Pension ambitious perks increments commission — КиберПедия 

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Pension ambitious perks increments commission

2017-09-26 1480
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Job satisfaction is important but I have a wife and a baby so I have to think about money too. If a job interests me, I need to know what (a) _______________ it offers and whether there are regular annual increases, called (b) ________________. I want to know if I will receive a (c) ____________ when I (d) _________ at the age of 60 or 65. If the job is selling product, I ask if I’ll receive a percentage of the value of what I sell, called (e) ___________. It is also important to know if there are extra advantages, like free meals or transport, or the use of a car. These are called (f) ___________or fringe benefits. Are the future (g) _______________ good? For example, is there a good chance of (h) _______________ to a better job, with more money and responsibility? Is the job near my home? If it isn’t, I’ll have to (i) ______________ every day and this can be very expensive. I’m very keen to be successful. I’m very (j) _________________. I don’t want to stay in the same job all my life.

Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given.

There is a lot of u ______________ (1) nowadays so it is getting more and more difficult to get the kind of j_______ (2) you really want. Then you have to decide what is more important to you- how much you e______ (3) or job satisfaction? Do you prefer to work with your hands (called manual work) or do you prefer to work in an office (called clerical work)? Do you prefer to work indoors or o_________ (4)? Besides, certain professions require different qualities and abilities. Salespeople need to be p__________ (5) to get people to buy their products. Receptionists should be p________ (6) in order to make people feel welcome. Surgeons must be very a______________ (7) as they shouldn’t make mistakes in their work. A secretary has to be e____________ (8) and c_________ (9) in order to do her work quickly and accurately. And what qualities will you need in your future profession?



Read the text and put the words in brackets into the correct form.

A New Opportunity in __________ (inform) Technology!

Are you looking for a change? Are you __________ (bore) with your present job? Do you need more __________ (vary) in your work? Are you __________ (energy) with good people skills? Stop! A.T. Computers is offering an __________ (excite) new job in our Sales Department, organizing a new __________ (advertise) campaign in the USA. It’s a __________ (challenge) position which involves traveling and a lot of __________ (responsible). If you are __________ (interest) and have necessary experience and __________ (qualify), we will be very __________ (please) to hear from you.

Read the text and put the words in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your____________ (advertise) in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry__________ (require) for the course in English Language. Could you tell me what language____________ (qualify) are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if___________ (accept) on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an___________ (account) for an international company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language____________ (develop) for both social and____________ (busy) purposes. I would also like to know the__________ (distant) from the college to London and if__________ (attend) at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional___________ (absent) for purposes of travel be acceptable.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Nelson Fernandez.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

Although recently there has been a small ______________ (reduce) in the number of people out of work in Europe,_______________ (employ) is still the number one _____________ (society) problem facing the fifteen member states of the European Union. Moreover, _______________ (equal) of opportunity between men and women is still an issue that_______________ (political) in many countries have not come to grips with. In _______________ (profess) such as the law and engineering women are still noticeable by their absence. __________________ (employ) still discriminate against female ___________ (employ) in a number of ways even if their __________________ (qualify) are the same as those of men. It would be a pity if the ___________________ (achieve) of the EU on an economic level were marred by __________________ (fail) in the vital area of social policy.



Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

Job interviews

Many people feel very ____________ (nerve) about job interviews but remember the interviewers must have liked your _____________ (apply), so you only have to live up to their _____________ (expect)! Before you go into the interview room, take a few deep _____________ (breathe). If you think about something nice, that brings you a feeling of _____________ (happy) then you will smile, and give an impression of __________ (confident). Make sure that you take all the right papers with you – if you forget something, you could look _____________ (profession).

If they ask why you left your last job, do not give a long ___________ (explain). You have a right to your ___________ (private) and so do your previous employers. Any future employer will like it if you show ____________ (loyal) to your old boss. Take your time to answer questions, and relax. If you follow this _____________ (advise), you have a good chance of getting the job!


Ознакомьтесь с правилами написания личного письма (см. раздел Рекомендации по написанию письма личного характера) и выполните задание.


Personal Letter

This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English pen friend, who writes:


...I need some money to go on holiday with my friends at the end of August. Do you think I should find a job? Have you or any of your friends done summer jobs? I am thinking of working as a waiter for a few weeks. Do you think it is a good idea? What other jobs do you think I could do? And what do you think the problems might be? Let me know what you think. Write back soon. Best wishes, Sheryl


  • Write back to Sheryl answering her questions.
  • Ask 3 questions about the holiday she is going on with her friends.


Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Ознакомьтесь с правилами написания сочинения с элементами рассуждения (см. раздел Рекомендации по написанию сочинения «Мое мнение») и выполните задания.


Argumentative composition

Some teenagers would like to have a highly-paid job; others believe that their future job should be interesting and bring satisfaction.

What is your opinion?

Write 200-250 words.


Complete the text with the missing words and phrases:

To start with, However, What is more, On the other hand, Firstly, In conclusion, Besides, Secondly

Nowadays young people have various job opportunities. No wonder that it is difficult for them to choose their future occupation. Some teenagers believe that job satisfaction should be the major reason while choosing a job. (1)________________, some teenagers argue that money is the keystone in every job.

I believe that the major concern when choosing a job should be our interests and talents. (2)_________________, a future career should fit our personality, otherwise it is not going to be fulfilling. (3)_________________, it is unlikely that a job will be done properly unless we are interested in it. Our attitude will surely have a negative impact.

(4) _________________, some teenagers claim that the more money they get the more they will be respected. (5)__________________, they believe that getting much money they will be able to buy what they want and it will make them happy.

I totally disagree with the above statements. (6)_____________________, if you only work to earn money your life will soon become extremely boring. (7) _______________, if you really enjoy your job, you will achieve success and get the reward and respect that you truly deserve even if you don’t earn much money.

(8) ___________________, there are two points of view on the problem of the choice between money and job satisfaction. I want to stress that while salary is important, teenagers should not consider earnings as a primary factor when choosing their future occupation.




Argumentative composition

  1. Read and discuss positive and negative aspects of teenagers at work. What is your opinion?

Positive aspects

Working teenagers:

§ get a taste of work at an early age

§ earn extra pocket money

§ get experience of a work place and society

§ learn to handle money

§ gain the sense of independence and self-respect

§ become reliable

§ many parents can’t support their children at university or college; by working part-time students can help their parents with their burden

Negative aspects

If you have a part-time job

§ you will be tired, you won’t be able to concentrate at university or college and you won’t be so healthy

§ you won’t have enough time to do your homework and your results will suffer

§ you won’t have time to relax, to spend on hobbies or with your friends

§ you won’t have a carefree youth (there is plenty of work when you graduate)

  1. Use the arguments above to write an argumentative composition on the following topic:



Part-time jobs are beneficial for all students.


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