Choose the correct word in each sentence. — КиберПедия 

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Choose the correct word in each sentence.

2017-09-28 458
Choose the correct word in each sentence. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a) Can you take / run the dog for a walk, please?

b) This is my pet / toy lizard, Larry.

c) When someone knocks at the door, the dog shouts / barks.

d) Some birds can run / fly for thousands of kilometers.

e) Lions and tigers are wild / country animals.

f) Do you know how to ride / drive a horse?

g) Monkeys are good at climbing / living trees.

h) Helen has two birds, and feeds / eats them every day.

i) There are many fish living deep / low in the sea.

j) My cat has a really long leg / tail.

4.2 Complete the sentences with the following words:

bite catch ride hunt jump like live feed make sing

a) Don’t worry! The dog won’t … you.

b) Monkeys can … from one tree to another.

c) Fish can’t … out of water.

d) Parrots … a lot of noise.

e) Not many people … snakes.

f) Most birds … in the morning.

g) Cats usually … at night and sleep during the day.

h) You can use a net or a hook to … a fish.

i) Can you … a horse?

j) Let’s got to the park and … the ducks.

Choose the best ending (1-10) for each sentence (a-j).

a) A small blue fish 1 laid an egg in the kitchen

b) The fat white cat 2 barked when I knocked at the door.

c) The friendly horse 3 was green and two metres long.

d) Mickey Mouse 4 took the nuts and ran away.

e) Suddenly a small bird 5 flew across the garden.

f) Mary’s pet chicken 6 went to sleep on the armchair.

g) A large black dog 7 ate some grass from Tim’s hand.

h) The snake 8 lay asleep on the rock in the sun.

i) The monkey 9 was swimming in the glass bowl.

j) The small green lizard 10 was the star of many cartoons.

Reading and speaking

Read the text and find the answers to the questions.

1. What does the word “pet” mean?

2. Why do some people keep pets at home?

3. Is it useful to keep pets? Why?

4. What are the most popular pets?

5. Why do elderly people prefer dogs and cats as pets?

Pet Animals

Pet is a tame animal that is kept at home. People keep them at home for different reasons, but mainly to provide companionship and amusement.

It is useful to keep pets because from looking after their pets, people can learn the meaning of responsibilities. They are responsible for feeding the pets and cleaning out the cages and boxes.

The most popular pets are dogs and cats. But such animals as goldfish, birds (parrots, budgies and canaries), hamsters, white mice, rabbits, tortoises, guinea pigs are popular too.

Many people prefer dogs and cats as pets. They are easier to look after and return affection. In particular they provide companionship which can be very important for a person living alone.

Read the dialogue and find out the breeds of the dogs.

- Have you got any pets?

- Yes, I have. I’ve got a dog. His name is Dick.

- What colour is your dog?

- It’s brown and white.

- How old is your dog?

- It’s five years old.

- It is clever, isn’t it?

- Yes, it is.

- Do you like to play with him?

- Yes, I do. When I come home I always play with him.

- How do you take care of Dick?

- Every morning I give him food and some water. I always feed my pet from its own bowl. I keep its bowl apart from the family’s dishes and wash it separately. In the evening I take my dog for long walks and then I brush him at home.

- What does your dog like to eat?

- He likes meat, bones, bread, milk, soup, porridge, potatoes and sausages. I feed him at regular times and don’t give him snacks between meals.

- Do you train your pet?

- Certainly. I train my dog through encouragement and reward.

- Do you take Dick to the vet?

- Regularly.

- Are there any rules for the dogs when you take them for a walk?

- I never take my dog into a food store. I always keep my pet on a leash when it is near a road. I don’t allow my dog to be noisy and disturb the neighbors.

- I heard that in the old days sailing ships had a Newfoundland dog on board the ship.

- You’re right. If a sailor fell into the sea, the dog jumped in and rescued him.

- St. Bernard dogs are very good at finding lost people in the snow, aren’t they?

- Yes, they are. St. Bernard dogs can smell a man under two meters of snow.

- The first guide dogs for the blind were German, weren’t they?

- Yes, they were. They helped blind soldiers from World War 1.Guide dogs are usually Labradors or Alsatian.

Read the dialogue again and describe Dick. Tell about his colour, age, habits, food he eats and rules he has to follow.

Study the morphology of the dog and match the English words with the numbers.

Tail, back, muzzle, head, loin, ear, jaw, stop, cheek, neck

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