Change the following sentences according to the example. — КиберПедия 

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История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

Change the following sentences according to the example.

2017-09-10 1238
Change the following sentences according to the example. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Example: If he came to see us, we would have a good time. — Should he come to see us, we would have a good time. If he had come to see us yesterday, we would have had a good time. — Had he come to see us yesterday, we would have had a good time.

1. If I had known who was invited, I would have never come. 2. You would hardly recognize her if you met her. 3. If a passer-by hadn't helped us, we would not have found the way. 4. Mother would have had a short rest if the sick boy had gone to sleep. 5. We wouldn't have made friends with them if we hadn't stayed at the same hotel. 6. It wouldn't have been so cold in the morning if the wind had stopped blowing. 7. Peter would accept your invitation if he were in London.


Compose sentences according to the model. Use but for + noun/pronoun


I don't want to tell you this, but I promised to. But for my promise, I wouldn't tell you this.

He didn't die. The operation saved him. But for the operation he would have died.


1. He wants to go swimming but the water is cold. 2. He couldn't see us off as he was bu1 at the office. 3. She wasn't alone in the house, her husband was asleep in his room. 4. I to go but 1 have an examination tomorrow. 5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His v made him do it. 6. It began to rain and we didn't go for a walk. 7. We couldn't have a picnic, The weather was too bad. 8. Of course I want to help you but I have a conference today. 9. He had a good guide so he could see all the sights.10. You can't prepare the contract because the computer is out of order.

Translate the sentences into English, using but for + noun/pronoun.

1. Если бы не простуда, я бы тоже поехал. 2. Если бы не плохая дорога, мы бы уже давно приехали. 3. Если бы не она, они никогда бы не ссорились. 4. Если бы не этот юноша, ребенок утонул бы. 5. Если бы не ваша помощь, она бы не догнала группу. 6. Если бы не его диагноз, ее не оперировали бы вовремя. 7. Если бы не погода, мы бы прекрасно провели лето. 8. Это была бы неплохая работа, если бы орфографические ошибки. 9. Если бы не шрам на щеке, я бы его не узнал. 10. Если бы не этот звонок, это был бы прекрасный вечер

Complete the story with the right verb form. there can be both Second and Third Conditional.

I met my wife while I was on a cruise. I fell ill, and she was the ship’s doctor. Now we run a health food shop. Just think! If I ______(not go) on that cruise and ________(fall ill), I _______ (not marry) her, our children ______(not be born) and I _____still______(work) as a teacher. I haven’t got a car, but if I _______, I ______(be able) to drive into the country at the weekend. I think I _______(try) to buy one as soon as I ________(can). It _______ (be) so convenient.

Translate into English.

1. Даже если бы вы позвонили мне вчера, я бы не смог прийти. 2. В зале было так много народу, что я не смог бы его найти. 3. Даже если бы вы предупредили меня, я бы не успел его повидать. 4. Я не мог бы поговорить с ним, даже если бы я видел вчера. 5. Даже если бы он очень изменился, я бы узнал его. 6. Если бы вам задали этот вопрос, сумели бы вы на него ответить? 7. Если бы станция не была так далеко, мы бы донесли вещи сами. 8. Он ни за что не оставил бы товарищей в беде, даже если бы ему пришлось рисковать жизнью. 9. Если не застанешь никого из нас дома, оставь записку. 10. Даже если бы ему ничего не сказали, он бы все равно догадался в чем дело. 11. Если бы не цейтнот (timetrouble), он мог бы выиграть партию. 12. Если он станет отказываться, я постараюсь убедить его. 13. Если бы Бетси не была занята сегодня, мы бы пошли на концерт. 14. Яне закончу эту работу к вечеру, даже если вы мне поможете. 15. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы пошел раньше.



Name     Formula   Situation If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. stomp your feet. If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees. If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it, slap your knees. click your fingers.
If or when? ___ I become a President… ___ it gets dark… ___ the film finishes… ___ she passes her exams…   If or when? ___ it doesn’t rain tomorrow… ___ I wake up in the morning… ___ his parents die… ___ the bus stops…
Name   Formula     Situation Complete the sentence Complete the sentence
  I will be surprised if …. If you see a falling star … If you want to cure hiccups …     I’ll be very happy if … If your hand itches … If you kill a daddy longlegs spider …
Name     Situation Choose the best Choose the best
If I win this race, I’ll If I won this race, I’d A slowest runner A fastest runner   If I become President, I’ll If I became President, I’d A schoolgirl A candidate
If I (live/lived) to be 150 If I (wake/woke) up early tomorrow … If we (have/had) the same government in 5 years time … If everybody (thinks/thought) like me … If there (is/was) nothing good on TV tonight … If I (live/lived) to be 70 If I (am/were) better looking … If Scotland (declares/declared) war on Switzerland … If everybody (gives/gave ten per cent of their income to charity … If my English (is/was) better next year, …
Name   Formula     Situation
Make up a sentences Make up a sentences
Name     Formula   Situation 1. Jimmy didn’t revise and failed the test. a. If Jimmy hadn’t revised, he would have failed. b. If jimmy had revised, he wouldn’t have failed. c. If Jimmy revised, he wouldn’t fail. 2. The weather was good so we went out. a. If the weather hadn’t been good, we wouldn’t have gone out. b. If the weather had been good, we would have gone out. c. If the weather was good, we would go out.
He bought a bicycle – went for ride in country – fell off – woke up in hospital – met beautiful nurse – wrote bestselling novel about her – got – rich – married beautiful nurse and had three charming children – lived happily ever after He worked hard – passed exams – went to university – studied languages – learnt Chinese – went to China – went climbing in Tibet – tried to climb Everest – disappeared in a snowstorm  

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