Fill in the blanks with the words given below — КиберПедия 

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Fill in the blanks with the words given below

2017-09-26 1524
Fill in the blanks with the words given below 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ambulance treatment toothache cough prescriptions complaints stomachache throat hurts recover physician

• What is troubling you? It….. here.

• I have a bad…………..I want to have this tooth filled.

• You have a bad……Hasn’t anyone advised you to give up smoking?

• I’m afraid no………….will help my aching tooth. It has to be pulled out.

• You should follow the doctor’s…………..It will help you…………….soon.

• What are your………? I’ve got a sore …………… and a cough.

• I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you. Let’s call for the………….

• May I make an appointment with the………….I’ve got a ………….


Complete the sentences using the suggested words.

Bleeding broken earache dangerous fit plaster healthy injured sore well

• A………… includes lots of vegetables and fruit.

• John is very ill and won’t go to school until he is…………..

• Helen’s leg was……………so the doctor put it in plaster for a month.

• It is……….to take more than 4 of these tablets in 24 hours.

• George has cut his hand and now it’s…………..

• David keeps ……… by doing exercises in the gym twice a week.

• Edward walked all day in his new shoes and now his feet are …………..

• The bus crashed into a tree, but luckily nobody was…………….

• You should put a……….on that cut.

• Little Jimmy was crying because he had an………………


Fill in the blanks with the necessary words

• The doctor…..his patient very carefully and……………..some medicine.

• The flu usually begins with……………….

• Let me feel your …………..

• If you want …………………, you must follow the doctor’s advice.

• This…………….is very good for cough.

• You have all the………. of the flu.

• She caught …………..when she was skiing.

• Your forehead is hot, let me take your………………


Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

Operation ward prescription waiting room examine illness appointment temperature lungs pulse treatment receptionist symptoms thermometer chemist’s

When I go to the doctor, I tell the………….my name and take a seat in the…………….. My doctor is very busy so I have to make an…………….first before I go to see him. He asks me what’s wrong with me. I tell him the ……….of my …………, for example high temperature, difficulty in breathing, or pains, and then he will usually…………me. He will listen to my………with his stethoscope, he will hold my wrist to feel my………., he’ll take my………….with his……………. The problem is usually quite simple and he might give me a ………….for some medicine, which I take to the………..Of course, if I need some serious…... I’ll have to go to hospital. There I’ll be put in a bed in a ….. with other people. If there were something seriously wrong with me, I might need an…………..



Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.


In today’s world people seem to be very _______________ (anxiety) and suffer from stress. This stress is often __________________ (harm) and people need to seek medical ______________ (treat) in order to recover. However, a more _______________ (effect) solution is for people to learn to relax. This can be achieved through a __________________ (vary) of leisure __________________ (active) such as sport, reading, music or even gardening. __________________ (Emphasize) is placed on people spending time doing things that they enjoy, ultimate aim being __________________ (relax). Unfortunately, some people find this __________________ (possible) and therefore need to take drugs prescribed by their doctor. These drugs are called __________________ (tranquil). They calm people down, but can be dangerous if taken for long periods of time. Alternative methods are much __________________ (safety) and have no side effects.



Personal Letter

This is a part of a letter from Andrea, your English pen friend


Guess what! I’m going to have my tooth out. It’s awful! Have you ever had any teeth out? Is it painful? My parents say I need to go to dentist at least twice a year but I’m really afraid of doctors and hospitals and I don’t understand the necessity of going there if you have no pain and aches. What do you think of it? Do you visit your dentist regularly? By the way, I’m going to join a yoga class. Write soon. Best wishes, Andrea


§ Write back to Andrea answering her questions.

§ Ask 3 questions about her yoga class.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.




Argumentative composition

It is believed that young people today are not as healthy as they were fifty years ago.

What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan

§ make an introduction. (state the problem)

§ express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

§ express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

§ express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

§ make a conclusion restating your opinion



Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss.



We live in a consumer society. The streets of our cities are full of advertisements offering to buy a new product of a famous brand. Our TV programs are interrupted by hours of commercialsadvertising new super shops, washing powder and food, and we are ready to spend big sums of money to look more fashionable, to have a cozier house or to eat tastier meals. To tell the truth, shopping has become a vital part of our lifestyle, a hobby or even an addiction.

There are a lot of types of shops: if you want to buy meat you go to a butcher’s, if you want to buy bread you visit a bakery, if you want to buy fruit or vegetables you go to a greengrocer’s, if you need not only food but some cleaning materials as well you choose a supermarket. All items are neatly wrapped and c onveniently displayed on special shelves or racks or kept in refrigerators. You can walk among the rows with a shopping basket or a trolley, choosing things. You can take and study them, put them back and take again later. Nobody tells you to hurry with the shopping. Finally you have to pay at the cashier’s desk.

For many people shopping is a nightmare: the crowds, the queues, walking from shop to shop just for something that matches their new outfit or for a special birthday present. The situation has changed greatly recently with the establishing of huge shopping centers or shopping malls as they are called in the USA. Shopping has become a sort of entertainment for the whole family. Numerous departments with clothes, shoes, perfume, furniture, electrical appliances and toys; restaurants and cafes; cinemas and discos; children’s playgrounds and sport centers provide a family week-end under one roof for all tastes and wallets.

While speaking about shopping, which some people call a waste of time and money, we need to say about ways of payment. You can pay either cash or by credit card. When you buy (or, more formally, purchase) something in a shop, you usually pay for it outright but sometimes you buy on credit. Sometimes you may be offered a discount or a reduction. If you want to return something that you have bought to a shop, you may be given a refund, provided you have a receipt. Never forget to check your change at the cashier’s desk (till) and always ask for a guarantee if it is an electrical appliance.

Follow these simple rules and shopping can become a cure from stress and hectic lifestyle.

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