Read the words and guess their meaning. — КиберПедия 

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Read the words and guess their meaning.

2018-01-28 222
Read the words and guess their meaning. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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station, detective, criminal, position, arrest, officer, justice, computers, cooperation, control, parking.


Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1. to detain a suspect 2. to keep large crowds in order 3. to leave "on bail" 4. to uphold the law 5. to bring to justice 6. to break the law 7. to be impartial 8. to prevent crime 9. to protect citizens 10. to keep in a cell a) содержать в тюремной камере b) поддерживать порядок c) отдать под суд d) нарушать закон e) предотвратить преступление f) задержать подозреваемого g) защитить граждан h) поддерживать порядок в местах большого скопления людей i) быть беспристрастным j) выпустить под залог

Match the synonyms.

1. offender a) especially
2. force b) responsibility
3. particularly c) to select
4. charge d) freedom
5. work e) well-known
6. liberty f) wrongdoer
7. to keep g) legal
8. lawful h) unit
9. popular i) purpose
10. to choose j) to maintain
11. aim k) job

Match the antonyms.

1. dangerous a) to answer
2. first b) unfair
3. to ask c) dishonest
4. to leave d) low
5. regular e) impartial
6. high f) irregular
7. to detain g) last
8. fair h) to come
9. honest i) safe
10. partial j) release


Complete the table.

Verb Noun Adjective Person
offend offence offensive offender
punishable ---------
succeed ---------


Say whether these statements are true or false as in the example.

The territory of London is being policed by the "modern police". F
1. The City of London has its own Police Service.  
2. The UK police force began with the establishment of London Metropolitan Police in 1873.  
3. The police of the UK are responsible for breaking the law.  
4. UK police officers are usually armed.  
5. The police constables need to do lots of paperwork.  
6. The officers are responsible to the people they are serving.  
7. A man when arrested must be left "on bail".  


Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. The territory of London is being policed by

2. The "modern" police forces of the UK began

3. The police of the UK are responsible for

4. The purposes of the police are

5. Policemen also have other jobs such as

6. The work of the British policemen is regulated by

7. UK police officers normally carry

8. The UK doesn't have a national police force though

Answer the questions on the text.

1. What service is London being policed by?

2. When did London’s Metropolitan police appear?

3. What are the police of the UK responsible for?

4. What duties do British Police officers fulfil?

5. Where must a man be taken to when arrested?

6. What do UK Police officers usually carry?

Speak on police work in the UK.




Historians suggest that the first modern police in the United States did not come into existence until 1833 in the city of New York.

The first municipal police agencies consisted of night watchmen whose responsibility was to protect property during the evening and early morning hours. Crime continued to increase, however, and gradually there were demands to hire men to provide similar protection during the daylight hours as well. Thus, by the 1830s and 1840s these two types of police were combined to form a unified, more effective municipal police agency. The modern police departments came into existence, especially in the years following World War I. Since 1920 municipal police agencies have increasingly grown in personnel and responsibilities. Special training and more selective recruitment practices have been developed to go hand in hand with the use of such technological developments as the automobile, the individual police radio, and the computer. The great part of police work does not involve crime-fighting situations but rather consists of both service and peacekeeping activities.

Service functions include directing traffic and enforcing traffic regulations, answering accident calls, aiding the sick, helping find a lost child or rescue a lost pet, recovering stolen property, and reporting fires. These are all services performed to assist the public.

Peacekeeping functions of the police are designed to maintain public order.




Voice Tense Active Passive
Non-perfect searching investigating destroying   being searched being investigated being destroyed
Perfect having searched having investigated having destroyed   having been searched having been investigated having been destroyed




Subject Patrolling is one of the preventive methods. Патрулирование – один из методов профилактики (преступлений).
Part of the Predicate. after: to finish, to stop, to go on, to keep, to delay; for, against, etc.  
We are against using death penalty. Мы против применения смертной казни. The thieves started arguing. Воры начали спорить.  
Object after: to enjoy, to hate, to avoid, to excuse, to risk, to need, to want, to mind, etc.  
This case needs reviewing. Это дело н уждается в пересмотре. (Это дело нужно пересмотреть).  
after: to be fond of, to be good at, to be interested in, to get used to, to suspect sb. of, to accuse sb. of, to approve of, to prevent sb. from, to object to, to contribute to, to be responsible for, to be engaged in, etc.  
He objected to being interrogated without a lawyer. Он возражал, чтобы его допрашивали без адвоката. The police suspect this driver of having committed a crime. Полиция подозревает этого водителя в том, что он совершил преступление  


Attribute after: the use of, the idea of, the habit of, the aim of, the way of, the necessity of, the intention of, the reason for, etc.
He gave up the idea of robbing a bank. Он отказался от мысли ограбить банк. He has no hope of being acquitted. У него нет надежды на то, что его оправдают.
Adverbial Modifier after: without, by, besides, instead of, before, after, at, on, in, with the aim of, for the purpose of, etc.
In conducting investigation he came across a lot of difficulties. Когда он проводил расследование, он столкнулся со многими трудностями. On (after) being identified the criminal was arrested. Преступник был арестован после того, как установили его личность.


Gerund Complex



Noun (Common Case)

(Possessive Case)

+ Gerund

Pronoun (Objective Case)

(Possessive Pronoun)

1. He insisted on his lawyer being present during the interrogations.

Он настаивал, чтобы его адвокат присутствовал на допросе.

2. The suspect was surprised at the investigator not having asked him anything.

Подозреваемый был удивлен, что следователь ни о чем не спросил его.

3. They were against him (his) (Jack's) going to court.

Они были против того, чтобы Джек (он) шел в суд.


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