false, and if they are false say why. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Ringworm is a fatal disease caused by a worm of the genus Microsporum.

2. Ringworm may be transmitted from animals to humans.

3. Ringworm is characterized by noticeable symptoms, which are always the same.

4. The only way of transmitting ringworm is by direct contact with infected animal.

5. Ringworm is especially infectious for young, and immune compromised animals.

6. The most reliable method for diagnosing ringworm is fluorescence of infected hairs under an ultraviolet lamp.

7. Usually, the treatment of ringworm is a combination of topical and systemic therapy.


Exercise 13. a) Translate the following words and phrases into Russian.

Dandruff; skin sensitivity; itchiness; asymptomatic carrier; accurate; hair loss; kennels and shelters; misdiagnosis; contaminated objects and surfaces; especially susceptible; to avoid the spread of infection; application of creams, ointments and shampoos; administration of anti-fungal drugs.

b) Give the English equivalents for the Russian words in brackets.

1. Ringwormmayoccurbytouching (зараженныепредметыиповерхности). 2. Animalswith (чувствительнаякожа) are (особенновосприимчивы) toringworminfection. 3. This method is not very (точный) and may lead to (неверныйдиагноз). 4. Treatment is necessary to (избежатьраспространенияинфекции) to other pets. 5. The most effective way to treat ringworm is to use (применениекремов, маселишампуней) and (назначениепротивогрибковыхпрепаратов). 6. Symptoms of ringworm include (перхоть), reddened skin, (зуд, выпадениеволос). 7. (Бессимптомныеносители) are especially problematic in (приютыипитомники).


Exercise 14. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Стригущий лишай – это грибковое заболевание поверхностных слоев кожи, волос и ногтей. 2. Лишай является зоонозным заболеванием, передающимся от животных людям. 3. Клинические симптомы болезни могут варьироваться в зависимости от вида патогенного организма и состояния здоровья животного. 4. Некоторые животные могут быть бессимптомными носителями заболевания и распространять его, не имея заметных повреждений кожи. 5. Грибные споры могут оставаться на щетках, посуде, мебели, коврах и других поверхностях в течение многих месяцев. 6. Инкубационный период между заражением и развитием поражений кожи длится от 7 до 14 дней. 7. Для того чтобы лечение было успешным, необходимо устранить источники заражения в окружающей обстановке.


Exercise 15. Test yourself by answering these questions to see how much you remember and understand.

1. What is the causative agent of ringworm?

2. Where does the name of infection come from?

3. What are the symptoms of ringworm?

4. What are asymptomatic carriers, and where and why are they especially problematic?

5. How is ringworm transmitted?

6. What animals are especially susceptible to the disease?

7. How many ways of ringworm diagnosis are used? Which way is the most accurate?

8. How can ringworm be treated?


Exercise 16. Translate from Russian into English.

Лампа Вуда

С помощью этого аппарата можно определить наличие у пациента воспалительных процессов кожи, стригущего лишая, грибковых кожных заболеваний. Название аппарату было дано в честь его изобретателя – американского физика Вуда. Интересно, что кроме медицинского применения, лампа Вуда используется криминалистами: для обнаружения следов крови, слюны, мочи и других веществ, а также с ее помощью можно увидеть специальные знаки на документах и купюрах, защищающие от подделок. Применяют ее и в индустрии развлечений, в свете ультрафиолета ярко светятся специальные краски на коже и одежде.

Применение лампы Вуда основано на том, что она испускает ультрафиолетовые волны длиной от 360 до 370 нанометров, называемых также «чёрным светом». Когда они попадают на определённые болезнетворные молекулы, в частности, продукты жизнедеятельности грибков, микрочастицы токсинов, то вызывают яркое свечение различные оттенков.

Диагностика проводится в полной темноте и занимает менее минуты. Противопоказанием может быть наличие открытых повреждений на коже пациента.





abrasion n [əˈbreɪʒən] ссадина
armadillo n [ˌɑːməˈdɪləʊ] броненосец
cord n [kɔːd] веревка
dimorphic adj [daɪˈmɔ:fɪk] диморфный
drain v [dreɪn] сочиться
inoculation n [ɪˌnɔkjʊˈleɪʃǝn] внедрение (в ткани)
moss n [mɔs] мох
purulent adj [ˈpjuǝrulǝnt] гнойный
serohemorrhagic adj [ˈsɪrǝˈhemǝrɪdʒɪk] серозно-геморрагический
sparse adj [spa:s] редкий
sphagnum n [ˈsfægnǝm] сфагнум, торфяной мох
ulcerate v [ˈʌlsǝreɪt] изъязвлять(ся)


Sporotrichosis is a fungal disease of the skin, but can also negatively affect the respiratory system, bones and sometimes the brain. Infection is caused by the dimorphic (existing in two forms – mold and yeast) fungus, Sporothrixschenckii. It typically infects via direct inoculation – that is, through abrasions of the skin or by inhalation. The origin of the fungus is environmental; it is naturally found in soil, plants and sphagnummoss, but it can be communicated zoonotically between different animal species, and between animals and humans.

Sporotrichosis is distributed worldwide and has been reported in dogs, cats, horses, cows, camels, dolphins, goats, mules, birds, pigs, rats, armadillos, and people. In veterinary medicine, it is most frequently seen in cats and horses. Sporotrichosis progresses slowly – the first symptoms may appear 1 to 12 weeks after the initial exposure to the fungus. Serious complications can also develop in patients who have a compromised immune system.

Three forms of sporotrichosis – lymphocutaneous, cutaneous, and disseminated – are recognized in animals. In the lymphocutaneous (cutaneous-lymphatic) form, one or more firm round nodules occur first at the site of inoculation, and then spread along the lymphatics as a chain of nodules. The nodules and regional lymph nodes may ulcerate and drainpurulent or serohemorrhagic exudate and the lymphatics may become thickened, hard, and cordlike. Systemic illness is usually absent at first, but animals with chronic sporotrichosis may be febrile, depressed, and anorexic. Similar lesions occur in the cutaneous form, but they remain localized to one area. Disseminated sporotrichosis is rare but potentially fatal and may develop when the infection spreads to deep tissues including the lung, bone, liver, spleen, kidneys, testes, gastrointestinal tract, and central nervous system.

Diagnosis can be made by culture (samples obtained from unopened lesions) or microscopic examination of the exudate or biopsy specimens. In tissues and exudate, the organism is present as few to numerous, cigar-shaped, single cells within macrophages. A fluorescent antibody technique has been used to identify the yeast-like cells in tissues. In species other than cats, Sporothrix organisms are often sparse in exudate and infected tissue, so that diagnosis usually requires culture. In cats, the yeasts are usually abundant in lesions and can be readily found with haematoxylin and eosin, or Wright’s stain.

In animals, there is no practical way to prevent infections acquired from the environment. Infected animals, particularly cats, should be isolated to prevent the organism from spreading. Keeping cats indoors during feline epidemics can reduce the risk of infection;cat fights and other feline behaviors have been implicated in the spread of the disease.


Exercise 17. Look through the text and find information about:

-sporotrichosis causative agent;

-animalssusceptible to sporotrichosis;

-forms of sporotrichosis;

-symptoms of lymphocutaneous form;

- ways ofsporotrichosis diagnosis;

- prevention of sporotrichosis.


Exercise 18. a) Make up collocations using words from both column.

direct exudate
serious way
purulent complication
practical exposure
negative effect
initial inoculation


b) Make up your own sentences using the collocations from above.


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