Ex.VIII. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.VIII. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart.

2017-07-09 477
Ex.VIII. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- Good afternoon, Mr.Brown. I’m glad to see you.

- Good afternoon, Mr.Jones. So am I. It was very kind of you to invite me.

- How are you?

- Not so bad, thank you. And what about you?

- I am doing fine. Thanks. Let’s discuss our business.

- Certainly.


Ex.IX. Make up your own dialogues.



Lesson 2


Presenting the company


Part I

My name’s John Brown. Let me tell you about our company. We produce processing equipment.Our firm consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personal and Research and Development. The last one is the newest at the company. It was created five years ago. The meeting of the Shareholders and the Board of Directors manage our company. The Managing Director is Mr. Thomas. Currently we employ about 1,600 people. We export our equipment to 5 countries. Our turnover is more 300 million pounds. No doubt, our company is profitable. We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for new partners in Eastern Europe. We also would like to expand our activities.


Active vocabulary:

processing equipment - обрабатывающее оборудование

to manage - управлять. руководить

department - отдел

Research and Development (R&D) – исследование и развитие

to create - создавать

shareholder – акционер, владелец акций, пайщик

the Board of Directors – совет директоров

currently - ежегодно

to employ – нанимать, использовать

subsidiary- дочерняя компания, фирма (контролируемая, с помощью

пакета акций)

headquarters – руководство, главное правление

looking for - искать

to expand – расширять

turnover - товарооборот

profitable – прибыльный

to deal (in/with)- торговать (чем-либо/с кем-либо)

activity – деятельный, деятельность

objective – цель, задача

target – цель, задание, достигнуть намеченной цели

to depend upon – зависеть от

adjust – регулировать, приспосабливать, приводить в порядок

accordingly – соответствующим образом, согласно принятому


to be in charge – руководить

to be in charge of business – руководить предприятием


Speech practice


Ex. I. Match English equivalents:

1. responsible 1. stockholder

2. to manage 2. to purchase

3. to trade 3. to hire

4. company 4. to direct

5. shareholder 5. accountable

6. to buy 6. to deal in

7. to employ 7. firm

Ex. II. Answer the questions:

1. Who presents the company?

2. How many departments are there in the company?

3. When was the company created?

4. Who is the Managing Director?

5. Wher does the firm export their equipment?

6. Is the company profitable?

7. Where do they have subsidiary companies?


Ex. III. Discuss the text.

Ex. IV. Make up all types of questions to the sentences:

1. We export our equipment to 5 countries.

2. Our turnover is more 300 million pounds.

3. Each company trades under its own name.

Ex. V. Study the structure of this company

Company structure





Ex.VI. Answer the following questions and describe the company structure.

1. How many departments are there in the company?

2. How many managers work at the company?

3. What is in your opinion the most important department?

4. Who is the boss?

5. Who is in charge of the different departments?


Example: Mr. Marshall works in the finance department. He’s the

Finance department.

- Miss Roberts is Mr.Marshall’s secretary;

- Dr. Forbes is in charge of…;

- Mr.Twist is the head of…;

- Ada White’s boss is…;

- Miss Regina Stone reports to….


* The objective of the presentation is different depending upon the


*Audience and presentation should be adjusted accordingly.

*It is important to know your audience and what they are looking for.

LTD company

Part II


I’d like to tell you a few words about our LTD company.

Our company deals with production and distribution of consumer goods. Our goods are of high quality. They are in great demand. Sure to say the firm is profitable.

It is headed by Managing Director. He is responsible for overall running the company.

He is accountable to the Board.

The managing director controls the activity of Regional managers.

Think before you speak”

(proverb) Presenting the product

Part III


Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Brenda Morgan.

I represent the New Zealand Electronics Corporation. It’s big, profitable and successful. I am going to talk to you about our company’s products, in particular, about our weighing machine. Our weighing machine can weigh, print the label and stick it on to the goods. It does all that in some seconds. The weighing machine can be used in all sorts of shop, markets, supermarkets. It’s super thing absolutely necessary for trade and service.

Active vocabulary:

LTD – Limited – с ограниченной ответственностью

to deal with – иметь дело (c чем-либо)

distribution – распределение

consumer – потребитель

production – производство

goods – товары

board – совет, правление

to be in great demand – быть очень востребованным

successful - успешный

accountable – ответственный

activity – деятельный

to represent – представлять

in particular – в частности, в особенности

weighing- mashine – весы

label- ярлык, этикетка, бирка

stick (stuck-stuck) – наклеивать, приклеивать

device - устройство, прибор

Speech practice:

Ex. I. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the company deal with?

2. Are the goods in great demand?

3. The firm is profitable, isn’t it?

4. What is the company headed by?

5. What is the Managing Director responsible for?

6. Who controls the activity of regional managers?


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