III. Comprehension and Word Study — КиберПедия 

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III. Comprehension and Word Study

2017-12-12 356
III. Comprehension and Word Study 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Find the words and expressions in the text that mean:

1. information
2. to be influenced by
3. to change
4. to know
5. to rise
6. to deteriorate
7. flawless
8. a lot of
9. to happen
10. before going
11. to be hopeless
12. omitting


2. Combine the words from the column on the left with the suitable words from the column on the right adding an article or preposition where necessary. (Reproduce the context in which these word combinations were used).

to forecast reaction impact
to change measurements of variables
to evaluate estimates
to obtain forecasting
to provide past sales data
to be applicable predictable rate
to be based general state of affairs
  future events


Point out parts of the text which mean the same as the sentences below.

1. Future sales forecasting is possible with the help of past sales data.
2. Logistician personal estimates are of some importance while forecasting sales volume.
3. Customers express their opinion to the organization’s salespeople.
4. In the future sales forecast will be more accurate.
5. Price is never stable.
6. The movement of sales depends on many factors.


4. In this exercise you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Indicate a, b or c against the number of each item 1 – 10 for the word or phrase you choose.

1. In __________ the implications of a sales forecast, logisticians should be fully aware of both the sensitivity of forecast results to slight changes in forecast assumptions or techniques and the costs of forecasting.
  a) forecasting b) shifting c) evaluating
2. If several techniques give essentially the same results, the __________ of a forecast should be greater.
  a) reliability b) responsibility c) representation
3. To be useful in planning, __________ should be stated in measurable terms and should relate to significant organizational performance determinations.
  a) activities b) objects c) objectives
4. Statistical forecasts are less reliable when forecasting __________ by sales territory or customer segment.
  a) supply b) demand c) offer
5. Company sales forecasts __________ be developed at more than two levels.
  a) cannot b) have c) should
6. As a general rule, time-series analysis is most useful when market forces are __________ within the forecasting horizon.
  a) relatively stable b) not stable c) unpredictable
7. When environmental changes can be expected to create a shift in the historical pattern of sales, then time-series analysis is likely to prove __________.
  a) sophisticated b) satisfactory c) unsatisfactory
8. Logisticians should sometimes rely on the judgment-based __________ of field sales personnel to develop detailed forecasts.
  a) estimates b) calculations c) numbers and figures
9. All the planning in the world does not help an organization realize objectives if plans cannot be __________.
  a) forecasted b) implemented c) shifted
10. The most sophisticated approach of sales volume forecasting is __________.
  a) econometric models b) hunches c) market survey


Match the columns of the table below. To enrich your vocabulary translate all the words you come across in this exercise.


Market Movements


go down fall decline drop affect favorably
rise raise jump go up fluctuate
remain stable hold firm equilibrium decrease
erratic movements increase
grow extend contract
shrink dwindle expand
deteriorate get worse remain steady
improve get better affect adversely


Change the words in brackets to complete the sentences below.

1. Profit could be described as the __________ between the value of the business at the part of a trading period and the value of the business at the end of that period. (differ)
2. He did not want to make a __________ immediately. (decide)
3. It is a legal __________ that proper financial records are kept and the basic principle is to record every single transaction. (require)
4. Generally I do not have difficulty in making __________. (decide)
5. We have a team of 15 people who are responsible for making sure that the quality and __________ of the products are as high as possible. (reliable)
6. I definitely think we should speed up the __________ of Plan A. (implement)
7. He took part in this __________. (move)
8. First of all, we have to __________ who should be in the chair. (decision)
9. He is the only person here who can __________ the situation properly. (analysis)
10. We must __________ for the next stage of the project. (planning)


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