Ex. V. Tell about the business trip of Mr. Bell and Alison. — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Ex. V. Tell about the business trip of Mr. Bell and Alison.

2017-07-09 334
Ex. V. Tell about the business trip of Mr. Bell and Alison. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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REMEMBER! Phrasal verb: go

go in for – увлекаться чем-либо;

go in for sports - увлекаться спортом

She doesn’t go in for sports.

go off – гаснуть

The lights went off and the film began.

go on – продолжать, идти дальше

The meeting went on for two hours.

go without – обходиться без чего-либо

You may take my car. I can easily go without it for a week.


Ex.VII. Make up your own sentences with the phrasal verb: go



Lesson 3



At the Airport

John: Excuse me! Are you Norman Baker?

Norman: Yes, that's right. I am Norman Baker from GLC Elec­tronics.

John: How do you do, Mr. Baker? I am John Brown from Lin­coln Freight Services.

Norman: Nice to meet you. And please, call me Norman.

John: O.K. And you call me John.

Norman: Thanks!

John: I want you to meet Alice Bell from our Sales department. Alice, this is Norman, Norman Baker.

Alice: Do, please.

Norman: Thanks a lot! And may I introduce Nancy Brown? She is my secretary.

John and Alice: Hello, Nancy. Welcome to Lincoln!


A t the Office

- Let me introduce General Director, Mr.Frolov.

- Glad to meet you Mr. Frolov.

- Glad to meet you too. Is it your first visit to Volgograd? What are your impressions of it?

- I like Volgograd. It’s a very nice city. So legendary and beautiful!

- I hope you will enjoy your visit.

And now let’s look through the contract and clear up some

points. Here you are.

- I’d like to discuss it with my people.

- Oh, yes! By the way, Mr.Frolov, how can I get in touch with you?

- Well. Here is my card.

Active vocabulary

Excuse me! – прошу прощения, извините (чаще всего используется как средство привлечения внимания)

That's right (that is right) – это так верно, правильно

How do you do! – здравствуйте (офиц. вариант)

Hello! – здравствуйте (неофиц. вариант)

Hi! - привет

nice – хороший, милый, хорошо

to please – доставлять удовольствие

to meet – встречать, встречаться, знакомиться

Nice (pleased) to meet you – очень приятно (рад встрече)

Thanks!– спасибо

a lot – много, множество

Thanks a lot – большое спасибо

Welcome – добро пожаловать!

to clear up – уточнить,

to get in touch - связаться

Ex.1. Составьте диалоги (групповые ситуации)

1. Вы встречаетесь в аэропорту с партнером из США. Это ваша первая встреча.

2. Ваша вторая встреча с партнером. Но на этот раз с вами ваш секретарь.

3. Вы знакомитесь с бизнесменом из Швеции и представляете ему свою жену (wife) /мужа (husband).



At a Hotel

Mr. Bell: Good mornig!

Receptionist: Hello! What can I do for you?

Mr. Bell: I’d like to stay at your hotel?

Receptionist: How long do you expect to stay?

Mr. Bell: I think for a week. And I want a room with a bath?

Receptionist: Single or double?

Mr. Bell: I want two single rooms. By the way, what can you tell me about your hotel?

Receptionist: Well, it's a "three star" hotel.

Mr. Bell: What does it mean?

Receptionist: It means expensive.

'Mr. Bell: How much does one week cost?

Receptionist: It costs $350.

Mr. Bell: OK, it's all right with me. And I don’t want a noisy room. I'd like a quiet room, please.

Receptionist: Don't worry. It's a very quiet room.

Mr. Bell: Good. May I have the key, please?

Receptionist: Here's your key, Mr. Bell. Your room num­ber is 105. Do you want breakfast in your room?

Mr. Bell: Yes, please. I'd like a Continental breakfast.

Receptionist: What time?

Mr. Bell: At ten o'clock, please.


Active vocabulary


What can I do for you – что вы хотите?

I'd like to... – мне бы хотелось...

want – хотеть, желать

How long do you expect to stay – на сколько времени вы намерены остановиться?

single or double – на одного или на двоих?

expensive - дорогой

How much does one week cost – сколько стоит неделя?

It's all right with me – да, меня это устраивает

noisy - шумный

quiet – спокойный, тихий

to worry – волноваться, беспокоиться


by the way - кстати

How much does a room cost a day? – Сколько стоит в сутки?

a double (single) room – на двоих (одного).


* a Continental breakfast - consists of coffee with milk or tea, a bun with butter and jam


At the Receptionist


Complete this dialogue. (The hotel receptionist is asking John Bell some questions).


Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?

Bell: Good evening. You have a reservation in my name.

Recept: What's your name?

Bell: John Bell.

Recept: Oh! Yes. Mr. Bell. A single room with a bath. What's your occupation?

Bell: I'm a Sales...

Recept: What place are...?

Bell: London.

Recept: What's your address?

Bell: It's...

Recept: What's your...?

Bell: 14 March 1953. -

Recept: Many thanks, sir. Your room's No. 38.


Active vocabulary


to have a reservation in...'s name – иметь зарезервированный номер на чье-либо имя.

Can I help you? – Могу я Вам помочь?


Copy and complete

Copy and complete a registration form.


Hotel Registration Form


DATE_________________ HOTEL______________________

All visitors must complete this form on arrival.



FIRST NAME________________________

PASSPORT № _____________

ISSUED IN_________________________

DATE OF ISSUE_______________________________________________

LENGTH OF VISIT: FROM___________TO ___________________.

ARRIVING FROM_____________________________________________

GOING TO____________________________________________________


Signed ___________________Date ___________


Lesson 4


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