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2017-12-12 327
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My future profession


The field of logistics is so large that almost any business organization may be viewed as a potential employer of the logistics manager. Any company that is involved in the movement of a product is involved with the logistics function. Service firms rely upon many logistics functions, as well.

Achieving perfect service at the customer’s moment of value is of great importance to all business today. And perfect service is difficult; in fact, it’s sometimes impossible to achieve every time you deal with a customer. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. The optimist sees the donut, whereas the pessimist sees the hole. Many businesses, unfortunately, have forgotten about the customer. Some have failed to regain their customer perspective and are now out of business. My future profession goal is to take every opportunity to make customers number one – they are the reason sellers are in business.

Logistics management is the part of a supply chain management where things are planned, implemented and the overall efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s flow is handled. Also it is the part of the company that controls the storage of goods and materials, and the service and relationship or related information between the origin point and the consumption point in order to meet customer’s needs and requirements. If logistics of a company is managed well then it definitely puts a company on the right track toward success. It can be a very intricate and detailed area but it is a must that it is mastered, for a company’s sake. The vast amount of supply chains in the overall global marketplace makes logistics management very important.

Being occupied as a buyer/freight forwarder I will be responsible for promoting the import and export activities of the company I will work for. My specific responsibilities will include product sourcing, negotiating with suppliers, organizing and tracking shipments, and collecting offers from suppliers and relaying them to other partners. In addition, I will provide general administrative support to the purchasing process. Working in the sphere of demand planning I hope to be useful while forecasting tools, web-based collaboration interface, and sales, which help companies predict and shape customer demand with greater accuracy. Being occupied in distribution planning I will carry out inventory analysis and time-variable stock target calculations for ensuring the optimal balance between service levels inventory investment. Working in the sphere of transportation and logistics planning involves transportation planning, transportation procurement, route planning, transportation management, small parcel shipping, and international trade logistics for global, multi-modal operations.

One can say without exaggeration that logistics process is even more important to a company’s success than ever before, as dictated by things like economy. There is more pitfalls than in the past but yet less room for error. Every move made should be a calculated one and should perfectly setup of the next move. The demands of the customers have increased and will continue to do so. As a logistician to be I definitely understand the need to keep the customer happy and the company I will work for moving upwards. To help the identity and name of my future employer I have to study hard now.

I should be good at English (knowledge of the structure and content of the English including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar); customer and personal service (knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction); computers and electronics (knowledge of processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming); administration and management (knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and corporation of people and resources); transportation (knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, or road, including the relative costs and benefits); mathematics (knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications); production and processing (knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods); economics and accounting (knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices; the financial markets, banking and the analysis and reporting of financial data); sales and marketing (knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products of services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems).

To be prepared for my future job I have to develop such skills as coordination (adjusting actions in relation to other’s actions); active listening (giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times); critical thinking (using logic and reasoning to identify the strength and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems); reading comprehension (understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents); time management (managing one’s own time and the time of others); judgement and decision making (considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one); active learning (understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making); persuasion (persuading others to change their minds or behavior); negotiation (bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences).

To become a successful logistician one must possess deductive and inductive reasoning, oral expression, problem sensitivity, oral and written comprehension, speech clarity, fluency of ideas, selective attention, visualization, memorization, number facility (the ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly), initiative, adaptability, persistence, attention to detail, near vision (the ability to see details at close range), far vision (the ability to see details at a distance).

One may say: “No school, professor or book can make you a logistician. Only you can do this, and you can become a logistics manager only by managing.” Of course, I would agree. You can learn the skills that are extremely helpful, particularly in such clearly defined areas as accounting, statistics and finance. But this will not make you a logistician. Experience is the only teacher. But, as my study goes, I feel that books provide me with some insights and intellectual tools to be applied in the future. So, I clearly understand the connection of my present day studies and results, which I will achieve at work. The taught element of my University programme includes modules that will help me to improve my professional skills as well as my analytical abilities. The taught modules end in February and are followed by a significant real life practice that runs until mid-July. In this, I will develop professional skills by working for some time as a consultant to one of the logistics oriented companies, whilst being supervised by a member of staff. This is an excellent preparation for the world of work.

There is a large demand for logistics and supply chain analysts with good modeling skills. Graduates from our university can expect to work as logistics analysts, supply chain analysts, business consultants, business analysts and database managers.

I hope, practice will help me to make my mind which sphere to choose. But whichever it will be, for me it is the most challenging, exciting and rewarding way of self-affirmation, as I constantly monitor changes and quickly respond. Forward-thinking and innovation are my dominant qualities.


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