Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs or their equivalents, translate the sentences. — КиберПедия 

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Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs or their equivalents, translate the sentences.

2018-01-28 259
Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs or their equivalents, translate the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Many children in Britain ... wear uniform when they go to school.
2. You ... drive for a year in Britain with an international license. 3. If you are under 17 you ... not drive a car in Britain. 4. If one wants to master a foreign language he ... work hard. 5. My brother ... speak five foreign languages. 6. ... I help you, madam? – “ No, thank you. I’m fine". 7. You ... keep my secret. 8. What is Jill going to do when she leaves school? - She is not sure but she ... enter the institute.
9. You ... see the sea from the Hotel window. 10. ... I have a look at your identity card? 11. You ... cross the street when the light is green.


Put the sentences into Past and Future as in the example.

He can solve the crime easily. He could solve the crime easily. He will be able to solve the crime easily.

1. The officers must translate the text with a dictionary.

2. You can see the police station from the window.

3. The students may take part in the investigation.

4. The lawyer can help you to analyze the situation.

5. The investigating officer must preserve physical evidence.

6. We must prepare for our exams.

Put the sentences into negative and interrogative forms as in the example.

You should translate the text without a dictionary. You shouldn’t translate the text without a dictionary. Should you translate the text without a dictionary?

1. Children ought to obey their parents.

2. The students must translate the text "Law and Society".

3. People should cross the street at the traffic lights.

4. The officer can examine the crime scene thoroughly.

5. My brother can speak 2 foreign languages.

6. You may use my dictionary.

Fill in the gaps with the necessary modal verb. (Table 8)

You ……. not smoke in the classroom. You must not smoke in the classroom.

1. The text is difficult. You use a dictionary.

2. The officers …. to obey their chief.

3. I have a look at your identity card?

4. the solicitor speak Russian?

5. The law students go to the library and read this book.

6. I search the crime scene?

Complete the table.


+ ?
You must work hard at your English. You must not work hard at your English. Must you work hard at your English?
You ought to meet your sister.
.. Can they go to the theatre in the evening.
We are not able to discuss this problem now.
The train is to arrive at 5 p.m.
Do you have to learn twenty new words?
He is allowed to come here in the evening.
You shouldn't speak so loud.


Present Past Future
I am able to ask her questions. I was able to ask her questions. I will able to ask her questions.
Will you have to translate this text?
Were you to come at 9 a.m?
I can discuss this text in English.
A lawyer must know laws.
Will I be able to help your friends?
You were not allowed to go to the court.


Continuous Tenses

Active: = to be + Participle I (V + ing)


Present Continuous     Past Continuous   Future Continuous
to be (am, is, are) + Participle I (V + ing)   to be (was, were) +Participle I (V + ing)   will be (shall be,) + Participle I (V + ing)


I am asking questions now.   I was reading a book yesterday at 6 p.m.   He will be writing this article tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Я задаю вопросы.   Я читал книгу вчера в 6 часов вечера.   Он будет писать эту статью завтра в 7 часов вечера.



Passive: to be + being + Participle II (V3)


is/are being asked was/were being asked




I am asking. Я спрашиваю. I was asking. I will be asking.   Сравните I am being aske d. Меня спрашивают. I was being asked.


Choose the correct verb.

1. They are listening to the prosecutor now.

a) слушают в) слушали с) будут слушать

2. We were doing our homework from 3 till 4 in the afternoon.

а) делаем в) будем делать с) делали

3. I shall be reading a new law all the evening tomorrow.

а) буду читать в) читаю с) читал

4. The solicitor is waiting.

а) ждал в) ждет с) будет ждать

5. At present many experiments are being carried out in our laboratory.

а) проводились в) проводятся с) будут проводиться

6. The prison was being built by a new complex method in our town.

а) строилась в) строится с) будет строиться

7. He was being spoken about when the judge came in.

а) он разговаривал в) о нем разговаривали с) он разговаривает

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