Make conditional sentences about these situations — КиберПедия 

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Make conditional sentences about these situations

2017-09-10 874
Make conditional sentences about these situations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1 Ben Johnson took drugs -> he was banned from sport

2 Athletes earn a lot of money -> they train hard

3 Someone will run 100 metres in 9.3 seconds -> nobody will believe it

4 Gabriela Szabo is very fit -> it’s very easy to run for long distances

5 An athlete will win four gold medals in athletics -> they will be a record breaker


PAY ATTENTION!!!   If current Olympic champion, Marion Jones, took such drugs, she would probably have broken that record more than once.      
  If he had phoned you, you wouldn’t worry now.  


Change the sentences according to the model.

MODEL: He is absent-minded. He missed the train again yesterday. –

If he weren't absent-minded he wouldn't have missed the train again yesterday.


1.He is selfish that's why he said it.

2.He is very busy this week that's why he didn't help you yes­terday.

3.I know him very well that's why I stopped all relations with him long ago.

4.He studies hard and has achieved great results.

5.The book is interesting. I've read it twice.

6.He is a good doctor. He has helped a lot of people.

7.He has a lot of practice. He has set a new record.

8.You are lazy that's why you didn't go there yourself.

9.The summer is cold that's why we haven't gone to the country

10.I don't like going by plane that's why I went there by train.

Translate into English.

1.Если бы он был ответственным человеком, он бы давно все сделал.

2.Если бы эта лампа работала, я бы ее давно включил.

3.Если бы эта река была чистая, мы бы давно в ней искупались.

4.Если бы я любил такое мороженое, я бы давно его съел.

5.Он бы давно все сделал, если бы знал, как это делать.

6.Я бы надела вчера это платье, если.6ы у меня были к нему туфли.

7.Если бы все не критиковали этот фильм, я бы его давно по­смотрел,

8.Если бы лето не было таким жарким, я бы вчера не стал купаться.

9.Если бы я умел водить, я бы давно купил себе машину.

10.Если бы она умела играть в теннис, она бы присоедини­лась к нам.


Change the sentences according to the model.

MODEL: You didn't learn the rule that's why you can't translate the sentence.

If you had learned the rule you would be able to translate the sentence.


1.You haven't prepared anything and we have to wait for you now.

2.You didn't book a room beforehand that's why you have prob­lems now.

3.As you haven't seen the film we can't discuss it now.

4.You didn't warn us beforehand and we are in trouble now.

5.You haven't taken' the medicine that's why you feel bad now.

6.You didn't clean the flat yesterday, so you have to do it now.

7.I didn't learn English at school that's why I can't speak with them now.

8.You didn't buy a piano for him when he was a child that's why he can't play the piano now.

9.He hasn't given up smoking yet that's why he feels worse and worse.

10.You shouted too much at him when he was a child that's why he is so nervous now.


Translate into English.

1.Если бы ты зашел в магазин по дороге домой, ты бы мог сейчас поужинать и не был бы голодным.

2.Если бы ты позвонил ему заранее, мы бы сейчас знали, когда он придет.

3.Если бы он взял такси, он бы уже был здесь.

4.Тебе не пришлось бы теперь занимать денег, если бы ты не потратил все на цветы.

5.Если бы ты закончил университет, у тебя была бы сейчас хорошая работа.

6.Тебе не было бы сейчас плохо, если бы ты не ел так много за обедом.

7.Если бы ты последовал совету врача, ты бы сейчас был здоров.

8.Если бы вы дома посмотрели это слово в словаре, вы бы знали, как оно пишется.

9.Если бы самолет не опоздал, мы бы сейчас были дома.

10. Если бы ты купила то платье, то могла бы его сейчас надеть.



You can express wishes about the present, past and future. We use ‘wish’ to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like to be.

Past or Past Perfect Subjunctive is used in object clauses after the verb wish.


Past Subjunctive I wish he were here. I wish he knew about it.

Past Perfect Subjunctive I wish he hadn’t been here. I wish he had thought of it before.


I wish I knew how to drive a car I wish I had known how to drive a car in 1978
I wish today was a holiday I wish yesterday had been a holiday
I wish I could travel round the world I wish I could have travelled round the world when I was a young man


    I wish · I were/was beautiful · We knew Sue’s address · It wasn’t raining · You didn’t work too much   PRESENT
· I had brought my camera · The hotel had been better PAST
· They could come to see us tomorrow FUTURE
· Someone would answer that telephone! · The music would stop! · You would give her my message. complains annoyance request


I wish he were here.

1. Как жаль, что его нет с нами.

2. Как мне бы хотелось, чтобы он был с нами.

3. Хорошо было бы, чтобы он был здесь.

Read and translate

1. I wish I knew how to drive a car.2. I wish today was a holiday. 3. I wish I had more time to read. 4. I wish I could travel round the world. 5. The father told his children, ‘I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise. I’ve got a headache.’

Add to each of the following examples 2 sentences, both beginning ‘I wish…’

Example 1: I don’t understand this question. – I wish I did. I wish I understood this question. Example 2: it’s still raining. – I wish it wasn’t. I wish it wasn’t still raining. Example 3: my father can’t give me more pocket money. – I wish he could. I wish he could give me more pocket money.


1. My brother doesn’t have a very long holiday. 2. I can’t play the piano. 3. My tooth is aching. 4. I sometimes make careless mistakes. 5. He’s not coming to see me today. 6. I can’t swim well. 7. I don’t know how to answer the question. 8. He always drives too fast. 9. I don’t speak English fluently. 10. I can’t go to the cinema this evening. 11. The teacher gives us a lot of homework. 12. My father doesn’t come home from work early. 13. I live a long way from the Institute. 14. Our television set is broken. 15. I can’t sell my old bicycle.

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