In each line choose the word which is opposite to the meaning of the first word. — КиберПедия 

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In each line choose the word which is opposite to the meaning of the first word.

2017-12-12 392
In each line choose the word which is opposite to the meaning of the first word. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. to reconcile   a) to become friendly   b) to make hostile   c) to settle a difference
2. responded   a) unreciprocated   b) utter in reply   c) reacted
3. appropriate   a) right   b) unfitting   c) suitable
4. to regain   a) to get back   b) to recover   c) to lose
5. intricate   a) difficult to understand   b) puzzling   c) simple
6. persistent   a) continuing to develop   b) unrelenting   c) unwilling
7. clarity   a) mumbling   b) clearness   c) pureness


6. In this exercise you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Indicate a, b or c against the number of each item 1-10 for the word or phrase you choose.

1. These one-year “top up” degree courses are designed for students who wish to study logistics at the same time as developing their English language __________.
    a) experience b) skills c) study
2. Business English is the more specialist programme for students who __________ to develop a career in the planning and scheduling of people, products, services and equipment or wish to __________ postgraduate study in this area.
    a) intend / pursue b) challenge / respond c) apply / pursue
3. In the logistics component of my study I consider the questions of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and effective flows of goods, services, and related information across __________ chains.
    a) fluency b) supply c) application
4. The management of these processes is crucial in meeting service __________, and is typically considered essential to a firm’s __________ strategy.
    a) database / allocation b) modeling skills / competition c) goals / competitive
5. To become a logistician I have to study theories and practices in the economic and __________ conditions, as well as aspects of business communication such as __________ and management in the international and intercultural context.
    a) trade / marketing b) political / supply c) negotiation / calculus
6. As logistics focuses on trade and business world, so there is also an __________ on the English language required to operate in the international context.
    a) self-affirmation b) exaggeration c) emphasis
7. I will develop __________ in Excel and will cover topics such as strategic supply chain management, manufacturing management, public sector analysis and logistics modeling.
    a) modeling skills b) respond c) database
8. Beyond superior technical and __________ skills, an effective logistics manager displays a combination of desirable __________ qualities.
    a) managerial / personal b) management / personality c) manager / personalty
9. These qualities include adaptability, __________, leadership – even charisma.
    a) freedom b) independence c) dependence
10. I should also point out, that the international logistics manager spends over half of his or her time in __________.
    a) fluency b) negotiation c) insight


7. How would you generally feel, happy ☺ or unhappy, if you were in the following situations? Use the words in bold to help you decide.

1. The company you work for is well-known for its job security. ☺
2. You were suddenly made redundant. ☺
3. You received a promotion. ☺
4. You were given an increment. ☺
5. You worked unsociable hours. ☺
6. You had a steady job. ☺
7. You had adverse working conditions. ☺
8. You suddenly found yourself unemployed. ☺
9. You tool time off work because of repetitive strain injury. ☺
10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome. ☺
11. You receive regular perks as part of your job. ☺
12. Somebody called you a workaholic. ☺
13. Your company doesn’t give you many incentives. ☺
14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce. ☺
15. Your work didn’t offer much job satisfaction. ☺
16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme. ☺
17. You receive a commission for the work you have done. ☺
18. You receive support from a union. ☺
19. You were under stress. ☺
20. You were forced to resign. ☺
21. You received a cut in your salary. ☺
22. Your company gave you sickness benefit. ☺
23. You found your job very demanding. ☺


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