Match English sentences with Russian equivalents. — КиберПедия 

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Match English sentences with Russian equivalents.

2017-09-28 288
Match English sentences with Russian equivalents. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. How do you do? (Hello! Hi! Morning!) 2. This is a pleasure. 3. Glad/pleased/nice to meet you. 4. Delighted to meet you. (I’m very pleased to meet you.) 5. Haven’t we met before? 6. Could I have seen you somewhere? 7. I fancy I’ve met you before. 8. Your face seems familiar to me. 9. I’ve heard so much about you. 10. Have you been here before? 1. Счастлив с вами познакомиться. 2. Очень приятно. 3. Здравствуйте. 4. Рад с вами познакомиться. 5. Вы бывали здесь раньше? 6. Мы уже знакомы? 7. Ваше лицо мне знакомо. 8. Я о вас много слышал. 9. Могли мы с вами где-то видеться? 10. Мне кажется, что мы уже где-то встречались.  

Change the stressed sentences into the suitable phrases of ex. 1.4 and make your own dialogues

a) Bob: Mom, let me introduce my new friend to you.

His name is Alex.

Alex: How do you do, Mrs. White?

Mrs. White: How do you do, Alex? Pleased to meet you.

Alex: Pleased to meet you too, Mrs. White.

b) - May I introduce Mr. William Porter to you, Mr. Flake.

- How do you do, Mr. Flake! Glad to meet you.

- How do you do, Mr. Porter!

- Pleased to know you. How do you like our city?

- I like it very much.

c) - Alice, I want to introduce Fred Copper to you.

- Fred, this is my sister Alice. Alice, meet Fred Copper.

- Hi, Alice!

- Hi, Fred! How are you?

- Fine, thanks.



Read the conversations below and find English equivalents below.

1. Как у тебя дела?

2. Нечем похвастаться.

3. Я задержался из-за транспорта.

4. Ничего страшного.

5. Давно тебя не видела.

А) – Good morning, Mike!

- Good morning, Bob!

- How are you?

- Fine, thanks. How are things with you?

- Nothing to boast of!

B) – Hello, everybody!

- Hello, Peter!

- Excuse my being late. I was delayed by the traffic.

- Never mind.

C) – Hi, Helen!

- Hi, Peter!

- It’s a long time since I saw you last. Where have you been all this time?

- I’ve just come back home from America.

- Oh, really! How did you get up go there?

- Our family was invited to spend our holiday there.

Make up your own dialogues.

a) You meet a friend of yours after your summer holiday.

b) You are invited to your friend’s in the evening. You are not acquainted with his (her) parents. Your friend is introducing you to his parents.

c) It’s morning. You are late for class. Greet your teacher. Explain to her (him) what you were delayed by.


Saying Good-bye to People

1.8 Read and remember bits of conversations.

a) - Are you going my way?

- I’m afraid not. I’ve got to do some shopping.

- Good luck. Bye-bye.

- See you tomorrow.

b) - Dan, I’m sorry, I must hurry. You see, I have to go to the doctor. Good bye!

- So long, Ben!


c) - Minnie, the train starts in 5 minutes.

- Oh, you have to hurry. Have a good trip and safe! Keep well!

d) - Steve, I’m going to the sea-side for my holiday.

- Have a good holiday, Jane.

- Thanks. Have a good time!

e) – I am going to the country for the weekend.

- A good weekend!

- The same to you!

- Thank you.

Choose the English equivalent in the right column for the Russian sentences in the left column.

1. Всего хорошего (удачи Вам). 2. Увидимся завтра. 3. Пока! 4. Желаю тебе хорошо провести каникулы. 5. Будь здоров! 6. Извини! Я должен торопиться. 7. Счастливого пути! 8. Желаю тебе хорошо провести время! 9. Тебе тоже! 10. Желаю тебе хорошо провести выходные! 11. Желаю тебе безопасного путешествия! a) I’m sorry, I must hurry. b) Have a good weekend c) So long! d) Have a good time! e) See you tomorrow. f) Have a good holiday! g) The same to you! h) Have a good trip! i) Keep well! j) Good luck! k) Have a safe trip!

Make up a dialogue according to the following situations.

a) You are seeing your friend off. The train starts in 3 minutes. Your friend must hurry. Say good-bye to each other. Wish him a happy trip.

b) Your American friends are leaving your place for home. You are seeing them off in the airport. Say good-bye to each other. Wish them a safe trip home.

c) You are going to visit a doctor. On the way there you meet a friend of yours. You are in a hurry. Greet each other, excuse your being in a hurry, as you are to visit a doctor, say good-bye to each other. You hope to see each other soon.

Personal details

1.11 Read the text below and ask special questions. Start with the words What / When / Where / How old / How many?

My name is Nick. My surname is Orlov. I live in Tyumen. My address is Flat 2, 16, Kalinin Street. My telephone number is 46-84-33.I was born on the first of October in 1988 so now I’m 18. I’m a student of Tyumen State University (TSU). I study at the Faculty of Biology. It is situated at 3, Pirogov Street. There are two departments at our faculty: Biology and Bioecology. I’ll be a Biologist after graduating our University.

Ask your partner the questions of ex. 1.11 and tell the class about him/her like in the example.

His name is Nick. His surname is Orlov. He lives in Tyumen. His…

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